Picking Up the Pieces (12 page)

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Authors: Elizabeth Hayley

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Women's Fiction, #Contemporary Women, #Romance, #Contemporary, #Sports, #Contemporary Fiction

"You two stop this right now," my mom scolded as she elbowed my father in the ribs. "Aunt Gladys just has some bowel problems is all. It's not

"Not that bad if you're comparing it to gutting a human," my father muttered under his breath.

Lily looked horrified at the three of us and then burst out laughing. She was nearly hysterical when we all joined in, tears streaming down our faces.

"What did I miss?" We all laughed harder as we whipped around to look upon Aunt Gladys hobbling toward us. My stomach cramped as I walked over to give her a swift hug and thank her for coming.

"So, Aunt Gladys, everything, umm . . . go okay?" my father asked, trying like hell to maintain a straight face.
Goddamn him for asking this question.
We all shook as we tried to restrain ourselves.

"Yeah, all good. Left something fierce in that toilet though. Where's the food?" And with that pearl of information, she walked away from us in search of hors' d'oeuvres.

We all looked at each other before rolling with a new wave of laughter. I gripped my hand on the bar to keep myself from doubling over onto the floor.

"Jesus Christ, why would she tell us that?" I said as I tried to catch my breath.

"I don't know, but I'm so glad she did," Trevor sputtered.

"Alright, alright, enough," my mom sniffed as she wiped her cheeks dry. "Come on, Bill, let's go say hi to everyone."

"Right behind ya, doll."

I couldn’t help glancing over at Lily at my dad’s term of endearment. This hadn’t been the first time he’d said it, and she had to have noticed it by now. Her smile slipped a little and she shuffled her feet slightly before darting a quick look my way. Running my hand through my hair, I attempted to rein myself back in.

"Okay, people, time to go trolling for cougars. I'll see ya around." Trevor plopped his drink down onto the bar and made his way out to mingle.

"Is he serious?" Lily asked when he had gotten out of earshot.

"Sadly, yes."

"Gross," Lily whispered.

"Yes, yes, it is. He's actually quite popular with the over-forty crowd."

"Sounds like quite a guy," Lily said dryly.

She clearly didn't like Trevor, but I couldn't figure out why. I was about to ask her, when I realized I didn't give a shit. I didn't want to get into any serious conversations tonight. It was my birthday and I planned to enjoy it.

Lily and I chatted for a while as various family members and friends came over to wish me happy birthday. After about a half an hour, the servers announced that they were ready to bring out the first course. We all made our way to the lone, long table in the middle of the room. My mom directed everyone where to sit like a dictator as my dad made hand signals behind her back, mocking her in the most loving way possible. When she rounded on him, he threw his hand to his hair and smiled at her sheepishly. Even she couldn't hide the smile that lifted her lips as she slapped him softly in the stomach.

I ended up between my dad and Lily and was just about to pick up my fork and dive into my salad when I heard the clink of a glass.

"Excuse me," my mom interrupted.

Oh no. She wouldn't.

"I just wanted to take this opportunity, since we're surrounded by family and friends, to say a few words about Max."

Yup, she's gonna do it.
I plopped my elbow on the table and sunk my head into it. I felt a sharp poke in my ribs and turned to Lily, who mouthed, "Behave" at me.

"Thirty years ago on this day, November 25, 1983 . . ."

I groaned as my mother slipped into her teacher voice and improved her posture as though she were giving "The Gettysburg Address." My father kicked me harshly under the table to stifle me. I pitched forward slightly so that I could grab the abused area on my shin and accidentally caused the table to shake. Hearing a throat clear, I directed my eyes to my mother, who raised her eyebrows as if to ask, "Are you done?" I straightened in my chair and mentally prepared myself for the embarrassment that awaited me.

"As I was saying, on that day, at 10:50 AM, the most beautiful thing happened to me—"

"Beautiful may be an exaggeration," my father interjected before he seemed to remember that he was not part of this monologue and fidgeted in his chair uncomfortably under my mom's intense stare. I happily returned his kick from a few moments prior and watched as he winced in discomfort.
How's it feel, old man?

"Like father like son, I guess," my mom quipped, causing everyone to let loose a short murmur of laughter. "At 10:50 AM the doctor told me that I had a son. I remember my eyes filling with tears as he placed this tiny, beautiful baby into my arms. I couldn't even believe that he was mine. And as Bill hovered over me, trying to get a peek at his son, I turned my head toward the window and just as my eyes looked outside, it began to snow. The snow lasted for only a few minutes, but it came down hard enough to blanket the ground. And that's when I knew. The tiny being that we had brought into the world was going to be special." My mom turned to look at me, her eyes shining, and a wide smile on her face. "And I was so right. Every day with you, Max, is a blessing. Thank you for not only being who you are, but making me who I am as well. I love you, son."

I stood up to hug her and she gripped me tightly. It always amazed me how much these people loved me. I wasn't wholly sure I deserved it most days, but I was thankful for it anyway.

"If anyone wants the unabridged version of that day, you come see me," my dad remarked, trying to lighten the sentimental mood that had taken hold of the room.

"Bill," my mom said sweetly, causing my dad to turn his head toward her. "Zip it," she added sternly.

The table fell into easy conversation as we ate and shared stories of growing up. Lily actively participated, drawing my family in with the same charm that had attracted me to her.

At one point, after dinner had been cleared and we were waiting for dessert, she leaned toward me. "Your family is really something else."

"You got that right," I chortled.

"They're great, Max. Really great."

"Yeah, they're that too." I looked into her eyes and enjoyed the happiness I saw there. Enjoyed how well she fit into my family. Enjoyed how at ease she looked. I swore to myself right then that I would do everything in my power to keep the stress out of our friendship. I just wanted this: easygoing and pure.

Once dessert was finished, we all stood and moved about the room. Lily talked to my parents while I made my way to the bar with a few of my buddies.

"So, who's that chick talking to your parents?" Matt, a friend from high school, asked.

I glanced over at Lily, as if I didn't know who he was referring to, and then turned toward the bar. "Just a friend," I said as nonchalantly as possible. I hadn't told them about Lily. Any of them. They knew I had banged a girl in an airport because there was no way I wasn't going to get credit where credit was due. That was a stud move and I wanted acknowledgement for it. But I never told them her name, mostly because, at the time, I didn't know it. And then I mentioned running into my airport hottie again at Swift and partaking in some extra-curricular activities, but again, withheld the name. Only that time, I didn't want them to know it because I knew they'd be assholes about it if they ever met her. And I also knew that she would be in deep shit if it ever got out that she was banging me on school property. After that, feelings got mixed in and I didn't want my friends to see what a pussy she'd turned me into. So, I just stopped talking about her and they never asked.

"You, uh, tappin' that?" Brian asked in a hushed voice.

I shot a defensive look at him. "What? No. I said she was just a friend." I didn't like these pervs talking about Lily and making assumptions about her. I was getting agitated. Fast.

"So you don't mind if I make a play for her?" Trevor asked.

I stared at him like he had seven heads.
Is he fucking serious?
If I couldn't have Lily, I sure as fuck wasn't going to let one of my friends have her. Especially since I knew what kind of pricks they really were. "Yeah, I mind," I replied gruffly.

"Why? You said she was just your friend," Brian interjected.

"Because she's too good for you douchebags. Stay away from her." My posture shifted. Tension radiated through every muscle in my body, and I was close as hell to punching one of these fuckers out.

"Ha, friend my ass. He's totally nailing her," Matt scoffed.

I was up in his face the second the words left his lips. "Do you really think pissing me off is the best idea?" I threatened. Matt was a tall, lanky guy who I could put in the hospital with one hand. And he damn well knew it.

"Calm down, man. I'm just playing around." Matt held up his hands and backed away from me.

"Let's just get this straight right now. Lily
just my friend, but that doesn't mean she's not important to me. So back the fuck off." I spun away from them and nearly plowed right into someone. I grabbed the person's biceps to try and keep us both upright. When I looked down, I saw a familiar pair of hazel eyes.
Of course she's standing right behind me.
"Lily, I just . . . shit."

"You just shit?" she asked, her lips twitching slightly.

I stared at her for a second and then shook my head to clear it. "Uh, no . . . gross. No, I meant sorry. For all of that." Unsure of how much she’d heard, I decided that keeping things vague was my best option.

"You're sorry for defending me?" Her eyes were twinkling, and I knew she was fucking with me.

"No, I'm sorry for . . . how much did you hear?"

"Enough. I always thought your friends were dicks. They certainly didn't prove me wrong."

"You thought they were dicks? Why? You’ve never even met any of them." I was intrigued by her assumption about them. Though it was more than an assumption. She was completely correct.

"Exactly. Where the hell have they been? You've been going through a ton of shit in the past few months and who does your mom call to help you? Not them. They're clearly assholes." She spoke loudly enough for the guys to hear her, and she didn't seem the least bit intimidated.

I stared curiously at Lily, loving this protective instinct, but wondering where it had come from at the same time. “This may surprise you, Lily, but I’m a pretty private guy,” I said with a smirk. She rolled her eyes in response and I continued. “I don’t need them to know my business. That’s why my mom didn’t call them.”

“But they’re your
. Friends should be there for one another.”

“I didn’t say they were
friends.” I laughed, but Lily remained stolid. I couldn’t figure out why this bothered her so much. Was it because if I had better friends she wouldn't have had to get involved? I felt sick just thinking of that as a possibility.

“Max, this isn’t funny. When I struggle, I have people to support me, to help me through it. You just have a bunch of dickheads who want to see what they can squeeze out of you. I hope they all get Ebola and die.” She said the last bit a little louder than necessary while she stared directly at them.
When did she become so feisty?

“Hey, I have people who support me.” I placed my hand under her chin and tilted her head to look at me. She looked . . . sad. I had just promised myself that I would never cause her to be brought down by our friendship, and I hadn't even been able to make it an hour.

She gently swatted my hand away from her face.
“You need more than just your parents to be there for you. You deserve better than those . . . parasites.”

“I have more than my parents.” Gazing down at her, I tried to convey with my eyes all of the things I hadn’t been able to say—
be able to say. How sorry I was for being so selfish. For ruining things between her and Adam. For almost ruining them between us. And how fucking thankful I was that she was there with me now. That she could be the friend she knew I needed even before I did.

She looked back at me for a moment before rolling her eyes again and smiling, “Okay, I guess you have me too.”

“Good. Now that that’s all settled, can we please have some goddamn fun at this party? I’m thirty for Christ’s sake. This is a big deal.
am a big deal. And I expect to be treated as such.” I continued my rant about my greatness as we walked back toward the rest of the guests. But I left out how, the thing that was the greatest about my life, was that Lily was back in it.

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