Predator - A Stand Alone Suspense Romance (25 page)

“But … but.” I swallow hard. There’s just no way for me to suppress the fear. “I’m scared.”

“Don’t be,” he whispers. “We’ll be there for three days only. Remember what I told you? We make people look the other way. Make them not notice you. You can’t look scared, because that will draw attention to us. We’re just two more people going about our business. You’ll have to get your head right, Cara. You’ll be doing all the talking. People will notice my accent but you will fit right in. I need you to have my back with this one.”

I start to nod my head as I try to focus on what he’s saying. I swallow down the fear and then frown. “I have to do the talking? What if they ask me something I can’t answer?”

“We’re going to go over every detail on our drive up to Charleston where Jeff will meet us. We’ll be flying from there. Everything is going to be fine.”

I’m not so sure, but Damian has never lied to me before so I have no choice but to trust him.



The flight was fucking long. My legs were starting to cramp. The fact that we’re both tired from the super-long-ass flight is counting for us right now. We look the same as all the other passengers, sweaty, wrinkled and tired.

The African gentleman hardly looks at our passports, and soon we’re waiting for our luggage, which is only one bag. I didn’t bring any weapons, because … well, that would be a stupid fucking move on my part.

I got us simple names for this trip. Mike and Sonja Burgess. I grab the bag and then, holding her hand, we make our way over to Avis car hire.

As we near the small counter, Cara takes a deep breath and then smiles at the woman behind the counter. “Hi, we’d like to hire a car for a few days.”

The woman smiles professionally. “Are you here for holiday?”

Cara freezes suddenly, grabs my hand and pulls me away from the counter. When we’re out of hearing distance of the woman, she whispers, “Neither of us have a license. We can’t hire a car.” Her eyes dart around us to make sure that no one is hearing her.

I look around realizing that she’s right. I totally forgot about that part.

“Wait.” She points to outside. “We can get one of those taxis, it looks safe enough … I think.”

She’s pointing to a gleaming white car. “Yeah, let’s do that.”

When we get to the car, a man smiles hugely at us. “One stop cab service with a smile. Where can I take you to?” he says in a funny sounding accent.

“Thanks, uhm …”

Cara glances at me and then the man starts to ramble in a language I know abso-fucking-lutely nothing about.

“Ooo … julle’s Afrikaans. Sorry man. Waar wil mevrou-hulle gaan? Ek kry julle daar in ʼn jiffy.”

Cara starts to laugh and she shakes her head. “My Afrikaans sucks. Let’s stick to English, please. Uhm … could you take us to a cheap hotel close to Bedfordview?”

“Oh, sorry man,” he laughs and then opens the back door. “Sure, there’s one in Edenvale. It’s close to the shops.”

I keep the bag with us as we get in the back and soon we’re on our way to the hotel. I don’t know what I expected to see once we got here, but it all looks pretty normal.

Cara nudges me and I look at her smiling face. “Did you expect to see wild animals roaming the streets?”

“Yeah,” I laugh.

“The only animals here are the people. Trust no one.” The smile drops from my face as I’m reminded of why we’re here.

When we reach the hotel, Cara deals with the cab driver. Once we’re settled in a tiny room, I take a deep breath. The first stage has gone down okay. It sucks that we don’t have a car. That makes things harder for us.

Cara sits down on the bed and then stares at the floor. I kneel in front of her and catch her eyes. “What’s going on in that mind of yours?”

She shrugs and gives me a sad smile. “I’m thinking about the last time I was here.” Her eyes meet mine and I see the sadness. “Every Sunday we used to drive out to the Vaal dam. We’d spend the day there, just the three of us. I was so happy back then, Damian. I loved my parents so much, and they were just ripped from me. I didn’t even get to go to their funerals. Uncle Tom just shoved money at me with the stupid passport and told me to run. I was only eighteen. I didn’t know any better. I didn’t understand anything back then, and I still don’t.”

I brush the palm of my hand over her cheek and press a kiss to her lips. “Let’s just get this over with so we can get our assess back home.”

“Sounds good.” She starts to twirl her fingers on her lap and her eyes dart shyly to my face.

I tilt my head and take hold of her chin, so she has no choice but to look at me. “What’s that look for?”

“Uhm ...” she bites at her bottom lip and then peek at me from under her lashes, “I was just wondering if … uhm … did I ruin things between us?”

Aww … fuck! She thinks she’s scared me off. I shake my head and smile at her. “Never. I’m just taking it slow with you, Cara.”

She stands up, pulling me up along with her. Her hands settle on my chest and she bites at her bottom lip again. “So … you still like me a little bit?” She pulls the cutest face ever, and it makes my heart melt.

“I more than like you a little bit,” I whisper, but then I get serious. I’ve never told her how I felt and that’s why she’s so unsure of us. “It’s not just about the sex, Cara.” Her eyes dart away from my face. She’s very uncomfortable with the word sex. I make a mental note not to use it again.

Her hands start to slip from my chest and I quickly grab them, holding them in place. “I live you.”

Her eyes dart up to my face and then I see the confusion wash over her features. “Love is too much like hate. They are emotions that come and go. Life, that’s a different ball game. You get one life. I live you, Cara. You’re my life.”

Her mouth starts to tremble but a smile still breaks through. “I am?”

I press my lips to her mouth and whisper, “You are.”

She makes the first move, reaching for my shirt. I let her pull it over my head and then she presses a kiss to my shoulder. “Will you show me?”

“Hell, yeah,” I growl. I lift her off the floor and drop her on the bed but then I freeze. “No condoms. Shit, I didn’t think we’d need any.”

She lifts herself on her elbows and I see the war behind her eyes.

“Hey, it’s no big deal. We can wait until we’re home.”

Instead of agreeing like I thought she would, she sits up and pulls her shirt over her head. Stunned, I watch her strip until she’s naked. She scoots to the edge of the bed and takes my belt off, and then my jeans drop to the floor. I step out of them, not so sure of what my next move should be.

“I’m on the pill,” she says as she presses a kiss to my abs. “I want this with you, Damian. I can’t let the past keep getting in the way.”

Her small hand wraps around the length of me, and she starts to slowly stroke me. Her eyes drop to my cock and I watch her face. “I’m done being scared. They were the ones who hurt me, not you.”

She crawls up my body, placing quick kisses all the way up my chest, and then she presses herself against me. Her mouth hovers over mine as she whispers, “Fuck me, Sam.”

That’s all the encouragement I need. “Lie back down,” I growl.

A smile forms around her mouth and she quickly lies back down. I grab her under the knees and yank her to the edge of the bed. I step in between her legs, forcing them open wider with my hips. I press my knees into the mattress so I’ll keep my balance and then lean over her.

As I take hold of my cock, her eyes dart down and she watches as I rub it against her pussy. “That’s right, Gorgeous. Watch me fuck you.”

I slam into her, hard and fast, and her mouth opens on a silent moan. I take hold of her hips so I can hold her in place, and I start to move. I keep the pace hard, much harder than our first time together. This is how I like it.

It only takes a few thrusts for her body to submit to mine. She grabs hold of the blanket and lifts her ass from the bed, giving me better access. “Fuck yes!”

She throws her head back and her body starts to convulse against mine, and it makes me thrust as hard as I can. A tiny gasp escapes her as she starts to come. Her whole body tenses and then her eyes find mine, and I watch as ecstasy washes through her. It only takes one more thrust and then I release, and it feels like heaven as I empty myself inside her.

As soon as the ecstasy fades, I slip an arm under her and as I pick her up, she tightens her legs and arms around me. I walk her to the bathroom and straight into the shower.

I press her back into the wall and whisper, “Drop your legs for me.” She slowly slides them down and it makes my cock slip out. I open the faucets and then take the soap. I work it into a lather, and then slip my hand between her legs. I gently wash her and it doesn’t take long for her hips to start moving. I lean into her and slam my mouth against hers. She opens and I slip my tongue in just as she moans. I fuck her with my hand and tongue until she’s gasping in pleasure.

This is how I want to see her all the time, lost in ecstasy because of me. I grab her legs and lift her again, and then settle her pussy over my cock. I’ve never done slow … until now.

I keep the pace slow, every thrust as deep as I can go.

“Sam,” she whimpers and it makes me smile that I’m driving her so wild that she’s reached the point of begging me for her orgasm.

I keep going slow and deep until her nails dig into my skin, and she drags them up my back. I adjust my hold on her ass and then slam into her. A grin spreads over her face as I quicken the pace. It only takes a few hard thrusts for her to tighten her arms around my neck. She buries her face into my neck and starts to chant, “Fuck, fuck, fuck,” as she comes.

I follow close behind her and this time my legs almost give out from the orgasm.

As she drops her legs from my hips, I reach for the soap, but she stops me. “No, wait.”

She pushes me slightly back and then looks down at her legs. I frown, not sure what she’s doing. Did I hurt her?

“You okay?” I ask, still slightly out of breath.

She looks up at me and a smile spreads around her lips. “I just wanted to see your cum run down my legs.”

I’m not sure if that’s hot or not, so I just keep looking at her.

She presses her body to mine and stands on her toes, and then she whispers, “You’ve branded me, Sam. Now you only have to fuck me from behind, and then I’ll only feel you everywhere on my body. I want to feel you, and only you. I want to smell you. I want to taste you. I want you to replace every image until all I see, all I smell, all I feel is you.”

I frame her face and almost choke up with the overwhelming emotions flooding me. “I live you, Cara, so fucking much.”

Her smile turns tearful, and she just looks at me with something akin to awe all over her face. “You saved me, Sam Rees. You saved my life, you saved my body and you saved my soul. You saved all of me.”


We crash early, getting a good night’s rest. Jet lag’s a bitch.

I wake up to find Damian staring at his phone. He has that serious look in his eyes, like shit’s about to hit the fan.

I take a moment to just look at him. I can’t believe he wants me. It feels surreal that this amazingly beautiful man wants me.

“Morning,” he says, and then a smile sneaks over his face. “I can feel your eyes on me.”

“Just enjoying the view,” I laugh, but still blush from being caught red handed.

He lies back and turns the phone so I can see it. He’s looking at a map. “Tom has a strip club here.” He points to a street name and then looks at me. “Do you know the area?”

I look again and notice it’s not that far from the street I grew up in. I point to Kloof street and say, “That’s where I lived. It’s not that far from there, maybe ten minutes.”

Damian frowns and then looks at me. “I wonder what happened to your house. Surely your parents had a will?”

I never even thought of that. “I don’t know,” I whisper, stunned. “Maybe my uncle took it all? I really don’t know.”

He gets up and then looks around the room. “We need to clean every inch of this room. Make sure we leave nothing behind. We have to steal a car. Please tell me you can drive.” I see a glimmer of worry for the first time, and it makes me scared.

“I don’t have a license. I had just turned eighteen when the accident happened. I did drive, though. Dad taught me on weekends. But I haven’t driven in a really long time.”

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