Protection: A Bad Boy Stepbrother Romance (42 page)

Chapter Forty-One

hat do you mean
, no?” Jace spluttered, his temper flaring. Reaching out, he grabbed for her hand to pull her closer, reason with her.

“I mean no, I won’t exchange bites with you just because you feel like an ass. For all we know, a one-sided bond is harmless. Guilt is fleeting, but the mating bond is forever,” Tessa insisted as she yanked out of his gasp.

“You… you are the most stubborn woman off all time. Pig-headed, jumping to conclusions, wrong ones may I add, and that face— no, don’t interrupt,” Jace roared when Tessa tried to cut in. “When you disapprove of something you make this face like…”

He paused, wrinkling his nose and frowning in imitation. Tessa gasped, slapping his arm.

“You have a lot of nerve, yelling at me right now. I’m not the one who screwed everything up, am I? And I don’t make a face!” she retorted.

Jace kept talking as if she hadn’t even spoken.

“And you’re sneaky! Conniving, tricky female! You were supposed to be locked up in the infirmary, but no. You and your little cohorts are off, risking your necks and probably almost getting yourselves killed. You simply can’t stay put, even under lock and key!” Jace bellowed, waving his arms for emphasis.

“This is not making me want to finish the ritual,” Tessa warned, her gray eyes flickering like a storm.

“You just refuse to listen, and you won’t trust me even one tiny inch. I’ve saved your life, hell, more than once I’ve saved your life, but does that sway you? NO! If I had known what I was getting into, saving you that first time…” he trailed off, his voice dropping to a normal level.

“Then what?” Tessa demanded. “You would have just left me with Jasper? You would have counted yourself lucky and went back to being a bachelor?”

Tessa threw her hands up, beyond irritated.

“You know what? You are lucky,” Jace replied.

“Hmm, let’s see. Kidnapped, tortured, my sister held for ransom, have to betray the only person who’s willing to help me, then he turns out to be… well, you,” Tessa said, disgruntled. “What precisely makes me the lucky one in this situation? My stubbornness? My trickiness? Please, tell me.”

Jace took a big step toward her, backing Tessa against the wall. He loomed over her, making Tessa devastatingly aware of his physical presence.

“You, Tessa… you are lucky. You’re lucky that I happen to prefer hard-headed, smart-mouthed, tricky women,” he said, his voice now a velvet-soft whisper. He took another step, his body just a fraction of an inch from Tessa’s. The heat of his anger rolled off his skin, heating Tessa’s already-flushed body. Jace reached out with a single finger and tipped Tessa’s face up to his, causing their gazes to lock.

“You… what?”

“If you will stop and listen for a second, I am trying to tell you that I love you,” Jace said, his eyes searching hers.

“But—” Tessa started. Jace interrupted her by brushing his lips over hers, leaving Tessa tongue-tied and breathless. She looked up into his eyes again, trying to ascertain his seriousness.

“Back in the office, that wasn’t how I wanted things to be,” Jace said.

“Oh,” Tessa said, uncomprehending. Did Jace regret the passion they’d shared?

“Damn it. I never know how to say things to you. You stand there looking like that, and all the words come out wrong,” Jace murmured. He backed up a step and took his wonderful warmth with him, leaving Tessa feeling bereft.

“I don’t understand,” she said, her voice catching.

“I never meant to confuse you. I’ve known since I laid eyes on you that my life had changed. The whole idea of finding someone I was destined to be with… it scared me, Tessa. I’ll never admit to it outside this conversation, but I was terrified. I was fighting a thousand battles. Against you, and myself, and Maddie, even Declan,” he said, slipping his hands into his pockets.

“I realize now that I’ve lain my mother’s sins at your doorstep, and I am more sorry than I can say. I’ve been pushing everyone away for my whole life, and until now I liked it that way. It was easier, you know?” he said.

“I guess I’ve ruined that for you, then?” Tessa asked, her voice tearful.

“You came in and destroyed all my plans, Tess. What’s worse, you made me realize how lonely I am all the time. Then you went and acted like… well, like you. How could I stand a chance against you?” he said, his tone turning amused. He pulled his hands out of his pockets and reached out to Tessa, grabbing her hips to close the distance between them.

“I’m just awful,” Tessa snuffled, wavering between laughter and tears. She looked up into Jace’s face, bottom lip trembling.

Jace laughed, a sincere and relaxed expression. It looked incredible on him, Tessa decided.

“You’re many things, but awful isn’t one of them. While we’re talking about this, I also wanted to—” Jace started, reaching in his pockets again.

“You know what?” Tessa asked, putting her fingers against his lips to stop him from speaking, “We’ve made a lot of progress today. We both said some things we needed to say. Why not just… you know, skip the talk?”

Jace blinked. Had Tessa just come on to him? His mind went blank for a moment, and he could feel the dumb expression on his face.

The next second, he swept Tessa off her feet and carried her into a spare infirmary room. He set her down on the bed, his eyes devouring her supple frame, her gorgeous eyes, the perfect curves of her lips.

Jace slid down onto the bed and Tessa leaned her head back and closed her eyes, waiting. His lips brushed hers, tender at first, his kisses growing more demanding. Already Tessa was on fire, heat racing through her blood at even this small touch.

Jace pressed against her, insistent. Her lips parted to give him access, and he claimed her mouth in confident strokes. She sighed into his mouth as he pressed her back into the pillows, running one big hand up and down her already nude curves.

Jace moved so that his body covered Tessa’s. She ran a hand under the hem of his shirt, sliding it up over the taut muscles of his hip, his torso, his chest. Looking up at his face, Tessa felt like she was taunting a caged tiger. His gaze seared into hers as something unnamed passed between them; a grin pulled at the corners of Jace’s mouth, and Tessa’s heart did a cartwheel. She tilted her face up expectantly, and he dropped a series of slow, drugging kisses against her lips.

Tessa kept the rhythm, returning every kiss with a sigh, a nibble, or a nip to the fullness of his lower lip. When she finally became impatient and writhed against him seductively, his big hand slid up to her throat, resting just above her collar bone. She rolled her hips against him, and he growled, gently squeezing the hand that lay against her neck. She could feel his power, his frustration; yet never for a moment did she flinch from his brutal strength. Tessa knew without a doubt that Jace would never hurt her, could feel goodness circling him like a halo.

Tessa let out a yip as Jace rolled them and sat up so that she was riding his lap. Jace caught and held Tessa’s eyes, velvety brown against ash gray.

“Bite me,” he commanded in a throaty growl.

Tessa slid a hand up his chest to his neck, tilting his head back for better access. She could feel every muscle in his body tensing and knotting in anticipation. Tessa put her mouth to his neck, mirroring where he’d bitten her. She kissed and licked for a moment, drawing the moment out. Sliding one hand up to fist in his hair, she gave him a soft nip.

Jace groaned with urgent need, and in that second Tessa bit down just between his shoulder and neck. His groan increased to a shout of pleasure as he ground his erection against her belly. Tessa sunk her teeth in deep, letting Jace know that she was his perfect equal.

“You’re mine,” he snarled.

The second Tessa released him from her bite, they rolled again, his clothes flying everywhere. And then Jace was on her, inside her, over her, growling as he pounded into her mercilessly. Tessa took all of him, matching him thrust for thrust and raking her nails down his back. Marking what was hers.

Tessa was lost, choking out Jace’s name as a mounting wave of pleasure broke and washed over her. Moments later Jace joined her, shouting a curse and pumping his hot release inside her. Gasping, they collapsed in a sweaty tangle of limbs. Little aftershocks of pleasure rippled through them both as they lay recovering.

After a time, Jace eased off Tessa’s sweat-dampened body. He rolled over next to her, running a possessive hand over her flank. Tessa was too contented to move or think, so she just gave him a few halfhearted pats on the chest.

Jace flashed an exhausted smile and laughed. Tessa wasn’t sure she’d ever heard him laugh like that before, but it made her heart flip flop again.

“What?” she said, mock-offended.

“Seems like I tired you out, kitten.”

“Kitten?!” she cried, batting a hand at him.

“I really think it describes you pretty well,” he teased, leaning over to drop a kiss on her forehead.

Tessa grumbled but couldn’t be bothered to move out of his embrace, no matter how terrible the nickname he chose.

An idea ran through the back of Tessa’s mind as she lay in Jace’s arms. Something about nicknames had flipped a switch and now the idea was lurking in the shadows of her brain.

Tessa sat straight up in bed, jostling Jace as she did so. He went on full alert, looking for the source of danger.

“I’ve got it!” she announced, turning to her mate. Jace crossed his arms and gave her a skeptical look, frowning.

“You had me thinking the Legion was about to kick down the door,” he scolded, which only resulted in Tessa giving him a huge grin.

“No, but I’ve figured how we’re going to kick down their door,” she said, too excited to be put off by his reprimand.

“We’ve talked this to death, kitten. If James won’t give up the information, we don’t have enough ammo to advance on the Legion’s encampment. And you won’t let me torture the poor bastard.”

“Yes, but I think I just figured out how to turn James. I realized that every time I’ve talked to him, he’s asked me about Camilla,” Tessa explained.

“I don’t see where you’re going with this,” Jace replied, tilting his head and furrowing his brow.

“When he asked me about her, he kept calling her ‘Milla’. At the time I thought that he’d gotten her name wrong, but now I don’t think that’s it at all. He was using a nickname for her. A sweet nickname,” Tessa said, looking at Jace.

“Okay, so he’s not bad at names. So what?”

“You’re such a guy. Men don’t call women sweet nicknames unless…” Tessa prompted, motioning for Jace to finish her thought.

“Unless they’re in love?” Jace asked.

“Exactly. If James feels that way about Camilla, then maybe we’ve been approaching him the wrong way. Or rather, we shouldn’t be the ones asking the questions.”

Jace nodded slowly, thinking it over.

“You think he’d talk to her if he knew she was in the Legion’s cross-hairs,” he said, processing.

“I do. You have to tell Shaw about this! If we can bring James around, Shaw will be floored,” Tessa said, her eyes sparkling with excitement.

“Why don’t you just tell him?” Jace asked, eying his mate.

“Well, I mean… I’m not really the best authority, am I? I’ve done nothing but misjudge people since I got here. Actually, scratch that; I’ve been on this path since I was a teenager,” Tessa said, her mouth thinning.

“Are you talking about that bastard guardian of yours?” Jace asked, his expression darkening instantly.

“Well, yes. Him, and James, and… I’m just not a very good judge of people. Besides, Shaw will take you more seriously. It’s obvious that he respects you,” Tessa said, trying for good cheer.

“Despite all that respect, he hasn’t approached me to help with his brother. He came to you for help, Tess. That means he trusts you with the only family he has left. I think that’s a pretty big deal, don’t you?”

“Well, yes…” Tessa started, but Jace cut in.

“James, that asshole from Boston…”

“Byron,” Tessa corrected.

“You couldn’t know what they were planning, Tess. It’s not your fault that you trust others. Not everyone can get away with being suspicious all the time,” Jace joked.

“Are you calling me naive?” Tessa asked, eyes narrowing.

“I’m saying that you’re lacking the ability to manipulate others. How would you even know to look for that in someone else?” Jace said, his tone soft.

“Oh,” Tessa said, flushing. “Well, alright then.”

“Let’s backtrack for a second. Do you think Camilla will really be able to persuade James to switch sides?” Jace asked. Tessa gave a husky laugh that had Jace’s wolf perking up, taking interest in the beauty of her voice… and her other assets as well.

“I think you haven’t spent much time with my sister. If Camilla wanted him to, the devil would switch sides for her. She does that sexy innocent thing that drives men wild,” Tessa said, rolling her eyes.

“I think I know where she learned that,” Jace said, reaching out and pulling Tessa back down into his arms. Tessa laughed again, swatting at his chest.

“Oh come on. I’m the older sister, after all. I’ve seen some things and been some places,” she said.

“I bet you anything that I can show you some things you haven’t tried before,” Jace teased, picking up her hand and kissing her fingertips.

“And if I’m not impressed, I get anything I want?” Tessa asked. Jace gave a soft growl and rolled over to cover her body.

“You’d better not have seen any of the things I’m planning to do to you right now,” he threatened, running a possessive hand down her flank.

Tessa giggled again and kissed her mate.

“I guess we’ll see,” she teased.

Chapter Forty-Two

ou want
me to do what, exactly?” Camilla asked, wrinkling her nose. “You want me to trick James into helping us?”

“No exactly, no.” Tessa slipped out of Jace’s embrace and sat down on the bed next to Camilla. “We think— I think, that is, that James is already on the verge of changing his sympathies. We just want you to help us give him an extra nudge.”

“I’m not sure how I’m going to change his mind. I mean, you’ve already basically laid it all out to him, haven’t you?” Camilla asked.

“I have, but I think he’ll listen to you. I’m pretty sure he has some feelings for you, Cami,” Tessa said.

Camilla’s face reddened, and her frown deepened.

“He sort of… confessed his undying love for me,” Camilla admitted, dropping her gaze to her hands. “I didn’t do anything at all to encourage it. Really, we just talked a handful of times.”

“I can assure you that there is probably some crazy Shifter reason he’s acting that way,” Tessa said. Looking at Jace for support, she reached out and patted Camilla’s hand in an attempt at comfort.

“It’s your Ascendant pheromones, Camilla. They’re extremely hard to resist for an unmated male,” Jace said. Tessa rewarded him with a smile.

Camilla nodded, sucking in and releasing a deep breath.

“So we’ll just take you right down the hall to his room, and have you ask him some questions. If possible, we’d like you to bring him over to our side. At the very least, we need to know what the Legion is planning.”

“Okay. Let’s do it,” Camilla said, climbing out of bed. She smoothed down the scrubs she’d been given to wear, stretched, and cracked her neck.

“That’s my girl,” Tessa said, tousling Camilla’s hair. The trio went down the hall to James’s cell. Tessa paused at the door to warn her sister.

“He’s been violent. They’ve got him sedated, but please don’t get too close,” Tessa said. Camilla nodded, eyes wide.

As soon as they opened the door, Camilla grabbed the room’s only chair and dragged it to his bedside. He rolled his head to face her and they locked gazes.

“Milla,” he croaked. He coughed a couple of times, but didn’t struggle in any way.

“I’m right here James,” Camilla said. Tessa could see Camilla’s hands shaking, her sister’s dead giveaway when she was nervous.

“Stay back from him,” Jace rumbled, earning a hard look from Camilla.

“James, you wouldn’t believe all the things I’ve learned since we were brought here,” Camilla said, lowering her voice to a more intimate tone.

“They’re all werewolves,” James whispered.

“Shifters. Call them… us, really. Call us Shifters. That’s you too, in case you didn’t already know,” Camilla replied.

James didn’t reply, his gaze intent on Camilla’s face.

“I need you to help me, James. I’m very afraid right now. I know the Legion is planning on coming here, and I don’t want to go back with them. Do you remember what the Monsignor called me?”

“Brood mare,” James mumbled.

“That’s right. And if I’m a brood mare, you’re a stallion. They’ve only kept us around to experiment with us. It’s sick, and it scares me.”

“I won’t let them hurt you,” James said, pulling at the restraints in an effort to reach Camilla. She beat him to it, putting a hand on his shoulder. In an instant he relaxed, satisfied.

“I don’t think one person could stop them. I think we need a big group to protect us. And these are our people, James. Can’t you feel it?”

James was silent again for a long time before he responded.

“You trust them?” he asked, searching Camilla’s face.

“With my life, and with Tessa’s.”

“Then I will trust you, Milla. They can ask their questions.”

Jace cleared his throat, but Tessa silenced him with a look.

“When are they coming?” Tessa asked, not breaking eye contact with Jace until she was certain he’d remain passive.

“What day is today?” James said, squeezing his eyes shut.

“Thursday,” Jace replied. Tessa looked at him again, but he raised his hands to indicate peaceful intentions.

“They’re coming in three days, then. Monday at midnight.”

Jace pulled out his phone and started texting, so Tessa continued her questioning.

“How are they going to get into the Den?” Tessa asked.

“They have two witches, twins. The Monsignor said that the Legion has used them before, and that they are very powerful. He is certain that they will be successful.”

A knock came on the door, and Shaw entered.

Camilla gently patted James’ shoulder, then stepped back to let Shaw move closer to his brother.

“I think that’s all we have for the moment, James. I feel a little light headed and I’d like to lie down. Will you answer questions for the others?” Camilla asked.

James looked at her, his eyes sad.

“You don’t love me.” It came out as a statement, rather than a question. The pain is his voice was obvious, and Shaw reached out a hesitant hand to James. The younger man flinched, and Shaw’s face mirrored his brother’s agony.

Tessa couldn’t help but put a comforting hand on Shaw’s arm, giving him a sympathetic smile. Jace tensed the second she the touched the other male, but he knew Tessa was only trying to help.

“I barely know you,” Camilla said, hesitant.

“But you don’t feel it. The pulling, like magnets?” he asked, furrowing his brow.

“I’m afraid not,” Camilla said with a soft shake of her head. “But I hope that you will still join us. Help us protect ourselves, James.”

“I said I would protect you. I wouldn’t go back on my promise, Milla. If you ask me to join the were— the Shifters, I will. I would do anything for you,” James said, his voice growing rough with emotion.

“Thank you, James.”

With that, Camilla rose and left the room. Tessa followed her, leaving Shaw and Jace to work out all the details with James.

Camilla went back to her room and climbed into her bed. Tessa was just behind her, and she sat down on the bed next to her sister.

“Can we share?” Tessa asked, nudging her sister with a shoulder. Camilla scooted over, then snuggled down into the blankets. Tessa did the same.

It was only then that Camilla sniffled once, and released a soft sob. She covered her face in her hands as the tears came, and she couldn’t hold them back anymore.

“Oh, Cami,” Tessa said, reaching out for her sister. “What’s wrong? Is it James?”

Camilla nodded her head. Tessa slid an arm around her sister and rocked her, humming a soft melody. It was their ritual, as it had been for their entire lives. One sister would vent all her sadness or anger or fear while the other comforted her. Tessa felt a tear or two slip down her own face, but it was more because she wished she’d never drawn Camilla into any of this in the first place.

After a few minutes, Camilla’s desperate sobs subsided.

“It’s just—” Camilla mumbled, trying to find the words to describe her pain. “It’s just that I feel so terrible. Poor James doesn’t deserve it, but I can’t separate him from my time at the Legion. He helped them pull me into the back of a van, you know?”

“I know. I feel just the same way, except that he doesn’t care for me like he does you.”

Camilla sighed and laid back, trying to get comfortable.

“I really don’t understand men,” she said.

“Wait until you find a Shifter you like. It’s a thousand times worse,” Tessa replied, only half joking.

“So you and Jace… it’s serious, huh?” Camilla said with a weak smile.

“We completed the mating ritual. We’re bound together forever now.”

Camilla whistled low and raised her eyebrows.

“That’s a lot of commitment for someone who’s really never even had a boyfriend. You seem pretty confident, though,” Camilla noted.

Tessa shrugged.

“I can’t explain it. I didn’t have much say in the whole thing, and it felt silly to fight something that makes me so happy. Er, most of the time anyway.”

“I’ll take your word for it. I think the whole thing is creepy,” Camilla said, pursing her lips.

There was a light rap on the door, and Jace stuck his head in.

“Shaw’s calling a pack meeting to discuss what we should do. He asked me to bring you, Tessa. He also said to tell you not to get sidetracked this time, whatever that means.”

Tessa laughed and looked back at her sister. She leaned over and gave Camilla a long hug.

“Get some rest while we’re all meeting. I’ll update you when I get back,” she said, crawling out of the bed.

“I’m on it,” Camilla said, pulling the blankets up over her face.

Tessa followed her mate out of the room, softly closing the door behind her. Turning, she ran right into the solid wall of Jace’s chest. He swept her up off her feet and kissed her hard on the mouth, eliciting a squeal of surprised delight.

Tessa melted against him, and Jace carried her several paces down the hallway before setting her back on her feet. She rose up on her tiptoes and kissed him again, savoring his kiss. Jace let out a gentle growl, and Tessa giggled.

“I don’t see what’s funny about this,” Jace uttered, running his nose along her jawline and just under her ear. She shuddered and giggled again.

“I think this is what Shaw meant about getting sidetracked,” Tessa said, pulling away and slipping her hand into Jace’s. He let her tow him toward the door, but he didn’t look happy about it.

“Like Shaw knows anything about this. He wouldn’t know a good distraction if it bit him on the ass,” Jace grumbled.

“Well,” Tessa said with a devilish glint in her eyes, “at least our alpha’s not a mimbo.”

Jace cocked his head, confused.

“What the hell is a mimbo?”

Tessa just laughed and continued to pull him toward the all-important pack meeting. With her mate by her side and the pack at her back, Tessa had never been more confident. Nor had she ever felt so safe and accepted. Assuming that the pack didn’t hold a grudge over her involvement with the Legion, Tessa felt she could truly number herself among the pack members. The pack’s future was to be decided in a handful of minutes, and she was ready to face whatever challenges were ahead.

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