Private Dicks (11 page)

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Authors: Katie Allen

Wash snorted. “Whatever. You better knock off this
protective shit right now. I was taking care of myself long before you came
along. Just because we fucked doesn’t mean you have to be my savior.”

Although he frowned, Rhodes knew his partner was right.
“Fine. Hopefully it won’t even come to that.”

Wash broke into a happy grin. “You thinking what I’m

“Probably.” Shooting Wash a sideways look, Rhodes added,
“That’s what scares me.”

“I’m thinking of grabbing Miguel back before Friday.”

Wash’s excitement was contagious. One corner of his mouth
kicking up, Rhodes asked, “Think Trevor’ll be up for giving us an…unofficial

“If he does,
kiss him! Call him,” Wash urged but
Rhodes shook his head.

“I don’t know if he’s still working. If he’s not, he’s
probably sleeping.” He glanced at his watch—almost midnight. “It’s late.”

“Tomorrow then.” As Wash stood and stretched, Rhodes
couldn’t help but watch. His t-shirt was tight enough to show the muscles
bunching and flattening in his back.

“You leaving?” Rhodes tried for casual but had to cringe at
the plaintive note that had crept into his voice.

“Prob’ly should,” Wash yawned. “D’you want to talk about the
case some more? Figured we’d be too tired pretty soon to make much sense.”

“Yeah, you’re right.” Panic was creeping in, tightening
Rhodes’ stomach and making him blurt, “Can you stay?”

Stopping in mid-stretch to stare at his partner in surprise,
Wash let his arms drop as he shrugged. “Sure.” He plopped down on the couch
again and looked at Rhodes. “Want to go over the police files again?” Wash did
not sound excited about that plan.

“No, I meant…” As he trailed off, Rhodes gritted his teeth.
Why did he even have to start this? The request had just fallen out of his
mouth, the result of thinking about another endless, sleepless night. If he
closed his eyes, he knew, just
that he’d see Miguel, curled
defensively in that barren room. He’d feel the clammy, too-hard press of Ness’
hand shaking his own, hear the cool thrill of the man’s voice as he sold a
little boy.

Despite the long night looming ahead, he shouldn’t have said
anything to Wash. How was he going to get out of this without Wash knowing what
a scared-of-the-dark baby Rhodes was being?

As the silence stretched, Wash’s expression changed from
curious to concerned. “What is it, Rhodie?”

With a humorless laugh, Rhodes scrubbed his hands over his
face. “Nothing. Really, just forget I said anything. I’m just tired.”

Instead of getting up again, Wash settled back into the
couch. “Nope. I’m not leaving ’til you explain what’s going on.”

Rhodes blew out a hard breath. “Fine, you stubborn
motherfucker. I was asking you to stay over.”

“Like, sleep over?” Wash’s face was uncertain. “I thought we

Shaking his head, Rhodes clarified, “Sleep as in sleep. Not
sleep as in fuck.”

Wash’s grin was reappearing. “Like in sixth grade? A pajama
party? Should we talk about boys?”


“Oh right—we really
talk about boys.” Wash
laughed. “Not that we talk about them much. Think about boys then. OMG, did you
see that cute bouncer outside the club tonight?”

Rhodes laughed too, some of the tension sliding out of his
shoulders. “OMG, I totally did.” His falsetto made Wash fall over in
convulsions of hysterical laughter.

“If I were drinking a beer, it’d totally be coming out my
nose right now,” he informed Rhodes as he regained control.

“What kind of teenage-girl sleepovers did you go to where
they were drinking beer?” Rhodes asked him.

“They don’t have beer? No wonder I didn’t go to any. Lame.”
Wash shook his head in disapproval.

His amusement dying away, Rhodes told him, “I was being
stupid. You can go.”

“I’ll stay over—saves me a trip home and I’ll get an extra
hour of sleep. Can I use your toothbrush?”

“If you really want to,” Rhodes said with mild disgust. “Or
you can use the brand-new one in the drawer by the sink.”

With a quick grin, Wash stood up again—this time to head
toward the bathroom. “Nope, I’ll use yours.”

Tossing a throw pillow at his partner’s back, Rhodes smiled.

“For what?” Wash cocked a curious eyebrow, turning to lean
against the bathroom doorframe.

“Staying. After Ness, I just didn’t want to be alone.”

Rolling his eyes in exaggerated agreement, Wash said, “Yeah,
tell me about it—I’m the one who has to be his trade-in love slave. You need to
get some sleep for our big day tomorrow—breaking, entering
trespassing. It’s like a field trip from heaven!” His face lit with glee.

As Wash stepped into the bathroom, shutting the door behind
him, Rhodes could hear him singing. A new kind of tightness constricted his
lungs and he fought to shake it off. Last night had been a one-time thing. Wash
was a friend—such a good friend that he’d stay over to make Rhodes feel better.
Thinking it was anything more was asking for heartache.


For a second night in a row, Rhodes slept like the dead. The
deep, dreamless sleep was as addicting as a drug. Waking slowly, he smiled at
the warmth that was Wash, tucked against his front. Rhodes’ cock lined up
exactly with the crack in Wash’s ass and his sleepy brain thought it was
perfectly logical to wrap a hand over the other man’s hip to pull him even more
tightly against his erection.

“Do teenaged girls do this at slumber parties?” Wash asked
in a voice raspy with sleep.

“Maybe. Who knows what happens in those Hannah Montana
sleeping bags,” Rhodes growled, letting his hand slide over Wash’s hipbone.
Something, whether it was the faint early morning light or his not-quite-awake
brain or the warm and cozy cocoon made up of the covers and Wash—whatever it
was made Rhodes brave. When his fingers closed over the fleece-covered bulge of
his partner’s cock, Wash jerked in surprise, jamming his ass against Rhodes’

Rhodes groaned, both from the agonizing pressure and his
discovery that Wash was as hard as a rock beneath his fingers. His hand found
the waistband of Wash’s borrowed sweatpants and burrowed underneath. Rhodes
thrilled at the touch of warm skin, the ripple of stimulated muscle beneath his
touch as he slid across Wash’s lower abs to find the hard column of his cock.

When Rhodes’ fingers gripped his erection, Wash hissed out a
breath. Rhodes paused but the other man didn’t pull away. In fact, his hips
drove forward a bare inch, thrusting into Rhodes’ fist.

Although he was dying to slide his hand up and down Wash’s
cock, he released him.

“Wait,” gasped Wash, but Rhodes was just shoving his own
sweatpants down to his thighs and then yanking at Wash’s. When his erection
pressed hot and rigid against Wash’s bare ass, Rhodes clenched his teeth
against a whimper. The skin on skin felt so fucking good.

“Thought we weren’t doing this again,” Wash murmured,
although his ass pushed back against Rhodes’ cock in direct contradiction to
his words.

“Don’t worry,” Rhodes reassured him, grasping the smooth
heat of his partner’s cock again. “I’m not going to fuck you. I just wanted to
feel you against me.” He ran his fist the full length of Wash’s erection, down
and back up again, using his thumb to smear pre-cum around the head. When
Wash’s ass cheeks clenched, gripping the stiff cock tucked between them,
Rhodes’ eyes rolled back in ecstasy.

“Shit,” groaned Wash, echoing his partner’s thoughts. “I’ve
changed my mind. We should fuck. We definitely should fuck.”

Heat prickled over Rhodes’ skin as he fought back his need
to come at Wash’s words. “Let’s fuck then,” he gritted out. Turning Wash onto
his back, Rhodes snatched the sweatpants down Wash’s legs and tossed them away.

As Rhodes moved between his legs, Wash’s eyelids lowered to
half-mast, a flush of desire marking his cheeks. He made no move to stop Rhodes
as he pulled Wash’s legs over his shoulders.

Sucking two of his own fingers into his mouth, Rhodes moved
them in and out, putting on a show for a fascinated Wash. When they were
slippery with spit, Rhodes pulled them free and bent to suck Wash’s cock into
his mouth.

Wash moaned as Rhodes swallowed his length and then drew
back, leaving Wash’s cock glistening with moisture and quivering with need.
Rhodes fisted the slick shaft in front of him, his fingers sliding easily as he
worked the massive erection. Without slowing his squeezing fist, Rhodes worked
one wet finger into the puckered hole of Wash’s ass, almost coming at the
gripping pressure.

At the invasion, Wash groaned and tightened around the
finger inside him. Panting hard, his hips twitching, he slid his erection
through Rhodes’ fist before pushing down against his partner’s penetrating
finger, driving the digit another inch into his ass.

Rhodes squeezed his eyes closed, feeling his face twist as
if he was in pain. “Fuck,” he groaned. Everything inside him demanded that he
pull his finger free and replace it with his swollen cock, jam the entire
length up Wash’s ass and fuck him until they both screamed with pleasure and

A small, pleading noise brought Rhodes back to the present.
He opened his eyes to see the need on Wash’s face. With another thrust of his
hips, Wash impaled himself farther.

“Please?” Wash’s voice didn’t even sound like his. Surely
this desperate plea hadn’t come from Rhodes’ tough, bad-ass partner? “Please,”
Wash begged again, and a line of shivers tore along Rhodes’ spine. With a
growl, he rotated his finger against the resistance of Wash’s ass, gradually
feeling the muscles loosening, allowing him to press the entire length into
Wash and pull out with a twist.

Adding a second finger to the penetration, Rhodes pushed
both into his partner, feeling the groan that vibrated through Wash from the
inside. He began moving both his hands—one stroking Wash’s cock and the other
fucking his ass—in a matching, merciless rhythm. Pre-cum leaked from Wash’s
slit and Rhodes couldn’t stand it, he had to lap at the head of Wash’s cock.

The touch of Rhodes’ mouth must have touched off an explosion
in Wash, since his hips jerked wildly, bumping against the fist clutching him
and then swinging back, driving Rhodes’ fingers deeper inside him.

“Fuck me, please!” begged Wash and Rhodes bit back a
whimper. Christ, there was nothing he wanted more but he didn’t think he could
take another one of Wash’s post-coital repentance parties. Clinging to his
control, Rhodes moved faster, slamming his fingers deep into Wash’s ass, fist
tightening around his partner’s cock, his hand moving so quickly it was almost
a blur.

As he felt Wash’s erection swell in his grip, Rhodes dipped
his head and swallowed the entire length, allowing the hard shaft to enter his
throat as his hand dropped to Wash’s drawn-up balls and squeezed firmly. With a
shout of release, Wash grabbed the shaved head between his legs and thrust
hard, shooting down Rhodes’ welcoming throat.

Rhodes swallowed, eager to take him in, suckling gently
until the shudders ceased. Gently pulling his mouth and fingers from Wash’s
body, he felt his partner’s shivering sigh at his withdrawal.

“Your turn,” Wash said, tugging Rhodes up to kiss his mouth.

“Mmm,” Rhodes murmured against Wash’s lips, loving the
different tastes of his partner. His mouth, his skin, his cock and his cum—all
varied but all Wash. Pushing him off too soon, Wash raised an eyebrow.

“What do you want?” Wash asked.

Rhodes blinked, hoping he had just thought that
instead of saying it out loud. “Um, what?”

“I’ll do whatever you want. I just don’t know what you
like,” Wash admitted, his cheeks darkening in a flush. “Do you want me to jerk
you off? Suck you? Rim you?”

“Yes,” Rhodes agreed. Just the words sent a shockwave
directly to his rigid cock.

With the beginning of a grin, Wash asked, “Yes to which

“Surprise me.”

As he nudged Rhodes over onto his back, Wash’s eyes narrowed
and darkened, driving all the breath Rhodes had left right out of his lungs.

“Are you sure?” he managed to gasp.

Grinning wickedly, Wash nodded. “Think I didn’t know what
would happen if we spent the night together? So just lie back and enjoy it.”
His fingers reached for Rhodes’ cock.

Helpless to do anything except follow his partner’s
instructions, Rhodes closed his eyes and groaned as Wash’s fingers explored his
erection. The rough surface of his partner’s palm barely made contact with
Rhodes’ cock, making him gasp and quiver and grit his teeth against the need to
thrust his hips.

When Wash’s fingers finally closed on his rigid shaft,
Rhodes groaned and lost the battle with his hips—he drove into his partner’s
grip, helpless against the need to fuck Wash’s fist.

“Whoa,” Wash muttered and Rhodes’ eyes popped open. He
panicked at the thought that Wash was reconsidering. Instead, Wash was staring
at Rhodes’ erection with fascination laced with hunger. Rhodes’ heart jumped with

“This is really cool,” Wash admitted.

Despite his raging need, Rhodes almost managed a smile.
“Yeah, dude,” he mocked.

Narrowing his eyes, Wash tightened his hand in a rippling
vise down the length of the cock in his grip. “Going to make fun of me some
more?” he asked with an innocent smile.

“Nuh-uh,” Rhodes managed to force out as his breath left his
lungs in a rush.

“Okay then. Good.” Loosening his grip a fraction, Wash
traced slick circles around the tip of Rhodes’ erection with his thumb. “I never
thought I’d get to do this with you. I mean, I’ve thought about you like that a
few times. Okay, so maybe it was more than a few times. When you told me you
were gay, that’s pretty much all I thought about.”

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