Promises: Part I (Bounty Hunters Book 1) (19 page)

“I like your place, babe.” Vaughan smiled, walking around Duke’s condo. It wasn’t anything that would make
Ideal Home
magazine, but it was his and it was clean. Duke dropped his own bag by the couch and sat down to look through his mail; Charlie had stacked it on his coffee table.

When he’d finished separating what was important from what was junk, he leaned back and linked his fingers behind his head, resting his throbbing skull against the back of the couch. Vaughan leaned in to read the spines on the vast collection of mystery novels on his bookshelf. He had biographies and documentaries lining the bottom shelves as well. Vaughan kicked his shoes off before coming and settling next to Duke.

“How you feeling?” Vaughan asked.

Duke pulled Vaughan into his side so he could bury his nose in his hair and breathe in his clean scent. “I’m alright. I’m just concerned about Quick. He’s fighting this and I don’t know why.”

“You really think my dad is attracted to men?” Vaughan slowly shook his head like it was inconceivable.

“No. Not men. At least I don’t think. It’s just Dr. Chauncey.”

“He is handsome, but they sure seem to be extreme opposites.”

“That’s the most fun. I don’t think you noticed how the doc looked at your old man when he came in dressed like that the way he was. Like the prim and proper man had always dreamed of dating a bad boy.”

“Oh, god,” Vaughan groaned miserably. “No. No. No. My dad is not some hot bad boy. Come on, Duke.”

Duke laughed. “I wouldn’t expect you to think he was.”

“He was so upset, though. I hate that. What can we do?”

“We’ll pull back. Give him some time to figure shit out in his head first. If he really likes the doc, then he’ll bring it back up when he’s ready.”

“Okay, then. If you think that’s best.” Vaughan wrung his hands in front of him, a nervous habit Duke had recognized in his man.

“What I think is that we should get comfortable and enjoy each other’s company.” Duke smiled.

“Sweetheart, that’s the best thing I’ve heard all day. Besides… you know.” Vaughan winked and brushed a kiss against Duke’s cheek. “I’m gonna go freshen up.”

Duke pointed Vaughan down the dark hall. “Last bedroom on the right, bathroom is across the hall, and the linen is under the sink. I’ll clean up in my bathroom and meet you back on the couch.”

Vaughan’s smile bordered on predatory. “Sounds like a plan.”

Duke’s cock was already half-hard. Just the thought of them being in his home alone was enough to make his stomach flutter with expectation. They also didn’t have to worry about anyone overhearing or listening to them. Now that Dr. Chauncey gave them the go ahead for light activity. Light was better than none and he was going to take full advantage.

Duke looked around his living room, picking up here and there. It was only him, so his place never got dirty. He had a nice size microfiber sectional with a chaise lounge on the end. Duke pulled a lightweight quilt from the closet and draped it on the back of the chaise. His most favorite possession—his sixty-five inch 4K 3D curved TV—was perfectly positioned in front of the couch. The television had one of the most amazing pictures he’d ever seen. He was so excited he was almost vibrating. This felt very similar to a date. They’d order in, watch a movie, and then… bed. Duke put a few takeout menus on the coffee table for them to choose from for dinner.

Duke heard the shower going in the hall, so he hurried into his own room and began to strip. His bed was neatly mad and he double-checked that he had the necessary supplies in his nightstand. In the bathroom he did what he needed to do to make the evening perfect. Emerging from the shower feeling clean inside and out, Duke looked for something comfortable to wear. He came out the room in a pair of track pants and a sleeveless t-shirt. When he turned the corner, Vaughan was already leaning along the chaise lounge with the Indian restaurant’s menu in his hand.

He looked delicious lying there. His hair still damp from his shower and combed straight back. The thin pajama pants were riding extra low on Vaughan’s hips, showing off the perfect V and silky treasure trail leading to that glorious cock.

Duke grabbed the remote control and the cordless phone off the end table and sat close to his man. “Did you decide on something?”

“Yes,” Vaughan said huskily, leaning over and claiming Duke’s mouth in a possessive kiss.

Duke opened and submitted to Vaughan’s demanding kiss, trying not to whimper and moan like a starving man, but it was difficult. He felt so good. Tasted even better as Vaughan sucked on Duke’s tongue in the most suggestive way. “Mmm. Yes. Oh, god, yes,” Duke croaked hoarsely, leaning all the way back so Vaughan could lick him everywhere he wanted.

Vaughan tore his mouth away, gasping for air. Both of them leaning and panting against each other. “You keep making those sounds and we’ll be skipping dinner and the movie.”

“We have all night,” Duke whispered.

“I know.” Vaughan ran his hand through Duke’s thick gray and black hair. They stayed that way until their breathing came back down. “I’ve just missed you so much.”

“I’ve missed you too.” Duke didn’t dare stop Vaughan when he pressed those delicate lips against his again, this time keeping the act gentle and languid. The kiss promised so much more to come.

Vaughan broke away again, his pretty hazel eye full of lust just for Duke. “Okay. Let’s eat. The sooner we get on with our night, the better.”

They ordered an assorted vegetable appetizer and masala wings to start. They both ordered curry dishes. Vaughan opting for lamb instead of chicken. Duke was delighted to know that Vaughan loved naan – Indian clay oven bread – as much as he did. After ordering four different naans, Duke ended the call.

“Now. A movie.” Duke turned to the Pay-per-view section and began flipping through the selections. “Action, drama, comedy, what’s your pleasure, babe?”

“How about action?”

“Okay.” Duke scrolled down over a few more selections before asking, “How about
Northman: A Viking Saga
? It’s set in the ninth century, I think. I saw the trailer. There’s lots of fight scenes, killing and the special effects are crazy good.”

“Sold. Sounds interesting.” Vaughan settled back on the couch and draped the quilt over their lower halves. Duke turned off the lights in the living room, leaving the light on in the narrow hallway. Just enough for them to see each other but not ruin the mood.

They were only a half-hour into the movie when Duke’s doorbell interrupted them. Vaughan helped him with the food, placing all the containers on the small kitchenette set in Duke’s eat-in kitchen. They both added large helpings to their plates to take back into the living room and eat in front of the television.


Vaughan didn’t realize how hungry he was until he started eating. It was only six o’clock, but he didn’t remember eating any lunch. They ate in silence while the movie played. Every now and then, one of them would reach over and eat something off the other’s plate. As soon as they finished dinner, Duke put away the dishes and threw away the leftovers, claiming he didn’t like day-old food. Vaughan found that funny and interesting, both of them were learning each other’s quirks. Now Vaughan knew that if he ever wanted leftovers, he’d have to snag them before his man threw them away.

“Come on, let’s finish the movie,” Duke said, lying down completely and resting his head in Vaughan’s lap while he casually finger-combed his scalp.

When the credits started to roll, Duke was almost sleep. Vaughan could make him feel so peaceful just lightly stroking his head. His touched soothed him. It’s what a partner’s touch was supposed to be able to do, if love was really involved.

“Sweetheart. Did you fall asleep on me?” Vaughan said softly.

“No. Almost, though. I like it when you scratch my head.” Duke sat up, stretching his back.

“Is the knot still on the back of your head?”

“Naw. Not really. It’s tender to push on that area, but the bump has gone down enough,” Duke answered.

He turned off the television and tossed the remote on the couch.

“Your TV is nice, babe. I haven’t seen the curved ones yet. That shit is sweet. The picture is unreal.”

Duke beamed. “Yeah. I had to have it. Especially since I’m home quite a bit. It’s nice to be able to watch my shows on something nice.”

“I think we should change that don’t you? I wouldn’t mind getting out more myself.” Vaughan stood and held out his hand to Duke. As soon as their hands connected, Duke felt an overwhelming surge of excitement pulse in his chest as tiny sparks of electricity lit up his stomach. His cock pressed against his pants, tenting the front of them. He wanted to reach inside and adjust himself but… Oh, what the hell… Duke pulled the elastic and reached his hand inside his pants, unbending his aching cock, and aiming it upwards so it had more room. 

“I can help with that,” Vaughan offered seductively, pulling Duke closer. He took Duke’s hand from inside his pants and replaced it with his own. “Damn, you are hard. Hard as stone, baby.”

Duke closed his eyes and swayed with Vaughan’s touch. “Oh, hell. I need you, Vaughan. Enough fuckin’ waiting.”

“Come on.”

Duke was careful not to drag Vaughan behind him as he led them to his bedroom, closing them inside the dark room. Before Vaughan could make a move, Duke let go. “Hold on.”

Vaughan watched Duke light a couple candles that were on his nightstand. “I had a blackout right before my assault and I had to use these. They’ve been here ever since. I’m glad I still have them.”

“Me too.” Vaughan took his t-shirt off and dropped it across the high back chair Duke had in his room. “It makes it more romantic.”

Duke stood on the other side of the bed and mimicked everything Vaughan did. When he got to his briefs, Vaughan teasingly ran his finger back and forth beneath the elastic before he slowly pulled them all the way down. His dick sprang free and slapped against his stomach. Duke’s gasp was easily heard in the quiet room and Vaughan was glad that his man approved. While he waited for Duke to remove his underwear too, Vaughan gave his long cock a few slow, tantalizing strokes. When Duke dropped his underwear, Vaughan’s mouth pooled with salvia at the sight of all that dark hair at the base of Duke’s cock. His first thought was of how much he wanted that thick shaft pressing on his tongue. The thoughts that followed where all variations of tonguing, biting, thrusting, and any other means of contact with that almond, tanned skin.

They stood on opposite sides of the bed, both stark naked. Vaughan saw when Duke’s eyes traveled to his incisions then back up to his face. He saw all the love and gratitude Duke had for him and what he’d done. Over the previous few weeks he’d begun to recognize Duke’s different looks and expressions. He particularly loved the looks that Duke reserved only for him.

Duke pulled back the navy blue comforter on his king-sized bed and climbed underneath, pulling the soft fabric up over his waist. Vaughan did the exact same thing, and then he didn’t waste a second of time. He nestled up closely to Duke’s left side and threw his leg in between Duke’s furry thighs. His cock rubbed deliciously against that hard muscle and Vaughan couldn’t stop himself from seeking out more friction. Duke wrapped his arm under Vaughan’s body and held him tight while he unashamedly ground himself against him.

“Your body is fuckin’ amazing,” Duke murmured against Vaughan’s cheek. His one hand rubbed up and down Vaughan’s back, then over his ass. “Damnit. If I didn’t have this cast on, I’d have both hands all over you.”

Vaughan’s heavy-lidded eyes drifted up to Duke’s face. He was lying on his side in their sleeping position, but it wasn’t going to work. He needed full access to Duke. Lifting the covers, Vaughan straddled Duke’s hips, arms braced on either side of his head. He was careful to keep his ass pressed on Duke’s groin, mindful not to put any weight on his stomach. Duke’s dark eyes were wide as he watched Vaughan maneuver on him and then lean down to kiss him. The kiss was everything he didn’t expect. Soft, sweet, slightly hesitant. He cupped the back of Duke’s neck and held him to him until he absolutely had to come up for air.

“Closer. Come closer, baby. I need to feel you against me,” Duke begged.

“I don’t want to hurt you. I’m heavier than I look.”

“Vaughan,” Duke rumbled, using his one hand to pull Vaughan’s body down on him.

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