Play Me, I'm Yours [Library Edition] (12 page)

Once inside, Donovan spun around and placed both hands on Lucas’s hips. He slowly guided him backward until Lucas rested against the door. Donovan’s gaze was intense, like a wildcat watching its prey. Without a word he leaned down and kissed Lucas, leaning into his body.

Lucas hadn’t expected it. The sensation was different than what he’d experienced with Alex. It wasn’t a slow, soft kiss. Donovan’s lips were firmer, more insistent.

After a moment, Donovan pulled his head back. “Come on. Kiss me,” he said in a breathy voice.

As Donovan leaned back in, Lucas parted his lips and Donovan’s tongue pushed inside. It was a new, strange sensation. Not bad, just foreign, like there was something in his mouth that didn’t belong there. Donovan’s tongue moved swiftly, and Lucas had to suppress the urge to laugh. He did his best to kiss back, but it felt awkward. He didn’t know if he was doing it right. He didn’t know where to put his hands. This didn’t feel the way it had with Alex. Maybe because Donovan was skinny. Instead of being wrapped in a strong embrace, he felt like he was caught in a tangle of limbs.

He remembered his dad’s advice:
It’s not about making yourself feel good. It’s about making your partner feel good.
He wondered how Donovan was feeling.

He got his first clue when Donovan’s cock ground against his belly. Donovan was hard. Before he knew it, Lucas felt his own dick respond with interest. The situation suddenly weighed heavily on him. What did Donovan want to do?

Donovan moved his hands to the small of Lucas’s back, then slipped them under the waistband of his jeans. He slid his fingers under Lucas’s briefs and cupped his bare ass, groping him firmly as he thrust against Lucas with more force.

This was happening so fast Lucas couldn’t process it. Shouldn’t they talk about this first?

Donovan broke free of the kiss, breathing heavily. He leaned into Lucas’s ear and asked, “Do you want me to suck you?”

Lucas froze. He hadn’t anticipated any of this. It was too much, too fast. He needed time to think. He didn’t know what he was feeling. He wanted Donovan to like him, but he didn’t know if he was ready to do this. Whatever this was. But he was a guy; he was supposed to want this, right? Donovan expected him to say yes. He should say yes.
Don’t be disagreeable.
Lucas didn’t know what to say, so he remained still.

Donovan brought his right hand between them, feeling along the front of Lucas’s jeans. Finding his target, he rubbed his thumb back and forth along the denim. Lucas was semihard and quickly gaining size. He closed his eyes and tried to steady his breathing. No one had ever touched him like this. He was both terrified and exhilarated at the same time.

Donovan dropped to his knees and tugged at Lucas’s fly. He popped the button open and unzipped him with a skilled hand.

The loss of bodily contact made Lucas whimper. He knew Donovan was right there, yet he felt too far away. More than anything right then, he wanted to be held.

Donovan glanced up at him with a sly grin. He yanked Lucas’s jeans and briefs with one quick jerk and left them wrapped around Lucas’s thighs.

Donovan stilled. “I thought you were hung like a bear?”

The disappointment in his voice was unmistakable.

“What?” Lucas said. He instinctively moved his hands to cover himself, but Donovan grabbed each of his wrists and moved them away.

“Uh-uh. These stay here,” Donovan said, placing Lucas’s hands behind his head. “Don’t pull too hard.”

“What?” Lucas said. He felt shaky, and his erection began to wane.

Donovan ignored him. He grabbed hold of Lucas’s cock with one hand, then swirled his tongue around it. Lucas reacted on instinct, fisting his hands in Donovan’s hair as he let out a whimper.

Donovan flashed him a wicked smile. “Easy there, bear cub.”

Before he could protest, Donovan sucked him all the way into his mouth.

The sensation was overwhelming, and he felt his knees buckle. Lucas wanted to ask if he could lie down, but he was too intimidated to speak. Donovan seemed to know exactly what he was doing and how he wanted to do it.

Lucas was rock hard now as Donovan massaged the underside of his dick with a firm tongue. Lucas was unable to control the high-pitched noises he was making. The pleasure was building rapidly, and he knew he was close to spilling over the edge. The thought of coming in front of Donovan embarrassed him. The thought of coming in his mouth terrified him. He wasn’t ready for this, but he was barreling toward the end quickly.

“Wait! Wait!” he whispered in a panic.

Donovan eased up and then slid off his dick with a pop. He undid his own pants and pulled out his cock, stroking himself with his right hand while he stroked Lucas with his left.

“Mmm. You wanna come on my face?” Donovan said in a lusty voice.

“What? No,” Lucas said quickly. Donovan chuckled, then took Lucas into his mouth again, this time with long, deep strokes.

“Oh God!” Lucas cried out.

He tried to hold back, not to prolong the pleasure, but for fear of losing control in front of Donovan. Resistance, however, was futile. His balls drew up tightly as his body betrayed him, shooting his release in three strong bursts. His legs were too weak to hold him and before he knew it, he was sliding to the floor.

Donovan helped him up, and Lucas, still shaky, pulled up his pants. He reached for Donovan, wanting the comfort and reassurance that comes from being held, but Donovan merely took his hand and led him to the couch.

“My turn.”

Lucas gulped.

Donovan sat on the couch, then guided Lucas into a kneeling position in front of him. Donovan’s cock poked out of his unzipped jeans, and Lucas got a good look at it for the first time. He blinked rapidly, his gaze fixing on Donovan’s penis. It was thicker and darker than his own, and Donovan barely had any hair where Lucas expected to see a thick patch. His heart raced as he watched Donovan slip his pants and briefs down to his ankles, fully exposing himself. Lucas’s Adam’s apple bobbed as he stared at Donovan’s long cock, knowing what he needed to do but lacking confidence.

“Come on. I’m already close,” Donovan said. “It won’t take much.”

Donovan reached a hand around the back of Lucas’s head and guided him toward his cock.

Lucas hesitated.

“For fuck’s sake, just use your hand if you don’t wanna do it.”

This wasn’t going at all the way he wanted it to. He wanted to make Donovan feel good, and he was failing miserably.

Donovan leaned his head against the couch and covered his eyes with both hands. “Fucking hell,” he said, letting out a sigh of frustration.

Lucas leaned forward, determined to see this through. As soon as his tongue made contact with Donovan’s cock, he felt Donovan’s hands fly to the sides of his head.

“Thank fuck!” Donovan cried in a breathy moan, rocking his hips upward. It was all the encouragement Lucas needed to continue, and he gave it his best effort.

The musky odor and slightly bitter taste of Donovan’s skin, along with the fingers that tugged at his hair, overwhelmed Lucas’s senses. His eyes watered, his jaw ached, and he knew he wasn’t going down as far as Donovan had for him, but he hoped he was doing all right.

“Fuck,” Donovan moaned. He pushed Lucas off of his cock and stroked himself furiously. His eyes squeezed shut. His body stiffened.

Lucas was mesmerized as he watched Donovan climax. His cum oozed out over his fingers as he slowed his strokes. Lucas had never seen anyone else like this before. Donovan was beautiful. Lucas had the urge to kiss him again but was afraid to ask.

Donovan peeled his eyes open slowly and looked down at his hand. “Can you get me some tissues? There should be some in the bathroom.”

Lucas did as he was asked, and Donovan cleaned himself up. “Come on,” Donovan said, “I’ll take you home.”

Donovan didn’t grasp his hand on the way to the car, and he didn’t say much on the ride home, leaving Lucas to wonder what Donovan was thinking and how he felt about him. Had Donovan enjoyed what they’d done together? Did he want to do it again? If there was a next time, would it be different? He wondered how well Donovan liked him. He hadn’t shown him much affection.

When they pulled up to his house, Lucas thanked him for everything.

“Yeah, sure,” Donovan said. “See you Monday.”

No kiss? No “I’ll call you tomorrow”?
Lucas tried to hide his disappointment. He didn’t want to leave like this, with so much left uncertain. He wished he had the courage to ask Donovan how he felt about him. Reaching for the door, he paused.

“Was it okay?” he asked in a small voice. He felt more vulnerable in that moment than he ever had, and his eyes began to burn as he awaited the snarky comment that would surely come in reply.

Donovan offered him a smile, then said, “Yeah.”

He leaned over and gave Lucas a quick kiss on the lips, darting his tongue out playfully at the last second. “Now go before you turn into a pumpkin.”

Chapter Ten
Practice Makes Perfect



headed for English class Monday morning, Lucas steeled himself. He’d be crushed if Donovan ignored him, but he was determined not to let it show. What he hadn’t prepared for was a pair of arms pulling him into a hug as he walked through the door.

“Morning, Boo!”

Caught by surprise, Lucas let out a squeak. “Trish, what are you doing here?”

“Just came by to say hi, check out the
, you know….”

Lucas glanced over at Zach, who was seated a few feet away.

Trish linked arms with Lucas and led him to where Donovan was sitting.

“Hey,” Lucas said, still unsure of how things stood between them.

Donovan smirked. “Morning, bear cub.”

“Bear cub? Aww, how cute. See, I told you he liked you.”

Lucas blushed, knowing the nickname hadn’t been given out of affection. He looked around the room, hoping no one else had heard, but Zach was glaring at them. Lucas gulped. He needed to be more careful about public displays of affection. Public displays of
, he corrected himself.

“Okay, lovebirds, I’ll catch you later,” Trish said as the first bell rang.

Lucas took his seat and pulled out his notebook. He felt something bounce off his head. It was a piece of paper, folded into a small projectile. Why did everyone get a kick out of tormenting him? Against his better judgment, Lucas reached down and plucked it off the floor. When he opened it, he found a lewd drawing of a dick with hairy testicles. He glanced to his left and saw both Zach and Donovan staring at him. Had one of them done it?

Mr. Rose passed out a test that Lucas finished quickly, leaving him time to sit and contemplate the advice he’d received yesterday. First there was the conversation with Trish.

D won’t tell me what you did after the party

which means it must have been juicy. spill

we went to his house

omg and ??


i knew it! you guys are so cute together

i don’t think it’s like that

he likes you. you just have to be patient with him

He wouldn’t mind being patient if he could just have some small sign that he wasn’t making a fool of himself.

And then there was the conversation with Alex.

u ok? trish said donovan took you home

yeah i’m fine

dude what happened?

nothing, just a misunderstanding


we were sorta on a date. i guess he thought i was cheating with you

a date? seriously? wtf

is it that hard to believe i had a date?

no, it’s just u can do so much better

he’s okay

he’s a dick

he’s not so bad one on one

please tell me he’s not your pecker partner


r u blushing? lol

Alex told him he could do better. But could he? Donovan was witty and sophisticated. He was popular and confident. Most of all, Lucas admired how comfortable Donovan seemed to be in his own skin. Lucas could learn a lot from him. He was good-looking too. Lucas should be grateful for any attention Donovan was willing to give him.

His mom certainly thought so. She’d only met Donovan briefly, yet she’d spent most of yesterday singing his praises and giving Lucas dating tips. She practically had them married off already. His father, on the other hand, didn’t seem to care for Donovan. Donovan hadn’t made a good first impression. And although Lucas had tried to plaster on his most convincing smile when he came home Saturday night, he was sure his dad had seen through it.

So, two in favor of him dating Donovan and two opposed. He didn’t know who to listen to. The only person he really wanted to hear from right now was Donovan.

How did he feel?

Lucas stole a quick glance at him, then blushed as he remembered what Donovan looked like naked. Well, partially naked. Would he ever get to see him like that again? Did Donovan still want him
like that?
What they’d done together had been so personal, and yet it had felt somehow impersonal at the same time. It reminded him of the comment Zach had written on Donovan’s poem:
Zach’s poem, on the other hand, had been deeply romantic. What Lucas had done with Donovan wasn’t anything like Zach’s poem had suggested. There was no feeling of unity, no feeling of love.

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