Proditor : Book 5 of the Heku Series (18 page)

Read Proditor : Book 5 of the Heku Series Online

Authors: T.M. Nielsen

Tags: #chevalier, #encala, #equites, #heku, #heku series, #valle, #vampire, #vampire action, #vampire book, #vampire books, #vampire drama, #vampire legend, #vampire novel

All that time… I worked
two jobs, and then came home to feed the cows, and he had this,”
Emily said, clearly upset.

I didn’t know, Emi. When
he and I talked, he was always telling me about how the ranch was
having problems and could go under,” Keenan said.

Emily pulled some papers out of the stack,
“He… he had a million dollar life insurance policy on me?”

Keenan nodded, “Apparently, he did.”

Emily turned toward the window. She was so
mad that tears were forming. Kyle had to hold Chevalier back when
Keenan reached out and touched Emily’s hand.

None of us knew… we knew
what he did to you, no one’s that blind, but we didn’t know about
the ranch, or money, or the life insurance policy,” Keenan said

Emily handed all of the papers back to
Keenan, “I don’t want any of it.”

Take it, no one can afford
to turn this down, and I have the horses with me, if you have a
place for them.”

I don’t want the money. I
don’t want anything from Keith.”

Keenan smiled slightly, “I know... but think
how mad Keith would be if he knew his death gave you $500,000 and
seven of his fastest racing horses.”

Emily laughed and nodded, “That’s true.”

Dad and I guess that
racing paid off in the end. There’s no other way he could have
gotten the money to buy that ranch.”

Why don’t you take the

I got half of it already,
take it, it’s yours,” Keenan said, and turned to Kyle. “Do you have
room for 7 horses?”

Kyle nodded, “Yeah, we do. Are they out

Yes, take the bridles and
saddles too, I don’t need them,” Keenan told him.

Kyle waited with Chevalier, afraid to leave
him alone.

Keenan handed Emily a pen, and she signed
where he told her to, and then stood up, reaching a hand out to
Emily to help her up. He pulled her into a hug, and then looked
down at her.

When Tiny over here dies,”
Keenan said, motioning to Kyle, who stood over 8 inches taller than
he, “Don’t forget, I’m next in line.”

Emily frowned, “I thought you preferred cows
over women.”

Keenan laughed, “Only in a pinch.”

Ew, nasty,” Emily said,
and pushed him slightly.

I’ll help you get those
horses,” Keenan said, and hugged Emily again briefly.

They’re taken care of,”
Kyle told him.

Keenan frowned, “Oh… I guess… I didn’t see
you call someone to get them.”

Kyle smiled, “Well I did, and your trailer’s

Keenan nodded and shook Kyle’s hand, “Lucky

Kyle just smiled and nodded.

Take care, Hun,” Emily
said, and saw Keenan to the door. She shut the door behind him and
turned around, “I am such an idiot.”

Why’s that?” Chevalier
asked her.

I supported Keith’s ass
for eight years, and the whole time, he had money… and another
ranch that I didn’t even know about,” Emily said, heading down into
the tunnels.

That somehow doesn’t
surprise me,” Kyle said. “But the life insurance is

I swear if he were still
alive, I’d kill him myself,” Emily said angrily.

When they got into the palace, Emily handed
the packet of papers over to Kyle and then took off for the garage,
still mumbling about Keith. Chevalier watched her go and then heard
the Jeep leave the garage.

Damnit, we were talking,”
Chevalier said, frowning.

Did she tell you what
Exavior accused us of?” Kyle asked.

No, she’s not talking. I
swear… she’s more stubborn than most prisoners we

It’s too bad she doesn’t
trust Zohn, he got closer than we did.”

I may try Quinn, see if
she’ll talk to him.”

Kyle held up the papers, “I’ll take these to
the lawyers, just in case anything’s fishy, and I’ll put that check
into her account.”

Chevalier nodded and went to his office.

Emily sat in the Durango, covered in a
blanket, and stared at the ceiling. She couldn’t believe that Keith
had money. Most of their fights had been over money problems, and
the entire time, he had the extra ranch and money to spare.

Her mind suddenly shifted back to the round
room and Storm’s sudden appearance. Emily always suspected that
Storm and Chevalier may have been an item at some point in their
lives, but hadn’t seen any sign of it since she came around. Now
with the round room, she wondered if the flame was rekindled.

There are some things in
the heku nature that you might not understand,” Emily whispered to

Emily jumped when someone knocked on the
Durango’s door.

Sorry,” Quinn said, and
slid into the driver’s door. “That little quote of yours is about
to drive half of my Council insane.”

So much for moving the
Durango,” Emily said, and looked back out the window.

Sorry, you’re just not
that hard to find.”

So Chevalier thought I’d
talk to you, eh?” Emily asked, still looking out the

Quinn grinned, “Yes.”

I won’t.”

I figured as

Why is it bothering them
so bad?”

We’re misunderstood as a
species, and you mean a lot to them. They don’t want you getting
the wrong idea about something an enemy told you.”

I’ve been thinking about
that… maybe I should go talk to William.”

Quinn nodded, “From Thukil?”

No, the Encala Elder… you
all need last names.”

Why would you want to talk
to him?”

To get an unbiased opinion
on the matter, see if his story lines up with Exavior’s,” Emily

I can give you an unbiased

Emily smiled, “Not if you’re doing it

Am I?”

Yes,” Emily said, and
pulled the blanket up higher.

Quinn raised an eyebrow, “I wasn’t aware I
was doing it also.”

You all do.”

So William would be doing
this as well? How is that unbiased?”

Because I can see if what
he says… matches what Exavior said.”

I see,” Quinn said, and
leaned back in the chair.

Was there… something

I heard about what your
ex-husband did.”

Oh great, I love when news
of my idiocy travels,” Emily sighed.

I know what you’re
thinking, and you aren’t gullible. You’re trusting, which is an
endearing trait.”

Damn, do you remember
everything I said?”

Quinn laughed, “Yes, I do.”

Emily reached her hand out of the blanket,
“Can I borrow your cell phone?”

Where is yours?” he asked,
and handed it over.

I don’t need Chev finding
out I’m calling the Encala Council,” she explained, and smiled

I see,” Quinn said again.
He glanced over at Emily and took the hint that it was time for him
to leave. He smiled and then blurred from the area.

Emily jumped when Quinn’s phone rang,

This is the Encala
Council,” a gruff voice said.

Emily almost hung up, but took a deep
breath, “Is William there?”

Who is this?” another
voice asked, and she could tell she was on speakerphone.

It’s Emily.” She hated how
she could hear whispers the second she gave her name.

I’m here, Emily,” William

Can you… talk…

Go,” she heard William
say, and then the static from the conference call ended when he
picked up the phone. “Ok, I’m alone.”

I’m sorry to bother

Never a bother,

Can I talk to you without
any of it getting back to the Equites… or even around your own

Yes, I can guarantee

I need to talk to an
unbiased heku,” Emily said, and she blushed, even though she was

Ok,” he sounded

I saw something… here in
the palace…” Emily looked around the trees quickly.

You shouldn’t talk to me
about the Equites palace,” William told her.

It’s not that specific…
anyway… it’s a round room, with runes…” she paused, hoping he would

There would be

Please… don’t make me say
which one.”

William chuckled, “Yes, I know the

So, what’s it for?” Emily
asked, irritated that he sounded amused.

Well… was anyone in it
when you saw in?”


Then… that’s what it’s

Does…” Emily sighed,
“Everyone… use it?”

Are you trying to find out
if Chevalier uses it?”

Sort of,” she

That’s hard for me to say.
I’ve never joined… in… with the Equites,” William said, and

So you… use


Does anyone you know, not
use it?”

I only know a couple that
don’t use it regularly.”

Have you ever been
married?” Emily asked softly.

Well,” William said, and
hesitated. “Yes.”

Did you use it

No, I didn’t.”

Emily thought for a moment, “Why is there
even a special room for that?”

William sighed, “It’s a controlled

That’s what Exavior said.”
Emily thought for a moment, “Are there always… you know…

Mostly, thus the control
is needed.”

This is… beyond insane,”
Emily said angrily.

It’s simply part of our
nature. If you are this concerned over it, I suggest you give the
room a try.”

What? No!” Emily said,

Your decision,” William

I’ve lived with heku for
almost 11 years, and I’ve never seen or heard anything about

It’s not something we

Emily was too mad to talk. She was sure
Storm was in the palace for a reason, and it disgusted her. Her
talk with William hadn’t entirely confirmed what Exavior said, but
came close.

Child… are you ok?”
William asked, and his voice sounded truly concerned.

I don’t know.”

Do you have a pen and

Emily opened her glove box and grabbed some,

Take down my number, and
call me if you need anything. Anything at all,” William said, and
gave her his cell phone number.


After hanging up, Emily got back into the
Jeep and returned to the palace, where she was stopped by the
main-floor guards.

Lady Emily, the Elders are
waiting for you in Quinn’s office,” Kralen said.

Emily blushed when he spoke to her, and then
nodded, heading off for Quinn’s office. She knocked softly, and
when the door opened, she frowned and turned around to run, but
Kyle grabbed her arm gently.

You’re not in trouble,
come in,” Kyle said, amused.

Emily turned around and stepped into the
office. Chevalier, Zohn, Quinn, Mark, Kyle, and Silas were all in
there, watching her. She sat down on the only available seat.

What?” she asked

Did you speak to William?”
Quinn asked.

You told?” Emily asked
him, starting to get angry.

Quinn nodded, “Yes, I felt it was

Actually, he called your
phone and yes, I talked to him,” Emily said, glaring at him. “I
can keep a

Chevalier had already warned the heku that
she would try to pick a fight, and they were prepared to

I bet he can... but did he
talk to you?” Quinn asked.

Emily glanced around at the heku
uncomfortably, “Yes.”

What did he

None of your business,”
Emily said, frowning.

Zohn sighed, “Can you at least tell us if he
confirmed what Exavior said?”

Emily shrugged, “For the most part.”

But not

No, not

So he disproved it then,”
Kyle said.

No, he didn’t.”

Em, we gathered to help
you. We got the heku you trust the most, so we can get to the
bottom of this,” Chevalier said.

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