Questing Heart: Fighting Heart Erotic Bad Boy Romance Series Book 2 (10 page)



Cody had finally finished his writerly obligations when he saw my face. Joanna Laws stood at his side. Cody quickened towards me, and Joanna looked for the cause of his concern. Joanna’s face changed too. Cody pulled me close, then gently pushed me away as he looked into my eyes. I felt his resolve and anger. All I wanted was for everything else but Cody and me to melt away. “What happened?”

“Amanda lied to me. She and Brandon just have turned up outside.”

“Outside this place? Here in York?”

“Yeah. He’s been drinking and she’s got a screw loose, clearly. But this is more than about the alcohol with him, Cody, you know that. I thought he was a nice guy, a heart throb to boot, but he’s obsessed! He’s sick. That guy could have any girl he wanted. Why is he obsessing about me?”

“I can think of plenty of reasons,” said Cody. I felt Joanna Laws roll her eyes. The lady needed to take a hint when to back off. “But the main reason is because of his ego. You’re probably the first person in a long time to say ‘No’ to Brandon Lynes. Think about it. The guy comes from money, the kind of money which doesn’t ever run out. He’s been fawned over and pandered to his whole life. His small fame has come cheap and easy to him, and he isn’t even aware how lucky he is that a serious critic hasn’t picked up his little bitchy books and panned him to Kingdom come.”

“I should have told him myself,” said Joanna. “His work is pretentious, totally without meaning. He’s going to crash and burn soon. I mean there are some virtues in his work, but not many. I think most of the people who gave him those first flowing reviews were girlies who got their knickers in a twist when they met him,” It was pretty sexist and pretty damning, but the woman was straight talking and I liked her for that at least. Cody and I, still in a half embrace looked at Joanna.

“Okay. Three’s a crowd, I get it. You’ve got one more day left here, Cody, so whatever you do, don’t blow this. So far you’ve been a crowd pleaser and the bloggers are loving Seismic Girl. Some of the nationals will be there tomorrow. I want to see you tomorrow looking bright and breezy and” Now she looked at me, “…not thoroughly knackered. Do you understand?”

“Yes,” said Cody, with a deadpan tone, “I understand, Joanna. But Ashley needs some of my time. She needs help.”

“Don’t we all, Cody. Now remember what I said. Now because of your little muse showing up I’m going to have to find some interesting man to talk to or I’m shall get quite fed up,” said Joanna before turning and walking away. For a woman as good looking as she was I didn’t think finding male company was going to be difficult.

“Come on, let’s go for a drink,” said Cody.

I shook my head. “Not tonight. I don’t want to see them again tonight.”

“You shouldn’t worry about them. I’m with you now,” he said.

“I’m not worried, I just don’t need the hassle. But I’ll still take a drink with you. In your hotel room,” Cody smiled, and I could see the excitement bloom from nowhere on his face.

“Are you sure, Ashley?”

“Down there by the city wall… did I feel sure to you then…?”

Cody suddenly moved like greased lightning, and took me by my hand. I laughed as he went helter-skelter into the night. We passed by an off licence and I made him double back, picking up a fizzy white wine. Champagne would have been better for this, but Prosecco was closer to my budget, and tasted just as good.

We got to his room, and though we knew where we were headed, it felt right to take our time and sit close for a little while. He wanted to know the detail of what happened outside the theatre. I slid my boots off and folded my legs over his, and we turned towards each other, sitting on the floor of his plush hotel room washed in golden light. We both sipped from a tumbler of fizzy white booze. As I spoke I could hear the anger and upset coming out in my voice.

“He’s wants to wreck my life, Cody. Do you know, he even pushed me over out there? I mean he pushed me to the floor.”

I felt Cody’s body go rigid. I laid my hand on his and stroked his skin.

“It’s okay, Cody.”

“No it’s not, Ash. Guys don’t do that. Not ever.”

“Wrong. You mean guys shouldn’t,” I said.

He sipped his tumbler and I saw him brooding.

“But at least it’s over. I’m angry and I’ve seen who he really is. If he thinks he’s come to take me home, he’s lost his mind.”

“Maybe he has. He’s lost something lately… I’m glad you’re thinking like that, Ashley. I don’t want you to suffer any more of that crap…”

“I don’t want to go back, but I’m still afraid of his threats, Cody. What does he think he can do to me?”

“I won’t let you go back. You know what he can do? Nothing. He’s a classic bully. It’s all about illusion and fear.”

“You think?”

“Yeah… I think.”

“I do love it when you start acting all macho, My Barnes.”

“Macho? What’s macho about wanting to look after you?”

“Plenty. Now let’s put these glasses down and you can show me how macho you really are…”

I put my glass aside, and moved my thighs over his legs. My skirt climbed a little higher. In the dark beneath the city wall, I don’t think he realised the effort I had put into my attire. Now underneath the golden glow of the hotel room light, he would see me as I wanted to be. My expensive skirt rode up a little more to reveal a stocking top. I saw his eyes settle on it. He froze and stared just a little. I loved watching him shocked, suddenly aware of my intention. It felt so very sexy. I felt my abdomen heating up, getting ready for him. Being aroused and ready for the real Mr Right felt so good.

“You are beautiful, Ashley.”

“Why thank you, Mr Barnes. And you really are quite dashing. I’m wearing this whole outfit just for you, did you know that…?”

I watched his glistening eyes awake to the possibilities. He licked his lips.

“This whole outfit?”

“Yes. If you want to see… you need to make a move…”

I pushed myself back against the wall, and shrugged my shoulders. Cody chuckled and put his glass down. He shifted around me.

“I can rise to the challenge.”

“Now I already noticed that,” I said.

He came in close and kissed my cheek and he trailed his hot firm hands over my arms and shoulders. His mouth met mine with ravenous passion and his tongue ran over my teeth. He was bursting with desire, and I felt myself melt into it, my pussy beginning to hunger for what he needed to give me. I wanted to see it, to touch it. I dragged his hand down past my breasts to the zip of my skirt. He took hold of my hips and shifted me round for better reach. I liked that, feeling his assertiveness with my body. I smiled and him and nibbled his lip as he unzipped me.

“Good boy,” I said. “Now your turn.”

He stood up and unbuckled his belt, and took his trousers off. There, barely contained in his boxer shorts, was a tall throbbing erection. The cloth gave a hint of his dimensions. It looked like I was in for a good night. I felt myself getting more excited, Jeez, I really wanted him now.

I stood and took off my blouse and now I stood before him in my dark grey-black satin and lace lingerie. I shifted my body and stretched it out just to see the effect it had on his hungry eyes. His jaw became firm and tense.

“Does sir like what he sees…?”

“You have no idea,” he said, staring at the curve of my hips, the swell of my breasts, and unashamedly at the downward curve of my panties toward what he badly needed.

“I want… Ashley, what I need right now…”

“Go on, honey…” I moved towards him and curled my arms around his neck and looked into his eyes. “Go on, Cody, let me hear you say what you want…”

“I want to taste you.”

“But if I want to taste you?” I said, touching his bulge.

Cody shook his head. “Not now, sweetheart. That would make for a very short night.”

“Now that would never do…” I said.

I moved my body with exaggerated sweeps of my hips, revelling in being Cody’s temptress and his tart. I sat on the edge of the bed, feeling my total arousal as I shifted my body. I opened my thighs to show him the gusset of my panties. “Oh no… Cody… look what you’ve gone and done. You made me all wet…”

“Oh, Fuck, Ashley…” he said breathily looking at my crotch. He was undone, breathy now. He knelt down before me and tugged my wet panties away. I watched them slap against the wall. Now Cody was in front of me. I arched my back and thrust forward to give him better access and a better view of my slit. He reached out and touched me. It felt so sensitive I could barely handle it. I bucked and sighed at his touch. “Careful honey…” I said, though I knew he was already being careful. I watched his delight, his focus, as his fingers ran over my slit, as his first finger sank inside me, feeling the slickness of my inner pussy as it tensed to welcome him. He kissed me now, his lips and tongue against the hood of my clit. Then he kissed with more pressure. I groaned. I had no choice.  I leaned back further, and gave him better access. His lips encircled my clit. I groaned again. His tongue flicked across it. “Ohhh, shit…” I said moaning. It was so intense, waves of heat and tingling swept outwards from where his tongue played with me across my body. Now he licked me eagerly. He lapped gently at my slit and up to my clitoris. His fingers played with my labia, parting my fleshy lips so he could push his tongue into me, exploring where his cock would soon go. His lapping of my clit intensified, and then changed. He started licking me in different directions, and I felt my bud growing as the moment approached. I was hot, my eyes knitted shut as my body had a life of its own under his attention, with waves of pleasure throwing my body around as I ground my pussy into his face.

“Oh, Cody…” I sighed, finally seizing his head, burying his mouth and nose into my wetness. My pussy muscles throbbed and twitched over his face as he kissed me through an explosive orgasm. His face came away, his lips and cheeks glistening with my juices. The triangle of duvet between my thighs was soaked.  I fell back.

“My hero, Cody. It’s time for your reward,” I said, sleepily. He was dynamic while I was woozy with sex, but I wasn’t arguing. I wanted him inside me. I wanted to feel him empty his seed into me, to know his desire was such that all the evidence was left in me, exactly where I wanted it, deep inside.

He slid over me and I felt his bulbous cock push against me. I was so wet that I swallowed his big head easily, yet he pushed deeper than I expected and I groaned as he opened up my cavern more than I ever expected. I opened my eyes, enjoying the lush mixture of fullness, the aching and the onset of another orgasm.  He slid into me, pushing hard and deep, his lithe muscular body rippling as he performed. It felt exquisite. I felt his passion and his care in the way he was slowly fucking me, enjoying me and letting me enjoy him. I slid my hand between us to hold his ball sac gently in my hand. It was hardening quickly. I knew he was ready.

“Do it, honey,” I whispered. “I’m yours. Show me that I’m yours…”

He went rigid and groaned. I felt his balls throb and release as his cock exploded into me, pounding and pushing hard at the depth of my pussy. I felt myself slicken as he released his seed. It was done. I groaned and came again in the joy of receiving him, and seized hold of his body. Then we lay together, enfolding each other while we got back our breath.

When we recovered, I wanted another drink, but the bottle was almost done. We decided to buy another. Smiley and chilled from good sex, we felt like fools, hugging as we left the hotel and walked out into the city night. This was what Love felt like I guess. Silly happiness, and sweetness from companionship and great sex. I couldn’t have been much happier. It was just a shame that we had to see Amanda across the street, carrying her own bag of bottles. She passed us, saw us and said nothing. After our sex, I felt defiant and victorious. I didn’t give a damn. But I had forgotten that things could change so very quickly…



It turned out that Brandon Lynes wasn’t to be outdone by Cody Barnes. Not even his drunkenness could stand in the way of his determination to get one back on me. I later learned that right after the row outside the theatre Brandon spent hours instructing his buddies at Smiths College in London to set up some social media promotions for a special one-off York appearance at the Yorkshire Literature Festival. Meanwhile Brandon himself paid a nearby venue to host his impromptu reading the next evening, on the closing night of the Festival. Cody’s final reading on the book tour was to be on Sunday night at a famously literary venue called The Grand. The Grand was an ancient pub, and had been frequented by many famous writers through the centuries, declaring its literary heritage with walls of line drawings and old sketch portraits of those who had taken a drink or two through the years. Charles Dickens, Disraeli, the Sitwells, Graham Greene, Kingsley Amis, and so many more. It was the only place in York you could finish a book festival. This wasn’t going to be just a night of readings, it was going to be a kind of closing party. I wondered how closing parties went down with the literary types. But Brandon Lynes had different plans altogether. Three doors away from The Grand, on the other side of the street there was a pub called The Reading Room. With a name like that the pub was clearly after stealing some literary limelight from The Grand. This is where Brandon Lynes chose to upstage Cody Barnes. The whole idea must have cost him a fortune and a hell of a lot of hassle. When Cody went out to get our second bottle of the evening we knew nothing of these plans, and when we woke up at half past eight the next morning half of York city already knew. Unbeknownst to us, social media was buzzing with news about the special appearance of Brandon Lynes, the heart-throb of the literary housewives.

We woke up in blissful ignorance, though groggy with a slight hangover. But much more of my grogginess was down to our endless play. Cody was lithe, strong and athletic in a way I hadn’t expected, his clothes had always hidden the fantastic definition of his body. He was toned, and because of that, I was smitten with touching all the emblems of manliness over his body. His had good pecs and well defined abs, and biceps which sprang up when he leaned over me, inside me, filling me up, while I gazed at his rapturous face. I enjoyed his body, the feel of him, and the taste of his kisses, soft, hungry and sweet. I knew he was enjoying my body as I was enjoying his, and there was such electricity between us when our eyes met – especially when we were busy in the depths of pleasing each other, that I wanted to make him happy all the more. I desired to see him cum, because it drove me over the edge to see how my body drove him wild. We made love for the last time that night around 3am, and it was a slow-motion affair, with Cody unable to sleep until he’d sampled holding me tightly from behind as I pushed my ass against him and he ground his cock up into the slick mess we’d both made inside me. I remember a soft, tired orgasm and then we were asleep. The morning light slapped us both round the head at eight-thirty as we remembered Joanna Laws warning.

“Jeez, I’m tired,” said Cody, hauling his slim body out of bed.

“No, Mr Barnes, you’re not tired, you’re knackered. And it’s all my fault. Remember to relay that to Joanna, for me.”

He made a kind of laugh, but he was mildly down. “Man, am I in trouble.”

“Cody. One question. Was it worth it?”

“I wouldn’t swap last night for the world, Ash,”

I glowed with happiness at the thought of finally being with someone who cared about me as I cared about them.


I stayed in Cody’s room while he got busy. He had to meet Joanna shortly after he showered. I made him a cup of instant coffee and wished him luck, but there was no chance in hiding that Cody had had a busy night. Part of me was pleased that Joanna would see how much my new man was enjoying my company, but I felt guilty too. I hoped he wouldn’t get in too much trouble. I slept it off until eleven and then I cleared off into town, and spent some time feeling happy that I had an ally and a friend again. After this adventure, whatever was going to go down back at college would be faced far easier now I had a sweet, loving ally. I wasn’t even stressed any more. I wasn’t worried about my fate. Life was panning out as a great adventure to be relished to the max and no one was going to stop me. I even had a lover to share the magnificent journey of life with.


I saw the first reality-shaking flyer of the day as I was eating a late lunch in a student bistro outside the city walls. There was a sheaf of abandoned cheaply made flyers in the corner window of the joint near the front door, where a load of other leaflets were kept in very loose order. I saw the name Brandon across the front. My stomach twisted. My chest burned. I picked up the green paper flyer and read every detail. Each word felt like a needle jab.  The guy behind the counter was a hipster in a tight black Tee and an apron with a chunky beard filling his face. I showed him the leaflet. Someone like him was sure to know the low-down.

“Hey, have you heard about this?”

“Yeah. Some good looking chick came in this morning with those. They’re doing a special one off show at The Reading Room. It was only announced late last night. Must be a special kind of gig because there’s hardly any space in that pub and this guy’s getting to be a star. I’m definitely going along.”

The bearded hipster changed tack, seeing an opportunity in my question. “Are you going to be there?”

“Me? Oh… I doubt it. If I am I’ll be throwing tomatoes.” I looked at the time of the gig. I knew Cody came on just after eight pm. Brandon’s show started at nine. It was dropping into place as I looked at the leaflet. The guy wanted to prove a point to me, to Cody, to the whole world. I knew then the night was going to be tense and embarrassing. And there was a fair chance that it was going to be much worse than that. The night had the potential for disaster.

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