Read Player in Paradise Online

Authors: Rebecca Lewis

Player in Paradise (18 page)

Chapter Forty-One


don’t think my mom imagined that I’d be heading back to Los Angeles again. She took it pretty hard, but I assured her that I would be safe with Austin, and that I’d call her more often now that everything was out in the open.

I felt like puking the whole plane ride back to Los Angeles, and it wasn’t from the turbulence
. I just want everything to work out between Austin and me, and I’ve heard horror stories about people moving in together too fast and screwing up their relationships. Although, his house is probably big enough that if we ever got into a huge argument, I could just live in the other side of the mansion and not have to see him for a few days.

Mandy meets me at LAX,
sprinting toward me with her blinding platinum hair bouncing behind her.

“That is an awful new trend,”
I say, pointing at her outfit of high-waisted denim shorts and a tucked in tank top. She laughs and throws her arms around me. I missed her more than I realized; I think we grew even closer while we were apart.

“Shut up, I look hot and you know i
t,” she replies, sticking out her tongue.

I grab my luggage and head to her car. “I’m totally freaking out.”

“Just give me the damn address,” Mandy says, pulling out her GPS. She types it in and then we’re on our way to Austin’s house. Where I’ll be living. With him. Living with Austin Ford, in a mansion, in the Hollywood Hills. What the actual fuck am I doing?

“I don’t know if I can do this,
” I say, bouncing my leg up and down.

“Yes, you can.
You’ll be fine. Just chill out,” she responds, turning up the music.

I nod and close my eyes, resting my head against the passenger seat headrest. After an hour of horrible LA traffic, we pull into Austin’s estate, where a few paparazzi are already camped out. I don’t think they’re interested in snapping photos of someone driving up in a Prius, they probably think we’re his stylists or something.

The gates open and Austin’s waiting for us at the top of the driveway. He’s shirtless. A half-naked welcome? I’ll take it.

Mandy helps me unload the car and greets Austin.
“You better not screw her over or I will kill you,” she warns.

“Be nice!” I yell with a laugh.

“I’ll take care of her, Mandz. Promise.”

Mandy’s assisted
some of Austin and Cassidy’s events since I’ve left the PWR Group, so they’ve become a little closer, but she’s still cautious.

swear?” she asks.

“Yes,” he says, holding out his pinky to hook with hers. “I pinky swear.”

“Ok, goodbye love birds! Don’t forget to invite me to the wedding!” she yells, returning to her car.

“Ha. Ha. Bye
, boo,” I respond, waving as she pulls out of the massive driveway.

Austin turns to me, placing his hands on my shoulders. “You’re here.”

“I’m here.”

He smiles and leads me into the house, and at that moment, I’m
no longer scared or worried about what will happen. I’m just happy. Really happy.



“Come here you,” Austin says, pulling me onto his lap after the “fasten seatbelt” sign goes off. We’re flying high above the Atlantic on a private jet, on our way to the Cannes Film Festival.

The flight attendant brings us each a glass of champagne and I raise my glass to his. “Here’s to a successful film debut,” I toast.

“And here’s to joining the mile high club,” Austin says, clinking his glass to mine with a wink.

We sip from our glasses and I stare out the window at the clouds below. Austin’s career has blossomed since he separated from both Cassidy and the PWR Group, forgoing cheesy teen flicks to more serious roles. The critics have been amazingly accepting of his switch, praising him with whispers of Academy Award nominations. Austin thinks it’s because of my work re-branding his image into someone more “adult,” but it’s all him. His acting skills have grown and he’s become much more professional and responsible on and off set.

Austin kisses the back of my neck and breathes in softly. “Remember where we were a year ago?”

I smile. “I do.” We were at Cassidy’s movie premiere…and it was the night we first met.

“I wasn’t kidding when I said I was there to pick up hot chicks like you. I just didn’t think it would actually happen,” he says with a laugh. “It must have been the way you handled my chewing gum, such a turn on.”

“Ha, ha,” I reply, turning to face him. “I was actually really nervous to meet you.”


I nod. “I might have had a little, tiny crush on you…even before I met you.”

“Oh, really?” he responds with a smirk. “You just couldn’t resist all this.” He waves his hand down his body then wraps his arm around me.

I roll my eyes. “Exactly.”

He brushes his lips against mine briefly. “Did your mom have a good visit last week?”

“Yeah, I think she really enjoyed Hollywood, but I think it was your house that won her over.”

“Our house,” he insists.

I kiss him again and pull back with a grin. “Our house.”

He squeezes me tight and pulls a blanket over us.

“When we get back from Europe, Mandy really wants us to go to one of Mike’s games. She can get us courtside tickets,” I say.

“Hell yeah.
You know I’m down for that.”

Mandy’s been dating a basketball player for the past few months. I knew she’d meet someone special, and tall enough, to go out with her. They met at an event she was working at and now they’re crazy about each other. It’s nice to be able to double date, and not have all eyes in the room just on Austin since Mike’s pretty recognizable too.

I’m glad I took a chance to try again. To take a leap of faith and put in some hard work through challenging times because being with Austin is something I’ll never regret.

The lights dim in the jet as the sky turns dark. I curl up on his shoulder and close my eyes.

“Sweet dreams, baby. I love you,” he murmurs in my ear.

I nuzzle closer into his body, embracing him tight. “I love you too.”


Thank you to my husband, who is my biggest supporter in all of my endeavors, and a great proofreader!
Thanks Mom for listening to me talk about writing and publishing and book stats – I’m sure it’s not that exciting, but you always listen! I also need to thank my beta readers, my author friend Nikki Godwin and my Goodreads friend Tracy S. – your feedback truly helped move the story along and gave me the motivation I needed to keep going on this publishing journey. Thank you to all of the book bloggers and reviewers who have been so kind in helping me promote my previous Young Adult novel, Merch Girl. And last, but not least, this book is dedicated to the readers – I hope you enjoy this new genre and would love to hear your feedback.

Other Books by Rebecca Lewis


– A Young Adult Novel,
is available in both eBook and Paperback at the following link:  Amazon (Kindle):


To Meet Your Favorite Band: Tips, Tricks and Secrets for Gaining All Access
– A non-fiction guide to meeting celebrities, is available on Amazon at the following link:



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