Pixie Dust (Karli Lane #1) (23 page)


I did as he asked and felt a light pressure in my head as if something were willing me to let them in. The blackness behind my eyelids became a blinding white light. When it softened, I could instantly see everything he described the other day.
It was


There were small thatch roofed huts with cobble-stoned paths surrounded by a beautiful forest. I saw a woman feeding a deer out of her hand. A pond circled by wildflowers had ethereal little creatures fluttering above it. There were couples strolling hand in hand and children playing with each other. My senses were suddenly enveloped by my vision. I felt a warm breeze on my skin and smelled a wonderful aroma, like gardenias and jasmine. I could feel the unfathomable power everywhere. I felt love and happiness all around me.
I felt whole
, like nothing I’ve ever known before. It was as if I were standing right there. It was as if I
there. It was easily the most amazing thing I have ever experienced.


The vision faded and I opened my eyes. Vance was looking back at me with a sweet smile on his face as I felt a tear fall. “How did you do that?” I asked, completely astonished.


“It is a power of the Fae.” He answered. “I was sharing my memories with you, by willing them into your mind. The Fae often communicate telepathically. There is no need for words when thoughts and images can be shared between each other, making everything much more vivid.”


“That’s incredible! What were those little things fluttering above the water?”


“Water sprites.” He replied.


“Water sprites are real?”


He chuckled. “Yes, sprites, brownies, elves, nymphs, even leprechauns. They’re all real. They’re all creatures of the Fae.”


“Why haven’t I heard about this before now?” I asked.


“Probably because they’ve never existed on this realm...with the exception of a few mischievous leprechauns. They never had any desire to leave Faerie. Quite frankly, I don’t blame them.”


“Wow.” I replied. “I don’t know what to say. I don’t know how to thank you.”


He reached out and wiped the tear away from my cheek. “No thanks are necessary Karli. You have the right to know where you come from.”


“Why are my powers so weak?” I asked. “Everyone I just saw emanated great power, even the children.”


“You do have great power within you Karli, you just need to learn how to control it.”


“Can you teach me how?”


“Well, that’s something that would take years to accomplish.”


“Oh.” I said disappointedly.


“I’d be more than happy to take on the task though.” He leaned over to lightly kiss me on the lips. When he pulled back he asked, “Are you up to starting now?”


“Omigod, yes!”


“Okay, this one is simple and it will come in very handy.” He said. “I’m going to show you how to direct your thoughts at me and receive mine in return.”


“You mean, like having a conversation in our heads?”


“Yes, exactly like that.” He replied. “You just need to clear your mind like you did before.” He paused for a moment. “Are you there?”


“Yep. Completely blank.” I scooted closer so I could hold his hand again.


“Okay, all you need to do is focus. Think of something you want to say to me and will it into my brain.”


I was so giddy about trying this that I started getting silly. I thought of that Verizon commercial.


Can you hear me? Can you hear me now?


He smirked.
Yes, I’m here.


“Omigod! I just heard you!” I shouted. “How did you do that?”


“I didn’t Karli. It was all you.” He replied.


I decided to try it again. I felt a light mental strain as I pushed my thoughts forward.
This is so cool! Can you still hear me?


Yes, I’m still here.


Omigod! Why is this so easy? Do we have to be touching to make it work?
I asked.


No touch is necessary… although I can’t say that I mind.
He smiled before continuing.
It feels easy for you because it is a part of who you are. You were meant to do this.


This is unreal! If it’s so simple, why haven’t I done it before?


Telepathy only works between those who have psychic abilities.
He answered.
You probably communicated with your parents this way but you would have likely been too young to remember.
His phone rang.
Hold on a sec.


“Hello?” He said. “That was fast. Thanks for calling. I’ll be there within the hour.”


“Work?” I asked.


“Yeah. I need to head over to Forensics.” He stood up. “Can I call you later?”


I stood with him and walked him over to the door. “Of course.” I yawned. “I think I’m going to crash though, so don’t be offended if I don’t answer.”


He kissed me on the forehead and smiled. “I won’t, as long as you promise to dream about me.”


I returned his smile. “I’ll see what I can do.”


“You do that.” He gave me a sexy grin as he walked out the door.








Chapter 20








I woke up the next morning with no desire to get out of bed. I felt completely drained. Christ, I hope all of our fairy study sessions don’t make me feel like this. Sometime that afternoon, Vance called. It took every ounce of energy that I had to even reach for my phone.


“Hello.” I croaked.


“Karli, are you okay?” He asked.


“I’m really tired. Abnormally tired. Is it always going to feel like this after I try something new?”


“You shouldn’t feel tired from using your magic.” He said. “If anything, you should feel energized. This is likely a phase in your immortality.”


“Oh, I didn’t think of that. I guess I just need some more time to sleep then.”


“Do you need me to come over?” He asked.


“No. I appreciate the offer, but I’ll be fine. I’m just going to go back to sleep. I’ll call you when I wake up.”


“Okay, well let me know if you need anything.” He said. “Hey, before you go, I wanted to let you know we talked to Chad.”


“What’d you find out?” I asked.


“Well, he admitted to being with Jordyn the night she was murdered. Apparently, he met her on her break. I found footage of them slipping into a janitor’s closet for a while right before she stepped outside to the loading dock. He gave us a list of all the women he’s been with over the past month. Well, the ones that he can name anyhow. I have a man looking through the films from each evening Chad was at
but it’s going to take a while because he’s been there
a lot


“Wow, that sounds like a lot of fun.” I said sarcastically. “Hey Vance, thanks for calling but I really need to go back to bed. Can I call you later?”


“Sure Karli. Are you sure you don’t need anything?”


“No, I’m good. Bye.” I barely hung up my phone before I collapsed back into bed. I stayed there all day and throughout the night feeling like hell. Every muscle in my body ached. I called in sick on Thursday because I was still too tired to move.


Leo and Vance tried calling me several times but I didn’t answer. I heard someone buzzing at the door twice but I ignored them. I thought a shower would help but I barely made it out before fainting on my bathroom floor. When I came to, I crawled back into bed still soaking wet. I woke up sometime later because a familiar hand was petting my hair. Leo.


“What are you doing here?” I asked groggily. “How did you get in?”


“I’m here because I was worried about you.” He replied. “You already know that locks are not a problem for me.”


“Oh, yeah. I forgot.” I rolled over to look at him. Crap, I’m still naked. Oh well, at least I pulled the covers up before I fell asleep. At least I think I did.


“What’s going on, my love?” He asked, concern heavy in his voice. “Is this about the detective?”


“Huh? What would Vance have to do with this? I just don’t feel well. I’m really tired so if you don’t mind, I’d like to go back to sleep.”


I tried rolling back over but he stopped me. He held my shoulders into the bed, forcing me to face him. “Don’t lie to me Karli. You must forget that I can sense your emotions. You are distraught. Why?”
Damn your vampire abilities!


I scowled at him. “Don’t worry about it Leo. I’m just tired. Really, really tired. I’m not upset; I just have a lot going on. I think it’s starting to take its toll on me, that’s all. I’ll be fine in a day or two.”


“What did he do to you?” He stood up and started pacing. “I swear if he hurt you, I will kill him.”


Startled, I sat up in bed, almost forgetting to clasp my comforter to my chest. “What? No, Leo you have it all wrong. Why do you think Vance is the cause of this?”


“Because I know you spent the night with him.”


“What?” I asked incredulously.


 “Your scent was
all over him
the night that girl was found in the dumpster.” He replied, clearly trying to fight back his rage. “And again the
next morning
. I found it very hard to control myself back then Karli, but I dealt with it because I want you to be happy. But seeing you like this makes me want to harm someone. Specifically Vance Alexander.”
Great, the last thing I needed on my hands was an angry, jealous vampire.  


“Look Leo, calm down. It isn’t like that. Vance isn’t the reason I’m like this. This is about me. This is about my issues with who I am.”


He relaxed marginally and sat down on the bed. “I’m confused.”


“I can’t explain it Leo. Trust me, I wish I could. It would be a lot easier. But I can’t. You just have to believe me that Vance is not the cause of this.
I am
. I’m sorry about calling in sick but I’m just so tired. I even collapsed coming out of the shower. I just need some rest and I’ll be fine.”

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