PRINCE CHARMING: A Secret Baby Stepbrother Romance (36 page)

“Fuck. Don’t stop doing that!” I cried out.

“Shhh. Our parents will hear.”

Tears of pleasure streamed down my face. I felt another orgasm coming on, a deep and internal one. “If you keep doing that, I’m going to come.”

He quickened his pace in response, and I shook my head back and forth in pleasure. I dug my fingertips into his shoulder as I began to come. I moaned in hiccups, the sensation totally overpowering me. He kept his pace steady, intensifying the orgasm.

I collapsed, totally limp. He held my legs steady and kept fucking me, even harder. I felt his cock swell even more inside me. The juices from my orgasm rolled down his balls, and he growled, fucking me faster.

He put my legs down gently and spread them so we were fucking missionary style. I kissed his neck, pulling him closer to me. He fucked me at an even pace, the pleasure still making my toes curl. I tried catching my breath, squeezing his hand.

“I’m going to come,” he warned.

“Come all over my tits,” I begged. I’d seen women do this in porn, and I thought it was hot.

He moaned and pulled out of me, his cock bigger than I’d ever seen it before. He jerked himself off, his cum covering my tits in erratic spurts. He groaned loudly as he did this, and I thought the sound of it was so erotic.

I didn’t take my eyes off his as I rubbed his cum into my breasts. He placed his hand against the wall, steadying himself as the last few drops spurted over me. He watched me for a moment, his cum covering me like an erotic lotion.

“Shit,” he said, exhaling.

“That was amazing.”

“You look so hot right now,” he said, grinning proudly.

“That’s because I’m wearing your cum.”

“Hold on, let me get you a towel.”

I laid on his bed, enjoying the sensation of being marked by him. He came back from the bathroom with one of the towels, a white one. He helped me dry off, and a part of me was sad that his cum was all gone now.

“Next time, I want to try swallowing it again,” I said.

He shook his head. “You’re insatiable, Amy.”

“Insatiable and tired.” I yawned.

“Me, too. It’s been a long day.”

“Let’s sleep in my bed. I missed it.”

He laughed. “All right.”

He followed me to my room, which was a bit warmer from earlier when I put on the heat. I realized I’d left my purse downstairs with my phone in it.

“Hold on, I need to go get my phone.” I pulled out some night pants and a t-shirt from my suitcase and threw them on.

“While you’re down there, can you get me some water?” he asked.

I nodded. “Sure.”

I made my way quietly down the stairs. Gary and my mother were asleep in the den, cuddled peacefully next to each other. I smiled to myself as I went to the kitchen. I took one of the clear glasses from the top cabinet and poured some tap water in. I was so excited to get back up to Ash that I nearly left my purse in the kitchen. I clutched it close to me and went back upstairs, where Ash was already chilling in bed.

“Our parents can’t get enough of each other,” I commented.

“They’re still awake?”

“Kinda. They’re downstairs, but they’re sleeping on the couch.”

“My dad hasn’t been this happy in a while,” he said.

“Yeah. My mom is finally happy too. And so am I.”

“Me, too. Now let’s crash. That drive to the airport today stressed me the hell out.” He chuckled

“The ride stressed you out? Being on a plane is harder.”

Ash took a sip of his water and placed it on my nightstand. I cuddled next to him, feeling relief wash over me. I’d wanted nothing more than this moment for so many months, and it was finally happening. I was finally where I belonged. I looked out the window, watching as the snow filtered down from the sky, feeling safe and cozy in Ash’s arms. When I opened my eyes, it was daytime.

“Amy?” I heard my mom say.

I sat up in bed. Mom was at the door, carrying a cup of coffee. My mom’s eyes trailed from Ash, to me, to Ash again. Obviously shocked, she closed the door gently.

“Shit!” I said, gasping. “Mom!” No response. I heard her go down the stairs. “Fuck!” I muttered. “Fuck, fuck, fuck!”

Ash woke up groggily, pulling the blankets over him. “What?” he mumbled.

“I forgot to lock the door when I came up last night. My mom just saw us!” I said, tears forming in my eyes.

Ash’s eyes shot open. He sat up quickly. “Oh, fuck. Really?” I’d never heard him nervous before, but even he knew what this might mean.

“What do we do?” I shrieked.

“We have to go downstairs and explain ourselves,” he replied. “There’s no other choice. She knows now.”

“Dammit,” I muttered. I started to cry. Ash comforted me, pulling me close.

“Listen, I’m going to get some pants on and a robe, and then we will go downstairs,” he said.

“I’m so embarrassed. I don’t think I can face your dad!” I said through tears.

“I’m not too happy to face your mom, either, but what’s done is done. We have to face it.”

I nodded, knowing it was the right thing to do. I got up and rummaged through my suitcase for my robe. I put it on, pulling it closer around myself for comfort. Ash joined me with a deep breath.

“You ready?”

“Yes,” I replied softly. Some part of me was relieved that they were about to know the truth. I hated hiding things from people, and I hated living a lie.

I hope Mom doesn’t hate me.

When we got downstairs, our parents were sitting in the den, waiting. Gary’s face was concerned, and his mouth was set in a tight line. My mom looked white as a ghost as she sipped her coffee. Her hands were shaking. I could barely make eye contact with her. Ash and I sat across from them on the sofa. Two minutes of awkward silence passed. Finally, my mom spoke.

“So how long has this been going on?” she asked.

“I can explain.” Ash cleared his throat. He was so mature right now. I wanted to hug him. “It all started at the beach. We got to know each other, and we started liking each other. We tried calling it off because we knew it could fuck up our family.”

“And I knew how happy you were, Mom. I didn’t mean to ruin anything for you. I’m so sorry,” I finished. I was crying again, tears sprinkling my lap.

My mother sighed and shook her head. She placed her head in her hands. “I knew something was going on.”

Gary blinked. “I honestly had no idea, although you guys did spend a lot of time together,” he said thoughtfully.

“I didn’t know if you knew or not, honestly,” I told my mom, blushing.

“I might be oblivious sometimes, but a mother knows her daughter. You looked just like I did when I first met Gary.”

This was the most awkward conversation I ever had in my life. I just wanted it to be over. I wished that I’d locked that door, but some doors had to be opened.

“Well, I guess it makes sense,” Gary said.

My mom raised an eyebrow. I was confused, too. How could this ever make sense?

Gary cleared his throat and took my mom’s hand. “I mean, you and I are attracted to each other, so it makes sense that our offspring would be attracted to each other.” He always sounded so logical. Ash took after him in that way.

Ash laughed. “Dad, what the hell?” he asked, shaking his head in disbelief.

There was an awkward silence, and I said, “I’ll leave. I’m sorry this happened. I don’t want to ruin this for you.” I looked at my mother and tears welled in my eyes. I rose, but Ash pulled on my arm. I looked at him, and he looked sad.

“If you leave, I will, too. This is partly my fault, anyway,” he said.

“No,” Mom said, shaking her head,” the only thing we can do is try to enjoy our holiday and deal with these issues later.”

“Really?” I asked. This lifted my spirits a bit. I sat back down, taking Ash’s hand.

“I’m not going to lie. I’m shocked—even upset,” she began. She took a sip of her coffee and continued. “We will need to figure this out, but I would much rather do it with a clear head.”

“I agree,” Gary said.

“For now, do you guys mind…being platonic?” my mom asked.

“Yes. We can do that,” I said, quickly. Ash nodded in agreement.

I looked at Ash, my heart filled with love and attraction. Who knew that taboo could be a tad fun right?




*** Two Months Later ***

“Ash! Can you fix the sink again? It’s leaking!” I called out.

Ash came bounding up the stairs. Sarah, her boyfriend, Ash and I were renting an apartment together. Ash had finished his apprenticeship and got a job in San Francisco, and I was almost done with school. Our parents had needed some space to adjust to this, and so did we. The fact that we could finally be open about our relationship was amazing, though.

“It’s leaking again?” he asked.

“Yeah,” Sarah replied. “It hasn’t stopped since this morning. I put a towel down, but it’s not helping.”

Ash exhaled and shook his head. Sarah was cutting broccoli and I was slicing some meat. We were making a stir fry, one of Ash’s favorite meals.

“Thanks, hon,” I said. Ash gave me a kiss.

“I have to get my toolbox. It’s in my old car.”

“You know the car Ash and I came up in? It’s really old. Ash was finally able to get it working, though. It’s his favorite,” I told Sarah, who looked impressed.

“He’s great at fixing things, that’s for sure.”

“He’s great at fixing a lot of things,” I replied.

I wasn’t sure that fixing everything with our family would be as easy, but I had hope. Love knows no limits, I knew that. My phone rang.

“Hey,” I greeted softly. My mother was on the other end.

“Hey dear. How’s it going over there? Are you doing well in class? Is Ash having fun?”

“Yeah. We’re doing great,” I said with a blush.

“Good,” she said.

“Listen, do you think that maybe Ash and I could come over for dinner in a couple of weeks? When I have break?” I asked.

My mom paused. “Yes. It’s about time we do that, I think.”

I grinned. “Really, Mom? You mean it?”

She sighed into the phone. “Yes. We have to get together at some point. I really want everything to be okay again,” she explained.

“It’s been okay, and it’ll be even more okay after I see you. I promise,” I said.

“I’m sure it will. I raised you to push the limit,” my mom said with a laugh.

“You know it,” I replied. “Hey, how does Gary feel about everything?”

“He’s entirely too logical about it, as usual. It’s odd. Of all things, this makes total sense to him.”

I looked around the house, feeling as though it was finally a home. Without Ashton in my life, I had been waiting for something. With him, I had finally found it.

“You know, when Dad left, the only thing I wanted was for us both to be happy,” my mom began.

“And I’m glad we both are now. Very glad,” I finished.







(A Stepbrother









Mia Carson






All Rights Reserved




Claire got out of the cab and looked in horror as Trent, her fiancé, held a woman in his arms and kissed her lovingly on the lips in front of his house. She wanted to run or close her eyes and pretend the man she had been dating since after high school, for three years, was not kissing another woman the day before their wedding. But even the darkness that would come if she closed her eyes was insufficient to rid her confused mind of the event unfolding in front of her.

He stroked the woman’s face and spoke soothingly to her; he was so engrossed in their conversation that he didn’t see Claire until she had seen too much. By the time he did see her, her cheeks were drenched with tears. She remained motionless as he ran towards her.

“Claire, this isn’t...”

She looked up at him, feeling like a zombie. She felt nothing, heard nothing, saw nothing except the woman who stood uncomfortably a few feet away from them.

“Look, I can explain,” he told her. But there was nothing he could say to make the situation right.

“I wanted to see you one last time before tomorrow,” she said as the tears poured down. “I’m such an idiot.”

“Claire,” he said softly, his eyes pleading with her. “I never meant for this...”

“You’re fucked up, Trent, and you know it. Just fucking leave me alone!” she said as she walked away.

“Claire!” he called after her, but she didn’t stop. “Let me at least give you a ride home.”

“Fuck off,” Claire said, just as she stumbled into an older man on the pavement, but he caught her as she did.

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