Punishing for Pleasure (20 page)

Chapter Twenty-Three


Ash stepped up in front of Meri and held her chin gently with his fingers, “Pet, rest assured there will be consequences for not trusting us enough to confide your fears, but you won’t be punished for using your safe word. That being said, we’ve come up with a rather unique punishment for you. Are you ready?”

Meri’s soft, “Yes, Master,” sent the last bit of blood from his brain straight to his cock. Now he just needed to get through the scene without his oxygen-starved brain melting between his ears.

Thankfully Dex had managed to stay focused and when he cleared his throat beside him, Ash took a half step back. “Strip, baby.” Ash could see the surprise in her eyes and he wasn’t sure if it was the order or Dex’s change in the pet name he’d called her. What she would learn soon enough was there was a distinct pattern to the names Dex used. He’d always called her sweetheart, which he considered more of a
name, his use of
let Ash know he was preparing to reel her in.

To her credit, Meri quickly pulled the short wench’s dress over her head and handed it to him. Ash heard Dex’s growl at the tiny lace thong she was wearing.
No clue what the man has against panties that pretty, hell
they are practically sheer. See
ms like a waste to

His thoughts were cut short by the sound of elastic snapping. “That is the last pair of panties you wear that one of us doesn’t hand you, do you understand?”

The sweet scent of Meri’s arousal hit him before her soft assent registered. Suddenly feeling almost drunk on the smell of her musk alone, Ash pulled her gently into position and began securing her to the polished wood of the St. Andrew’s Cross. The thing was a fucking work of art if you asked Ash. There were hooks for every type of restraint imaginable, there was even an electrical outlet hidden behind a sliding panel on the backside, just in case a Dom decided to use something with a bit more power than batteries could offer. They didn’t need those luxuries tonight, hell, his goal was to last until they got her back to her parents’ condo, even then the chances of him fucking her against the wall of the glass elevator were better than fifty-fifty.

“You’re beautiful, pet. We’re going to play a bit before we claim you. Are you ready?” God in heaven, the woman was magnificent. Her skin was even taking on a tinge of color it had been sorely lacking, that rosy glow of a woman’s arousal was a total turn on and Ash was humbled to realize how much he missed just looking at her.

Meri’s glittering green eyes were dilated and the first hints of her surrender were beginning to show in her glazed expression. When she softly acknowledged his question, he didn’t waste a single second before pressing his lips against hers. He’d intended for the kiss to be sweet and inviting, luring her in to their web, but her immediate surrender set off an explosion of need that sent the kiss from sweet to plundering in the time it took his heart to skip a beat.
God in heaven, she undoes me.
Ash had no idea what he’d do if she didn’t accept their collar—just thinking about letting her go sent a lancing shard of pain searing through his chest.

Taking her breasts into his hand, Ash rolled her nipples between his fingers. They planned to take her to the piercing specialist as soon as possible, small golden rings through her pretty rose colored nipples would glow beautifully against her tan skin. And a clit ring would sparkle perfectly, drawing the eye to her bare mound and blushing sex. Ash loved the fact she kept herself waxed bare, the smooth skin provided them an unimpeded view and he knew it made her even more sensitive to their touch. Watching her labia swell was like watching a rose blossom in the sun. Pulling himself back to the moment, Ash repeated every Dom’s mantra in his head—
Begin with the end in mind.
If they were going to bind her to them, she needed and deserved his full attention…and it was definitely time to


Dex listened closely to the changes in Meri’s respirations and was thrilled to hear the quick, shallow breaths that told him she was sliding quickly into the proper headspace. Sliding his hands over her soft shoulders and down her ribcage, he noted she’d lost a lot of weight since being injured at the club—something they’d be dealing with in short order. Her health, both mental and physical, would be a priority. She was a busy woman and she was going to be even busier in the future, so she was going to need her strength. Feeling her shiver at his touch had him leaning forward to kiss the tender spot where her neck and shoulder met. “We’ll take care of that need, baby, all you have to do is let go and

They would probably make her crazy with their overly protective personalities, but Dex preferred to think of that particular trait as part of their charm. Sliding his fingers between the wet folds at the apex of her widespread legs, Dex let the tip of his middle finger draw lazy circles around her clit. Pressing kisses up her neck and running his tongue over the outer ridge of her ear he marveled at her responsiveness. “Let us love you, baby.”

“Yes, please.” Her plea was sweet but lacked the proper ending, and when he heard her sharp intake of breath, Dex knew Ash had pinched her pretty nipples in a silent reminder. “Yes, Master. I want you both, but I’m worried.” Dex assumed she was going to say something to confirm Jax’s explanation, but she surprised him by adding, “I’m worried I won’t be enough.”
Enough? She won’t be enough? Is she serious?

He obviously wasn’t the only one confused by her confession because he heard Ash’s growled, “Enough? Are you fucking kidding me? You’re everything we’ve always dreamed of finding. Stop giving John Stevens so much power in your life. His words were self-serving and don’t mean anything other than he was too damned stupid to know what a wonderful gift the Universe had placed in his care.” Dex felt her muscles relax again as Ash continued, “Dex and I, on the other hand, know exactly how lucky we are—and we don’t intend to let you slip away from us again.” Truer words were never spoken, he and Ash wouldn’t let her fear keep her from finding the happiness she deserved.

Dex stepped back just enough the pick up the small bullet vibe, butt plug, and remote laying on the small table behind him. Pocketing the remote, he didn’t even try to hold back his smile. They’d have her screaming out her release in no time. They’d decided to make sure she was at least partially sated before their little impromptu collaring ceremony, but now that he had his hands on her, Dex would have preferred to just lock the lovely chain in place, wrap her in a blanket, and bolt out the door.

Sliding the bullet vibe through her sweet honey, Dex felt her startle and bit down on the top of her shoulder stilling her immediately, “Stay still, pretty girl, we’ve brought you a couple of very special toys.” He knew she couldn’t see the notebook computer to their side, and even though he was anxious to explain all the incredible details of the device he was sliding into her vagina, that was going to have to wait.
Oh, but the sweet joys of having techy friends who are willing to share.
The data sent from the two wireless devices fed incredible amounts of data directly into the computer, which in turn controlled the speed and intensity of the vibrations based on an analysis of the data, keeping a sub on edge for hours if that is what her Master wanted. They didn’t plan anything that intense and had really wanted the unique devices simply to free up their hands so they could enjoy every inch of her. They’d been without her between them since the night she’d been stabbed and there wasn’t a single square inch of her sweet body they weren’t both itching to touch.

Kneeling behind her Dex held the small plug in his hand as he pulled her ass cheeks wide. Her body involuntarily thrust back in invitation and he was more than happy to oblige. Using his tongue to circle her tight hole, Ash gave her a few seconds to relax before slipping the small plug inside. The device was much smaller than either his or Ash’s cock but it wouldn’t need their girth to launch her into orgasmic oblivion.

The minute he touched the remote, Dex heard her sharp inhalation, “That’s right, baby, let those pretty gifts take you higher and higher while we feast on your delectable body.” He followed up his words with soft nips to her ass cheeks. Dex knew Ash was ravishing her breasts and just thinking about how gorgeous those nipples were going to look draped in a fine platinum chain with emeralds for weights made his cock twitch and strain against the confines of his trousers.

Dex glanced at the screen when the yellow icon flashed letting them know she was getting close, so he wasn’t surprised to hear her soft moan when the two units scaled back their assault. Licking the slick cream from her pussy was a treat and Dex set about the task relishing the pleasure. She was musk and honey all rolled into one and the taste of her on his tongue was testing the limits of his own control.

“Please, Master, I need to come. I don’t know how long I can wait.” Hearing her soft plea was music to his ears because Dex knew Meri had worried she wouldn’t be able to come without pain. Showing her they could send her over with pleasure alone would go a long way to convince her she truly belonged to them.

Hearing Ash’s one word command, “Come,” set off a chain reaction of response that left Dex in awe of the depth of Meri’s submission. As planned, they let her free-fall into orgasm after only two cycles because they knew she was still recovering and certainly didn’t intend to wear her out—just wear down her resistance. They’d expected a battle of wills, but had been presented the most treasured gift imaginable—Meri’s submission. Her scream was far quieter than usual, likely a lingering effect of her diminished lung capacity, but the huskiness was comforting in its familiarity. The silky flood of cream over his fingers let him ease both the vibe and plug from her trembling body while Ash released her bonds.

Glancing around him, Dex was shocked to see how large the crowd was that had silently gathered around them. Meri seemed oblivious to them and it pleased him to know she was so focused on them she hadn’t even looked around. Ash lowered her gently into a kneeling position and the two men took their position in front of her. Dex could see the first shivers as goose flesh raced over her dewy skin—it was definitely time to get this show wrapped up.

Dex pulled the slender chain from his pocket and when he started to place it around her slender neck, he was surprised to see CeCe and Cameron Barnes standing directly behind Meri. CeCe stoked Meri’s hair twice to let her know she was close and then gathered the long locks and held them up. Once the chain encircled her graceful neck, CeCe replaced Meri’s long chestnut waves, but they didn’t step away. He and Ash each held one end of the chain as they spoke. Their words were for Merilee, but were spoken loud enough for the gathered crowd to hear. Dex was glad Ash was up first, hopefully the extra few seconds would buy him enough time to figure out how to speak around the lump in his throat.

“Merilee, will you accept this collar and everything it stands for?” Ash had used a finger under chin to raise her face so they could look into her eyes. The flash of heat that flared there made Dex’s cock jerk in response.
Randy bastard has a mind of his own where Meri is concerned.

“Yes, Master, it will be an honor.”

Dex turned her face ever so slightly toward him, “We promise to cherish, love, and protect you, always. Your submission is a precious gift and not something we’ll ever take for granted.” Tears shimmered in her green eyes and Dex felt his heart squeeze with emotion.

This time Ash’s voice wasn’t as choked with emotion, “We’ll have another collaring ceremony when your ring is ready, pet. And of course we’ll need to invite all these wonderful witnesses.” The room erupted in applause and whistles as they slid the locking mechanism into place. After shaking their hands, Cam handed Dex a soft blanket, which he quickly used to wrap around his sweet sub, hugging her tight enough to make her squeak. Fischer had cleaned their toys and repacked their bag, which he handed to Ash along with his congratulations.

Before they’d even managed to leave the club, both his and Ash’s phones had dinged with an incoming message…
You did good!
Tobi’s sweet message was accompanied by an animated dancing monkey. He and Ash were both stunned at the little blonde’s networking skills—NSA should take note. But the next picture showing Tobi and Gracie holding signs saying
had he and Ash both laughing out loud. They might be smart as whips, but there wasn’t a subtle bone in their bodies. Dex hoped Meri would be just as spirited because he’d seen how much fun the other four Doms had coming up with creative punishments…
Let the games begin.



Cameron Barnes disconnected the call he’d made to Kyle West and stared at his reflection in the enormous mirror hanging in his office. His entire adult life had been dedicated to the study of human behavior. As an operative being able to read body language meant the difference between living and dying nearly every single day. And now, as the owner of one of the world’s most successful sex clubs, he used those same skills to help others fulfill their every fantasy.

Cam had started Dark Desires more as a distraction than as a business venture, it had also given him and his friends a safe place to “play” without bringing submissives into their homes. No one had been more surprised by how insanely successful the club had become, but every success has its price.

Becoming a public figure had been a gamble he’d been willing to take because he hadn’t had a wife or child at the time. Studying himself in the mirror, he wondered how a man who had seen so much of humanities worst could have become so complacent with the safety of the two people who mattered the most. Ordinarily he didn’t believe in regrets—and for a man with his past he had remarkably few. The letter laying on his desk filled with thinly veiled threats to his wife and daughter represented one of the two times he’d completely dropped the ball. The other incident had been twenty-five years ago. And just to prove what an unforgiving bitch she could be, karma was about to steamroll him for both mistakes at the same time.
Serendipity with twist of fate.

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