Reaper Unleashed (20 page)

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Authors: Michelle Woods,Mary Bogart Crenshaw

“Mine, you’re mine.
.” He grunted with every thrust into her, feeling the ripples of her impending orgasm hovering. He growled; he owned her and she would never belong to another. Not that he would have let her after she agreed to wear his patch, but if she loved him, as loyal as she was he’d never lose her. And that meant that he got to keep her and his son and that was what he wanted, no, needed.

His mouth sucked on her shoulder leaving a mark on her there to warn anyone that might think of touching her that she wasn’t available. He had wanted for weeks to mark her everywhere, to own her body and soul. Now, he didn’t have to worry about it, but he found as he took her that he felt no less savage in his intensity when it came to her.

It frightened him how much satisfaction her loving him created inside him. He was too wrapped up in her, he needed some distance, but the idea of letting her have space made him fucking nuts. He pumped into her, hearing her scream his name into his ear in a wailing cry of pleasure before he came in a hard burst of ecstasy. His body slowing down before coming to a halt, he looked into her satisfied face and knew he’d have to put a stop to this before he ended up getting hurt.


Chapter 18


Reaper had been trying to put some distance between him and Sarah all week and it wasn’t working. He was still too close. He couldn’t seem to stay away from her. He would plan to hang with the guys and end up headed home after an hour to fuck her because he couldn’t stand it.

His men called him a pussy whipped idiot and he’d decided enough was enough. He wasn’t going to put up with this shit anymore. He wanted to show them that they didn’t know what the fuck they were talking about.

Hammer was sitting at the table laughing with Rebel. “I know you’ll refuse, but we’re having a party with Candy in the private room, want to join us?” Hammer asked, already standing up.

“Yeah, let’s go,” Reaper replied and Rebel looked surprised, angry even.

“Sarah’s here tonight, remember,” Rebel told him.

“I fucking know that Sarah’s here, asshole, your point?” he growled.

“Nothing. Well, come on then,” Rebel said, shaking his head.

He followed them into the private room. Candy entered a few minutes later with Dex following her. Reaper stood next to the booth remembering Sarah’s shy strip tease in this room the day he’d met her. Candy smiled at him before getting on the table.

“You ready, boys?” she asked seductively.

Reaper wasn’t interested. He couldn’t even muster a semi for the woman. She began to dance to the music that was pumping from the speakers and Reaper’s gaze was on her feet. She was wearing blue sandals that reminded him of the ones Sarah had worn the first time he’d fucked her. It made him think of the dominatrix boots she was wearing tonight with a short leather skirt she’d bought the last time she went shopping with her friend.

Thinking about bending her over his desk and sliding that skirt up so that he could fuck her from behind in those boots made his cock throb. He wanted to go find Sarah but he didn’t want to hear the bullshit that they would give him if he did.



Sarah was done filing the club paperwork and decided to go find Reaper. Standing, she stretched her sore muscles. She was tired. Maybe he’d take her back to the loft early tonight. She walked out of the office to the booth he was normally sitting at.

Bull walked by and she asked, “Where’s Reaper?”

“The private room,” he said, looking annoyed, then turned back to the stage watching Trixie strip. Sarah wasn’t sure what the heck his problem was. He was always nice to her but for some reason tonight he’d been ticked about something. She headed toward the private room wondering what the hell Reaper was doing in there. That room was normally reserved for club parties. She didn’t like the thought that he was in there. She walked back down the hall and pushed open the door.

Sarah stared at the scene before her. Candy was stripping on the table while Reaper, Rebel, Dex and Hammer were watching. Candy was taking off her skirt and when she saw Sarah, she smiled like a cat who had lapped up all the cream. Sarah must have made some other sound because Reaper whipped around looking towards the door.

Sarah wanted to punch him in the face. After the stunt he’d pulled a few days ago with George, the guy who’d touched her ass, he was in this room with
. She couldn’t believe that he was acting like this after he’d patched her. Why was he in here with her? She knew that there were other men in the room with them but for this club, she knew that didn’t always matter. Was Reaper planning to fuck her? How could he do this to her when he went apeshit when some other man so much as laid a finger on her. Reaper stood, moving towards the doorway.

He was unsure what Sarah was here for but he felt suddenly guilty for being here with another woman. That made him mad because he was in this room watching Candy to show these fuckers and her that he wasn’t fucking pussy whipped.

Not that he was enjoying watching Candy strip. Honestly, it did little for him, which fucked with his head. He was too wrapped up in Sarah and he’d realized it the other night when she’d told him she loved him. He was becoming too addicted to her.

Just the sight of her standing in the doorway looking pale and angry made him horny as a fucking rabbit. He wanted to scoop her up and take her back to his loft and fuck her senseless for hours. It was like she’d somehow tuned his dick to only respond to her and her sexy as sin body.

“What is it, Sarah?” he asked rudely, pissed that he was feeling guilty about being here. He was also horny and knew he couldn’t do anything about it without looking like he was a fucking pussy.

“Are you seriously asking me that right now, Reaper?” she demanded, glaring at him.

“Just tell me what the fuck you want. I’m fucking busy right now.”

“Really! Are you freaking kidding me? What the fuck is this, Reaper?” Sarah waved to the room at large.

“It’s a show, honey, and you’re interrupting,” Candy replied evilly.

She didn’t want to see the smirk that was on Candy’s face but it was all she could see at the moment. The woman had warned Sarah he’d get tired of her and she’d foolishly thought that when he’d patched her it meant that he was hers and she didn’t have to worry about shit like this.

She was really pissed now. He was standing here looking at her like she was an annoying pest he just wanted to get rid of. He was likely annoyed that she was here and because of that he couldn’t go back over and play with that fucking stripper.

“Is there a reason you barged in here or not, Sarah?” Reaper asked. Sarah glared at him and he heard Hammer whisper loudly, pussy whipped. His hands balled into fists. He wasn’t fucking
she was just a woman and they were a dime a dozen in his world.

“No, there wasn’t. I want to know why the hell it’s okay for you to fuck around, but I can’t. I hate to break this to you, jackass, but if you can then I can too,” Sarah screamed. There were tears in her amber eyes and all he wanted to do was to hold her, to soothe her. And that was just fucked up. He was a damned biker for fuck’s sake, not a fucking nursemaid.

What she said had actually penetrated his head, making it pound with the urge to kill. She better not let another man touch her while she was wearing his fucking patch. He’d fucking murder the son of a bitch and then he’d teach her not to think she didn’t belong to him. She loved him, damn it. She shouldn’t be thinking about screwing another man.

It would shock her if she knew the things he wanted to do to her. He’d barely started teaching her who owned her, but if she let another man touch her then all bets were off. He’d fucking show her why they called him Reaper and then he’d fuck her so hard she’d never forget he owned her again.

Grabbing her arm when she turned, jerking her back, she tumbled into his chest, her amber eyes lit with fire. He got right in her face, his lips only a breath from hers.

“I wouldn’t fucking try that, Sarah. There are different rules for me than there are for you. You agreed to wear my patch and that means you belong to me and only to me.”

“So you keep telling me, Reaper. I think you’re just a dick,” she said, jerking her arm away from him. He let her go because he didn’t want to hurt her. She shook her head, an oddly solemn look on her face, then she stormed out the door, slamming it behind her without looking back.

He stared at the door for several moments wanting to go after her. He would show her that she was his and then he’d fuck her over his desk in that skirt and those boots like he’d been fantasizing about earlier. Stiffening his spine, he turned and went back over to the booth where he’d been sitting. He had wanted some space and her anger would put some distance between them, which was good. At least that’s what he told himself.

“Turn the fucking music on, assholes. I thought this was a fucking party,” he growled, knowing if he followed her they’d think she’d taken his balls when she’d taken his patch. He wasn’t going to be the guy they made into a joke over a piece of ass. He cringed inside thinking of Sarah that way because somehow he knew she was so much more than that.

“You heard the man,” Rebel called out, even as he shook his head and frowned. The music was again pumping into the room and Candy grinned widely and began dancing again. Candy was dancing, but he wasn’t really paying attention. He wasn’t interested in her rather large tits when she threw her bikini top at Hammer’s head. He leaned back into the booth thinking about fucking Sarah in those boots. It had been about fifteen minutes when he suddenly sat up.

His mind turning over the scene by the door and the look on Sarah’s face, he suddenly got a really bad feeling in the pit of his stomach. He replayed the way she’d looked at him while he’d asked her what she wanted. Sarah had been mad, madder than he’d ever seen her. He thought of the way she’d jerked away from him, the look on her face when she left the room, and the feeling of unease spread because he realized that at that moment she hadn’t looked mad at all. No, then she’d looked determined. He was on his feet before he thought about it.

“Hey, where are you going, boss?” Hammer asked.

“I need to make sure Sarah isn’t going to do something stupid,” Reaper growled, ignoring the laughter and the hisses of confirmation that he was pussy whipped as he headed for the door. He’d bet his life that Sarah was going to do something that would make them both regret it. He walked out heading to the office, hoping she’d be in there. He opened the door and cursed when he saw an empty room.

He headed to the bar. He motioned Rabbit, tonight’s bartender, over. “You and the boys need some more drinks already?” Rabbit said with a chuckle.

“No, where’s Sarah?”

“She walked out a bit ago. Lock talked to her before she left and Animal and Iron followed her I think,” Rabbit said, grabbing a beer for the man seated next to him. “He’s over there if you want to talk to him.” He motioned to where Lock stood against the wall near the stage.

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