Read Reckless Hearts Online

Authors: Melody Grace

Tags: #Romance

Reckless Hearts (11 page)


slides his hands around my waist, and just like that, the cold creek
water is no match for the heat between us. I shiver at the intimacy
of our bodies suspended here in the water, the way my legs seem to
part to wrap around his waist as he keeps us afloat with steady, sure

slows as Will reaches to caress my cheek, and I inhale in a shudder,
feeling the slow snaking fire ignite in my bloodstream; seeing the
intensity in his hazel gaze.

he kisses me again, he takes all the time in the world.

and leisurely, and hot as the summer’s afternoon. I melt
against him, sliding my hands up to tangle in his wet hair, tasting
and touching, letting our tongues softly caress, so sweet, I could
lose myself in the moment and never come up for air. I wrap around
him, feeling his wet shirt against my bare skin and the heat from his
body beneath, every breath, every movement rippling through my body
in an intoxicating rush.

how can this feel so good? I gladly surrender and give myself over to
the storm of sensation, the simple pleasure of his touch. There’s
more heat, more desire, just from kissing this man that I’ve
ever felt before in my life.

else can he do to me
 . . . ?

mouth moves over mine with a dizzying sweetness, easing my lips apart
and biting down softly on my lower lip with a nip that makes me moan.
Will stiffens at the noise, and drags his mouth from mine, breathing
fast. “I need to get you out of this creek,” he says, his
voice rough, eyes dark with need.

hold his gaze, my blood singing. “And I need to get you out of
these clothes.”


not sure how we manage to keep our hands off each other long enough
to rescue our bags from the sinking boat and swim back to shore.
We’re both wet through, but neither of us care as we pile into
his truck and take off, Will pushing the speed limit on the winding
country roads until at last, he pulls up in his front yard and drags
me from the passenger seat.

told you, I have running water now,” he says, a wicked smile on
his face. He claims another kiss, hard and fast, until I’m
panting, then pulls me after him, straight through the front door and
up the stairs. We don’t make it to the top before he shoves me
up against the wall and captures my mouth with his, hands roving
freely now over every inch and curve.

I want him.

yank his wet T-shirt over his head and toss it to the floor, kissing
wildly at his neck, his chest, those delicious planes of golden, taut
muscle. Will muffles a groan, and then his mouth is on me again,
tugging my bikini top aside and licking across my bare breasts in a
hot, delicious swoop.

fall back against the wall, gasping as he teases me, lavishing my
sensitive nipples with rasping, soft strokes until I’m writing
against him, desperate for more. “Will,” I moan, shaking,
and I feel him smile against me, enjoying the sweet torment until
finally he closes his lips around one taut nipple and sucks.

pleasure rushes through my whole body, and I moan again, louder,
hearing the raw sound of my own desire ring out in the empty house.
For a moment, it’s like I’m watching from outside
myself—half naked, head back against the wall, seeing his
tongue slide across my breasts in turn. It’s hot, so hot I can
feel the tension twist between my legs, aching until I can’t
take it anymore. I drag his face back up to mine and kiss him with
everything I have.

pins me back, wrapping my legs around his waist and carrying me
easily up the last remaining stairs and down the hall while our
mouths devour each other, desperate for one more taste. We slam back
through the bathroom door, and Will doesn’t even pause, he
reaches blindly to turn on the shower, and then pushes me back, right
under the spray. The water is cold to start, sharp against my skin,
but I don’t care. All I want is him, all of him—as close
as I can get.

mouths and pressing bodies and god, his tongue, sliding deep into my
damp mouth. I’m lost in the storm of sensation as the water
pulses down on us, and I never want to come up for air. Will grips my
hips and I moan into his mouth, arching up, feeling him hard against
me. I reach for his belt, and shove his wet jeans down. He kicks them
away, and then he’s hard in my hands, so fucking hard and
thick, I shudder with anticipation just to touch him, running my
fingers over his shaft as Will lets out a groan.

so fast.” Will suddenly spins me around, pushing me face-first
against the slick tile and pinning me in place with the hard weight
of his chest. “We’re going to take our time. God, I’ve
dreamed about your body,” his voice rasps in my ear. He slides
one hand over my breast, squeezing now, closing his fingertips around
my aching nipple to pinch and tease with delicious friction. I
whimper, pressing eagerly against his hands. “You’re
perfect, every damn inch of you, it’s been driving me crazy to
stay away.”

slowly unbuttons my cutoff shorts from behind and slides them lower,
peeling my bikini bottoms away as he goes. I reach to help him, but
he snatches my hands away, pressing them back on either side of my
face, palms to the wall.

he murmurs, trailing his fingertips down over my naked body in a
shivering path. His chest presses against my back, my body molded to
fit against him. “Don’t move. You stay right there. I
promised you, I’m going to give you everything you need, and
baby, it starts right now.”

legs go weak at the sinful promise, and I brace myself against the
shower wall. Will’s hands slide over me from behind, the water
pulsing hot now, beating down on my aching flesh. He kisses the back
of my neck, my shoulders; his fingers searching, skimming over my
stomach and the hollow of my hip. It’s exquisite. It’s
pure torment, knowing he’s so close—naked, but out of
reach. I’m aching and breathless, shuddering to his touch.

then he slides one hand down between my legs, and I realize the
torment has only just begun.

hear Will inhale with a hiss. “God, you’re so wet,”
he curses, sliding one finger slowly through my folds. “Wet,
and tight, and fuck . . . Delilah . . .”
My name comes out twisted with a ragged desire, and I’ve never
heard it like this before. All I can do is whimper and buck against
his hand. Will grips my hip to steady me, and then slowly strokes
over my clit in a steady, rhythmic rush.


fall forward, head pressed to the tile, hands still flat against the
wall as he softly explores my arched aching body, brushing over my
clit, delving deeper to dip into my wet core, just a fingertip
teasing, but god, it feels so fucking good. I clench, pleasure
radiating from his soft, devastating strokes. “Will,” I
gasp, half moaning in his arms. “Please . . .”

baby,” he chuckles, a low wicked sound in my ear. “You’re
going to have to beg a whole lot louder before I let you come.”

nips my earlobe, and sinks one finger inside me.

moan echoes from someplace deep inside, a ragged, raw place I never
knew existed. Will pulses slowly, curling his finger up just right,
his palm pressing against my clit with every stroke.
My legs are
giving way, but he holds me up, using his other arm to brace me
against him, pinning me against his chest as that one wicked finger
strokes and beckons and unravels me from the inside out.

I turn my head, burying my face
in his damp shoulder. “What are you doing to me?” I
whisper, writhing hard against his hand.

you what you deserve.”

pulls his hand away, and I whimper in protest, but then he’s
turning me to face him under the hot spray, kissing me slowly,
possessively, every touch taking me over. He pulls back to hold my
face in one hand, watching me as the other slides down between my
thighs, finding me slick and aching for him.

at you,” Will breathes, his eyes locked on mine. “Look
how beautiful you are.” There’s an intensity to his stare
that makes something twist, an ache deep in my chest. Nobody’s
ever looked at me like this. Nobody’s ever made me lose
control, taken over my body with such command—and tenderness,
too. Will strokes my cheek, infinitely soft even as his fingers pulse
and surge inside me, pushing me closer to the edge.

Will . . .” I want to close my eyes, just sink
into this incredible pleasure, but something keeps my gaze fixed on
his. That face, fuck, that gorgeous face: the gold-flecked glint of
satisfaction in his eyes, the slow, teasing smile that spreads with
every whimper from my lips. He’s loving this, I can tell,
seeing me like this, strung out on his every word, every touch,
totally under his thrall.

right, baby.” Will slides his thumb over my clit. I shudder,
the tension coiling, closer, closer . . . “Tell
me what you need.”

I gasp. “Will, I need you. Please . . .”

reach for him then, closing my fingers around his length, and loving
the ragged hiss that escapes his lips, the shudder of his body.

new heat surges through me, a sharp satisfaction mingling with my own
sweet pleasure. I can drive him crazy too. I can make him feel this,
so wild and uncontrolled.

pump harder, finding my rhythm against Will’s bucking hips. He
meets my gaze like a challenge, and his smile widens, teasing as he
sinks another finger inside me. Stretching, filling me, but fuck, not

I whimper, starting to lose it now. I want to keep control, keep him
hanging on, but my body is already cresting higher, winding tighter,
ready to explode.

bites down softly on my shoulder. “Come,” he orders

shake my head, trying to focus, to take him to the brink right along
with me. “Wait . . . I can’t . . .”

will.” Will grabs my hands away from him and pins them up above
my head, holding me in place with one hand as the other returns to
me, stroking with that mindless rhythm, sinking deeper, beckoning me
to the brink. “You’re going to come right now. Because
when you do, I’m going to take you to bed and fuck you raw.”

shudder, feeling the tension build.

like that, huh?” Will sees every gasp, every clench. “You
want me to talk dirty to you, sweetheart? Because I can do it all day
long. How my cock’s going to own every inch of you, fill that
sweet pussy until you don’t think you can take it anymore. But
you will, baby, believe me,” he swears, stroking me faster,
with devastating accuracy. I feel it, the low shiver starting deep in
my spine, circling higher. “You’ll be begging by the time
I’m through. But I won’t give it to you easy,” Will
murmurs. “No, I’m going to fuck you my way,” he
swears. “Hard and deep, so you know how it feels to let a man
in, all the way. Every inch, every last moment.

going to be mine.”

slams through me. The world implodes in a rush of sweet release, and
I fall against him, gasping as the orgasm races through my veins.
Will holds me up, kissing me through the storm, until finally I
surface, shaking under the hot spray.

My. God.

don’t think I’ve ever come so hard in my life before. My
whole body is singing with a wild pleasure, and the room barely stops
spinning enough for me to see straight.

mother of epic orgasms, how the hell did he do that?

when can I get more?

sets me back on my feet again. “You alive in there?” his
voice comes, sounding amused.

I take a deep breath, and lift my head, seeing the boyish look of
triumph on his face. “Don’t look so smug,” I warn
him, laughing. I push him playfully, and Will laughs.

it so bad for a man to take pride in his handiwork?”

shake my head, unable to keep the smile from my face. “Men. You
think giving one tiny orgasm means you’ve scaled Everest.”

Will catches my hand, and yanks me hard against him. “Admit
it,” he says, his eyes flashing with dark lust. “You just
came so hard you saw God.”

laugh, dancing away from him, but I don’t deny it. “We
need to get out of here before I turn into a shriveled prune,”
I say instead, shutting off the water. I step out into the unfinished
bathroom and shiver. “You got any towels in this place?”

down the hall,” Will answers, so I walk barefoot, naked, and
dripping wet, until find his bedroom: the windows wide open to the
hazy evening heat, a simple king-sized bed in the middle of the room
dressed in crisp navy linens that look so soft and inviting, I could
snuggle in deep and never get out. I find the towels hanging from the
closet door and blot one against my wet hair, tossing the other to
Will as he arrives in the doorway.

wraps it around his waist, and his stomach lets out a rumble I can
hear from across the room. “Dinner?” he suggests,
smiling. “I have leftover pizza in the fridge.”


you’re lucky, I might scrounge up a couple of paper plates.”

know how to treat a woman,” I tease, and Will laughs, pulling
me into his arms.

straight I do.” He kisses me, slow and easy, the kind of kiss
that could last all night—until his stomach sounds again.

laugh and pull back. “Time to feed the beast.”

that a promise?” There’s a glint in Will’s eye. He
crosses to the dresser and pulls out a fresh pair of jeans, tugging
them on while I enjoy the view. Then he digs out a button-down shirt,
and some drawstring jogging pants for me. “Not exactly your
size, I know . . .”

see what I can do.”

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