Prague in Black and Gold: Scenes from the Life of a European City (97 page)

John Adam Robson,
Wyclif and the Oxford Schools
(Cambridge, 1966).
Herbert Brook Workman,
John Wyclif
(Oxford, 1926), 2 vols.
Prague Attracts the European Dissidents/The Revolt of the Prague Radicals/The Crusaders Arrive/The Battles for Prague
František Michálek Bartoš, “Žižka a pikarti,”
, 8 (1924), 97-108.
innost M
Petra Payna
(Prague, 1928).
Howard Kaminsky,
Hussite Revolution
, especially ch. 4.
———et al.,
Master Nicholas of Dresden: The Old Color and the New
(Philadelphia, 1965) -
Transactions of the American Philosophical Society,
N.S., vol. 55, part 1.
Horst K
pfstein, “Über den deutschen Hussiten Friedrich Reiser,”
Zeitschrift für Geschichtswissenschaft
, 7 (1959), 1068-82.
———, “Über die Teilnahme der Deutschen an der hussitischen revolutionären Bewegung,”
Zeitschrift für Geschichtswissenschaft,
11 (1963), 116-45.
Amadeo Molnár,
(Prague, 1991), important study.
Božena Auštecká,
Jan Žetivský jako politik
(Prague, 1925).
Wilhelm Baum,
Kaiser Sigismund
(Graz, 1993).
Frederick G. Heymann,
John Žižka and the Hussite Revolution
(Princeton, 1955), an essential study of the wars.
Howard Kaminsky,
Hussite Revolution,
chs. 7 and 8, and pp. 136-40 (the Battle of Vitkov Hill), pp. 175–79 (the Battle of the Vyšehrad).
Howard Kaminsky, “The Prague Insurrection of 30 July 1419,”
Medievalia et Humanistica
, 17 (1966), pp. 106-26.
John Martin Klaasen,
The Nobility and the Making of the Hussite Revolution
(Boulder, Colo., 1978).
Amadeo Molnár, “Želivský, prédicateur de la revolution,”
Communio Viatorum
(1959), pp. 324-34.
Josef Pekaf,
Žižka a jeho doba
(Prague, 1927-33), 4 vols., by a master of Czech historiography.
František Smahel,
Husitská revoluce
(Prague, 1993-95), 4 vols., a recent classic. Unfortunately, for financial reasons, published only in a limited number of copies by the Czech Academy.
Karel Vladislav Zapa,
Vypsání husitské války
(Prague, 2nd ed. 1893), popular, battle-by-battle narrative.
Hussites and Jews
František Michálek Bartoš, “Židé v
echách v dob
,” in
35 (Prague, 1915-16), 154-63.
Ruth Kestenberg-Gladstein, “Hussiten und Judentum,”
Jahrbücher der Gesetischaft für Geschichte der Juden in der tschechoslowakischen Republik
, 8 (1936), 1-25, essentiel.
Tomáš P
jiny Židù v
ch a na Morav
(Prague, 1993), pp. 38-42.

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