Read Red Hot Obsessions Online

Authors: Blair Babylon

Tags: #Fiction, #Romance, #Collections & Anthologies, #Contemporary, #Literary Collections, #General, #Erotica, #New Adult

Red Hot Obsessions (37 page)

“Am I the only one?” I ask, suddenly feeling a little insecure. I’m just a geek, and he’s hot as fuck. It’s hard for me to imagine him only being into me.

“Of course,” he whispers. “You already had me the first time you said ‘Yeah.’” The cute smile on his face makes me flush.

He puts his hands on the wall beside me, trapping me. I feel safe, though. With his predatory eyes on me, I don’t even want to be anywhere else right now.

Then his mouth crashes into mine again, and I’m done for.

Trembling, I clutch his body and hold him close. Every few seconds our mouths disconnect to take a breath, and then we’re right back at it. Our tongues are locked in a furious battle. His hips are grinding against mine, his erection poking my thigh. Groaning in my ear, he reaches for my hands and pins them against the wooden door.

This is so fucking hot.

“You want to be mine? I’ll make you mine,” he grunts.

His fingers curl around the fabric of my top, and in one go he jerks it over my head. My breasts don’t even get the chance to bounce back into place before he’s got his hands all over them again.

He kneads them softly, leaving kisses on my sternum, going lower with each kiss. My nipples harden, aching to be touched. I moan, and he chortles from the sounds I make. Then he flips my breasts out of their cups and squeezes them a little.

Within a second he yanks my bra loose, and it drops to the floor. I gasp, but then he puts his lips on the tips of my breasts and starts sucking, hard. He circles one nipple with his tongue, rubbing the other with his finger. A squeal leaves my mouth as he puckers my nipples to their limit, giving each one equal attention before returning to my lips. His mouth is hot with desire, and my stomach is fluttering. I’m overcome by need. The need to be even closer. To have him inside me.

Drifting down toward my jeans, he starts fiddling with the button to loosen it. All my sexual feelings focus on that one swollen spot his hand is drifting so close to.

I’m dying inside. Dying for him to release me.

“If this thing doesn’t come off within the next six seconds, I’m going to tear it off you.” Sounds almost like a threat to my jeans, but I like it.

He jerks down everything but my panties, leaving me desperate and almost naked. Squatted on the floor, he gazes up at me with dirty eyes as he takes off my shoes one by one and then my pants, taking his time. He throws them aside, and starts kissing my leg.

I shiver from his hot mouth, the sultry lips that mark my skin. I feel abashed, but at the same time I want him to do it. I’m nervous as hell, but the sound of his chuckles puts me at ease.

“Too late to stop now, Leafy,” he murmurs against my skin.

“I don’t want to stop,” I say.

My pussy clenches with need as his fingers caress my inner thigh, inching up toward my panties. When his lips reach the top of my thigh, he hooks his fingers under the fabric and rips it off.

I squeal and gasp, a stinging feeling grazing my skin. He just tore my panties to pieces!

“I told you I’m not nice,” he says.

A hot streak spreads through my body when I realize he’s staring straight at my pussy.

“Hmmm …” he murmurs, pressing soft kisses on my thigh. “I guess you never had this either.”

I shake my head, feeling overcome with desire. When he puts his lips on my folds, I moan in agony.

He starts slow, but eventually increases his pace. He kisses me on my inner lips, sucks on my nub, and dips his tongue inside me. His licking is ravenous, and it feels as though he wants to eat me up and then some. I’ve never felt anything this good before.

“God, I love it that I’m the first. You’re so fucking delicious,” he says in between licks.

I crave more of his hot kisses, his hungry tongue, his skilled fingers. He answers my longing with more of everything. With his hands he nudges my legs apart, spreading them widely. I’m trembling from his eagerness, but he holds me still, lapping me up.

I gasp. The pressure of his tongue on my swollen, moistened clit is too much.

And then I come undone.

Sounds escape my mouth that I’ve never heard before, but I know it’s because of the sweet, painful agony I feel, as waves of ecstasy flush through my body. I’m heated up to the core, and Hunter keeps up with my orgasm, even when it’s already subsided.

As I pant, I fall apart against the door, my entire body shaking. This is bliss.

He muffles a laugh, but it sounds more like a groan. He comes to his feet again, and I squeal when he picks me up from the floor.

“No breaks. I want you. Now,” he growls.

He twirls us around with his massive arms and throws me onto my bed with no problem. I love how cocky he is, how dominant, the sex oozing off him. I want it. I want it all.

Standing at the back of the bed, he peers at me with darkened eyes as he starts prying at his belt buckle. I watch him bite his lip, and it looks so fucking sexy. I swear, it’s like he’s trying to make me faint.

Especially when he jerks down his jeans and briefs in one go.

My eyes immediately widen, and I gulp. His sizeable cock is fully erect, bouncing up and down as his slacks drop to the floor. It’s huge, big, and my God … so fucking hot. It’s all I can look at.

But it scares me too, knowing he’ll be inside me soon.

He smirks, seeing my anxious face. “Like what you see?”

I blush, crossing my legs because I suddenly feel very vulnerable. What if he doesn’t fit?

He crawls onto the bed and over me with a wicked grin on his face. His hardness slides across my thighs as he inches up, and I swallow my next gasp for air. Hunter leaves tiny kisses on my belly, dragging his lips up to my breasts. I squirm underneath him as he suckles on my hardened nipples again, the tips aching for his tongue. He squeezes my other breast, and my skin vibrates with his groans as he kneads.

All I feel is need. I need his body closer. It’s never close enough.

My fingers coil around his back, desperately clawing him. He cups my face between his index finger and thumb and kisses my jawline voraciously. His tongue dips out and drags along my cheek as he reaches my lips and thirstily takes my mouth. He doesn’t just latch onto my mouth. He claims me. Marks me as his.

“You have condoms?” he asks gruffly in between his ferocious kisses.

I nod, panting, and point to the left. “Drawer.”

God I’m glad my mom added them to my suitcase before I left home.

Hunter pushes himself up on his elbows and leans on his knees as he reaches for the drawer of my nightstand. Taking out the condom, he doesn’t take the time to rip it with his fingers. Instead, he brings the packet to his mouth and tears it to pieces, spitting out the condom. He snatches it from my belly, his fingers briefly grazing my skin, sending shocks through my body.

Arching his back, he rolls the condom over his length. I tilt my head to watch him do it, eagerly awaiting him.

When he comes back down like a tiger jumping on his prey, he grunts, and the deep roughness of his voice kindles a flame in my core. He looks so goddamn beautiful with his muscular shoulders supporting his weight, the unshaven jaw, his full lips, those dark, endless eyes I want to drown in.

I wrap my arms around him as he starts rubbing himself up against me, letting me feel what he can give me. His expression is dark, hungry, and lustful as the tip of his cock grazes my entrance. His muscles clench; I can feel his restraint. He’s fighting the urge to plunge inside me. I want him to take me, and I even told him to do it, but still he’s gentle with me.

“You ready for me, Leafy?” he murmurs.

“Yes. I was always ready for you.”

I hold my breath when he slides into my folds. Digging my nails into his back, I close my eyes to enjoy the moment, to feel what it’s like to physically connect with a man. It’s so raw and powerful, and so full of desire.

“Here I come,” he murmurs against my skin.

My legs part as he pushes his thighs into mine, slowly entering me. His eyebrows draw together as he locks his eyes with me, concentrating. He’s tempering his wild side for me.

I reach for his face and cup it, forcing him to look at me as he presses deeper into me. “Make me yours,” I repeat softly.

He licks his lips and then crashes his mouth into mine again.

His savageness is back, and in full glory. He sucks on my lips while pushing ever farther inside. He clutches my ass and holds me tight, breathing heavily against my cheek. I’m drunk with lust when he fills me. I feel so full and complete.

Our mouths collide in a hot, wet craze. Tongues slip in and out, sweat drips from our bodies, heat and wetness blend together, and I love every second of it.

He drives into me until every inch of him is inside. Gasping, I push my hips up to meet his, clinging to the contact between us, wanting him further inside me. More. More. I’m delirious. Totally mad for him.

Hunter’s pace increases, and he pumps inside me with long, deep strokes. My pussy responds to his cock, clenching with need. With my lips on his neck I beg him for more. His love is like a drug.

He whispers words in my ear, like
‘you’re so tight’
‘do you like it?’
, and I can only respond with moaning, nodding, and gasping. I think I even call out his name, just like he predicted.

Tension is building in his muscles, and I grasp him tight, holding him close to me. He fists my hair, clenching it tight as he arches his back. My blood is rushing to one spot, as wantonness grows inside my groin. The pressure between my folds is rising, and I feel myself growing increasingly elated. And then it happens.

A deep, drawn-out groan escapes his mouth. An expression of anguish combined with euphoria appears on his face. His jaw tightens, and his fingers clutch my waist. I moan loudly as I come apart underneath him. His member starts to pulsate, and warmth fills me up to the brim.

Still panting, he thrusts inside me, slowing down each time. When we’re both sated, his trembling body drops down onto mine, and I wrap my arms tightly around him.

As his cock spills out of me, he takes off the condom, ties a knot in it, and hurls it to the bin. Then he falls to my side, exhausted.

Turning my head, I look at him. His head rests on my pillow, my hair tickling his nose. He smells me, and then he smiles. I smile back. He is beautiful.

No words can express what I just felt.

All I know is that it was wonderful, and that it was more than I ever expected it to be.

I pull up the blanket, my body shivering from the coldness that suddenly washes over me. I’m naked in my own bed, and now that he’s no longer ravaging me I need something else to warm me up.

“Did I hurt you?” he suddenly whispers.

It takes me a while to answer. Not because he hurt me, but because I have no idea how I’m supposed to feel after something like this. I feel full, swollen, raw. It’s a little tingly, but that doesn’t bother me. I’m just delighted. I’m happy. I’m happy because of him.

“No,” I say, flashing a smile.

His lips curve up, too, and he presses his mouth against my temple, leaving a sweet, gentle kiss.

As he retreats, his hand snakes up my belly, curling around my waist and drawing me closer.

When I look at him, I feel so damn happy. There’s nothing else in the world that has ever made me feel this way.

I think I’m in love.

“I … I …” I stammer. I want to say it, but I’m afraid. What will he say if I do? Will he reject me? I don’t want this to end.

But I feel I need to say this. Hunter has given me the courage to follow my heart. My heart wants to speak up.

“I love you.”

There. I said it. It’s out now.

I couldn’t hold it back any longer. It’s the truth. He deserves to know. I want to let him feel it.

For a moment he just stares at me, his eyes half-mast, observing me. It’s as if the words take time to register in his brain. I’m patiently awaiting his answer to my confession, wriggling my toes against his.

And then his fingers tighten around my waist.

“You’re mine now,” he whispers.

And with those words, he leans forward and presses his lips firmly on mine.

Chapter 22
Love is a Difficult Thing

Rays of sunlight brighten the room. My eyes flutter open, sticky from the salt. I snatch my glasses off the nightstand so I can actually see something. When his beautiful face is the first thing I see, I’m filled with joy.

I’m also still a bit shaken by what happened last night. I can’t believe I actually had sex. It was amazing, and everything went by in a rush. It’s like I was on cloud nine or something.

And then it hits me: I’m no longer a virgin.

I wriggle my way under his arm, feeling suddenly very jittery. I don’t feel different. Nothing’s changed. The only thing that’s different is my feelings for him. They’re much more defined, clear as day. I love him, and I want to be with him for as long as I can.

He groans when I accidently wake him with my squirming. It’s such a small bed, so it was bound to happen.

“Sorry,” I whisper.

He slowly opens his eyes, which hide behind thick, dark lashes. He yawns, and my eyes follow the movement of his strong jaw. With his fingers he scrunches up the blanket, making grumbling noises. I smile at the sight of him. I can’t stop looking at him.

I’m proud. Not because I have him, but because he is so much more than he tells himself he is. He cares so much for everyone around him, loves them with all his heart, so much that he’d go through hell for them. He calls himself bad for me, but he’s made me feel stronger, vigilant, alive. I admire his devotion, adore his flaws, and the scars that mark his past and make him who he is. And I revel in his inner and outer beauty. The only thing he’s been is good for me.

“Hey beautiful,” he says softly, his voice still croaky.

I giggle and bump my thigh against his. “Wake up.”

He grunts, and the sound stirs the butterflies in my belly. “Why?”


His hand slithers across my waist, and he pulls me closer to him, making humming noises. His groin presses against my side, and I can clearly feel his morning wood prodding my leg.

“Hmmm …” he groans.

I chuckle. “C’mon. I wanna shower. I feel dirty.”

“I like that …” he says.

I laugh, and shove him away. One of his eyebrows arches, and he throws the blanket off him. “I’ll take you up on that offer.”

A manly, loud roar comes from his mouth as he raises his arms. His muscles tighten and look strained as he stretches them to their limit. I gulp just looking at his taut, ripped body. We’re both still completely naked, and I don’t feel insecure about my body anymore.

I get up from the bed and grab some fresh panties. Hunter growls.

I turn my head, and see him eyeing my bare butt. A flush spreads across my cheeks, and I hurry to grab my bathrobe.

“Aw …” he says as I close the robe and fetch a bottle of shower gel.

I roll my eyes at him. “Do you always blatantly stare at naked chicks?”

“No. Just you,” he muses, and he jumps out of bed like a coiled spring. Damn, he has energy.

“And I’m not saying no to getting under the shower with you,” he adds, wrapping a towel around his package.

I swallow away the lump in my throat. “When I said ‘shower,’ I didn’t actually mean together.”

Stepping forward, he gazes at me, and one eyebrow slowly creeps up on his face. A smile curves his lips. “But you do want to.”

“What? I … uh.”

He leans forward, his lips hovering close to mine. I can almost feel the sparks zing between us. “Don’t deny it.”

He grabs my hand, opens the door and pulls me through the hallway to the bathroom, locking us both inside.

It seems empty, but I look around just in case. We’re in the girls’ bathroom, and I don’t want anyone to notice a guy is in here. Especially not
guy. Hunter Bane, the chick magnet of college.

Yes, I’m easily jealous. No, I don’t want to share him.

He reaches for my glasses and carefully takes them off, placing them on the sink. “Too bad you can’t shower with them. I love how you think you can hide your ogling behind them.”

I flush, heat spreading across my cheeks.

Suddenly, he pulls my robe, forcing me to come closer. He rips it open, drapes it off my shoulders, and lets it drop to the floor. A sly grin appears on his face as he licks his lips, gleefully gazing at me as if he’s wondering what I’m going to do about it.

Oh, I’m going to do something about it.

My hands reach for his towel, and with one jerk I tear it away from his hips. He chuckles, and then twirls me around in his arms, pecking me on the shoulder. We walk forward, still in each other’s clutches, and I turn on the shower as he pushes us inside.

The hot water streaming down my body opens up my pores. It also opens up my eyes. Rivulets of water stream down his pectorals, making me gulp.

He grabs my shower gel and squirts some on his hand. Then he starts lathering me with it. He runs his callused hands over my arms, along my waist, across my belly and up along my breasts. He cups the swell of my breasts and smears the soap all over me. I don’t have to look down to know he’s enjoying it; I can feel him prodding my thigh.

I have trouble not gaping down at his cock. I’m inching toward touching it. Some little devil on my shoulder is telling me to just go for it, but I’m embarrassed that I even have these thoughts.

I’d normally never be so lusty and horny, but Hunter has awakened a side of me I didn’t realize was in me. It’s kind of scary, but freeing at the same time.

He grins when he sees my blush, and I smile.

He’s not skipping an inch of skin with the soap before washing his hands under the shower and then grabbing the head and spraying the bubbles off me. Not the hot water, but knowing he’s caressing me softly is what makes me feel so warm. It’s like he wants to take care of me.

Our connection has become infinitely more powerful after our intimate night. I still can’t get it out of my head. What I said to him last night keeps replaying in my mind. I told him I loved him, and I meant it.

I want to do this every day. I want to shower with him, let him lather me up. I want to sleep in the same bed every night. I want to press my body to his, wrap my arms around him, and never let go.

I want to be with him forever.

I know it’s too soon to know, I just feel like it. I’m not ashamed of admitting that to myself. I love the way he is. The beauty that lies in his imperfection. The way he makes me feel: warm and loved. That he’s made me a different person.

We both need each other. I want him to tell me, though. I want him to make me think I’m way more than I thought I was. But I don’t know why he would need me.

I want to feel special. I want to be the only one who can make him feel the way I do about him. The only one who can give him what he needs. I love him. I want him to love me, too.

I just didn’t hear him say it. He only said I was his.

But does that mean the same?

I bite my lip, and Hunter’s brow arches up. His lips curl up into a coy smile. “What are you thinking about?”

I stop biting and look at him, feeling caught in the act. “Nothing?”

He laughs. “I can tell when you’re lying. You always blush.”

Of course, I can’t stop my cheeks from reddening now.

“C’mon, tell me,” he says, placing his hands on my hips and pulling me closer.

“Do you …. Do you love me?” I say, hesitantly.

It’s quiet after that. Hunter just stares at me. The silence is deafening.

It says enough.

Averting my eyes, my heart drops into my shoes.

“I …” he stammers.

“No. Don’t,” I say. “I don’t want you to feel forced to say it. Then it’s not real.”

Hunter puts a finger on my lips. “I don’t feel forced. I’m just baffled. But if I say it now, you’ll think it is.”

“Why are you baffled? It’s not weird, is it?” I ask, swallowing away the lump in my throat. Oh God. Maybe I shouldn’t have said anything. This is embarrassing.

“No, of course not.” He pulls me closer and puts his lips on my forehead. “I just can’t imagine someone could.”

I frown, confused. “But you’re Hunter Bane. Everybody …”

“Everybody what? Loves me? No. They only love my attitude, my looks, or what I offer. They don’t know me. They don’t like my personality, they don’t want to know about my problems with school. And they definitely don’t know anything about my family or my past.”

“And I do?”

He gazes down into my eyes with a look that could stop hearts. “A bit. At least, I hope you do enjoy my company.”

I chortle. “Of course I like you. I meant about the ‘past’ thing.”

“Right, about that … I still need to tell you something …” he clears his throat, and I suddenly feel anxious. “Remember those guys at the restaurant?”

“I don’t want to remember them, but I have no choice, really.”

“It’s been bugging me for some time now. I didn’t want to tell you this, because I was afraid you’d hate me for it. I just can’t live with it anymore.”

“What?” I say, chewing on my lip.

“I was there for a reason.”

I knew it couldn’t have been a coincidence he was there to save me.

“I was supposed to do an exchange with them,” he says with a sigh.

My eyes widen. “You what?”

“They’re customers of Alpha Psi. I was waiting for them to finish their meal, and I didn’t notice them leaving until I heard your scream.”

I’m shaking.

“Please don’t be mad,” he says, grabbing my arms. “I didn’t know they were going to do that. I would never have let them leave the restaurant if I had. And I refused to have anything to do with them after it happened.”

“I can’t believe it …” I stammer.

“Yeah, me neither. They’re probably pissed as hell after what happened. It wouldn’t surprise me if they got their revenge sometime soon. Especially when the boss finds out what I did to them.”

Hunter lifts his finger and brushes a strand of wet hair from my face, gently caressing my cheek.

“I will never let anyone hurt you,” he says. “Even if it means getting my ass whooped.”

I chuckle at his comment.

“So, you’re not mad?” he says.

“Maybe a little …” I say with a devilish grin and a squint. “I mean, you should have told me sooner. But I’m glad you did the right thing.”

Half a smile forms on his lips, and then he pulls me closer so he can kiss me on the forehead. “Good.”

Suddenly a gut-wrenching scream fills the halls.

Hunter’s eyes skid through the bathroom. I’m on high alert. We’re both looking at the door. My eyes widen.

Oh God.

I recognize that scream.


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