Propositioning Her Brother's Best Friend (4 page)

He was the only man good enough for
Rachel, and Mitch should be able to see that by now.
He had
looked over her and protected her just as much as Mitch had, more so because of
his feelings for her.

For so long Rachel had been a
constant temptation staring him in the face all the time. Before last night
every time he looked at her, he’d yearned for a taste of her, but he held
himself back because he couldn’t have her. After last night, Rachel had given
him the perfect opportunity to be the man she wanted between her thighs. He
would finally get a taste of her, and he couldn’t wait to get Rachel underneath
him, over him. Every way he could, he was going to take Rachel and have her
screaming his name.

He had blue balls because of last
night. No matter how many times he brought himself off with his palm nothing
had satisfied him. Rachel had taken over already with her hazel eyes and
glorious brown locks. He’d slept badly. Constantly waking up with an aching hard-on
was not comfortable. The night had gotten so bad he’d been tempted to phone one
of his women who knew the score and could relieve the ache. However, the
thought of using one his women in town disgusted him. Rachel deserved better
from him than using any woman he could to ease the ache inside him. He’d
promised her that she could trust him. Rachel had already proven she knew a
great deal about him even though he tried to keep it away from her. Paul was a controlling
man. He liked his sex rough and to always be in control of the sex. Rachel was
a virgin, and he’d known some women were startled by what he demanded in the
bedroom. He never wanted to be the cause of her fear.

Shaking his head, Paul tried to push
her out his thoughts. Working on cars usually took him away from all his
troubles. Admittedly, none of his troubles were usually in the form of a
full-figured, hazel-eyed woman. Absorbing himself in cars usually helped him
work out his dilemmas, but all he could see was the perfect womanly body standing
begging for his teachings instead of the rusty engine displayed before him. Rachel
was far more appealing than a car.

Glancing over at the other mechanic
working in his shop, Paul saw Darren was too busy working on the underside of a
truck. He wasn’t leaving the shop. The only way for him to deal with the coming
night ahead was to keep his mind focussed.

He pictured her tight nipples and the
flush covering her skin as she waited for him last night. He wanted to feel
them in his mouth and watch as they bounced while he fucked her. His cock
thickened at the image running through his mind. Paul could picture Rachel’s
face coming apart in orgasm with her screaming his name as she released.


“Get a grip, Paul.” He muttered the
words to himself. His cock strained against the zipper of his scrubs, panting
to get out. He winced at the restriction and adjusted his pants to try to get
more room.

“Hey, Paul, what’s the matter?” He
glanced over at his best mechanic, Darren, who’d popped out from under the hood
of the truck, looking concerned.

Paul shook his head. “Nothing’s the
matter. Can you take over this for me? I got somewhere else I need to be,” he
asked, running fingers through his hair. His mind was so preoccupied he hadn’t
done a single thing in the shop.

“Any woman I know?” Darren asked,
making his way over to where Paul stood. The other mechanic on the other hand
was incredibly greasy from working all morning.

“No, not this one you don’t,” Paul said,
wiping the sweat from his brow. The last thing he needed was Darren blabbing to

“Oh, is this the
?” Darren held his hands up in mock
surrender, smiling.

Paul glared at him, wondering what
the heck he was on about.


“You know the one. The one woman you
cannot get out of your mind and you’re constantly thinking about her, instead
of the job at hand. She gives you blue balls just thinking about her, and you
know deep down inside that you’re the only one who understands her.
‘The one’, mate.
Everyone has heard of ‘the one’,” Darren said,
sounding wistful.

“I thought only women were the ones
obsessed about the

Darren shook his head. “Nope,
apparently guys can be just as obsessed. At least, this guy is.” He pointed at
himself before taking a look at the car Paul had walked away from. “There’s no
shame in wanting to spend your life with someone else. I know I want to settle
down and have a family.”

Paul listened to Darren and nodded. “She
could be the one. I don’t think she realises it, but I intend to make her
realise it,” Paul said.

“You’ve got a lot to contend with
Your reputation for a start.
I’ve heard the
ladies talking and whispering.” Darren didn’t say any more and went under the
hood of the car that needed to be fixed that day.

Taking a step back, Paul allowed
himself the freedom to think about Rachel. She had been the one woman he wanted
and could never have. Everything Darren had described Paul felt for Rachel. There
was no mistaking it. Rachel definitely was the one.

Packing up his gear, Paul thought
about her. He thought about all his memories of her growing up with him and
Mitch. When she was a kid, Rachel would follow him and her brother around all
day. He and Mitch hadn’t minded at the time. It was only when they got a bit
older and became interested in girls themselves that they started to have a
problem with Rachel being around. After a few months, Rachel had simply stopped
bugging them and went back to her dolls. She went away and did her own thing. Mitch
had been thankful for the loss of his sister’s presence in their lives, while Paul
had missed her endless chatter. He liked having her around, and he never found
her company a burden. With age, watching her from afar became an obsession. Warning
all the guys that surrounded her became an obsession, too.

At the time, Paul had never put his
actions down to anything other than concern. Rachel was Mitch’s little sister.
She needed them to protect her, and he did. Then the night of her eighteenth
birthday happened, waking him up and putting him in his own personal nightmare,
a nightmare he could never escape from. It was the same party where Mitch and
Rachel tried to get over the deaths of their parents three years before and
move on with their lives. Paul had been with them during the most horrid night
of their life. He was there for Mitch to rant at and there for Rachel to cry on
his shoulder. Mitch had been allowed to take care of his sister. The social
worker felt it would be easier for Rachel to stay with her brother rather than
enter care for three years. Paul’s family had promised to be there to assist.
Both families were good friends prior to the

deaths. That same party when Rachel turned eighteen Paul had watched her and
planned to make her his woman. He was twenty-eight and had started up his
mechanic shop. Paul had planned to marry her and give her a life full of love.
He hadn’t spoken to her brother about his intentions. First he’d wanted to know
what Rachel thought of being his woman. Looking back, Paul recalled he never
got the chance to ask Rachel what she thought.

The shock had come when Mitch took
him to one side and ordered him away from her. Mitch had spoken about how
Rachel deserved better than a one night stand. Paul never got the chance to put
Mitch in his place. He couldn’t, not after everything the two had been through.
Paul still had both of his parents while Mitch and Rachel had no one, not even
a distant relative to keep them company.

It didn’t matter to Mitch that Paul never
had any intention of treating her like a one night stand. Even back then, what
he felt for Rachel went far deeper than a quick fuck. The thought of hurting
her made him want to tear his own heart out and offer it to her. She was
everything to him, and over the course of this supposed teaching he would show
her how much she meant to him and make it so she could not live without him. He
was a selfish bastard. Rachel wasn’t looking to be with him for anything other
than to know about sex.

He left Darren to deal with the last
of the cars and went home.

Paul got home with enough time to
properly prepare for tonight. He showered and shaved, dressed in casual blue
jeans and a white shirt. Before he headed over to Rachel’s he checked through
his supply of sex toys spread out over his bed. All of them were still in their
packaging. He’d bought them a couple of years ago and kept them in a box marked
All of the toys spread out on
the bed had never been used on another woman, and he would never dream of
having another woman use them. They were his supply for Rachel alone. The sex
toys he’d used on other women were in the trash. The women of his past were
staying firmly in his past. Looking through his vast supply, Paul realised he
didn’t want to use any on her. The time would come to play with the toys. For
now, he just desired their time together. He craved to feel every inch of
Rachel wrapped around him, skin to skin and to have no interference from any
toys or clothes, nothing.

His body ached to feel her next to
him. In the next few hours he’d finally get what he’d been yearning for. Rachel
would be his. Mitch wasn’t around at the moment, and Paul was free to love her
to his heart content. Feeling happy about what was about to happen Paul gathered
up his toys and dumped them back in the marked box. There would be a time and
place for them. It wasn’t for tonight. He didn’t want tonight to progress too
far. Touching and tasting were on the menu for Rachel and for
. He intended to get naked and memorise every inch of

All he needed was to control his
urge to claim her completely. His one goal was to remind himself that Rachel
was still a virgin. Nothing about her innocence had changed. Control was so
important to him. It was vital to every Dom to stay in control. Glancing in the
mirror, he took a deep breath and headed out of his room.

From the floor near the door, he picked
up his overnight bag, which he’d packed the night before after he’d walked her
home. Grabbing his keys from the stand he made his way out of his home and over
to his woman’s house. Gazing up at the stars, Paul knew his prayers had been
answered. Tonight was his chance at a future. Tonight was everything to him.

Chapter Four


Rachel sat on the porch steps
leading to her house waiting for him. The front yard was overflowing with
grass. Glancing over at the length Rachel decided she’d cut it tomorrow. There
was no way she was getting all sweaty before Paul arrived. Was she supposed to
go to him? She hadn’t phoned him to find out if he wanted her to go to him.

Crap, she wasn’t used to this.

None of the guys she’d grown up with
had ever approached her. All of this was too new. Staring up at the stars she
wondered if she could really go through with this. Could she let Paul teach her
about sex knowing in her heart, he only cared for her, not loved her?

Don’t back down now.

I’ve come too far to let everything go.

Thinking about the kiss the night
before, her body quivered in a mixture of excitement and fear. His passion was
far more extreme than she ever imagined. The way his lips nipped at hers along
with the grip of his hand in her hair was intoxicating. Her excitement built at
the prospect of what they were about to do. She did not want to mess their time
up. One wrong move and he’d scarper. Paul was putting his friendship with Mitch
on the line for her.

Once she settled into bed last night
she couldn’t get Paul and his passion out of mind. Rachel didn’t have a clue
what to expect, and she wouldn’t get any answers from her questions without
asking him. The one thing she could guarantee was to trust him.

Cutting thoughts of him with other
women out of her mind, Rachel returned her gaze to the gate.

Shaking her head at her waiting,
Rachel made her way back into her house. She would appear too eager waiting for
him on her front porch. Moving to her kitchen, she washed out her cup before
going through to her sitting room and collapsing on the sofa.

She resisted the urge to bite her
nails as the time went by. Nerves were nipping at her demanding that she cancel
everything planned with Paul.

The bravery of last night vanished, and
what was left was a nervous pathetic excuse of a woman.

Should she run, get out of there as fast
as she could without being detected?

Why am I running?

I love Paul.

I want to be with him.

Running is not the answer.

Keeping her butt on the sofa she
waited as the time ticked on by.

Her nerves turned to impatience.

When was he going to get there?

Tapping her fingers on the sofa her
impatience grew. It was only a little after seven. Mitch had phoned earlier in
the day to ask how she was doing.

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