Plead Forgiveness (Loyalty Series) (14 page)

“Nae. If my nephew is indeed in Scotland with this
so-called honorable knight, then Gabriel would have led him to the Macleod
stronghold. We are kin and our land is closer. Despite his size, Gabriel is
young. If yer story is true, the journey would have been verra difficult for
him. He will have need of rest before continuing on to his home.”

“You still do not believe that Gabriel is on his way
home, do you?”

“I would like to believe ye, but I dinna hold much
faith,” he admitted honestly.

“Because I’m a woman or English?”


Ignoring her dejected look, Gavin continued, “Why
would an English Lady concern herself with a Scot? Furthermore, I dinna think
ye capable of getting out of the castle with the lad in yer condition.”

Angrily, Ella looked away, refusing to continue the

Gavin could almost see her erect a wall around
herself, a barrier from him, and he wanted nothing more but to tear it down
until naught lay between him and the irresistible creature that was his


For the remainder of the dismal day, Ella engaged in
pleasant conversation with Nicholas, Osgood, Edric or Tavish, while she
blatantly rebuffed their laird. By the time they set up camp for the night,
Gavin was surprised that he actually missed speaking with her, hearing her
opinions, and the way she looked at him when he shared his own.

She possessed the unique ability to make others feel
completely at ease while they conversed with her, and her response reflected
genuine interest. Most women Gavin was acquainted with spoke only of paltry
matters or plied him with hollow compliments, but Ella was sincere when she
engaged in conversation. She asked intelligent questions and gave her honest
opinion. Moreover, she didn’t discuss issues concerning women. In fact, she spoke
on more important topics, such as peoples' health and well-being. This Gavin
admired greatly, which only made it more difficult to send her back to England.

Pushing aside that thought, as well as the annoyance
of her silent treatment, he assisted her from her mount.

“’Tis time to tend to yer back.” Although she said
nothing, he was pleased that she did not resist.

With bandages and salve in hand, Gavin led her to a
small clearing away from his men. He smiled when he saw the small loch under
the sunset, imagining swimming naked with her just before making love to her.

He sat on a large rock and moved her to stand in front
of him so he was eye level to her upper back.

“Is this really still necessary? Surely by back is
healed enough to not need tending so often.”

Ignoring her surly tone, he replied softly, “Nicholas
said it was to be done for a sennight so ye will have to endure my touch for
four days longer.”

Hearing his words, Ella lowered her head in shame as
he finished removing the soiled linen.

“Laird Macleod,” she began, “I should not have said
that or used such a callous tone. You have been honest, generous, and more than
kind. I was disrespectful and . . .” She shook her head, then continued, “I
just thought . . . thought mayhap you had come to trust me. I’m a foolish woman
to think in just a few days . . .” Pausing to take a deep breath, she then
added, “I swear not to behave like some waspish shrew for the remainder of our

He welcomed her apology along with the sight of her
bare shoulders, arms and midriff. She used her tunic to cover her breasts, but
her breeches hung an inch or so below her navel, exposing a very lean stomach.
And he found it impossible to take his eyes off her lithe figure that was sheer

With a mind of their own, Gavin’s hands took hold of
that trim waist and pulled her to stand between his legs. He tilted his
forehead forward to rest upon her stomach, then confessed more to himself,
“What I would give to keep ye with me.” He then added, “My words earlier today
were not meant to hurt you. ’Tis hard for me to trust others, whether it be man
or woman, English or Scot. I-” His words stopped abruptly when he felt her
hands stroke the side of his face.

Lifting his head, he looked at her innocent face, the
wisps of her blond hair blowing in the wind and eyes sparkling like the
brightest star. No woman had ever looked at him this way, he thought, as if
seeing into his soul with such a pure heart and true intentions.

Gavin’s gaze drifted from her eyes to her soft, full
lips. Desire flared once more to taste the forbidden fruit.

His massive body seemed to engulf her, making her feel
small and fragile, but at the same time safe and warm. The moment he captured
her lips a jolt of lightning coursed through her body. All thoughts faded away
like a thick fog or ocean mist. The kiss was surprisingly gentle, but very

Intoxicated by the taste of her luscious mouth and the
feel of her soft skin, a ravenous yearning consumed Gavin. And it only
intensified when the plaid that covered her breasts fell to the ground and her
hands came to his chest. He opened his eyes, saw that her passion equaled his
own, and then moved her to sit on his lap with her legs between his.

In his arms, Ella learned the meaning of fierce
desire. She felt one of his arms wrap possessively around her waist, keeping
her immobile as she returned his kiss with reckless abandon. When his warm,
calloused hand gently cupped her breast, she felt as though a thousand
butterflies danced in her stomach. Her back arched towards him, wanting to feel
more, to continue in this wanton act.

Her passionate response to his touch enthralled Gavin.
He felt her innocence and inexperience, but welcomed both with open arms.
Knowing that no man had touched her, inflamed the possessive side of himself he
normally kept hidden.

The soft moan he heard escape her swollen lips was as
dangerous as taunting a wild animal secured by mere ropes alone. Yet, it was
the feel of her small, but perfectly rounded bottom rubbing against the
stone-hard region of his body that unleashed the predatory instinct to claim
her here and now. His control seemed to be nonexistent when he trailed kisses
down her neck and his hands took on an exploration all their own.

“Ye are so beautiful. Yer skin . . .” He made better
use of his mouth by suckling one breast, while his hand paid homage to its

Ella felt his hot breath and wet tongue toy with her
nipple as she pulled him closer and dug her fingers into his scalp. She found
herself encouraging his passion and demanding his touch, and he reacted with

Gavin fondled her taunt bottom, something he had
dreamed of doing ever since he spied her in breeches. He squeezed one cheek,
and then slid his hand along the underside of her thigh, not surprised that
both were firm from years of riding. He was inflamed with savage need, while
erotic thoughts danced in his head, images of what he would like to do to her
at this moment.

It was past time to end this delicious torture, Ella
thought, especially when she felt his hands massage her buttock. She
desperately wanted to cling to him, to give in to the passion he ignited, but
to do so would be disastrous. Baron Montgomery wanted only a virgin, and if she
was not chaste, her aunt would pay the price.

In a husky whisper, she pleaded, “Gavin . . . please,
we must stop. I must remain a-”

“A virgin,” he snapped. “Ye will gift that bastard
with your maidenhead, even after he flayed the skin from your back?”

Gavin was furious with himself for losing control with
an innocent, and it only intensified knowing that Ella would acquiesce to her
guardian’s demands, thus submit to Montgomery

Ella quickly moved away and retrieved the plaid from
the ground to cover her upper body, and was surprised that he assisted her. He
wrapped the discarded plaid around her, then held her shoulders in a gentle but
firm grip.

Gazing up at his ice blue eyes, she said with
conviction, “I will do whatever it takes to keep my aunt safe. She and Uncle
James are all I have left, the only people who love me, my only family.”

“Ye give yerself as martyr?”


Her vow of loyalty and love gave Gavin a glimpse into
her character. She was so utterly selfless in her actions and fiercely
protective of those she loved. Everything about her was completely endearing
and admirable, yet thoroughly aggravating as well. She was more than willing to
sacrifice herself for the only two people she felt loved her.
Damn her! She
should be protected!

Gavin was now hell bent on confronting Sir James. He
had much to say to the man for his unforgiveable actions.  He allowed
Greystone to treat her worst than a servant, then publicly whipped. Imagining
her secured to a post, wrist bound, clothing sliced open to bare her delicate
skin only made his fury worse.

Trying to control his ire, Gavin stared down at her
angelic face. He touched her irresistible lips with the pad of his thumb, then
stated, “Yer love for yer family equals my own.”

Ella knew Gavin was fighting an internal battle of
some kind, for he tilted his head back and stared at the darkening sky as if he
were in great pain or needed guidance.

“I will apply the salve and bandages now, and then ye
will go back to camp.”

Ella sat quietly while he applied the salve and
bandages with haste. His brusque manner and impatience to complete the task
caused a stabbing pain in her chest.

Gavin turned her back around, and then placed one hand
on her hip, the other behind her head. She thought he would kiss her again, but
instead he laid his forehead to hers.

“I want ye, Ella,” he voice was husky. “My body craves
ye, like it craves air to breath. I have always been able to control my lust,
my desire, but with ye, . . . ‘tis near impossible. Go, now.” He lightly kissed
her lips, and then walked away shedding his garments with lightning speed as he
prepared to dive into the icy loch.

Ella was motionless as her virgin eyes drank in the
sight of him. Her breath hitched at seeing the muscular perfection of the man
striding towards the moonlit loch. His bronze body bespoke of years of training
for battle and engaging in war. Magnificently proportioned he was, with long
sinewy legs, lean buttocks, narrow waist and powerful shoulders. She smiled
when she saw that the sun had tanned even his well-shaped buttocks.

He suddenly dove into the water, stealing away her
pleasurable view. When he resurfaced, he caught sight of her still watching

Mortified at being caught staring at him with a
ridiculous smile on her face, she turned quickly to hide her embarrassment. She
hurriedly threw on her tunic and scurried away, praying her flaming face would
lessen by the time she got to camp.

In her haste to leave, however, she missed the
devilish grin that appeared on Gavin’s face when he watched her retreat.

Still fully aroused by their kiss and the feel of her
slender body in his arms, Gavin cursed. Damnation! He didn’t need this
complication, nor did he have need of a woman. He had Alice to see to his
carnal needs, and in two nights, she would grace his bed. Ella would be out of
his life soon enough. And after bedding his voluptuous leman, she would be out
of his thoughts as well.

Unfortunately, Gavin was not sure that even bedding a
hundred women would diminish his hunger for his captive, or the intense need to
possess and protect her.

As he finished bathing and dressing, Nicholas joined

“Ye have been gone a long time, my friend. We thought
ye may have drowned.”

Ignoring Nicholas’s comment, he asked, “Have the men

“Nae yet.”

Gavin grunted, and was about to walk away when Nicholas
asked, “What has caused yer foul temper this eve? Are ye worried about what we
will find when we return home?”

“Nae. The sooner we are home, the sooner we can be rid
of the chit.”

“Och, what has the lass done now?”

“She is an unwanted problem, and the less time she
spends on Macleod land the better. Our people detest the English, and she would
be no exception.”

“We have been friends for many years, Gavin, and I ken
ye hunger for the bonny lass.”

“Fair she may be, but I will nae keep her. Ye ken I canna
without English reprisal, and I will nae throw away the many years spent to
rebuild our clan for some English wench. I dinna plan to sacrifice the safety
of the Macleods or the Mackenzies even if Gabriel has been returned.”

“So ye think Gabriel will be at Doran Castle when we

“Ye ken as well as I do. We have followed the same
tracks since leaving the abbey.”

“Aye, I have noticed and-”

Gavin held up his hand to silence Nicholas. “I am wary
of this conversation. We can talk more on the morrow.” He didn’t wait for a
reply as he headed back to camp.

The only way to keep Ella and avoid English reprisal
was through marriage, and that was inconceivable. Gavin had a very clear image
of his future wife, a buxom woman with full hips, large enough to give him many
sons. She would come with a generous dowry and favorable alliance with a
powerful clan. She would possess the domestic skills to run the keep of Doran
Castle, alleviating much of the workload put upon his mother at present. There
was no woman as determined or as efficient as his dame, yet nevertheless, his
wife-to-be would do her duty. Although he had no intention of giving up his
leman after marriage, he would be discrete out of respect for his wife, more so
than his father had been.

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