Possessed By You (Overworld Underground Book 1) (21 page)

Read Possessed By You (Overworld Underground Book 1) Online

Authors: John Corwin

Tags: #magic, #vampires, #paranormal romance, #overworld, #Paranormal, #Romance, #Fantasy, #action

"Wouldn't it be cool if we could work together?" I felt quite buzzed from the Choco-Bomb and the high alcohol content of the martini Alex had dropped off moments earlier.

Despite the warm fuzzy feeling, I decided now was the time to tell Isabel about the other strange intruders in my life. I gave her the story about my encounters with Stephen and George Walker.

"Why didn't you tell me sooner?" Isabel's eyes lit with disappointment. "That Stephen creep needs to be put down like a dog." She bared her teeth.

I nodded. "George is looking into it."

"And this intution thing." She cocked her head slightly. "I remember you mentioning it a couple times in college, but you never told me about anything like this."

I shrugged. "It's new to me. Sometimes I wonder if I'm going mental."

Isabel pursed her lips seriously. "You're definitely mental."

"Thank you, my dear, dear friend." I stuck out my tongue.

My friend broke into giggles. "Wow, this is so weird but cool. Maybe you have a sixth sense or something." She looked around the room. "Do you see dead people?"

I gave her an indignant look. "He said I'm highly empathetic, not a paranormal wacko."

Isabel burst into laughter again. "Okay, enough of the strange stuff. I want to talk about your hot man again." She looked at my phone. "Are there any pictures of this Tyler hunk online?"

I took out my phone, and ran a search. The pub was starting to fill up with other happy-hour celebrators, but a familiar sensation touched my senses. An instant later, someone entered the pub. My phone dropped in my lap. Isabel jerked her head around to follow my gaze.

Tyler walked to the bar and placed a drink order. He looked my way and did a double take. Smiled.

My body went weak.

Isabel let out a little squeak. "Oh my God, that guy is gorgeous." She squeaked again. "And he's coming our way!" She whipped out her compact and gave herself a once-over in the little mirror.

I took a deep breath and tried to compose myself. I hadn't bothered with any makeup, and my hair hung in a ponytail. I wore old jeans and a pink hoodie. I looked like I'd just gotten out of bed and walked to the bar for an alcoholic fix.

"Hello, Miss Glass." Tyler leaned on the bar next to me. "I see you took my order seriously."

"You know him?" Isabel looked at me with astonishment.

My mouth dry, I somehow managed to say, "Isabel, meet my new boss, Mr. Rock."

He shook her hand.

She made a noise that sounded like "Eep," and giggled.

"Are you slumming tonight, Mr. Rock?" I wondered what in the world someone so wealthy was doing in a place like this.

"As it happens, I like this place." Alex set a dark beer down in front of Tyler. He nodded. "Thanks."

I noticed the other women in the room darting glances toward Tyler. One of them met my eyes with a look of pure jealousy. A girl a couple seats down from us seemed mesmerized. And yet, Tyler seemed to take no notice. In fact, his eyes were on me. When I caught his gaze, he returned a guilty smile, as if I'd just caught him doing something naughty.

I want him to be naughty
, I thought, then gasped at the downward spiral my thoughts were taking. I recovered my wits. "I've never seen you here before."

"You've only been here twice, Em," Isabel said with a laugh. "Although I've been here a lot, and this is definitely the first time I've seen you, Mr. Rock."

"Call me Tyler, please."

"Sure thing, Tyler." Isabel seemed to savor the name like a hunk of rare beef. "You can call me Isabel."

"I have a few places I frequent, Isabel." Tyler took a sip of his beer. "I haven't been here as much lately, even though I live just down the street."

"We're just down the street too," she said her eyes widening. "Which building are you in?"

He nodded his head in the general direction of our flat. "I'm in the newly renovated building at Fourteenth and Piedmont."

"The Gregorian? That building is beautiful!"

I had no idea which one they were talking about. "Close to the park?"

"Right across the street," he said. "I like it."

"I'd love to see the inside," Isabel said. "Do you have the penthouse?"

Tyler took a sip of beer. "I do." He smirked at me. "Maybe I'll give you the tour sometime."

I couldn't help but think he'd directed the comment solely at me.

"Tyler, do you like Asian cuisine?" Isabel asked.

I felt my eyes go wide, and tried to give her girl code for "What the hell are you doing?"

"I love Asian food," he said. "Are you two hungry?"

"Actually, I love to cook. Would you like to come over for dinner with the two of us?"

I forced a smile. "Uh, I'm sure Mr. Rock has a lot on his plate, Izzy. There's no way—"

"I'm open this Wednesday evening, Isabel. Does that work?"

"But...but," I stammered.

"Perfect." Isabel gave me a sly look. "It's a date."

Chapter 19

"I have to use the bathroom. I grabbed Isabel by the arm and tugged her after me. When we got inside, I turned on her. "Are you crazy? He's my boss!"

"And he is totally into you, girl." Isabel inspected my face and made a tutting noise. "You need some lipstick. And you should let your hair down. I'll bet
would love it."

I leaned against the sink for support. "No. This is insane. He owns the company. I can't flirt with him. It's wrong!"

"Something's wrong with you if you let this man slip away." Isabel tugged off the band holding up my hair and fussed over it despite my protestations. "I told you I'd be there for you, Em, and this is definitely one of those times."

I pushed her hands away and pulled the hood over my head. "I'm sneaking out the back door before you get me into trouble."

"Oh no you don't!" She pushed off the hood and dragged me out of the bathroom.

When we got back to the bar, Tyler was dropping some cash on it. "I have to get going." He tilted his head slightly and gave me a discerning look. "Did you let your hair down?"

"No," I said. "I mean, yes. The ponytail was giving me a headache."

The corner of his mouth lifted. "Can I give you two a ride home?"

"We can walk," I said, grunting as Isabel nudged me.

"Yes definitely, Tyler." She looped her arm in mine and held on tight as if I'd run away given the chance.

I certainly considered it.

Isabel caught Alex's eye but didn't release my arm for even a second. "We're ready to close out."

He nodded toward Tyler. "Already paid up."

Isabel gave Tyler a full-lipped smile. "Aw, how sweet."

I elbowed her.

Joe was waiting outside next to the BMW. He saw me and smiled. "Nice to see you again, Miss Glass."

"You too," I grumbled, climbing into the back seat.

Isabel let go of my arm and hopped in the front seat. "Oh, I love this car."

Tyler's smile widened, and he walked to the other side, sliding onto the back seat next to me. "You have a very lively friend," he told me in a low voice as Isabel extolled the virtues of the vehicle.

"Soon to be quite dead," I mumbled.

He laughed.

Joe climbed in the driver seat. "Where to, Mr. Rock?"

"Miss Glass's condominium, please."

Joe nodded and pulled into the street. Isabel turned to him and began talking his ear off.

Tyler turned to me. "Are you okay with the dinner plans?" His arm stretched along the seat back, stopping only inches from me.

I could almost feel the tingle I knew his touch would cause. A part of me longed to slide over and let him put his arm around my shoulders. To snuggle up to his chest. To—oh my God, I was losing it!

"Yes, it's fine." I wondered what on earth I should wear—whether a dress would be appropriate, or if I should throw on something casual like jeans or a pair of ragged sweatpants. I didn't want to give him the wrong impression, but I also didn't want to look like a slob.

"Good. I think it'll be fun. Should I bring wine, Isabel?"

She stopped her chatter with Joe and nodded. "A cabernet would be good. Do you eat beef?"

His eyes met mine, and a wolfish grin bared his teeth. "I'll eat anything."

A pleasant chill left goose bumps down my back.
Oh dear.
He would gobble me up and leave nothing. How wonderful that would be.
No, wait, how terrible it would be. Right?

Joe pulled to a stop on the curb. Tyler hopped out and walked around to my side, opening my door while Joe opened Isabel's door.

Tyler held out his hand for me, but I hopped down myself, keeping well away from his magical, electric hands.

"Thanks for the ride." I gripped Isabel's arm. "I'll see you tomorrow, Mr. Rock."

"Looking forward to it, Miss Glass."

I pushed Isabel through the lobby, into the lift, and hit the button. The doors slid shut and I blew out a long breath. "You know I love you, right Izzy?"

"You should." She gave me a mischievous smirk.

"Good. Because I'm going to kill you."

"You're a terrible friend." She pooched out her lips. "I'm setting you up with the rich gorgeous guy and you want to kill me?"

"A man like that has all sorts of women after him," I said. "Just look at him!"

"Oh, I definitely looked at him." She sighed. "He is one hot piece of man meat. Did you see his arms? And how wide his shoulders are? Imagine those arms—"

I put my hands in my ears and said, "I don't want to hear it. I don't want to hear it!"

She pulled my hands away. "Stop being silly."

"I'm preserving myself," I said. "Falling for someone like that would be an awful mistake. He'd use me and spit me back out. Probably fire me after he was done ravishing my body." Heat flowered in my stomach at the thought of him doing terribly wonderful things to me.

"Wow," Isabel gave me a look of disbelief as the lift doors dinged open. She stepped into the hallway. "You gave me the harsh truth about myself, Em, so I want you to hush and listen to me right now." She unlocked the door to the flat and stepped inside.

"And what would that be?" I tried to sound bored.

"Maybe—just maybe—Tyler is a user and a jackass. But he
like a good guy to me."

"You're basing this on less than an hour of talking to the man."

"It's a gut feeling," she said. "He really likes you. Why that is, I have no idea." She stuck out her tongue. "But he does. He kept looking at your eyes and your lips. It was like all he could think of was kissing you."

"Kissing me?" I thought about his hungry look and my face grew warm. "I got the impression he had other things on his mind."

"Well, he
a man, sweetie." She shivered. "A real man."

I gave her an admonishing look. "You are a horrid influence."

She stepped back and looked me over. "I want you to wear that black dress of yours and the shoes with four-inch heels on Wednesday."

"I might as well wear a sign telling him to take me right on the table."

"No, no, no. He'll get the message. We want to tempt him with the possibilities on Wednesday." Isabel let out an evil-sounding cackle. "Men love to look. I want you to show off those pretty legs of yours. And you're going to have to wear makeup."

"What's that supposed to mean?" I said, feeling a little upset. "Did my complexion go to hell without me knowing?"

"You're pretty, Em. But your face gets all splotchy when you blush as much as you do around him."

"I don't get all splotchy around him! Do I?"

She ignored my outburst. "We want to knock him out Wednesday with gorgeous Em. If we put some eyeliner around those big eyes of yours, and gussie up your hair, he's going to jizz in his pants, girl."

I burst into laughter. "I cannot believe you just said that."

"Believe it. He's gonna come in here and show you his O face. He'll be like, 'Oooooh!’" She made an O with her lips, crossed her eyes, and then burst into giggles.

I laughed even harder until tears filled my eyes. Thinking of Tyler Rock losing it like that was next to impossible, which made it all the funnier. "We are so terrible." I caught my breath and wiped away tears of mirth. "Lord have mercy on that poor man. Izzy has him in her sights."

I jerked awake several minutes before my alarm went off the next morning to a stomach full of nervous tingles. Despite Isabel's assurances about Tyler, I still had to prove my business worth to the man.

When I got to work, I noticed the coffee was already done. Sandra gave me a narrow-eyed look when I entered the conference room as she set vegetable and fruit trays out on the table with the coffee dispensers.

"Do you need any help?" I asked.

"This is now
job." She bit off each word as if she wanted to kill them and then me. "You are to report to Jack and Kevin."

"Okay, thanks." I backed out of the room for fear she might throw a butter knife if I turned my back to her.

I walked into Kevin's office to find him and Jack putting the final touches on a presentation. I think it was the first time I'd seen either one of them with a smile on their faces since I started working here.

"Congrats on the promotion," Jack said.

"I hope this guy is as cool as he seems," Kevin said. "And not just some asshole waiting to stab us in the back."

I knew that feeling very well—though I feared Tyler may want to stab me elsewhere with something other than a knife.

Jack shrugged. "I think he's for real." He gave me a look. "What did you talk about with him over lunch?"

"Um," I said, trying to think of what exactly we had talking about. "Mainly that I would be working with you two." I gave them a sheepish smile. "So, what do you want me to do?"

The two men looked at each other. Turned back to me and shrugged.

"I'm not sure yet," Kevin said. "Maybe we'll know more after the meeting. We have to brief Mr. Rock before the entire staff meeting." He checked the wall clock. "In about fifteen minutes. Grab some coffee if you want and meet us in there."

"Very well." I went to the kitchen, made some Earl Grey tea, grabbed a pen and paper, and went into the conference room. Despite Kevin's assurances, my hands shook and I wondered if I was prepared for this.

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