Player's Ultimatum (21 page)

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Authors: Koko Brown

He felt her stiffen under his hand as he brushed the tips of his seeking fingers against her clit. He tensed as wel , half expecting her to block him or slap him for his audacity. He was practical y fingering her in front of her fiancé!

Of course, Paolo didn’t give a damn. He was too angry to care. Al that mattered was showing her she belonged to him.

Egged on by her acquiescence and the throbbing in his loins, he slipped his fingers inside her pussy. Paolo almost squeezed his eyes shut. Her cunt was so unbelievably warm and slick! Excited by the prospect of discovery, he proceeded to slide his finger in and out of Yvonne’s hot passage.

“What are you going to eat, babe?” Adrienne asked, slipping her arm around his shoulders.

Yvonne, if I’m lucky.
“I haven’t decided.”

With a surreptitious rol of his shoulders, Paolo successful y disengaged Adrienne’s slender arm from around him. Anybody’s touch other than Yvonne’s made his dick limp.

Like everyone else, Yvonne continued to look over her menu. He could tel she was affected by the steady rhythm of his pulsing fingers because her eyelids started to droop and her breasts rose and fell sharply, straining the tenacity of her beautiful silk dress. In mid-stroke, she leaned over to Robbie and gave him her order.

Pure rage swept through Paolo. Seeing to her needs should be his responsibility! As he talked himself out of upturning the table, she suddenly scooted back her chair and excused herself to go to the ladies room.

Intent on finishing what he’d started, Paolo stood up as well. “I need to make a cal .” Adrienne placed a hand on his arm, stopping him before he made his escape. “Do you want me to order you something?”

“Surprise me,” he said, making a beeline for the ladies room. He prayed there wasn’t a line. In his experience, women tended to live in bathrooms. Paolo’s prayers were answered when he turned the corner and entered an empty hal way containing the VIP section’s private restrooms.

After locking the door behind him, he barely glanced over at Yvonne who was looking at him like he’d turned green and grown ten feet tal as he walked the entire length of the bathroom, checking the stal s.

Satisfied they were alone he walked up behind her, slid his hand around her waist. She so thoroughly messed with his head Paolo had no clue, which way was up or down. Al he could decipher was if he didn’t get inside her and soon, he was going to so blow al over the slacks of his tailored suit.

Chapter Seventeen

Paolo nibbled on her bottom lip. “Say you did it on purpose.”

Confused, Yvonne frowned. “Did what?”

“Make me jealous.”

“I have no idea what you’re talking ab…ah!” Yvonne gasped as Paolo gripped her ponytail and tugged down sharply. Her clit flooded with heat.

Why didn’t he do that more often?

“Stop pushing me. You know how much I want you, desire you more than anything. Seeing you with Robbie is driving me wild.” Yvonne heard the sound of his zipper.

“We are so not going to have sex in this
.” She tried to protest, but it sounded more like a moan as he kissed the side of her neck and slowly lifted her dress.

What they were about to do was wrong on so many levels, but she could no more resist Paolo than she could stop breathing.

He’d become so integral to her general makeup she was beginning to think she couldn’t live without him. So much so, she didn’t resist when he set her atop the granite countertop. Since the bathroom was reserved for only their high-end clientele the surface, like the floor, was so spotless she could see their reflection as they strained against each other.

Not wasting any time, Paolo established a slow driving rhythm that would’ve sent her sliding across the counter if her legs weren’t thrown over his arms while his hands clutched her but . But something was different.

“You forgetting something,” Yvonne panted against his ear as he continued to batter her senses with long, sure strokes. “You forgot to put on protection.”

Paolo bit down on her shoulder. “I didn’t forget. I want nothing between us.” When Yvonne tried to move back, he held her against him. “I have a clean bil of health.”

Yvonne had no doubts. He along with Robbie and the rest of the team publicly revealed their AIDS test results during their annual youth HIV Day for young fans a lit le less than a month ago.

Stil , she tried pushing him away. “I’m not on the pil .”

“I promise,” he said not losing his rhythm, “I’l pul out.”

“What about the blonde?”

“I haven’t been with her in over a year. Even then, I used a condom. Like every woman since I turned sixteen.” Surprised he’d never slipped up, she had to ask. “Why?”

“I was scouted heavily before I even turned twelve,” he grunted. “I didn’t want children or a disease to derail my future.

Come on, Yvonne, just this once. I want to feel your hot flesh against my cock.” Despite her better judgment, Yvonne al owed her hands to fal from his shoulders. Groaning as if relieved, he pressed his forehead against hers. “I love your pussy,”

Paulo whispered thrusting deep, practical y touching her womb, piercing her very soul.

“My pussy.”

He reached between their bodies to the springy curls covering her sex. A sigh whispered between her parted lips as he stroked her clit. The slow glide of his hard cock and the stroke of his fingers were a lethal combination and more than enough to trigger an orgasm after only a few strokes.

“Mine, mine, mine,” he chanted while driving into her forceful y.

Blood pounded through Yvonne’s veins. She became lightheaded and clutched his shoulders to maintain her balance.

Over and over he pushed her to the inevitable.

Yvonne gasped as a violent spasm tore through her body, turning her inside out. Oblivious to her condition, Paolo didn’t let up even when she final y tumbled over the edge.

“Yes! I want
pussy to cream al over me.” Paulo growled. As his hips moved against her, he squeezed her but and sucked on her nipple through her dress.

Thinking of nothing but the mind-blowing pleasure rocketing through her system, Yvonne cradled his head in her hands. She kissed him fiercely, hoping to convey two months of pent up emotions and missed opportunities.

Paulo gasped for air. “You’ve got my knees so weak. I can barely stand.” He grunted, increasing his speed. “I’m going to cum.”

“Remember what you promised,” she panted on the verge of another orgasm.

Making good on his promise, Paulo made a move to withdraw from her. Relieved, Yvonne gave herself up to his chaotic passions, loving the feel of his hard cock driving into her over and over again. Becoming lightheaded she grabbed onto his shoulders and held on.

“I−” he breathed against her neck, but he did not finish. As if possessed, he plunged his cock deep into her and let go, shooting stream after stream of his hot seed into her womb.


His heart racing, Paolo staggered back and smashed against the bathroom wal . He was breathing like he’d run the perimeter of
Stadio Olympico
fifteen times!

Still, he couldn’t believe he was growing hard again as watched her readjust her dress and tried in vain to dry the wet spot on the bodice of her dress where he’d sucked one of her chocolate-tipped nipples.

Although what they’d just shared had been incredible, he stil wanted to bend her over the sink and plunge into her again. To stop the insanity he’d fallen into, Paolo moved to re-zip his pants but not before Yvonne slapped him.

“Why did you do that?” He asked flexing his jaw. For a woman, she was rather heavy handed. No one would question the few wrinkles in her dress, but he would be hard pressed to explain the hand print tattooed on his face. To make matters worse, her aggression seemed to only heighten his arousal. He edged toward her.

“I did it for al the lies, the slut you brought with you tonight and for not pul ing out!” she hissed, stepping back. “What makes you think I want to have your baby, Paulo?”

Angry and hurt, Paulo lashed out, “Slut? You’re the one to talk. Engaged to another man yet wil ing to be my fuck buddy.” Paolo instantly regretted his words. They’d been spoken in anger. “Yvonne, I’m so—”

“I don’t care anymore.” He watched her closely as she adjusted the dress across her shoulders. All the time she kept her gaze averted. “You can tel Robbie. You can even tell the press because I refuse to be
your whore
any longer.” Unable to respond, with the wind suddenly knocked out of his sails, Paolo let her go. She was right. He’d used her and treated her horribly. If she wouldn’t have put a stop to it, he would have kept using her.

After gathering his bearings, Paulo made his way back to his dinner table. As he drew near, he immediately noted the two empty seats next to his own. Strange.

They mirrored his current state of his heart.

* * * * *

“Why didn’t you tel me before now?”

Yvonne shrugged her shoulders at Robbie’s question. “I thought I could take care of things. I didn’t want to you drag into my mess. I was hoping once al the speculation died down and I returned home, it wouldn’t have mattered one way or another. I guess I’l be going home sooner rather than later. ”

“You’re not going anywhere. We’re going to sit this out and see if he has enough bal s to go to the media. If he does, we’l just have to face whatever comes. This might play out to our advantage.”

Confused, Yvonne turned away from the car window and Rome beyond. “What do you mean it might work to “our” advantage?”

“I can help my image, if the media thinks I’m involved in a love triangle.”

“Robbie it wil be to
advantage. Not mine. You’l be seen as the poor cuckold while I’l be declared a slut for sleeping with the entire Roma Internazionale soccer team.”

Robbie’s eyes widened. “You did the whole team?”

Yvonne punched him in the arm. “No! After the media gets finished with me I’l wish I had.” Yvonne leaned her head back against the head rest and sighed. She was so tired of being used.

“I didn’t think of it that way, babe. I’m sorry. When the time comes, we’l just deny it. Plus, no one has seen you together, so Paulo doesn’t have any proof of you guys fooling around.”

Yvonne didn’t want to blow his confidence by mentioning the time on the dance floor or the masquerade bal and not to mention, Paulo’s entire staff and
D’Amato. Yvonne closed her eyes.

Al the proof was beginning to give her a headache.


Paulo felt like shit.

Even though he and his teammates had just beaten Munich United in the European Cup’s quarter-finals, securing them a spot in the final round, he didn’t feel like celebrating.

He was nothing but an empty shel both on and off the field. He could barely hold anything down. Sleep had become virtual y nonexistent and his short term memory was shot. He was a living zombie and he’d played like one. If it wasn’t for the rest of the team, especial y Gutierrez, they would have been shut out of the European Cup weeks ago.

Paolo knew the source of his il s. He’d even tried rectifying the situation, but Yvonne didn’t return any of his phone cal s. And the several dozen flowers he’d sent her were simply returned to the florist—the card unopened.

Sighing heavily, Paulo wrapped a towel around his waist and stepped out of the Club’s sauna. He grabbed a second towel from one of the assistant trainers and headed back into the locker room. Greeted by the incessant popping of champagne bottles, some of his teammates were stil celebrating today’s victory.

In order to get to his locker, Paulo had to pass Gutierrez’s. Ever since the night of the dinner, the other man pret y much avoided him off the field and only when necessary while on the pitch. He almost cleared the other man’s space, but a large pink baby bottle stopped him dead in his tracks. Paulo was used to the team playing practical jokes and he’d been the brunt of many of them over the years, but this was something on an entirely different level.

Paulo grabbed Emmanuel Cruiti and hauled him over to Gutierrez’s locker. “What’s up?” Emmanuel flashed him a bright smile. He stepped over to the bench and withdrew the
Magazine wedged beneath the bot le. Paolo’s pulsed raced while his teammate scanned the open page.

“Seems like Robbie is going to be a papa. Here have a look.”

His fingers now numb, Paolo barely caught the magazine thrust in his hands.

Does Gutierrez have another soccer star in the oven?

The article was accompanied by only two photographs, but they were convincing. The first picture was of Yvonne leaving the office of some wel -known obstetrician to Rome’s rich and famous. The other featured the happy couple caught window shopping for baby furniture. And al the photos were credited to Joaquin Malfi. Paolo quickly scanned the article, digesting only the most pertinent information. With every word, he felt like someone was thrusting a red hot poker through his heart.

Paulo threw the magazine down.

“What wrong with you?” The goalie asked, picking the magazine up and placing it back where they’d found it. “If I didn’t know any better, you’re acting like it’s your baby.”

Paolo ignored him. He stalked over to his locker and dressed quickly. He was preparing to leave when the locker room obtained a semblance of silence.

Everyone had stopped to watch Gutierrez as he exited the showers.

As he toweled his shoulders, Paolo stopped mid-stride. Instead of approaching his locker and the practical joke awaiting him, Gutierrez’s eyes darted around the room until they met his.

Like a ton of bricks, Paulo suddenly realized Gutierrez knew about him and Yvonne. Why hadn’t he confronted him? If he would have found out someone was having an affair with his fiancée, especial y another team member and especial y if it were Yvonne, Paolo would have shoved his fist down the other man’s throat.

None of the puzzle pieces fit! Before the day was over, he was sure going to find out why.

* * * * *

Yvonne pressed the remote but on to the entrance gate. She swung her SUV up into the driveway so fast she barely missed one of the many photographers camping out in front of Robbie’s house. Ever since they caught them leaving Dr. Forai’s office they’d started fol owing them around like white on rice, attempting to force a confirmation of her pregnancy.

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