Read Pigalle Palace Online

Authors: Niyah Moore

Pigalle Palace (13 page)

She kissed the side of my face. “I'll come back to see you tomorrow.”

“You better stay right here.”

She chuckled. “Are you afraid I won't return?” She straddled me. “I love your kisses. I love the way your hands make me quiver. I can wake up to them every day. Just not right now. I need more time.”

She traced my lips with her tongue. Essence started to grind a little, rubbing back and forth against me. I moved my hands to her big breasts and then put my mouth on one of her nipples. She moaned as I took the other one as well. Then, I was back to kissing her.

I felt myself growing hard again. She aligned her center and
I inched my way inside. Something about Essence drove me wild. I squeezed her soft flesh and touched wherever my hands could touch.

She moaned loudly and screamed to the heavens. Her sex expression was sultry and sexy. There was no stopping her as she bounced harder and faster. She exploded like a fountain when we were done.

“You're such an incredible lover,” she said.

“Is that what you like most about me?”

“Yes. I'm guilty.” She had an evil laugh.

That's when I first noticed it. Essence was crossing over to the dark side. I stared at her with disbelief. At that moment, I wasn't so sure I could make Essence conform to doing anything my way. Once a newborn had evil inside of them, they became stronger and the worst type of vampire—fatal.

My family was held in high regard in Pigalle Palace. If Essence tapped into her evil instincts, and if I were truly the one, then my venom would make her as powerful as me.

Ultimately, I was going to have to kill her before she got too strong.

“You want me to take you back to your dorm?”

“You trying to get rid of me?” she asked as she lightly played with my hands.

“Believe me. You'd know if I was trying to get rid of you.”

She scooted as close to my body as she could.

“Essence,” I heard myself say. “What is it that you've been truly feeling lately? Any bad thoughts?”

“All types of things have been running in my mind.”

She giggled with a devilish grin.

I didn't show her how alarmed I was feeling. I was definitely going to have to keep a very close eye on her.



got up from my slumber about 5:06 p.m.. I eased out of bed to find Chantal cooking in the kitchen. Cooking wasn't really my thing; I didn't like to eat food. Some vampires could still eat, but I preferred to drink all my meals.

“You feel like eating today, I see.” I kissed her on the cheek.

She replied, “I really miss cooking. I may eat a little of it, so it won't go to waste… I really miss cooking…”

She was acting as if we had money to toss down the drain. Even though we had more than enough money, everything my family worked for, we preserved.

I sat on a barstool at the counter as I watched her work around the kitchen. I could tell that when she was human, she was a great cook.

“Jade hasn't answered her phone all morning,” she said.

“Maybe she's been busy.”

“I think she's upset with me. I think she's upset that I stayed here…with you.”

“Did you ever have that talk with her?”

“I did and I told her that I was starting a new life… Anyway, I need some retail therapy. I'm going shopping.”

“Chantal... We need to talk about your spending habits.”

She ignored me and kept making the dinner as if I wasn't talking.



“What do you mean I can't work at the bar anymore?” Soleil asked.

“My parents decided that they would like to keep this pregnancy under wraps. It's nothing personal. They want to keep the Préfet out of this for as long as they can. If anyone at the bar spots your growing midsection, we'll be called to court.”

“You're okay with their decision?”

“It's for the best. Plus, I don't have a choice.”

“Where the hell am I supposed to hide out for nine months?”

“From what my mother researched, vampire births only last for half the time, so around five months, the baby will be ready for delivery.”

“Where are we going to deliver?”

“My parents' mansion.”

“So, this is what was discussed at the family meeting?”

“That…amongst other things.”

She wrapped her arms around me and cradled her head into the crook of my neck.

“I'm terrified.”

“Soleil, baby, you don't have to be afraid. We will be just fine.”

“You're such a great man. Whatever is happening in my womb feels so magical.”


“Yes, I feel like this baby has special powers.”

“He might.”


“Yes, you heard me. I said ‘he.' It's a boy. I felt this way the first time you told me you were pregnant. I dreamed of a son last night. That confirmed what I was feeling.”

She smiled. “I think so, too.”

We both smiled with joy.

Suddenly, Rain walked into my house without knocking.


“Onyx, what the hell is going on around here?”

“What do you mean?”

Soleil could tell by the growling tone in Rain's voice that she didn't want to be a part of the conversation. She left the room to leave us to talk.

“Azura just called and told me that Chantal's husband is looking for her.”

“Yeah, Chantal's husband came to the club looking for her and he asked me a bunch of questions. I told him I didn't know her.”

“Does Legend know about this?”

“I haven't gotten a chance to talk to him and I'm not sure if Azura told him.”

“We have to talk to him or at least warn him. Do you think Chantal knows?”

“Her husband didn't say anything about speaking with her, so… I doubt it.”

Rain rubbed the top of his head. “Shit, this is getting crazy. I'm in trouble my damned self.”

“Why you say that?”

“Essence is changing… She's not the sweet woman I met at

“Of course she's changing. She's a vampire now.”

“No, I mean she's a little dark…a little evil…”

I sat straight up. If he was suggesting that his precious little Essence was crossing over to the other side, then she was going to cause havoc. Having Rain's venom in her could give her super strength.

“What makes you think this?”

“The way she looks at me. I can see it in her eyes. I'm going to have to kill her.”

“You should've killed her a few days ago when she was weaker. As the days go by, her strength will build. How is she surviving? Does she talk about her hunts?”

“I have no idea how she's getting her blood.”

“We have to take care of all of this. Even if she crosses over, Rain, you have the power to destroy her. Why won't you tap into any of your powers? What are you afraid of, lil' brother? We are royalty. The Divination says that.”

“Fuck the Divination!”

Lightning struck and a loud roaring thunder shook the house. I looked up at the ceiling as it cracked a little. I looked back at him.

“You see the kind of power you have when you're upset? We have to end this now and you're the only one that can do it.”

Rain shook his head. “I'm not the only one. I'm just the beginning. Your son will be the one to end it. Trust me when I say that.”

“We don't know that.”

that. Meeting tonight, thirty past midnight.”


“Mother and Father's.”

“All right,” I replied.

“Bring Soleil.”

“Will do.”

He vanished.

I shook off the bad vibes Rain sprouted, but for some reason, I really couldn't get rid of the bad feeling. Thoughts of a war entered my mind.

Suddenly, Legend entered.

“We were just talking about you, Legend.”

“Who are we?”

“Rain and me. He just left.”

Legend looked as if he had been worried. “Oh really? What were you talking about?”

“We were talking about Chantal amongst other things. Nothing that you don't know about. Legend, you look like shit.”

Legend's facial hair had grown into a rugged-looking shrub and his dreads were frizzy at the roots. His clothes looked as if he had tossed them on. The way he usually took his time when choosing clothing clearly went out the window that evening.

“I feel like shit. How are Soleil and the seed?”

“They're doing fine. How are things with you and Chantal?”

“I want her to disappear. She's spending up my money and she's doing things like cooking and then dumping the food. She complains about all the things she used to do that she can't do anymore like walk in the sun. Mother and Father want me to take her life, but if I couldn't do it the first time, what makes them think that I can do it this time?”

“Did you know that Chantal's husband is in Paris looking for her?”

“No,” he replied with a frown. “This is the first I heard of it.”

“Has she admitted to being married?”

“No and I haven't asked her. I'm afraid my anger will snap her little neck.”

“Well, you've been warned and she does have another husband.”

“If he finds her, then he finds her. Anyway, I'll handle it.”

“Do what you got to do.”

“We're all supposed to meet up at the mansion for a family meeting tonight. Are you coming?” Legend asked.

“Soleil and I will be there. Are you bringing Chantal?”

“Depends on how she's feeling about it. Is Rain bringing Essence?”

“I think so, but I'm not certain.”

“I'll see you later.”

Legend left and I went into the bedroom to check on Soleil. She was lying in the bed with her eyes closed.

“Are you sleeping?”

“No, resting. I'm concentrating on the butterflies fluttering in my stomach.”

I smiled and lay next to her.

“You make me happy,” she said.

“I'm glad because you make me happy, too.”

“I really appreciate all you've done for me.”

“It's no problem. My job now is to protect the both of you.”


“The club won't be open tonight. We're having a family meeting. They want you to come as well.”

“Okay. Your family likes to have a lot of meetings.”

“Yeah. With the new things going on, it's good to get together.”

“Now that your mother is aware that I was born to a mortal, she acts like she doesn't like me.”

“She likes you.”

“She looks at me as if I'm a roach, scavenging after her son. She gives me the coldest looks, Onyx, and you know it.”

“She looks at everyone that way.”

Soleil rested up against me as I caressed the top of her
head. I gently played with her wild golden hair. She kissed me with so much passion. I moaned and slipped my hands up her skirt. She unbuckled my pants. Her right hand immediately took me out and started working me.

I closed my eyes, relaxed, took my mind off our troubles, and concentrated on how Soleil was making me feel. I moaned closing my eyes tight as ecstasy took over my whole body. From the tip of my toes to the top of my head, I felt the pleasure she wanted me to endure.

When she opened her mouth to place me inside, it felt like heaven. I was already sensitive and ready to explode before Soleil even touched me. I let go thick and hot into her mouth in a matter of seconds. She swallowed me.


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