Premier Deception (20 page)

Read Premier Deception Online

Authors: S J Crabb

Tags: #romantic suspense, #coming of age, #love story, #football story, #strong woman, #new adult romance, #russian billionnaire, #footballers wives

Chapter 19


Over the next few
weeks things settled down into a routine. Training in the mornings
followed by promotional activity and meetings in the afternoons.
The season had started and they had their work cut out trying to
motivate the team and win their matches. Luke and Charlotte kept a
firm eye on Ronnie for any evidence of match fixing and apart from
a couple of suspicious passes there did not seem much to note down.
They were doing ok but were still finding it hard to win their
matches. They drew a few, lost and few and won a couple. Luke
changed the team around and tried various formations. The only
player who shone at the moment was Ben, who now he was given more
starts was fast becoming their best player and goal scorer.
Charlotte kept an eye on him because she didn

t want Ronnie to knock him down either mentally or
physically because they needed him to get them the points. The
promotional activity was also going well. Charlotte was fast
becoming a favourite with the media. She knew how to handle them
and they soon warmed to her as did the fans. Ronnie kept out of
their way as much as possible now the season had started and Luke
reported that Sylvia had told him that he kept out of her way at
home as much as possible too. They all knew though that he was a
ticking time bomb that could go off at any moment. That moment was
soon to come.


The team were
travelling to Newcastle for the late kick off on Saturday.
Newcastle were doing well in the league and it was not going to be
an easy game. They travelled up by coach early on Saturday morning
and they were due to stay overnight after the game. Charlotte
always travelled with the team so there was no call for Max to
accompany her. She wasn

t sure what he
did when she wasn

t around but he
appeared to keep himself very busy whatever it was. She did ask him
on several occasions but his answers were non committal so she

t press him much on it.

On the way up the
team were full of high spirits, they were not having as bad a
season as last year and were sitting around the middle of the
table. However Charlotte was well aware that it was due to the
brilliant partnership of Ben and Fabio who were their main goal
scorers. Without them they would be in trouble. She worried that if
either of them got injured there was no real back up. The defence
was all over the place at times but she was well aware of the
reasons why. Ben and Fabio however much they wanted to play were
getting tired. They were at the stage of the season pre Christmas
when it became very busy and the dark nights and early evenings

t help.

Charlotte sat next to
Luke on the way up and told him about her concerns and asked him
what he thought they could do. He said,

well the January transfer window could provide some
opportunities, but we don

t have much
money so can

t attract a big name. We
could possibly get another player or two on loan in exchange for
some of our up and coming players but due to the nature of the
players we have I am not sure that there would be many takers. We
could sell a couple and buy one better player but again the players
we need are making a lot more per week than we can afford and the
way Ben and Fabio are playing this season it

t surprise me if we get some
interest for them.

Charlotte looked


t they in contract still though?

she said,


t just go without seeing it out
could they?

Luke answered,

it depends on the player and their agent. If a
big enough club wants them they would pay to have them released and
I can

t see Mitchell turning down
thousands of pounds for either of them can you?

Charlotte sat back in her seat and thought about the
problems. They soon reached the stadium and then it was all systems
go for the match. Charlotte loved the matches. She loved the
atmosphere created by the fans, the smell of the stadium and the
build up of excitement from both the fans and the players. There
was a sense of anticipation and you never knew what may happen. If
Mitchell did succeed and she lost her job this was what she would
miss the most along with her team who she had grown very fond of
and they her. Gone was the mistrust and embarrassment at having a
woman in charge, they respected her efforts as she always put their
welfare first. They wanted to do well for her, at least most of
them did, and she really began to feel part of their

They all took their
positions for the match and then the whistle blew. It was a
thrilling half and United got themselves in some great positions.
They managed to save a couple of trys on goal and also had a few
themselves. However it was still nil nil at half time. In the
dressing room she sensed the frustration and listened to Luke offer
words of advice and encouragement. She added her voice to his and
they resumed their positions.

However early on she
sensed a change in the game. Ronnie was a lot more unpredictable.
He committed a few unnecessary fouls and received a yellow card for
his trouble. He was also shouting at her players and generally
being really disruptive. It wasn

t long
before Newcastle scored and the home fans almost deafened her with
their celebrations. Her team appeared to fall apart from then on
and missed many chances and lost the ball too easily. Soon it was
two nil then three nil. It was a disaster. Charlotte nudged Luke
and said.

We have to substitute Ronnie.
He is disrupting the team and if we are to stand any chance at all
we need to replace him with Harvey.

Harvey was an up and coming player who was a good defender
and worked hard on the pitch. Luke nodded and said,

I totally agree but if we take Ronnie off
Mitchell will hit the roof.
” “

t care,

said Charlotte.

We can say that
we wanted to prevent a red card as we need him for next

s game in the FA cup draw with
Manchester United.

Luke agreed and they
told Harvey to warm up. Ronnie

s number
was called after fifteen minutes into the second half. It was the
first time all season that he had been substituted and he looked at
them incredulously when his number was called. He came off in a
foul temper after having to give the captains armband to Harvey. He

t even come to the bench but stormed
off into the changing rooms. Charlotte sighed, now there would be

The game ended 3-1 which could have been a lot worse.
Ben and Fabio came up trumps at the last minute and it was a credit
to Harvey that he kept the other team from scoring. Everybody was
despondent and Charlotte feared a dismal evening and return coach

When they got to the
dressing room Ronnie had showered and was on his phone. He looked
really angry and the other players left him well alone. He scowled
at Luke and Charlotte and said sarcastically,

Thanks for pulling me off. It

s a
fine manager that substitutes the Captain, I

m not sure what the owners or the fans will make of

Charlotte said firmly,

We did it to save you from a red card. We have
the FA cup match at Manchester United next weekend and we

t afford for you not to play.

Her words seemed to placate him a little but he
was still sulking as they made their way to the hotel. Once they
arrived the players all drifted off and did their own thing. A few
of them hung around the bar and Charlotte enjoyed chatting and
joking around with them. They were all subdued after the result but
she tried to keep their spirits up as the next game was very
important. Some of them went off to the gym and the swimming pool,
Luke included so Charlotte decided to return to her room for a few
minutes peace. She waited for the lift and once it came she entered
and pressed for the second floor. Before the doors closed however
Ronnie barged in and then the doors closed and they were alone.
Charlotte felt a bit nervous but didn

let it show.

What floor?

she said indicating the control panel. He saw it
lit up at 2 and said

2 will be

As the lift started he turned
towards her and said angrily.

Never do
that again or it will be more than your jobs worth.

The lift opened and she went to step out. He
pulled her back in and caused the doors to close. He held onto the
button so that she couldn

t get

Let me go,

she said angrily.

We substituted
you for your own good. If you hadn

t been
so aggressive on the pitch and made so many fouls you

t have been.

He grabbed her arm and pulled her towards him.


ll let it go this
once darlin but never do that again.

Then his face softened and he said,

you know you could always make it up to me.

She looked at him and said,

I think not Ronnie, after all you are a married man and we
are co workers. I don

t mix business with
pleasure and think too much of Sylvia to do anything to upset

This response seemed to take him by
surprise as he was probably expecting her to be angry. He released
her and pressed the button to open the door. As they stepped out he

you never know, one day I may not
be married and you may not be my boss. Until then darlin,

and then he grabbed hold of her and planted the
hardest kiss on her lips. He strode off laughing all the way down
the hallway.

Charlotte fled to her
room and double locked the door. Urggh he was revolting. She
quickly showered and changed wanting to remove any trace of him.
Her phone rang and she was glad to see that it was Max.


she said,

I am so relieved to hear a friendly
” “
Sorry you had a bad

he said.


s the morale like?

Pretty low but it could have been
” “
I saw that you substituted
Ronnie, that was brave of you,


Yes I can

t say that he took it very well though, in fact I have just
had to endure the fallout from it in the lift.


s tone suddenly

What do you mean? what did he
do, because if he has hurt you then I will come right up there

Charlotte sighed.

No he didn

t hurt me,
but he did keep me from leaving the lift and grabbed hold of me for
a kiss which was meant to intimidate me.

She suddenly wished that she hadn

t said anything for Max

s voice
changed to one of intense anger.

I will
make him pay for his treatment of you. If he touches you or speaks
to you during the rest of the trip then you tell me. Do not be
alone for one second and always make sure that Luke, Colin or Mark
are with you. I don

t trust him and he is
capable of anything. I will come and get you tonight if you want me

She hastily said.

Look I

m fine. I can
handle Ronnie. I just want to get something to eat and have an
early night. Anyway what have you been up to?

He paused but then replied,

catching up with a few things,

he said
non committally, however I did see Gloria who told me that they are
arranging a surprise party at their house for

s 50
Birthday in two
weeks. We are all invited. I was hoping that we could go

he said suddenly with
uncertainty in his voice.

I would love

she said instantly cheering

Well I hope that there are no more
dramas until then. Thank you for calling me, I love to hear from
” “
Remember keep away from that thug
and call me the minute he even looks at you in the wrong

She laughed.

I will take care.

As she hung up
she felt very alone again. Will we ever get together, she thought

Her phone rang again
and it was Luke,

Charlotte are you ok,

ve just had an irate Max on the phone
saying something about Ronnie attacking you!
” “
Oh it was nothing, a storm in a teacup.

Well I will come up and get you for dinner;
that way you won

t have to worry about
him lurking in the corridor.

She laughed
but was grateful to him.

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