Protected by Emeralds (A Dance with Destiny Book 5) (47 page)

“You haven’t changed a single bit,” he said. “Everything about you is the same as my memories.”

She glanced at his profile from the corner of her eye. “You look old.”

Suou laughed as he snatched her around the waist, pulling her onto his lap. “I see that horrible things still fall unchecked from those perfect lips.”

“But when I am good, I am very good indeed.”

He tapped the tip of her nose. “And when you are bad, you are horrid.”

She blushed. He only laughed louder, hugging her to him.

“It is hard for me to distinguish time, Suou—how much has passed, how short or long a thing has been.” She began to play with his snow white braid. “I am glad you kept your hair this way.”

“I did it for you. In truth, I kept the braid you gave me for days… too many days. I only let them take it down when the servants complained about me needing to wash it. Still, I made them fix it back the way you did.”

“That makes me smile, even on the inside.”

He quickly kissed the side of her head. “Then it was all worth it. Now, tell me, sweet Sakura. What about
are you having trouble with?”

“The whole of it, in truth. Like… how many days has it been since your confirmation party?”

“Days?” He chuckled. “I cannot recall the days, little Cherry Blossom. But I was twenty-one when I asked you to be my intended, the night I tried to bind you with a dance. The kingdom celebrated my sixty-sixth year this past spring.” He absently outlined the edges of her intricately tattooed hand. “I was only a few days passed forty when you began crying beneath this tree, forcing its blooms to shine down upon you. I cannot see you until you cry yourself to sleep. I always see the blooms first.”

She touched his cheek, causing him to meet her sorrowful gaze.

“Apologies for making you sad, sweet Prince. I never wished to bring you more pain than I already had.”

“Don’t you dare apologize for blessing me.”

“Blessing you?”

“Yes. Eventually, I am blessed with but a brief glimpse of your tiny sleeping form… before you leave, taking the enchanted sakura with you.” He tucked her curls back behind her ear. “For over twenty-six years, I have gazed at dried tears upon angelic cheeks. And every single time, I whisper…
I would never have let you cry yourself to sleep all alone. I would have always held you while you crumbled

“You said that to me?”

He tenderly kissed the top of her head. “Every single time.”

They held each other for several quiet moments, the past playing about painfully for both of them.

“Tell me, little Fire Dragon. Did you ever marry your kilted Guardian? Or perhaps that handsome purple Angel you left here with?”

She snorted out a laugh. “No. I have not seen Ahriman, that purple Angel, since the day I last saw you. And as for Vittorio… I guess it just wasn’t in the stars for us. But I finally did marry, though.”

He sort of growled. “Was it that dimpled sell-sword?”

She giggled. “No. He is quite charming, I’ll give him that. But, no. You have never met my beloved Yui. Although… you
seen his likeness.”

His brow furrowed in thought. “His likeness? Hmm, Yui… Yui. You mean… You don’t mean the man who stabbed you clean through. The one you kissed while he plunged a blade through your lovely back.”

“No, silly. You killed
, remember? No, my Yui is from Jinn… my rare magical Shinobi.”

“A Shinobi, huh? With beauty enough to rival Akio’s vicious little brother?”

“Yes, except Yui’s eyes are the most enchanting shade of lavender you have ever seen.”

“Is that so? Hmpft… I think I hate him.”

Jenevier just giggled and shared a final hug with her old friend.




When she left the eighth layer realm and King Suou’s lovely little piece of it, she was hit with a disturbing thought.

Has it truly been over fifty years since I last saw my friends on Ashgard? Jezreel probably has about twenty kids by now.
She pulled up short, panic seizing her chest.
Wait now… let me think. That cannot possibly be right. Or can it? Let me see, best I can recall… I was in my forties by human calculations when that devious little Elf stole my essence. I was then married to Finnean for seven years, and it was another three before Vittorio took me to see the cherry blossoms… And Suou just said that was over forty years ago. Right?
Silent tears burned her lovely eyes. “Then… it has been over fifty years since I said farewell to Alastyn. By all that’s holy. If he yet lives, he would be nearly a hundred by now.” She started sobbing in earnest then. “How could I so easily forget the people who were so important to me? How could I be so selfish? How could I just let the years flow by as water? What kind of heartless creature am I?”

“You are all Angel now, Kagi Naga.”

She turned to find a stranger hovering in the air not too far away.

“The only possible way for you to be who you are, is to forget. You are not horrible, Little Fire, only normal. Well…

He smiled then, a little too big and a little too showy for her comfort.

you? And… how do you know my name?”

He flew nearer, well, he
nearer. She didn’t actually see any wings.

“Allow me to introduce myself.” He bowed gracefully. “My name is Maza Vespar Rixx. You can call me Rixx. And as for how I know your name, everyone knows who
are. Naga—the delicate Death Angel.”

He casually ran his fingers through his fiery red hair, which immediately fell back over his left eye… an eye that almost perfectly matched his red locks. But as strange as a crimson iris was to look upon, his right eye was the truly haunting one. It was pale gray in color—cold as steel. He tossed his head slightly, now revealing both celestial orbs simultaneously. The sight was halting, truly unnerving.

It’s like… he stares at me through fire and ice.
She shuddered.

“You are whispered about within every realm, Kagi Naga—the pink-haired tiny Fire Dragon.” He chuckled softly. “You are loved and hated equally, little one.”

“Is that so? Well, Rixx, it’s nice to know your name, I suppose. But… what
you? Never have I seen a creature quite like you.”

He chuckled again. “No, I guess you haven’t. What I
, Kagi Naga, is a Nephilim. The


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About the Author


JK Ensley is a native Tennessean by way of Missouri, born there and quickly ushered down South. A product of public school and private college, she spent her early twenties bouncing across the country. Fascinated by rich culture, ancient customs, and thick accents, she’s compelled to drink in the many exquisite differences humanity is gifted with. A self-described, happily divorced mother of three with a black belt in sarcasm and an über common minivan, she does little to hide her wicked wit, advanced sarcasm, and extreme shoe addiction. “At the core of me, I’m one slightly twisted, pink haired, sword-wielding, invisible ninja with a laptop, an imagination, and very little
time. That’s just who I am. I’m comfortable in my skin and I love my life. Totally not kidding about the hair, the swords, or the laptop, but I might’ve stretched it just a little with the invisible part.”


You can find Jennifer at the following locations:


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