Red Flags (12 page)

Read Red Flags Online

Authors: C.C. Brown

Tags: #romance, #love relationships, #love romance, #adult and young adult, #sex and relationships fiction

I nodded my head, beaming with an asinine
smile. Mila snatched the phone and looked at Jacob, nodding her
head in approval. My phone buzzed, indicating a notification, and
Mila handed it back to me. This time, the response came from


*There will be no fucking meeting.*


There was no lol, or jk, behind his response;
the gravity of his sincerity in that statement was not to be
mistaken. I pondered why he hated his brother so much? My face must
have given away the fact that there was something happening,
because Chelsea grabbed my phone and her mouth dropped and her eyes
lit up.

“Whoa. Singling rivalry?"

“Yes,” I answered, slurring the word.

Chelsea handed the phone over to Mila who
responded with the exact reaction as Chelsea.

“Whoa Pinks. Does he not like his brother or

“No he doesn’t, and I’m not really sure why,”
I offered up, in hopes that I wouldn’t be interrogated any further.
I wasn’t sure what made me believe that, since these were two of
the most intrusive girls I had ever had the pleasure to meet.


“Well, spill it. Why does he not like his
brother?” Chelsea was suddenly a sober sister and full of energy
with her question.

“I really don’t know. He said they will just
never get along.”

This seemed to placate the girls and they
dropped the line of questioning. Chelsea checked herself in the
mirror, running her fingers through her hair before turning and
stalking out of the bathroom. The dance floor was full of people as
a fast song blared over the sound system. Mila grabbed my hand and
pulled me out on the floor, where we bumped into people as we made
our way to our spot. When we stopped and started dancing, Chase
walked up to say hello. I gave him a cautious hug, knowing Jason
and his searing eyes weren’t far away.

“So when did you get here?” Chelsea asked
him, still yelling at the top of her lungs.

“About 20 minutes ago, but I don’t think I’m
going to stay long, my buddies want to hit up Gaslamp tonight.”

“Oh that’s cool,” I managed to mutter.

“I saw Jason, Hunter, and Ryan in the back
over there, I went to say hi… hostile crowd.”

“Yeah, a few issues tonight,” I tried to
smooth things over, but the truth was, Ryan didn’t like him, and
neither did Jason. If Hunter was impolite, it was only because of
the vibe that he got from the other two.

“You know Jason doesn’t like you Chase?”
Chelsea shouted, stating the obvious. She really had no filter. I
could do nothing but shake my head in astonishment.

“I figured that out, but thought I would be
the bigger guy and say hello, probably a bad idea.”

I laughed, “No not a bad idea at all.
Someone’s got to do it.”

Chase smiled down at me, placed his hand on
my back, and leaned in to whisper in my ear. “You look amazing
tonight Cara.”

“Thanks,” and the next second I felt a
familiar hand on my shoulder. Jason kissed my check, and glared at

“Want to remove your hand?” he asked Chase in
a very condescending voice.

Chase looked at me, then to Jason, and
smiled, seemingly unfazed by the hostility pouring out of

“Well, I hope you all have a good night,” he
turned and motioned to a few guys by the door that I had never seen
before, and then he was off.

Jason looked like he had just won some sort
of contest. He pulled me in him and kissed me, keeping his arm
around my waist in a very possessive sort of way.

“I swear that fucking idiot wants you Cara,”
Jason growled out over the music.

“Well, Chase is just a friend to me, nothing
more,” I responded, hoping to reassure Jason that our friendship
was platonic, as far as I was concerned.

“To you, but to him, he’d like to make you a
whole lot more. I will break his face if he tries to act on it. His
tone was so irate that I wasn’t sure if it was coming from the
alcohol or the deep-seated hatred he seemed to harbor for

The rest of the night went without incident.
We danced, laughed, drank, and people watched, critiquing all of
the hideously bad dance moves circling around the dance floor. I
managed to get another drink down, not sure how because before that
I felt the need to vomit all over the floor, but kept myself in
check. Ryan and Mila were displaying some serious PDA and, maybe
because the alcohol was flowing through my veins, it didn’t bother
me. Hunter and Chelsea were laughing, while sneaking in innocent
kisses, all while dancing to every song the DJ played. Jason
glanced down at his phone and made a call.

“Hey, gather them up, we’re gonna to go.”

I looked at my phone and saw that it was only
15 minutes past midnight, and while I was a bit annoyed that we
were leaving so early, I nodded and walked in the direction of the
others to rustle them up. Jason made his way to the bar to pay the
tab, and we met up at the door.

Patrick showed up just as we were exiting the
club. Chelsea, for some strange reason decided she wanted to ride
in the front of the Expedition, so Jason and I had the back seat
all to ourselves. Mila fell asleep on Ryan’s shoulder and the sight
of him caressing her hair down her back made my skin prickle. I
would definitely have to get used to the sight of them on more than
just a flirtatious level. Hunter started playing on his phone, and
I lay my head down on Jason’s lap. An out of character
exhibitionist came out of me, as I unzipped Jason’s pants and began
playing with his length. He looked down at me without moving his
head and smiled. I went a step further and took a couple of licks,
making him look around the car to make sure no one could see what
was happening. I looked up at him and smiled, then with the element
of surprise, I swiftly took him in my mouth. Really? I even shocked
myself. He threw his head back, and muffled his moans – hiding them
between fake stretches. I started sucking, and just as I was
starting to get into my groove, Jason pulled on my hair to pull me
up and away. He leaned down and whispered ever so seductively in my
ear. “Not in here Gorgeous; you’ll start something that we can’t

I licked my bottom lip, because those words,
in that tone, sounded so tempting that I was almost willing to call
his bluff. He had a sly grin on his face, and I knew this was to be
continued, so I zipped him back up, and just lay with my head in
his lap.

We made our way back to Jason’s house, and
once the car stopped; Mila woke up, energized from her power nap,
and ready to play. “Let’s go swimming… who’s down?” She asked in a
voice that was far too high pitched.

Everyone in the car agreed, and quickly
paraded their way into the house to get changed. I waited for
Jason, and saw him hand Patrick a $100 dollar bill, and then send
him on his way.

After changing, Ryan took a bottle of Jager
out to the patio with six shot glasses. Jason grabbed a beer and
declined the Jager, but anticipated my unasked question and sent me
a curt nod, like he was giving me approval. We all took the shots,
and then Hunter grabbed Chelsea and ran into the pool with her in
his arms. Ryan dove in and Mila followed. I sat down on Jason’s lap
and we watched the rest of them frolic in the pool like carefree

“Do you want to swim?” he asked me.

“Naw, I don’t really feel like getting wet,”
I answered hastily.

He gave me a wicked grin, “that’s inevitable.
You will be wet tonight,” and I knew exactly what he was talking
about. He took another swig of his beer, lifted a remote control
out of a compartment in the bar and changed the pool lights to a
sensual red.

The others seemed enthralled in their new
environment so with the lack of attention our way, Jason picked me
up, laid me over his shoulder, and I screamed as he ran me to the
bedroom. He tossed me on the bed and tugged on the string to my
swimsuit top, making it fall forward. He used both hands to roughly
massage my breasts. As rough as he was being, I was completely
aroused, and I rummaged my hands through his hair, peering into his
eyes. He removed his tank top, leaned down, and started
aggressively kissing my neck, face, lips – basically anything he
could get his mouth on. His breathing was hard and hurried, and I
reached down and untied my bottoms. He stepped back, dropped his
swim trunks, and rapidly climbed back on the bed, pulling me over
to him, and holding my head in his hands.

“Now, you finish what you started in that
damn car,” he says softly.

I took him in my mouth and began to swirl my
tongue around him. He raised his hips to meet me and as I picked up
speed, his moans and groans got louder and louder. I could now feel
him in the back of my mouth, and his body convulsed rapidly. He had
my head, holding very tightly to my hair as his hips met every
suck. With the addition of my hand, moving up and down his shaft, I
felt the wet, warm, sticky substance erupting out of him and into
my mouth. He threw his head back on the pillow and as I got up, he
grabbed me around my mid-section, throwing me down across the bed.
I heard the condom wrapper, and within a few seconds, he had it on.
He stood up, going behind me, grabbing my legs like a wheel barrel,
he slammed into me. The alcohol made him so much more aggressive.
He was using my legs to combat my body against his thrusts, and as
I yelled out from the ripple of sensations of him hitting my spot
over and over; he barked at me to yell louder and louder.

He briefly stopped, turning me over and
leaving nothing but my upper back on the bed. He had my legs spread
out in his arms, as he quickly re-entered me. He was pounding into
me so quickly, that I thought he might shatter something on the
inside. Electricity was building inside of me, and my eyes rolled
to back of my head. Jason growled at me to open my eyes, and I made
a failed, feeble attempt to do so. He moved even faster, and I was
at a loss. My eyes closed, my body clenched up and I screamed out
his name, spilling out all over him. A few more thrusts and he
stalled, and then fell on top of me.

After catching our breaths, he stumbled off
to the bathroom. I found my bikini pieces and started to put them
back on when he came back into the room.

“What are you doing?” he asked sharply.

“Getting dressed so we can go back out with
everyone else,” I answered, able to hear the screams and thrills
from the backyard.

“We aren’t going back out there, I’m tired. I
just want you in my arms, in this bed.”

I did want to spend more time with the
others, but then again, Jason, in all of his naked wonder, was much
more enticing, so I opted for the bed. He turned off the lights,
lay down in the bed, and ordered me into his arms; which I eagerly
did. We lay in the darkness, him occasionally kissing my hair, and
fell asleep.

Chapter 6

Sunday morning sunshine was nowhere to be
found, as the gloom from the marine layer decided to grace us with
her presence. Jason wasn’t in the bed with me, and I heard wild
laughter coming from the front of the house. I threw on my mesh
shorts, and one of his t-shirts, ignoring my bed hair, and
hurriedly walked out to kitchen area.

Everyone was gathered in the kitchen and
Jason was busy making pancakes – very domestic. A sudden pang of
anger overcame me, as I noticed that everyone had been up for quite
some time, and that I was left, in the room, in my glorious
slumber. What was wrong with that again? Mila was the first to
notice me, and finally, taking her school girl crushing eyes off of
Ryan, finally acknowledged me.

“Morning Pinks! Good sleep?”

I stretched, plastered on an artificial smile
to hide my unnecessary anger, and moved closer into the living

“Yes it was. How long have you all been

“Since about seven,” Jason chimed in, “but
you were sleeping so hard, I didn’t want to wake you.”

“Oh okay!” I was still secretly and
ridiculously pissed but I tried to move past that. I looked at the
clock on the wall; it was nine thirty in the morning. I didn’t know
if it was the gloom that made me sleep in, or the crazy weekend
we’d had, but I woke up in the most perturbed of moods, and wanted
desperately to shed it.

“So, what are the plans today?” I asked, in
hopes that everyone was ready to relax because I had had one hell
of a weekend.

“I have to get back home, get ready for work,
and I think Mila is going to come with me,” Ryan uttered, gazing at
Mila with adoring eyes as hers sparkled into his. I had to pull my
eyes away from them; their affections were driving me crazy.

"I have to get back to RB and get ready for
this week’s meetings with my dad. I’ll be gone most of this week to
Vegas,” Hunter boasted. I got the feeling that he and Jason might
become close, since they both pretty much did the same thing.
Hunter worked for his dad – who holds accounts for Jason’s dad, and
while he graduated two years ago, Chelsea still pulled him into the
crazed college scene. Jason, on the other hand, was still a student
– albeit an older one, but also worked for his dad, occasionally,
and if he was going to hang out with this crowd, it would be vital
that he became acquainted with this scene as well.

“I’m going home to sleep the day away,”
Chelsea replied in a rather monotone voice.

Jason flipped a few more pancakes onto a
plate, and turned to me, catching me off guard by the intensity of
his stare. “What are your plans today Cara?” He said, not taking
his eyes off of mine. I wasn’t sure if it was seduction, or anger
in his eyes, but whatever it is, it was quite unnerving.

“I don’t know – was hoping to just relax

“That’s a good idea; this has been a busy
weekend for us.”

He turned back to making pancakes, and I
trudged along to the table, laying out the place settings for
breakfast. We sat and ate, laughing and talking about the night
before, when Chelsea, always being Chelsea, had to ruin the fun and
festive mood.

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