Protecting Shaylee (The Fae Guard Book 1) (12 page)

Read Protecting Shaylee (The Fae Guard Book 1) Online

Authors: Elle Christensen

Tags: #Fantasy, #Contemporary, #Romance, #Fiction, #Fae, #Guards, #Paranormal, #POV, #Protecting, #Fairytales, #Child, #Bodyguard, #Friendship, #Attraction, #Dark Secrets, #Teach, #Father, #Soul Mate, #Adult, #Erotic

Her moan of distress is my undoing and I grasp her tight before flipping her so that she is lying on the couch underneath me. I move my mouth to the other breast, not to leave that nipple neglected. Her hands are all over me, exploring my back, while one makes its way to the snap of my jeans. I grab her hand, afraid I’ll lose it before I can bury myself deep, deep inside her. Having sufficiently loved on her gorgeous tits, I return to her mouth, ripe and swollen from my kisses. Another flick unsnaps her pants and my fingers dive into her soaking wet pussy. Shaylee arches her back and cries out my name. It’s the sexiest thing I’ve ever heard, but I know it won’t compare to the sound of her screaming my name as I bring her to the ultimate explosion.

“Baby, you’re so fucking sexy. I—“

Bam! Bam! Bam!

“What the fuck?” Someone is banging on my door.

“Yo! Aden! Move your ass, dude! We are running late and I don’t need your mom busting my balls about it.”

Fuck! Fuck! Fuck!

“I forgot about dinner with my family. Ean and I usually ride together because he lives here too.” Shaylee has gone stiff as a board and the desire that was swirling in her deep blues, is quickly dissipating. Her expression is confused as she glances at the door, then she wiggles a little, indicating that she wants me to let her up.

I grit my teeth at the sensations sparked by her movement. “Baby, don’t move like that. I’m hanging by a thread here.” She stills immediately, but throws a harried look at the door again. “It’s locked, baby.” Some of the tension leaves her body, but she’s still taut as she pokes me in the shoulder. I take a deep breath and move to roll off of her when I feel a push of air and fall right off the couch onto my ass. When I look up, Shaylee is staring at me in surprise.


Damn, I’ve got to teach her how to control her impulses. She jumps up and rushes to gather her clothes, doing her best to avoid any eye contact with me.

“Aden! Move your ass, dude!”

“Keep your fucking panties on, Ean!” I yell back. After a couple of deep breathes, I’m able to stand without fearing that the zipper of my jeans will leave teeth marks on my dick. Shaylee is dressed and heading for the front door, but I grab her and whirl her around, bringing our faces nose to nose. “Don’t, for one second, think that we won’t be finishing what we started here.” Before she can respond, I spin her back to the door and smack her ass, urging her forward. She tosses back a dirty look and I give her an innocent smile, then reach around her and open the door.

Shaylee gasps and stares.

I feel a growl rumbling in my throat and grab Shaylee, bringing her back to my front and wrapping her up in my arms. Ean is leaning against the wall next to Shaylee’s door, flipping his keys in circles and looking incredibly bored. He looks like a GQ model. Women practically throw themselves at him. It’s nauseating. I’ve never cared and I feel like a pussy for being jealous now, and yet, I still hug her a little tighter, reminding her who she belongs to.

When Ean hears the door open, he pushes off the wall and looks up.

“It’s about fucking time—you must be Shaylee.” His eyes have landed on Shaylee and he gives her a head to toe once over. A slow, predatory smile creeps onto his face during his perusal. He steps forward, reaching out to shake her hand, but stops when I let out an involuntary snarl. Instead of backing away, like any normal man would, Ean’s smile widens, all though he does drop his hand.

“It’s nice to meet you, Ean.” Shaylee’s voice is friendly, but I don’t hear any desire and some of the tension melts from my body, slackening my hold around her. I turn to shut—oof! Shaylee’s elbow digs into my ribs and knocks the air out of me, forcing me to let her go completely. Ignoring me, she walks up to Ean and offers her hand in greeting.

Ean’s smile is filled with glee, which is as shocking as Shaylee’s elbow to the ribs. Ean doesn’t show much emotion, he’s always been somewhat reserved and quiet. After he lost a charge, he retreated so far into himself, that we were afraid we’d never reach him. He’s returned somewhat, but he’s never completely left the guilt behind and it drives him in his job to the brink of obsession. Looking at him now, I almost see the guy I grew up with, and I
decide to let him get away with his plans to dick around with me. If it were anybody but Shaylee, I’d let him have his fun. But selfishly, I don’t want Shaylee to see his good side.
I’m aware of what a bastard that makes me.

THIS GUY is hot, with a capital freaking H! His blue eyes are piercing, like the color of the ocean in the sun, surrounded by thick lashes that any girl would seriously envy. His hair is longer on top with a natural, messy look that softens the angular features of his face. He’s leaner than Aden, but clearly still ripped with strength. When I first walked out the door, he had a dark expression on his face. Once he saw me, though, it transformed into a wide grin and I could’ve sworn his teeth sparkled like a toothpaste commercial. If I wasn’t so hung up on Aden (
damn him),
I’d be drooling.

After giving Aden a well-deserved elbow to the ribs for his caveman tactics, I stepped over and shook Ean’s hand. I wasn’t surprised when there was no current between us. For some reason, Aden and I share a connection that is electric. After our little make out session, I really can’t deny that I’m going to give in to him. But, not until after I’ve made him wait. I don’t care how petty it is, he’s going to have to chase me a little longer.

Ean slings an arm around me, ruffles my hair like a little kid, and starts walking down the hall with me, still swinging his keys in circles on his finger.

“Ean,” Aden snaps, “would you get your fucking hands off my woman?”

The hallway rings with the sound of Ean’s laughter, as he removes his arm from around my shoulder. Aden huffs, but stays slightly behind us, letting Ean and I chat.

“So, Shaylee, what do you see in this oaf?” he inquires.

I chuckle at his question and shrug. “What can I say? Apparently, I have a thing for overly possessive and bossy guys. Don’t worry; I’ll kick his ass eventually.” I can almost hear Aden’s smug eye roll.

“I’d like to see that.” Ean’s smile turns sinister. “In fact, I’d be happy to teach you a few things to take him down,” he offers. I laugh lightly, but raise my brow in question as to whether he’s serious. He winks at me in affirmation. I just barely keep myself from rubbing my hands together in anticipation.

We head out to the parking lot and Ean leads us to a silver Audi A5 convertible. Aden reaches over Ean and snatches the keys from his hand. “I said you could drive it while I was gone, jackass.”
This is Aden’s car?
I’m not sure what I expected, but a car just seems so . . . normal. I definitely wasn’t expecting an expensive and practically new one.

Ean hops in the back while Aden puts his hand lightly on my back and guides me around to the front passenger seat. Once I’m seated, he reaches in to pull my seatbelt across, but I smack his hand. “I’m not a child, Aden; I can buckle my own damn seatbelt,” I hiss. He ignores my protests and clicks the lock into place.

“You don’t have to remind me that you’re a woman, baby. I’ve seen the proof,” he purrs.
Arrogant ass.
I put my hands on his chest and shove, but he barely moves. He leans in again and places a quick kiss on my lips before standing up and slamming my door shut.

Once we are all in the car, he starts it and peals out of the parking lot.
Wow, this is a nice car.
Aden maneuvers it like an expert, and watching the muscles in his forearm ripple as he works the stick shift has me pressing my legs together a little tighter to relieve the sudden ache.

It takes about ten minutes to get past the fields and into civilization. The landscape reminds me of the more affluent suburbs upstate: nice houses, yards, and cars in the driveways. However, there is something—something that is different about the neighborhood. I watch more intently, looking for that illusive trait that I can’t quite put my finger on. After a few minutes, I notice that the houses are all light colors and built with lots of windows. But, what really grabs my attention are the plants. The trees are a bright shade of green with flowers that resemble magnolias, but there are bright colors bursting from the leafy foliage. Some of the trees are sporting, what appears to be, a round hanging fruit. They are also brightly colored. The grass is a similar shade of green but it—it shimmers. I squeeze my eyes shut and reopen them.
Yep, it’s still shimmering. Are you freaking kidding me?

I gaze out at the expansive lawns and everywhere I look, the vegetation is sun kissed.
I can feel my jaw drop when I realize there are no shadows. No shade under the big trees, no darkness cloaking tight corners, not one spot that isn’t lit up by the sun.

Aden slows down and turns onto a short drive, leading to a large wrought iron gate, set into a stone wall. As we reach the gate, I feel a gust of wind and it slowly swings open, allowing us to pass through it. There doesn’t appear to be a guard shack, cameras, or an intercom.

“Did you open the gate?” I ask.

Aden smirks and nods. It’s ridiculous that his cocky little smirk causes fluttering in my stomach. He’s too damn sexy for his own good.

“Used the force, did ya?” I sass. “What, no one to brainwash into thinking we aren’t the faeries they’re looking for?” Ean snorts with laughter from the backseat, but Aden just shakes his head in exasperation.

My attention is drawn to the sprawling house at the end of the drive. It looks similar to a log cabin (a freaking
log cabin), but the wood appears to be beach wood. Pale blue shutters adorn the windows, complementing the peach hue of the washed out bark. It’s two levels, but the roof peaks in the center with a large, octagonal window, which I assume belongs in the attic. The front of the house has an open, wrap around porch with tan wicker furniture scattered about in little conversation nooks.

“This place is amazing,” I say with awe. “Where are we?”

“My parent’s house.” Aden shuts off the car and steps out, unaware that I am, all of the sudden, glued to my seat. He opens my door and reaches down to help me out. When I don’t move, he leans down, brows raised in a silent question.

“Meet your parents?” I audibly gulp. For crying out loud, like I haven’t had enough sprung on me the last few days? Now, I’ve got to ‘meet the parents’?
I fight the impulse to take my hair from its ponytail and check my makeup.

Aden squats down to be level with me. “I told you we were coming for dinner. What’s going on, baby?”

“Aden, it’s a little overwhelming, you know?” I lose the battle with my hands and start smoothing flyaway hair that has come loose. Aden’s eyes follow my movements, and I snatch them back down when I see him fighting a grin.

“You’re nervous to meet my family, Shaylee?” His grin spreads and his emerald eyes twinkle. “You’re so fucking cute. They’ll love you, baby.” He grabs my hands, where they were clasped together in my lap, and tugs me from the car. Standing, he smoothly pulls me into his body and squeezes me, “You ready to admit you’re mine?”

I scoff dramatically and lift my chin in the air haughtily. “Don’t flatter yourself, Aden. I’d be nervous to meet anyone’s family for the first time.”

Aden smirks at me. “Whatever you want to tell yourself, baby. But, we both know you belong to me.” He’s right, but I refuse to give him the satisfaction of saying it out loud. The good news is, he’s effectively turned my attention from worrying that his family won’t approve of me.

He takes my hand again and holds it firmly, leaving me no ability to tug it away, and leads me toward the front door. Ean is walking on Aden’s other side and I peek at him, noticing that his demeanor has drastically changed. His posture is rigid and his face has hardened, it’s as though he has built a wall, shuttering his emotions. Before I can comment on it, the front door flies open and Laila comes bouncing down the stairs to greet us. She heads straight to me and envelopes me in a warm hug. Stepping back, she slips her arm through mine and takes me away from Aden. He lets out a long-suffering sigh, but doesn’t stop her. As we turn back to face the house, she makes eye contact with Ean, her bright smile falters for just a moment, and his posture and expression become even more closed down and rigid. A chasm of awkward seems to linger between them before she pivots back to me, walking up the steps to the door.

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