Prince of Spies (5 page)

Read Prince of Spies Online

Authors: Bianca D'Arc

Tags: #Romance, #Fantasy, #Erotica, #Adult, #Fiction, #General, #Dragons, #Knights and Knighthood

Chapter Four

Riki stepped from the pond to stand before him and Nico’s mouth went dry. She was so beautiful, even skinny and hurt as she was. Her poor, little, battered body touched something deep inside him. Nico knew what she would look like when her wounds were healed and she was healthy once more. He had, after all, seen her twin sister Lana naked in the bath with his older brother, Roland.

While he’d admired Lana’s smooth curves and womanly form, she didn’t stir him like this. No, there was something special about Riki. She affected him like no woman ever before, on so many different levels. She was malnourished and bruised now, but he saw the beauty of her soul, the purity of her spirit shining through those lovely green eyes. He knew, given half a chance and some time to heal, Riki could easily make him her willing slave.

Not allowing himself a moment’s more temptation, Nico handed her the dress and shifted to dragon form. If he stayed in his human form, he’d drag her into his arms. He simply didn’t trust himself not to ravish her, and he could see from the hesitant curiosity in her eyes that she would welcome his advances—or at least he could make her welcome them with a little coaxing. It was one of the things Nico did best, coaxing people to do his bidding, but he refused to take Riki that way. No, if she came to his bed, she would come of her own volition, of her own free will.

That was the only way he could be sure of her, certain she would be completely his.

And suddenly, that was the most important thing in his world.

Sucking in a deep breath, Nico puffed warm air over Riki’s wet skin, admiring the way her little nipples stood at attention. She was so beautiful.

After a moment of shyness, Riki held the dress out to her side so his warm dragon breath could float over her whole body. She turned around so he could dry her back and he had to appreciate the sight of her pert bottom.

There were lash marks, too, crisscrossing her back, that fired his anger.

Lucan would pay for what he’d done to this woman.

“Why are you growling? Is something wrong?” Riki craned her neck around to look at him and Nico knew he had to get his rage under control.

It’s nothing
, he answered in her mind, glad when she pulled the thin dress over her head. He shifted quickly to human form, pulling her back into his arms, hugging her tight. “No one will ever beat you again, Arikia.”

The words shivered through him, a vow he would not break. His arms trembled as he held her against his chest, his arms as gentle as he could make them around her waist and shoulders.

“It’s all right, Nico.”

Her voice soothed the raging anger in his soul. Nico kissed her damp hair with tender desperation. What he was feeling inside was bigger than anything he’d ever felt before. His dragon soul was roaring for its mate while his human heart trembled in awe at the thought this delicate creature might actually be the woman he’d been searching for all his life.

“I’m not much of a healer, Riki, but when we’re out of danger, I’ll do my best to see those marks are removed and every last scar healed. I only wish I could make it so you’d never suffered at all.”

She turned in his arms, surprising him and testing his control. It was all he could do not to kiss her and take her to the ground beneath him. He wanted her desperately.

But her safety and comfort had to come first. This was no time for Nico to let his base desires overrule his common sense. He had to remain alert for any danger. This was Skithdron after all. Danger came in many forms in this land.

Lucan was also sure to be looking for them. The crazy king would not suffer their escape happily. No, he would send his guards after them. He would spread word throughout the land, searching for them.

Nico had to be on guard. Certainly, in his role as Spymaster of Draconia, he’d been in dire straits before, but this time was different. This time, it wasn’t just his own skin at stake, and he refused to take any chances with Riki’s precious life. She pressed close to his chest, gazing up at him as if she could see right into his soul.

“Thank you, Nico, but you’ve got to save your strength. We need to get out of Skithdron as quickly as

possible.” Her words brought him back to his senses. “You’ll get no argument from me on that score, milady. But first, we have to rest. And then we need to secure some food and perhaps some warmer clothing for you.”

“But where?”

“We’re near a large town.” He nodded toward his left as he let her pull away from him, little by little. It

was hard to let her go, but he knew he had to do so. “After we rest, just before sundown, we’ll go into

the village and get what we need.”

“But we don’t have any money.”

Nico grinned as she moved away and sat on the rock he’d used before. “I could steal what we need,

but as it happens,” he lifted his left foot and opened a secret compartment in the sole of his boot, “I do have some coin left.”

Riki leaned over to look at the footwear more closely. “That’s ingenious!”

Nico bowed slightly. “Thank you. I thought so too. Lucan’s men took my purse and all other items of

value, but I always try to have a stash available for emergencies such as this.”

“You do this kind of thing often, then?” Her teasing smile enchanted him.

Nico shrugged. “Often enough. It’s one of the hazards of being a spy.”

He watched her reaction closely. He’d never told a woman the truth of his profession before, but this

woman was different. Her reaction mattered to him. It nearly sickened him to think she might be horrified by the idea, but he needn’t have worried.

Her beautiful eyes lit with sparks of interest and a kind of daring intrigue mirroring the way he felt about the work he performed in service to his land and people.

“I knew there was something special about you.”

Her casual acceptance seeped into his heart and warmed his soul.

“You’re the special one, milady. I’m but a humble soldier in service to my king.” “You work for the king of Draconia?” Nico nodded as he pocketed just a few of the spare coins in his shoe, leaving the rest hidden. “He’s my brother.” “Your brother? So does that make you a prince?” She paused.

“Good gods! You’re
Nicolas.” He bowed his head, laughing at her stunned reaction. “The very same.” “Lucan is a fool. He had no idea who you were.” “All the better for me. If he’d known—“

“If he’d known,” she cut him off, her voice somber, “you’d already be dead.

He hates the royal family of Draconia. He’s insanely jealous of you all and wants every last one of you dead. He rants about it, even when he’s alone.

It’s an obsession of his.”

“I feared as much. We’ve learned only recently about his machinations even before he was crowned, and all evidence points to the fact that he’s been working for years to destroy every royal line in Draconia. Including yours.”

“Me?” She laughed nervously. “I’m not royal.”

“I beg to differ. Rightfully, you are Princess Arikia of the House of Kent.”

“You must be joking!”

He smiled at her, enjoying her soft manner, even when outraged. “Afraid not. Your mother was the only survivor when her entire family was murdered. I believe that was done at Lucan’s command, though I may never be able to prove it. As far as we’ve been able to determine, a maidservant took your mother, who was just a baby at the time, and ran off the very night of the massacre. She raised your mother, renaming her and keeping her as her own, so she never knew of her birthright, but yet she had an affinity for dragons that led her—even as a toddler—to the dragoness, Kelzy.”

“So you’re saying my mother is like you? Half-dragon?”

“As you are. All the members of the various royal lines carry the dragon as part of their soul. All the descendants of Draneth are half dragon, and therefore royal. Your line descends from Kent, third son of Draneth, so like it or not, you’re a princess of Draconia.” She didn’t look convinced.

“I suppose we’re cousins, then?” She seemed to be thinking out loud.

Nico moved close to her, sweeping one arm around her waist and pulling her lithe form up against his chest. He liked the little gasp she emitted at his sudden move. He liked even more that she didn’t make the slightest attempt to pull away.

“Only if we’re kissing cousins, my lovely Arikia.” He placed a sweet kiss on her lips, hesitating only a moment before taking it deeper, claiming her mouth with his own.

She tasted of violets and springtime…and the need for possession. He would give anything to make her his own, for all time, but he couldn’t rush her. Nico knew he had to do this right. This was, perhaps, the most important seduction of his life and he would be damned sure to give her the time she needed to come to him of her own volition. Remembering his goal, he drew back, though it was one of the hardest things he’d ever done.

“You’re a wonder to me, Arikia. So strong, so feminine, so beautiful in spirit and heart.”

The blush staining her cheeks touched him. This little woman wasn’t used to compliments of any kind, he realized. He would have to remedy that and make her understand her beauty—both inner and outer—by reminding her everyday for the rest of their lives. It was a duty he would not only enjoy, but relish.

Stepping back, he released her slowly.

“Any other questions?”

She seemed to consider for a moment.

“Where do your clothes go when you shift?”

Nico couldn’t help it. He burst out laughing. Of all the questions he’d expected, that one took him by surprise.

“I don’t know exactly where they go, but back when I was first learning how to shift, they didn’t always come back.” He chuckled as her eyes widened and dropped down his body, giving him the once over. “It’s part of the magic Draneth the Wise brokered between dragon and humankind.”

“He was a wizard, wasn’t he?”

Nico nodded. “One of the last in this realm. He gave up his command of the greater magics to become human—and dragon—though some of his lesser magics have passed down the royal lines through his children and their descendants for hundreds of years. I can’t conjure items from thin air, but if I had something on my person at the time I shifted—like those coins in my shoe—I can summon them back when I shift back.” Nico noted the position of the sun in the sky. “Now we should rest for a few hours.” Brushing a small area in the crevice between two natural walls of stone that formed a slight angle and would protect them somewhat, Nico motioned for her to lie down on the sandy ground.

Riki did so without complaint and it again struck home to Nico how this poor little waif had not had much comfort in her young life. She seemed unaware of the hardness of the ground against her body, but settled in as if she were used to sleeping on the floor. And indeed, Nico realized sadly, she probably was.

After a last check, Nico lay down next to her. She trembled a bit, and he could almost taste her fear, but he would protect her from all danger. Even from himself.

“Rest easy, little one.” He crooned to her, pulling her small body back against his with one strong arm around her waist. “I won’t hurt you. I’m just going to hold you and keep you safe.”

He also hoped for some of that remarkable healing energy exchanging between them as they slept and making them both stronger. It wasn’t guaranteed, he knew, but they had to be touching in order for it to have a chance at working.

But touching is all he would do.

Even if it killed him.

No matter how badly he wanted—no,
—to roll her beneath him and slide home into her warm depths. He couldn’t. He wouldn’t. No, she had to come to him. That’s the only way he could bind her to him for the rest of their lives and beyond. By her own free will.

That thought firmly in mind, Nicolas spooned her into his body, stroking her hair and soothing her as best he could. Trust had to be earned, he well knew, and this was the first step. He would hold her as they slept and she would learn she could trust him with her safety, her body, and yes, her virginity.


He refused to hear her objections. This was too important.

“Hush, sweetheart. Trust me. All I want to do is hold you. That’s all. This is how you’ll learn to trust me. I promise you.”

“I’m not used to this.”

“Yet you slept nestled against me in Lucan’s chamber and came to no harm. Trust me in this, sweetheart. I will never, ever harm you. It would kill me to hurt you.”

“You don’t even know me,” she objected. “Sometimes I feel like I don’t even know myself.” That last was a whispered confession as he felt her tremble against him.

Nico held her tighter, soothing her as best he could while she shook with emotion. He thought she might even be crying, and he knew that was probably a good thing. After all she’d been through, Riki needed to let a little of the hurt out.

“It’s all right, baby. I’ve got you. And I know all I need to know about you.”

He kissed the crown of her head. “I know you are a good, caring, giving person. You healed me when you didn’t really need to do more than keep me alive for Lucan’s next round. You have the courage of a knight and the heart of a dragon. You, who have never flown before, trusted me enough to take a leap of faith of the highest turret in Skithdron into the black of night and never once complained.”

She chuckled then and it was a watery sound. She
crying, and it nearly broke his heart.

“That wasn’t courage. That was fear of being recaptured.” She grew stiff once more as she whispered, “I’d rather have died.”

“No, sweetheart. Never think that. Where there’s life, there’s hope. And wherever you are, there I’ll be, ready to help you in whatever way I can. I promise you that. Now and forever.”

“You’re a kind man, Nico.”

“Oh, please don’t let that get around. It would ruin my reputation as a scoundrel.”

She chuckled again and this time the sound was more lighthearted and less sad.

“A kind scoundrel, then. Is that better?”

“Just a bit,” he agreed, kissing her hair and settling her into his warmth.

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