Playing For Keeps (17 page)

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Authors: Stephanie Morris

Trust me.”

Eric stood and held out his hand. Keirra hesitated wanting to point out that country music was different from Latin music, but she trusted him, so she reached out, took his hand, and allowed him to assist her to her feet. He led her to the dance floor.

“Just feel the music.”

His hands dropped to her hips, and Keirra followed his lead effortlessly. Soon they were moving together with ease. They were so close there was hardly any room for their clothes to fit. The man could definitely move his hips. Keirra did a slow and sensuous turn that placed her back against his front. She looked at him over her shoulder, and his gaze met hers. The lustful look in his eyes matched the one that was in hers. She moved to the beat of the music and enjoyed the way she felt.

She was getting turned on . . . a lot.

The music must have affected him as well because Eric’s hands began roaming over her body in a way that should be reserved for the bedroom. Right now, she didn’t care. Eric’s hands found her hips again and turned her until she was facing him. A second later, his lips found hers. He distracted her to the point where she didn’t hear the beat of the music change. When it did, Eric automatically picked up the new beat, and she followed him. Keirra finally had to pull back when she needed a good breath of air. Their lips didn’t stay separated long. The next time either one of them spoke was when the song ended.

“Are you ready to go home?” His voice was raspy with desire.

Keirra nodded slowly, knowing exactly what he meant. He gave her another brief kiss before taking her hand and leading her off the floor. They stopped by the table and said a brief good-bye with the promise of getting together again soon.

Eric led her outside, stopping to place another passionate kiss on her lips. When she felt almost boneless, he let her go before leading her to the SUV. He helped her in and then went around to get in on the other side. The drive home was a quick one, and Eric was pulling into his parents’

driveway several minutes later. Keirra had to admit she had been concerned about what Eric would think about how she looked earlier. The combination of his expression when he saw her at the top of the stairs and their interaction a few minutes ago took away all doubt that was there. He always told her how beautiful she was, but when he looked at her that was when she knew. Eric turned off the engine and got out. By the time he made it around to the passenger side, she already had the door open. She was in Eric’s arms before the door was even closed.

He scooped her up into his arms, and his lips barely left her as he headed toward the front door.

Minutes later, he had both of them upstairs in his bedroom. He set her on her feet before locking the door.

“You are beautiful.”

She smiled and wrapped her arms around his neck. “Thank you. You look very handsome yourself.”

Eric grinned wickedly as he stepped closer to her. “Thank you. Now I think we should pick up where we left off.”

“I agree,” Keirra murmured as she tilted her head back to give Eric the perfect angle to press his lips against hers. He picked her up and carried her toward the bed. When he stood her on her feet, she automatically reached for his shirt. Her hands paused for a moment.

“How did you manage to find a tie that almost matched my dress?”

He chuckled and shrugged his shoulders. “I didn’t have one to be honest, but Dad did, so I borrowed his.”

Keirra studied him for a moment before smiling. “Well, I think green is your color.”

Eric laughed. “I am glad you think so because it is definitely yours.”

Keirra looked down at the chest hair that had teased her all night before undoing the buttons to his shirt. She tugged his shirt out of his pants and continued until she had no more buttons to undo.

The sight of his chest did something to her. His stomach contracted, and muscles rippled at her touch. That was all that it took. Seconds later, he had both of them stripped naked and in the bed.

She made him slow down when she caught sight of his arousal. Her hands slid toward his thick and pulsing erection, and he couldn’t do anything but moan. She smiled at the proof of his wanting her.

He wanted her just as much as she wanted him.

When she touched the tip of his erection, his self-control disappeared. Before she could blink, Eric had her pinned underneath him. Her thighs automatically separated, and she arched against him trying to give herself the sensation that she craved. He moved slightly denying her the goal that she was trying to achieve. She watched him reach for his wallet and pull out protection. He began to roll the protection on, and she couldn’t help but to watch every move. She reached for him, but he stopped her.

When she went to protest, he came over her and pushed deep inside of her. Keirra gasped, arching into him. Every time he entered her, it seemed to get better and better. He withdrew and thrust again causing her to moan. She tightened her grip on him, and he spoke into her ear. He spoke words of Spanish. They were words that turned her on to the point of insanity. The more Eric talked, the more she became turned on. She had made the mistake and confided how much it aroused her to hear him speak it, and he had used it against her ever since. Keirra’s head fell back, and her grip on him tightened even more.

Her legs circled him, and she tilted her hips into his, taking him deeper. A second later she gasped as she went over the edge. Eric’s mouth covered hers, muffling her cries of pleasure that followed as well as his own moans of pleasure.

When he could summon enough energy to move he rolled to the side pulling her with him. She loved the feel of his body against hers, although she wouldn’t admit it aloud. One thing she figured out was she could show Eric how she felt even if she couldn’t tell him. She wasn’t good with words.

Unfortunately she never had been. When it came to trying to express herself on a personal level, she was incapable of getting herself together enough to do it.

“Did you have a good time tonight?”

Keirra couldn’t help but laugh, and a moment later, Eric’s laughter joined hers. “You ought to try to get your mind out of the gutter sometimes.”

Keirra found herself rolling her eyes. “Trust me. My mind isn’t in the gutter until I am around you.”

Eric went up on one elbow. “Then it is a good thing.”

He smiled, and she felt her heart flutter. It never failed to amaze her at how sexy Eric was. It could easily become a habit to stare at him all day, and that bothered her. She was falling harder and harder for Eric every day. What made it even worse was how well she fit in with his family. That worried her a little. She didn’t want to find more reasons that would keep her with Eric. He couldn’t be this perfect. There had to be a few reasons as to why she shouldn’t be with him. Unfortunately, she hadn’t found any.

* * * *

Eric watched as Keirra gasped, and her eyes flew open as her body convulsed in pleasure. His hands had a firm grip on her hips only confirming that even though she had been asleep she hadn’t been dreaming. Her body continued to clench and the low sounds of pleasure that he seem to love to hear from her fell from her throat. His tongue continued to delve into the very essence of her, loving her.


Her muffled scream reached his ears as the pleasure intensified. When he looked up, he smiled. She was sure she did look comical since she had placed the pillow over her mouth to mute her sounds of pleasure. He came up over her, removed the pillow, and replaced it with his mouth. He staked his claim hungrily, and Keirra felt her breathing quicken. Eric’s kiss told her he wanted her with everything he had. He was in control, and she followed his lead. Her arms came up, and she wrapped them around Eric.

He ended the kiss before lowering his mouth to her breast. She matched his passion with her own.

“I want you inside of me. Now!”

Eric reached for protection and put it on quickly. When he entered her, she moaned in pleasure.

Eric smiled at the sound before moving deeper within her. Keirra inhaled sharply before inching back a little.

“Too much,” she gasped.

Eric eased up a little and started up a rhythm that still had her gasping. It wasn’t long before she went over the edge taking him with her. The sensation of experiencing the ultimate release with him was one that she would never tire of. He rolled to the side pulling her with him. This trip had been a good one. Yet, it was getting harder to deny that they belonged together.

She knew he felt the same way, but she was still fighting to keep her heart closed to him.

Unfortunately, he didn’t seem to plan on letting her have her way.

“What do we have planned for today?” Keirra asked still breathless from their lovemaking.

“I want to swing by the police station and say hello to a few people.”

Keirra stiffened as soon as the words were out of his mouth. “The police station?”

He smiled. “The one and only.”

Keirra was silent a moment. She wondered if she looked as horrified as she felt. She had been uncertain of when this day would come, but it had, and she would face it head on. Taking a deep calming breath, she looked over at him.

“When are we leaving?”

He stretched. “After we take a shower and eat breakfast.”

Keirra nodded and slid out of bed before heading for the bathroom. She turned on the water and stepped under the spray once it was the right temperature. Leaning heavily against the wall, she took care not to get her hair wet. She couldn’t believe what she had just agreed to. To be truthful, it wasn’t like she had a lot of choice. She had to face her past at some time, especially if she ever wanted to have a normal future. Taking a deep breath she began bathing. The quicker she got ready, the quicker she could get this over with.

By the time she finished, her nerves were better. She turned off the water before climbing out of the shower. Eric had put on a pair of boxer briefs and was walking around the bedroom. The sad thing was that her body automatically reacted to the sight of his. Instead of going after him like she wanted to, she went to the closet and pulled out a sweater bearing the logo of her alma mater and a pair of jeans.

“Will we be doing a lot of walking?”

Eric shook his head before disappearing into the bathroom. She slipped her feet into ankle-high boots and headed back into the bathroom. She brushed her teeth, and by the time she was finished Eric had stepped out of the shower. When they made it into the kitchen, Keirra’s nerves were racing again. Arthur and Charlotte were sitting at the table reading the paper and drinking coffee.

“We were wondering if you two were going to come out of the room today.”

Eric smiled as he kissed his mother on the cheek. “I am sure the both of you were truly worried.”

Keirra looked at the trio knowing there was a joke there somewhere, but she didn’t get it. However, her cheeks did heat since Eric’s parents seemed to be well aware of what they had been doing.

Now she knew what it felt like to be caught making out, although it had gone way beyond that. She looked up as Charlotte stood up from the table. Charlotte was smiling at both of them.

“Do you want me to make the two of you some breakfast?”

Eric shook his head as he held out a chair for Keirra. “No, Mom. I can handle it.”

He looked at Keirra as she took her seat. “What would you like to eat?”

“Scrambled eggs and toast are fine,” she murmured.

Eric nodded before walking over to the stove. Within minutes, he had the kitchen smelling good. A short while later, he set a steaming plate in front of her.

He joined her at the table, and they ate while conversing with his parents. By the time they finished eating, she was more than ready to get the trip to the precinct over. Eric grabbed their coats and led the way to his SUV. She was quiet during the ride to the precinct. She wanted to remain as calm as possible and take on Kayla’s Zen-like mentality. It was difficult considering she was feeling sick to her stomach.

“What are you thinking about?”

Keirra shrugged. She really didn’t know what she was thinking. There were too many thoughts flowing through her mind for her to focus on one. He didn’t ask her any more questions, and she was grateful. Too many questions would only make her more nervous.

A short while later Eric pulled in front of the precinct. After taking a deep breath, she stepped out of the SUV. Eric took her hand and led her into the building. Somehow, she managed to put one foot in front of the other and walked into the police precinct. After they walked into the building, Eric led her straight to the front desk. The uniformed officer behind it smiled.

“Well hello, stranger. What brings you back to see us?”

Keirra watched Eric turn on his charm, and amazingly she wasn’t jealous. The woman wasn’t his type.

“Now you know I can’t stay away from you too long.”

Keirra shook her head, and a large plaque on the wall caught her attention. She let go of Eric’s hand and walked toward the plaque. As she drew closer she saw that it was a memorial to all fallen officers. Her eyes automatically went in search of her father’s name. When she found it, she smiled and touched the permanent etching. Seeing it didn’t make her feel the dreaded sadness she thought it would. Her hand fell to her side as she began to remember all of the good times she had shared with her father.

“Is everything okay?”

Turning slowly, she smiled at Eric. It was one of true contentment. “Yes, it is.”

And for the first time in her life since her father had passed, she truly felt like it would be.

Chapter Eighteen

“Where are you guys going?”

Keirra shrugged at Charlotte’s question as she struggled to pull her hair up into a twist.

“I have no idea. Eric won’t tell me.”

Charlotte smiled. “My son has always been full of surprises. Sit down, dear, and I will help you.”

“Yes, he is,” Keirra murmured as she took a seat on the lid of the toilet. Charlotte pinned her hair up quickly and neatly. As crazy as it sounded, it was a reassuring act. She could remember her mother combing her hair as a little girl. It had been something that she liked, and it was a fond memory that she had of her mother.

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