Read Racing Destiny (Dirt Track Dogs Book 5) Online

Authors: P. Jameson

Tags: #Contemporary, #Fiction, #Alpha, #Paranormal, #Racing, #Wolf, #Were-Wolf, #Mates, #Weather, #Rebuilding, #Loss, #Romance, #Erotic, #Adult, #Dirt Track Racing, #Family Life, #Packmates, #Mystery Mate, #Best Friend, #Survived, #Secrets, #Share, #Sister, #Bobcat Shifter, #Ravine, #Forever, #True Mate, #Convince, #Fate, #Interfered, #Patiently, #Discover, #Intended, #Years

Racing Destiny (Dirt Track Dogs Book 5) (10 page)

Though she couldn’t stop the vision, she didn’t want to. Diz needed her to see. Otherwise she wouldn’t have. Somehow she knew that much was true.

Tears streamed down her own cheeks while she was unable to move, but the scene continued.

When he came inside her, the sadness that filled the room wasn’t only hers. The frustration over his will being ignored. The way he’d kissed her afterwards so tenderly, trying to relay his feelings the only way he knew how. Had she even realized the way he kissed her in those final moments? She’d been so consumed with hurt, it was like she was feeling those sweet offerings for the first time now.

Holding her after. His hopelessness when he realized she thought he still wanted his mate. Frustration mounting to a dangerous level. War. He went to war with his wolf.

Dessy is mine. Intended is nothing.

His wolf confused. Hurt. His animal needing her but needing his mate, not recognizing they were the same.

Seeing the way out. Find her. Deny her. Dessy is mine.

The vision cut off and she could move again, but she didn’t want to. The room was quiet, besides the sound of stilted breathing. Diz gripped her so tightly his fingers would leave bruises, but she didn’t want it any other way.

“What was that?” he croaked.

“I saw everything.”

“I know. I felt it through our bond. How?”

“You wanted me to see it, so I did. That’s all I know.”

He squeezed her impossibly tighter.

“You’re right. I don’t want to forget it, Diz. It was our beginning. But now, I want more.”

Carefully, he let go, pulling back just enough to unbutton her jeans. He was slow and deliberate as he lowered her zipper and then pushed them over the curve of her hips, down her legs, and lifting her feet one by one. He placed one quick kiss over the cleft of her sex, causing a trill of excitement to ripple through her body before standing and peeling her shirt upward over her head. Her bra came next as he unsnapped the front and slid it down her shoulders.

He stood back to look at her.

“Even though my wolf feels our bond, he will fight the marking. The Elder said I should hold nothing back. I’m going to take you fast and hard. I’m not giving my animal any room to doubt, understand? Once you’re marked the wolf and I will be one again.”

Destiny nodded. She didn’t care how it happened, she just needed him. She sawed her legs together in anticipation.

Eyes glued to her, he ripped his shirt over his head, revealing his taut muscles. Her mouth watered to lick, but there’d be time for that later. With jerky movements, he unbuckled his belt and popped the button on his jeans, pushing them to the floor.

“Look at you,” he murmured. “Standing there, gorgeous and ready, and
With my young in your belly, ready for my mark. My intended. I can hardly believe it, Dessy.”

She blushed furiously under his perusal. For so long, she’d dreamed of this. She could barely believe it herself. But her cat knew. Her cat had always known. If only she’d had the courage to trust it before.

It struck her as odd that both she and Diz had fought their animals, and for different reasons.

Destiny is stubborn. Push it, and it will push back.

She almost laughed at the irony.

“Can I tell you a secret?” Diz whispered.

She grinned. “Don’t I know them all yet?”

He shook his head. “I always wanted you for my mate. Even before you woke from your coma. I thought you were the most beautiful female I’d ever seen. I sat there, hoping when you woke, our bond would kick in. I’ve never told anyone that. Never said it out loud even to myself.”


He guided her backward until she hit the bed, pushing her down. Settling in between her legs, he murmured, “Fast and hard.”

She nodded.

His mouth came down on hers, his tongue delving in for a taste. His delicious heat spread through her body, preparing her for what was to come. His hands grazed a path down her body, stopping at her breast to tweak her nipples. She moaned into his kiss and his tongue went deeper.

Down and down he went, his hand finally reaching her wet folds.

Destiny gasped, breaking their kiss as his insistent fingers pressed at her entrance.

“You’re ready, mate,” he husked.

Pulling up to his knees, he reached under her thighs and spread them wide, stretching her to the limit. He was magnificent, poised above her, all rippling intensity. This union would be furious. She felt the same urgency.

“Do it,” she breathed.

His erection bobbed strong and proud between their bodies. With one hand, he guided it to her pussy. There was no hesitation. He surged forward, and she gasped at the fullness of his body inside hers.

She tossed her head against the mattress as he gave two powerful thrusts, the muscles around his waist rippling with his purposeful movements.

So right. This was so right.

Faster he pushed into her, his body swinging with the movement, every meeting of their hips hitting her clit with delicious force.

“Yes,” she cried, her hands flying to his forearms to brace herself against his thrusting.

“Open… your… eyes.”

She did, meeting his determined gaze.

“Gotta… see you. Gotta see my Dessy.”

His wolf was close, she could tell. But was he fighting it?

Keep him here. Keep him focused.

“My Diz,” she said. “My mate.”

“Yours,” he said, thrusting harder. “Fuck yes.”

Destiny began thrusting upward to meet him. She was so close. She could feel her muscles tensing inside, ready to explode with pleasure.

“Fuck,” he hissed, dropping to an elbow and supporting his weight on one hand. They were face to face now, but he never let up on his furious rhythm. “Come, sweets… come for me. Let… me… feel you.” He bent to her ear, whispering the last part. “You know how much I liked that the first time.”


His blunt talk was too much. She came undone beneath him, spiraling into bliss like she’d never experienced before. It was soaring over mountain tops, trampoline-ing over oceans, and then coming to rest in the strongest arms.

Safe. She was safe.

But it wasn’t over.

Diz’s hot tongue lapping at the tender skin of her neck brought her right up to the edge of her second orgasm.

He slowed his thrusting and Destiny breathed through her panic.

“If you stop again, Diz, I swear… god, I
…” she cried.

“Never stopping,” he snarled. “Never. Mine.
. Forever.”

He pushed in deep once more and his teeth came down on her neck so hard she saw black flirting with her vision. Her breath caught, and she was paralyzed as he finished, filling her with his release. She came again, with him twitching inside her.

Their bond strengthened to iron as his scent mixed with hers in a way that would be permanent.

Forever. He was hers forever and it felt so good tears pooled in her eyes from the relief. A bond that could never be broken. He’d never leave her. Never expect to share their bed with another. She’d be his world, and he’d be hers.

Diz came to a stop but he didn’t release his brutal grip on her neck. He breathed heavily through his clenched bite. Seconds passed and she kept perfectly still, waiting for him to move.

When he finally released her, it was with the most care. He barely moved, licking her wound slowly, tenderly. He dropped gentle kisses to her raw skin.

“I love it,” he rasped. “I’m so fucking proud of this mark, Dessy. I don’t want to move.”

“Then don’t.” She smoothed her hands up his back while he kept worshipping the mark he’d made.

Sometime later, he slid out of her, falling to his side and pulling her flush against him.

“How do you feel, mate?”

She grinned, hearing the title. “Wonderful.”

His palm swept down her belly. “How about the little ones? I’ve missed so much.” His voice was tinged with regret, and she wouldn’t stand for it. Not now.

“It’s been one week. You’ve only missed seeing me eat like a cow.”

He chuckled. “See? I missed so much.” He kissed the skin beneath her ear. “I can’t wait to see you waddle.”

Destiny blushed at the idea. “I will

“Of course you will,” he said, running his hand along her thigh. “Three babies and these short little legs? Fuck, that reminds me, I
your legs.”

She pretended to scowl. “Yeah, well these legs can run faster than yours. That’s been proven time and time again.”

“True.” He squeezed her tight.

As she lay there, safe in her best friend’s arms, she realized the time for running was over. She’d found her place, found her purpose.

Running toward is not always running forward, and running away is not always running from.

“Oh,” Diz said suddenly. “The Elder gave me a strange message for you.”

Destiny turned to face him. “What is it?”

He frowned. “She said to tell you Fortune Cookie Wisdom says hi.”

Oh. Damn.

Destiny blinked twice, letting his words sink in.

Her silly philosophical sayings weren’t random thoughts. They were put there by Illia.

I couldn’t very well just talk to you like this, now could I

Destiny gasped with the sudden urge to cover herself from prying eyes.

I can’t see you. Christ, I forgot what it was like to work with a cat

,” Destiny hissed, and Diz jerked his head back.

Fine. But we need to talk soon. Diz will show you where

Destiny blinked, waiting to make sure the Elder’s presence was gone.

“You okay?” Diz asked. His brow was furrowed in concern.

She laughed, pressing her forehead into his chest. “Yes, yes.”

“You sure?”

“Yeah, I’m just pretty sure being mated to an Elder is akin to being mated to a crazy person, that’s all.”

He pulled her close, kissing her forehead. “That’s okay. I’m up for the challenge.”



Diz stood under the arbor the dogs had built in the center of the practice track. The thing was covered with white flowers and gauzy shit that the females insisted on. No one would ever tell them no on that, even if it did sit smack dab in the middle of their manly domain.

Because today was the day.

The day they’d all been waiting for.

The one that had him so anxious, he hadn’t been able to sleep last night.

He shifted from one foot to the other, nervous as hell. They all were. Drake, Beast, Blister, and Surge stood shirtless behind him. Blister seemed the least nervous of them all. Diz wanted to know his secret.

Eyes scanning the white folding chairs lining a center aisle strewn with rose petals, he saw many familiar faces. Owyn, Renner and his mate, Ryan, and Magic were among the cats from the Ouachitas. Surge’s mother sat on the front row, holding a wiggling Artie. Gracie sat next to her, pretending to be a big girl. And the newest member of their club, Mandrake Folsom Jr.—named after his father—slept soundly in his bassinet.

The Elder, Illia, stood front and center, next to the burning kettle that contained the mating markers.

“How long does it take to get dressed?” Beast grumbled impatiently.

“Well, I peeked at Ella’s dress,” Drake said. “It looked, uh… complicated.”

“Isn’t it bad luck to see the dress?” Diz asked, and Drake turned white.

“Oh, shit. Is it?” He looked to Illia and she nodded. “Well, fuck me. Why didn’t anyone say so?”

“I hardly think luck has any place in a mating ceremony,” Illia said in her monotone.

It was true. They’d worked hard to get here, but even still, Diz considered himself damn lucky.

For the past three months Dessy had trained hard with Illia. There’d been tears of frustration, but through it all, he’d encouraged her, held her when she needed it.

As a cat, she wasn’t familiar with the way male wolves were marked. Cats didn’t have a ceremony, they just clawed the shit out of their partner. Efficient as fuck, really. But she knew it was important to the pack, and she wanted desperately to give the dogs their mating ceremony. Except Illia insisted it could only be done by Destiny.

Rules, schmules. Whatever.

Dessy had put pedal to the metal and learned all she needed to know to perform the ceremony.

He was so damn proud of her.

But before performing her first job as Elder, Diz was taking his turn under the brand. And he could hardly fucking wait. Sure, it was symbolic, but wearing his mate’s mark was something he’d been dying for.

Heads turned as a black limo bumped its way down the tiny dirt road. The thing was coated with a heavy layer of dust by the time it pulled up to the track.

“There’s my female,” Blister murmured.

“Aw, damn,” Surge whispered. “I think I’m going to hurl. Fucking nervous, man.”

The limo parked and the driver got out to open the door. Tana came first, followed by Annie, Punk, Ella, and finally,
, Dessy.

She was fucking gorgeous beyond words in her gauzy white dress. Unassuming angel. Diz’s mouth hung open, and there was no hope of him coming off looking like he had it together.

Destiny was pregnant with triplets, which meant she looked about seven months along instead of three. She owned it as she waddled down the aisle behind the others. She was the happiest little pregnant female he’d ever met, which made Diz love her even more.

She glanced nervously at him, and he managed to lift his jaw off the floor to grin.

When each of the females had joined them under the arbor, the ceremony began. First Illia would conduct the marking for Diz and Destiny, then Destiny would perform the other four.

Through their bond, Diz could feel her trepidation. But he had full faith in her. She’d do fine. The pack loved her, and she them. Illia was right, they were a hybrid pack, and that was exactly perfect.

“We’ve come together today, to celebrate the mating of five very special couples.” Illia’s voice rang out without the need for a microphone. “Drake and Ella. Beast and Punk. Blister and Annie. Surge and Tana.” Her eyes landed on Destiny and her face changed from a muted expression to one of pride. “Diz and Destiny.”

She reached over, stirring the flaming kettle. The branding tool was coming up to temperature.

“We’ll start with Diz. Your path to your mate was long and winding, and not without a few bumps. Now you have young on the way, and all you’ve desired except one thing. You wish to be the bearer of your mate’s mark.”

“Fuck, yes,” Diz blurted.

Illia scowled.

“I mean, yes.”

He reached for Destiny’s hand, winding his fingers through hers for strength.

“Your pack has chosen the head of a wolf with the claw marks of a cat to be your brand. It shall from here on out be the mating marker used by the Dirt Track Dogs. Destiny, come forward.”

She reached up on her tiptoes to plant a kiss on Diz’s cheek before she went to take the marker Illia held for her. Turning to face him, he got his first look at the glowing tip of the brand. She held it in front of her body with trembling hands, and when her eyes met his, they were concerned.

Yeah, baby. It’s gonna hurt. But so, so fucking good

His wolf agreed, growling his appreciation.

He gave her a sure nod.

Illia spoke to Diz, holding his gaze with severity. “With this mark you commit your life to the loving and serving of your mate. For as long as you both shall live and even into death.”

“Yes,” he said. “Absolutely.”

She seemed pleased by his answer.

“And Destiny, by placing the mark, you deem your mate worthy of your devotion. For as long as you both shall live and even into death.”

His mate nodded. “I very much do.”

Diz’s heart soared once again. He’d never get used to the feeling of her loving him, and he never wanted to. He wanted it to be new every day.

“Now then,” Illia said. “Let nothing come between you, and may your bond outlive the sun. You may now mark you male.”

Destiny met his gaze, clearly conflicted about the idea of hurting him.

“Mark me, Dessy. Wolf is dying for it.”

She nodded, inching the glowing red emblem of wolf and claw closer to his chest. The anticipation was the worst, but he was practically hard for it, wanting her mark in his skin the way he’d put his on her.

With a deep breath, she shoved the burning iron against his skin. A strangled sound left his throat, but he grit his teeth through the pain.

“Love you,” she whispered, holding the marker in place until it was time to pull it free.

Diz clenched his fists tight. In two more seconds he was going to have her in his arms. Just two more…

Finally the marker clattered to the ground and she eased forward. “Is it okay?” she breathed, tears in her eyes.

It was more than okay. It was damn fucking perfect.

He reached for her, pulling her close and maneuvering around her baby bump. Kissing her hard on the lips to reassure her, he let his wolf get close to the surface.

“Mine,” he whispered, pulling back a fraction.

“Mine,” she breathed back.

Illia bent to pick up the marker. Returning it to the kettle, she said, “As your pack’s newly appointed Elder, Destiny will continue from here.”

Destiny gathered herself, wiping her eyes. Diz pushed all his love through their bond, wanting her to know he was right there with her, then he stepped to the side.

She let out a slow breath and smiled at the remaining couples.

“And now for the moment you’ve all been waiting for. You will take your vows and receive your mate’s mark.” She looked at Ella. “Sorry we couldn’t do it before Mandrake was born.”

Ella held up a hand. “Manny. Call him Manny.

Destiny laughed and so did the people in the audience.

“Ladies, if you’ll take the markers in hand, we can get started.”

One by one, the females pulled the long handled brands from the kettle and stood before their mates.

Destiny faced the guys and repeated the vows she’d just said herself. “With this mark you commit your life to the loving and serving of your mate. For as long as you both shall live and even into death.”

“Yes,” Drake said, with a sure nod.

“Yes,” Beast said, staring Punk right in the eyes and wiggling his nose like a bunny.

“Yes,” Blister said in his quiet way, his eyes moving over Annie like he was hungry.

“Hells yes,” Surge said.

Destiny turned to the ladies. “By placing the mark, you deem your mate worthy of your devotion. For as long as you both shall live and even into death.”

“Yes. Always yes,” Ella said, nodding.

“Yes,” Punk said, wiggling her nose back.

“Yes. So worthy,” Annie said, giving Blister a sweet grin.

“Aw, yessssss,” Tana said, winking at Surge.

Diz couldn’t take his eyes off Destiny as she conducted the ceremony that was so important to them.

“Let nothing come between you, and may your bond outlive the sun,” she proclaimed. “The marking may begin.”

“We gonna do it all at the same time?” Ella asked nervously.

Destiny looked at Illia for guidance.

“That will be fine.” The Elder nodded.

“Okay…” Ella looked at Drake and the expression on his face was the rawest Diz had ever seen from his alpha. “Let’s do it.”

She pushed the marker against his skin, and the others followed her lead. Diz pressed his lips together, the pain from his own mark still fresh. He watched as his brothers each reacted to the delicious pain. Hissing, grinding teeth, fists clenching.

Annie sobbed as she held the brand to Blister’s scarred shoulder, but his gaze locked on hers only spoke of pure love. She’d see what it did to him when this was all over. Being marked by the one who’d taken a chance on him… Yes, that brother was the most changed of them all.

Punk and Tana were all business, but Diz didn’t miss the emotion swirling around those two badass females.

Surge laughed, loud and boisterous as Tana flung the marker away and lunged for him. “That’s what I’m talking about,” he murmured against her lips.

Diz clapped along with their family and friends as the couples recovered from the marking ritual.

“And now, to conclude the ceremony, we have one last order of business unique to DTD.” Destiny glanced at Ella, and their First Mate grinned mischievously. “You might have noticed the racecars parked along the track and assumed they were there for decoration.”

assumed that. He frowned at the guys who looked as confused as he felt.

“In the ultimate display of trust…” Her voice turned sarcastic. It was cute. “… the males of DTD will allow their females to drive their car one lap around the track.”

Five sets of eyebrows shot to the sky.

“Say what?” Surge scoffed.

There were sounds of disbelief as the women snickered at their orchestrated joke.

That’s what this was. A joke.

“Good one,” Diz said, reaching over to pinch Dessy’s cheek.

She stared at him, grinning. “Oh, this isn’t a joke, Diz. This is the final act of the ceremony.”

There were several beats of silence.

“But… technically, Ella has already driven my car,” Drake argued.

Destiny shrugged. “Then it shouldn’t be a problem.”

“But Annie doesn’t drive a standard.” Blister seemed relieved by his own words.

“Oh,” Annie said, nodding. “I’ve been practicing. Ella taught me.”

Beast squinted at Punk. “Was this your idea?”

“I plead the fifth,” she said.

“Well damn, baby girl.” Surge frowned at Tana. “That bet we made last night… that was… you knew I’d lose.”

“Of course I did. But that’s what you get for… um,

Silence fell over the dogs as they looked at one another, contemplating.

“What do you say, boys?” Drake murmured. “We ready to hand over the throttle?”

Surge sighed, long and hard. “We’ve already given ‘em the
,” he wiggled his eyebrows, “if you know what I mean. Might as well let ‘em drive our cars.”

Diz laughed. “I’m in,” he said, grabbing Destiny’s hand, wrapping it in his and holding it out in front of him.

“Me too,” Beast grumbled, doing the same with Punk’s.

Blister took Annie’s, winding their fingers together and adding them to the pile.

“Yep, yep.” Surge and Tana came next.

Drake and Ella followed.

“Okay, let’s do this,” Drake rumbled. “Dirt track

“Huh!” they said in unison.

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