Read Red Hot Obsessions Online

Authors: Blair Babylon

Tags: #Fiction, #Romance, #Collections & Anthologies, #Contemporary, #Literary Collections, #General, #Erotica, #New Adult

Red Hot Obsessions (155 page)

Damien caressed my thigh. A cool shiver shot up my leg as our skin made contact, moving straight to my heated core to swirl and throb there. I had felt Damien's touch dozens of times before, but somehow it was different. My body involuntarily tensed when he took his hand away, wondering what would happen next.

His fingers touched both legs this time, sliding up under my skirt to push it up my thighs. Cool air seeped between them, sweeping over my heated lips, and I hoped that Damien's hands would soon follow. He was teasing though, rubbing my outer thighs, making no attempt to move in towards my center.

My body ached for his touch, but I dare not ask for it. This was not a man who needed instruction. He knew exactly what he was doing, that he was teasing me relentlessly, filling me with want for him.

“How does that feel?” he asked.


His palms trailed down my thighs, making gentle circles over my knees before they finally changed direction and slid up between my legs. My breath hitched as I waited for them to reach their sweet destination, but they stopped short, receding back toward my knees, leaving me wanting. Such an evil, evil tease.

On the second pass, they reached higher, his knuckles kneading my inner thighs, his thumbs playing along the seam of my quickly moistening panties. I stifled back a groan, my breath already becoming ragged in anticipation. It took everything in me to remain steady. My body itched to grab his hand and shove his thick fingers inside my wanting cunt. He had control though, and as much as he was driving me insane, I knew I would have to wait until he was ready.

After a few more minutes of relentless torture, I began to wiggle, inching myself towards him as his hands made a stroke up to my thigh. As if to punish me, he withdrew completely, leaving my body burning for more.

“Not fair,” I whispered grumpily.

“You're impatient.” There was amusement in his voice.

“I want you.”

“Do you?”


The hands returned, and I sighed in relief as they ran all the way up the length of my thighs to grasp onto the waistband of my panties. I was more than willing to lift my butt, so he could pull them down, knowing now that they were off, my pussy would be getting more attention.

When his hand returned again, it went straight for my wet folds. He petted a finger over them, running back and forth across the slickness of sweat and desire. I spread my legs a little wider and then blushed from my obvious display of need. It couldn't be helped though. My body was aching for him.

Damien's thick fingers made a few more passes up and down my engorged lips before they nudged inside, spreading my petals to get to the nectar of my feminine flower. When he flicked a fingertip over my erect nub, I thought I might choke on my own breath. I hadn't even realized I had been holding it up to that point. Warmth flooded through me as oxygen and pleasure coursed through my body. His fingers were undoubtedly skillful, rubbing and massaging and driving me insane.

He petted back and forth between my folds, moving from my pleasure button to my slit. When his fingers reached my waiting hole, he plunged two inside, and my body almost involuntarily bucked towards his hand, my mouth forming an O of approval.

“Yes,” I whispered shamelessly as he began moving in and out, thumbing my clit while he fingered me.

“Are you going to come for me?” he asked, though he was too confident to need a response.

I leaned back, feeling his fingers pick up an aggressive pace. The friction coupled with the pummeling against my clit quickly worked to drive me up the hill of insurmountable pleasure. My cunt made a squelching sound as he really began to pump, proof of my body's unrelenting hunger to be fucked. Soon, I could hold on no longer, and the world around me exploded into euphoric bliss as the tremors took over, rocking me to my very core.

Damien's fingers stilled inside of me, and his thumb focused on my nub, pressing and rubbing to milk out every last contraction. I gasped, wanting to sink back against the bed in exhaustion, but I knew we were far from over.

“I want your cock,” I said greedily, though I wasn't sure which end that I wanted it in.

I groped for him. The blindfold had suddenly become an annoying nuisance, but I knew it would displease him if I took it off, so I left it in place, fumbling around like a blind person to find his manhood.

“Stand,” I requested, and he did as he was asked.

My hand zeroed in on the bulge in his jeans, feeling the outline of it. He was already nice and deliciously hard for me. Once my mouth began salivating, I knew which end that I wanted his cock in first.

I moved to unbutton his pants with an urgency I'd never felt before. Within seconds, the velvety skin of his shaft was in my hand. It felt so smooth, so strong. I leaned forward and kissed at the tip, moaning as the wetness of pre-come painted my lips. My tongue lapped over it, tasting him, and he groaned in response.

I could have teased him like he had me, but my lust was far too great. Like a cock hungry slut, I accepted him into my mouth, wrapping my arms around his hips and practically face fucking myself. My strokes were long and deep, taking him all the way to the back of my throat while my tongue working to massage his veiny underside. As I bobbed, I groaned, so aroused from sucking on him that I felt like I might come again.

Damien reached to pull my shirt over my head, and I broke away from his cock just long enough to allow it. Then he lifted up my bra and took a nipple between each thumb and forefinger, twisting and tugging on them, sending need straight down to my recovering clit. As he did this, he began to buck. I moaned and opened my throat, allowing him to fill me with his meaty fuck stick.

After a while, he let go of my nipples and gripped the back of my head instead, curling his fingers into my hair and thrusting. For a while, I thought he was going to come in my mouth. I wouldn't have minded. My body was totally receptive to anything at that point, whatever his pleasure may be.

Eventually, he pulled away, leaving my mouth feeling empty. The only thing that made it better was knowing what was coming next. While there were many things about Damien Reed that were still a mystery to me, I did know him on a more carnal level. He wouldn't be able to resist claiming me soon.

My mound throbbed in anticipation, wanting him inside of me. His fingers had been good, but his cock was even better, thick and filling.

“Turn around and get on all fours,” he told me, and I was quick to obey, groping around blindly to make sure I was staying on the bed.

He grabbed me by the hips and pulled me back. I half expected him to slam right into me, but instead, he took his time, placing his hands on my ass to squeeze and caress my skin. My body shuddered with pleasure at his touch, my pussy aching needily. It was like the orgasm I had earlier hadn't even happened, my body felt so ready for more.

Still, Damien took his time, worshiping me with his fingers, which quickly trailed between my legs, slipping inside of me. I groaned, arching my hips back to take them in.

“You're very wet,” he noted.

“You make me that way,” I breathed.

Then he did something unexpected. He pressed two of his fingers deep inside and angled his hand so that his thumb could rub over the tight ring of my asshole.

“That's an out hole,” I warned.

“Is it?” He didn't sound convinced.

“Hard limit, remember?”

“It's not dirty, Chey, no matter what you think.”

“It is to me.”

“You might change your mind if you let me—”

“No. Nope. Not happening.” I shook my head.

Relenting, he dropped his thumb and focused on finger fucking my pussy. I groaned in approval, trying not to feel like such a bitch for not giving him his way. There were many things I'd do for Damien Reed, but that wasn't one of them.

My body rocked in sexual bliss under the weight of his hand, clamping and relaxing around his fingers, feeling him spread me wide in preparation for a larger intruder. The moisture between my legs felt like it was practically dripping, the heat of my sex begging to merge with him.

As if reading my mind, the hand withdrew, and I heard the crinkling of a condom wrapper before I felt something bigger take the place of his fingers. Damien's thick mushroom nudged at my entrance but didn't break though. Almost instinctively, I pressed my hips back, wanting to devour his manhood with my pussy.

“You're so wanton,” he noted with amusement in his voice.

“Give it to me, Damien. Please.”

“What if I don't?” He pressed it in just beyond the threshold, then pulled out again, rubbing tight circles around my entranceway.

“Then I might rape you.”

“That would be something,” he laughed, kneading his fingers into my ass cheeks, crawling them in toward my core and spreading my pussy lips. I could feel him watching me back there, and it made me embarrassed and excited. Damien Reed was a kinky sex God, and I was his loyal servant, bending to his every whim and will.

He practically owns me already, I realized. At least, he owns the pleasures of my body. Chase is good, but Damien is amazing. There's no comparison.

My thoughts were drowned away when he suddenly bucked forward, plunging me into the dark abyss of pleasure. I gasped in surprise, and then my mouth was all moans as he fucked me violently. His fingers dug into my hips so deep that it hurt, and his cock slammed against me so hard that it made a loud crack when our bodies met.

The ferocity of it was so intense that I almost couldn't breath between gasps and moans. My eyes were wide open, but all I could see was darkness. Every nerve in my body screamed with sensation, some pleasure, some pain.

The bed squeaked below us defiantly, sounding like it was about to break at any moment. My pussy mirrored its sentiment, burning from the force of Damien's lust. When he slammed against me, it felt like he was hammering into my depths, past my cervix and straight into my womb. Tears ran down my cheeks, soaking into the blindfold. For the abuse that my cunt was taking, my body wanted more. I had never been fucked so hard in all my life. And I loved it.

My tits swung heavily beneath me, almost painfully. I wanted to reach a hand up to tweak one of my nipples, but I knew if I shifted my weight for even a second, I'd lose my balance and fall face-first into the bed. Wave after wave of delicious heat pulsed through my clit, which was being savagely beaten by the slapping of his balls against it.

It wasn't long before my body could take no more, and I erupted into orgasm, clenching around him mercilessly. The intensity of it made me see stars, flooding my nether region with delicious heat. Damien kept pounding away, his cock fighting against my contractions. In the end, he won, fucking me until my muscles surrendered around his tool. He stopped long enough to grip me by the shoulders, and then picked up the pace until he was jack-hammering into me. The room was filled with the sounds of our skin slapping together, heavy breathing, and the smell of sex. Never before had the scent been so potent, practically intoxicating me.

“You're going to break me,” I breathed, though I wasn't sure if the statement was supposed to be seductive or literal. My cunt was starting to get sore, not unbearable, but definitely beyond what I was used to.

“No talking,” Damien growled, and I cowered beneath him, deciding to let him ride out his pleasure, using me how he saw fit.

The rest of our coupling was a mind fuck. Did he really not care if he was hurting me? Did he even realize how rough he was being?

I tried to arch my hips so that the position was more comfortable for me, thinking about how Chase would never be so rough. It was a conundrum. Part of me was frightened by how violent Damien's fucking had become, but part of me loved it. My inner tunnel was getting sore despite plenty of self-produced lubrication, but my clit wouldn't stop throbbing. It felt like I was almost in a constant state of orgasm. While my eyes could see nothing, the world pulsed around me. I could hear my heart beat ringing in my ears, feel the blood pumping between my legs, the sweat pooling in the curve of my back. Sex had never been such a workout before, and I wasn't even doing anything. Our bodies felt almost merged, like a well-oiled machine, working at optimum performance with the dial pressed all the way to overdrive.

Finally, when I thought that my arms might collapse beneath me from atrophy, Damien's body tensed. His sudden stopping brought on another surprise orgasm, and I gasped as we came together. For some reason, this orgasm felt even more intense than the last ones, probably because it was also an emotional orgasm from feeling like I was one with him. Whatever the reason, it was absolutely amazing, and I sighed in contentment, allowing my face to drop to the comforter while I panted out my pleasure.

In the darkness that surrounded me, all I could hear was heavy breathing. Damien pulled away, leaving my passageway empty and swollen. My pussy had really taken a beating tonight, I thought deviously, licking my lips.

“You can take the blindfold off now,” Damien said, still breathless.

I pulled it off of my head, then rolled over onto my side, looking at him. He was covered in sweat, the front of his shirt practically sticking to him.

“Why do you never take your clothes off when we have sex?” I asked.

“I never really think about it,” he replied, which sounded like a lame excuse to me.

“You know, I do rather enjoy the sight of you naked.”

“And I really enjoy being naked.” As if to prove he was telling the truth, he began to peel off his clothes, throwing them into a laundry hamper by the door. “I need a shower,” he said, and then disappeared into the bathroom without another word.

I frowned at the door, wishing he would have invited me along. With a sigh, I rolled off the bed, walking naked to the kitchen for a glass of water. All of that hot sex really dehydrated me. Once I got my water, I went in search of my things. I found them in the living room, which was as good of a place as any to leave them until I had to collect them in the morning.

Absentmindedly, I plopped down onto the sofa and grabbed my phone. There were two text messages, one from Tanya and another from Chase. Tanya wanted to tell me about the amazing date she had gone on with her new boyfriend. I really didn't have the energy to listen to it though so I decided to call her the next day. The other message about made my heart stop. This was the moment I had been dreading.

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