Read Premier Deception Online

Authors: S J Crabb

Tags: #romantic suspense, #coming of age, #love story, #football story, #strong woman, #new adult romance, #russian billionnaire, #footballers wives

Premier Deception (11 page)

Ben looked startled and thought for a
minute or two before he said, “I have asked them many times but
they always pass me over. I am not the worst player in the team but
they give others starts who don’t try in the game. I was willing
all last season to give it my all but they kept me on the bench.
The players that they chose over me in my opinion had no desire to
win the games and so we had a really bad season. It’s not just me
but a few of the others were also left out and not given a chance.
I just wanted to ask you straight off because this is my career and
I want to do my best at it and start winning matches again for the
club. I am not a tell tale but can’t go through another season like
the last one.” Charlotte thought about it for a minute and then
said, “Ok Ben, thank you for your honesty. I am pleased that you
are so willing and care so much about the club. I will talk to
Luke, without mentioning our chat, and ask that you be included in
the start next Saturday. But don’t let me down otherwise you will
be back on the bench.” Ben smiled. “Thank you Miss Dawson, I won’t
let you down you can count on me.”

He stood up and offered her his hand to
shake. “Thank you,” he said again and off he went. Charlotte
thought about the conversation and then texted Max to see if he
could come and meet her. It wasn’t too long before he came and she
said, “Thanks Max please can you close the door I have something I
need your help with.” He looked surprised but did as she asked.
They sat down on the settee and she turned to him and told him what
Ben had just said. He too looked surprised and said, “Do you think
that there was a reason other than he wasn’t up to it as to why
they left him out?” “I don’t know,” she said, “but I have a feeling
that something isn’t quite right. I have to go to Ronnie’s house
tomorrow night to meet the players, would you be able to come along
and see what you can pick up? I‘m not sure that I trust Luke and
Ronnie, I think that there is something going on and I am going to
make it my business to find out what.”

The next day was a busy one. Max picked
her up as usual and they made their way to a local hotel where
Allison had set up back to back interviews with the press all day.
Charlotte was going to have hair and make up done at the hotel and
she had a beautiful pale blue silk dress with matching leather
shoes to wear. Her long blonde hair was styled in waves around her
shoulders and her make up natural, enhancing her cornflower blue
eyes and perfectly shaped lips. Allison and Max were sorting
everything out with the hotel, press and stylists. They were
proving invaluable to her as a team and she fully trusted them.

Once she was ready she was taken to a
room set up with two matching chairs with a beautiful flower
arrangement on a low table between the chairs. Gosh thought
Charlotte, I feel like I’m about to discuss my latest film,
although ironically this was one performance that would never be in
line for an Oscar, despite the acting that would be going on.
Allison interrupted her thoughts and said, “I’m just about to call
the first one in, are you ready?” “As I’ll ever be.” Charlotte
answered in a nervous voice. Allison left and Max turned to her.
His eyes softened and he said. “You look beautiful, just relax and
be yourself and you‘ll be great. I will be here so anything you
need just ask.” Before she could reply the door opened and the
first interviewer came in. It was Tony Brown from Sky, who reported
on the sports news. After shaking hands and the usual pleasantries
they sat down.

He asked many questions about her
qualifications, background, home life and family. “And is there
anybody special in your life at the moment?” he asked cheekily.
Charlotte blushed and tried desperately not to look at Max just
sitting across the room, if only, she thought wistfully but
answered. “There are currently many men in my life,” she said
jokingly, “they are all demanding and take up all of my time.
Surely that’s enough men for one girl to deal with at a time.” They
laughed and Charlotte felt relieved to have dodged the question.
There was an endless parade of various Interviewers, some were
friendly, some openly hostile nearly all sceptical. She had lots of
photographs for various publications and had to change four times
and go into different rooms so that the same picture didn’t appear
in every publication. She worked hard fielding the questions and
charming the interviewers. She talked up the club and appeared a
natural with the camera which seemed to love her every angle.

Finally after 8 hours solid they were
through, after only having broken for a sandwich between
interviews. Allison showed the last woman out and they all sank
into the chairs and Charlotte kicked off her shoes. “Thank goodness
that’s over!” she exclaimed. “It was exhausting. I am looking
forward to a nice hot bubble bath and an early night after that.”
“Oh no you’re not,” smiled Max. “Remember the party at Ronnie’s
house is tonight, in fact we have to leave because it starts in 30

Charlotte groaned and made a face.
“Can’t wait,” she said sarcastically. “You two go,” said Allison,
“I can finish up here and call David to come and pick me up - and
then I will go home for a nice long bubble bath and an early
night,” she teased.

Charlotte pulled a face at her and put
her shoes back on and the two of them made their way outside to the
car. She sat in the front seat next to Max and they started the
journey to Ronnie’s house. “I enjoyed today despite the fact that
it was exhausting,” she said. “I don‘t think that I could do it all
the time but it was fun for a change.” Max said, “You did very
well. Considering that you have never done anything like it before
you were a natural. You certainly charmed them all, but then I
wouldn‘t have expected anything else.” She looked at him suddenly
feeling shy. “Thanks for all your help Max, It felt good knowing
that you were nearby. I just wish that we didn‘t have to go through
this charade tonight. I am sure that there is something going on
though and we may pick something up.” He nodded and looked deep in
his own thoughts so she sat back and thought about what she may
find at Ronnie’s. She was curious to see him at home and had heard
lots about his wife Sylvia. It would be good to meet up with the
rest of the team and their other halves as well in a more informal


They drove through a private estate to
find Ronnie’s house. It was at the end of a long drive and had two
flaming torches flanking the enormous wooden front door. Max pulled
up in front of it and jumped out to open her car door. Charlotte
stepped out and wished that she had had a chance to change and
refresh herself after her busy day as she was sure that everyone
inside would be immaculately dressed.

They rang the doorbell and waited. The
door opened very quickly and Ronnie was standing there wearing
black jeans and a polo shirt, his hair swept back and reeking of
his favourite aftershave, the sickly scent that Charlotte was
beginning to detest. “Come in boss,” he said with a hint of
sarcasm. “Driver you can make your way to the kitchen and help out
there if you like, there are lots of other staff from the stadium
there who will keep you company.” Max’s eyes flashed and Charlotte
looked startled. She was about to insist that he stay with her when
Max jumped in saying, “great, Charlotte just let me know when you
are ready to leave,” and he gave her a look as if to say carry on I
will be fine. Just then a very beautiful lady came out into the
hallway to greet them who Charlotte thought must be Ronnie’s wife.
She had the most enviable figure and must have been about 6ft tall
in flat shoes, but in heels she looked even taller. She had long
dark hair that was thick and wavy with the most beautiful green
eyes that Charlotte had ever seen. She was smiling a lovely
welcoming expression on her face and Charlotte immediately warmed
to her.

You must be Charlotte, I am
Sylvia, Ronnie’s wife and I am very pleased to meet you. This must
be your driver, I am sorry I didn’t catch your name?” She smiled at
Max who Charlotte could see was instantly disarmed by her
demeanour. He smiled at her and said, “Max, I am very pleased to
meet you.” “I am sure you are,” said Ronnie nastily. “Everyone
wants to meet my wife,” she blushed in embarrassment at his
rudeness and said, “Max let me guide you to the kitchen and get you
a drink. Ronnie please escort Charlotte in to meet

They went off to the kitchen and
Charlotte found herself once again alone with Ronnie. “Welcome to
my home,” he said. “Come in and meet everyone, they are dying to
meet the new superwoman in charge.” Then he grabbed her by the
waist and pulled her against him. Once again she felt the heat of
his body, and the stench of his ghastly aftershave pervaded her
nostrils. “Maybe by the end of tonight you and I will have got to
know each other much better,” he said lasciviously. She extricated
herself from his grasp and fixed him with an icy stare. “Ronnie, I
would appreciate it if you could keep from grasping me at every
opportunity and then maybe we can get to know each other better, on
a purely professional basis,” and with that she pushed him away.
His eyes flashed and he said, “Don’t make an enemy of me darlin
because I could well turn out to be your worst nightmare,” and with
that he grabbed her hand and holding it very tightly dragged her
through a door in front of them into a large room filled with the
players and their wives and girlfriends.

“Look who I found,” he said thrusting
her into the room, “Everyone meet Charlie, our new womager!” There
must have been about thirty people in the room, which luckily was
large and very tastefully decorated in greys and silvers. There
were French doors that were open leading onto a patio that had
luxurious seating centred around a large table with a flaming pit
burning in the middle to warm the occupants of the deeply cushioned
chairs. Candles were burning literally everywhere and waiters were
meandering through the guests with drinks and canapés on silver
trays. Charlotte recognised several members of the team and was
pleased to see Colin approaching her, with what must be his lovely
wife. “Charlotte please meet Rose my wife,” he said introducing
them. “I am very pleased to meet you I have heard so much about you
already,” said Rose warmly. “Don’t let these men bully you
otherwise they will have me to deal with,” she said sternly and
they all laughed. On the whole most people were very nice and
Charlotte was enjoying meeting the players with their wives and
girlfriends. Some of the girls looked at her suspiciously probably
thinking that as she was so young and beautiful she may be a threat
to their husbands or boyfriends, but Charlotte made everyone feel
at ease and was so natural with them that it wasn’t long before
everyone felt relaxed in her company and they were having a lovely

Suddenly Charlotte stepped back into the
path of a waitress carrying some drinks who almost dropped the
tray. “I’m so sorry,” said Charlotte putting out a hand to steady
the tray, she looked up and was startled to see a familiar face
holding it. “Chantelle!” she exclaimed, “Oh my God what are you
doing here? It’s great to see you!” Chantelle smiled in delight and
said, “Charlotte, I was hoping to get a chance to speak to you,
congratulations you obviously did very well at the interview.” They
laughed and Charlotte said, “what happened, did you get a job?”
Chantelle laughed, “only the player’s bar,” she said excitedly,
“which means I get to help out at these sort of functions. I am
loving it and have seen so many famous people already.” She stopped
and smiled saying, “ we all did very well that day didn’t we?”
Charlotte laughed saying, “yes I think we did, who would have
thought it. By the way have you seen Max, he is around here
somewhere?” “I have seen him in the kitchen chatting up all the
other staff,” Chantelle said with a wink. “He is sooo gorgeous
isn’t he? Could be a film star or a footballer himself. All the
other waitresses and waiters I might add won’t leave him alone in

Charlotte smiled but felt a prickle of
jealousy running through her, she didn’t like the idea of him being
targeted by the waitresses, she realised that the idea of him
meeting somebody else filled her with such dread. She suddenly felt
very insecure and alone, wishing that he was with her. Chantelle
said, “I must get on now Charlotte and hand out these drinks, maybe
we can meet up later, or at the stadium. You can always find me in
the players bar, it would be great to get to know you better, but
only if you think it appropriate,” she said looking suddenly unsure
of herself. Charlotte smiled and touched her arm, “of course we
will you just try and stop me. Have fun tonight Chantelle I’ll
catch up with you soon.”

As Chantelle moved away Charlotte
suddenly spotted Luke standing in a corner of the room talking to
one of the players. He was dressed in jeans and a t shirt and
looked the most relaxed that she had ever seen him. His dark angry
face was relaxed into a rare smile which seemed to light it up. He
looked rugged and handsome and she could see that his body was hard
and toned, the muscles rippling through his T shirt. He was very
good looking and Charlotte could see many of the females in the
room were surreptitiously glancing his way, to which he was
oblivious. Suddenly he looked up and saw her watching him and once
again his face hardened, a dark shadow passing over it. He really
hates me she thought sadly, I have his job and he can’t forgive me.
Her shoulders slumped and she leaned against the wall behind her.
He was approaching her now so she stood up and smiled as he drew

Charlotte pleased to see you,” he
said looking anything but. “Have you met everyone?” he said, “I
think so,” she said quietly. “This is really a lovely house don’t
you think?” she said looking around her, “and Ronnie’s wife is
gorgeous, I would love to get to know her better.” All at once his
face softened and he said, “yes, Sylvia is one of a kind. Not only
is she stunning looking but she has a personality to match, unusual
in this day of plastic surgery and materialism. It’s a shame though
that Ronnie doesn’t always treat her the way he should,” he said
bitterly. Charlotte looked at him startled, she didn’t think that
he would have noticed such things; it painted a different side to
his character that she hadn’t seen before, a softer more
approachable side that ultimately she preferred. They turned to
look as Sylvia came into the room and approached them. Charlotte
noticed Luke’s expression soften and with a jolt realised that he
was in love with her!

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