Red Moon Rising (22 page)

Read Red Moon Rising Online

Authors: Elizabeth Kelly

Chapter 25


“James, I’m fine – really.”  Bree smiled at the Lycan as he
wrapped the blanket tighter around her small body.  He had carried her to the
bathroom and drawn her a bath.  They had actually bathed together, his large
body squeezed in behind her small one, but he had stopped her when she had
tried to touch and stroke his large body.

“No, little one.  You need rest.”  He had said firmly.

She had sighed and rolled her eyes, and he had given her a
solemn look.  “Bree, you could have died.  If you had I – “

“I didn’t.”  She had interrupted him as he rinsed first her
body clean, and then his own.  “I’m not hurt, and I’m back with you where I

“Aye, where you belong.”  He had whispered as he carried her
from the bathroom and to his bedroom.

While they were in the tub, someone had left a tray of food
in their room and although she had hinted that she wanted him to take her to
his bed, he had insisted she eat first.  He had hardly eaten anything and she
had to urge him to eat some of the meat and bread.

Now, she tried to hide her frustration as he tucked the
blanket between her body and the chair she was sitting on, and then added more
wood to the fire.  He was hovering over her like an old woman when what she
really wanted was to be riding him in his bed.

She stood and let the blanket fall to the floor, leaving her
standing naked in his bedroom.  He frowned at her.  “Bree, what are you doing?”

“I’m going to bed.  You said I needed rest remember?”  She
said innocently.

“Aye, you do.”  She felt a ripple of satisfaction when his
gaze lingered on the blonde curls between her thighs.

“You should probably carry me to the bed.  I’m feeling a
little weak.”

His brow knitted with worry, and he was standing beside her
and lifting her into his arms before she could say anything else.  He carried
her to the bed and slipped her under the covers before sitting beside her.  He
brushed her hair back from her face.

“Maybe you are hurt internally again.”  He spoke
distractedly as his fingers traced her head and shoulders.

“Perhaps.”  She replied.  “It is sore.”

“Where is it sore?”  He asked anxiously.

“Here.”  She pointed to her shoulder and he leaned over and
placed a gentle kiss on it.

“And right here.”  She stroked her collarbone and he placed
a path of warm kisses along it.

She moaned softly and he eyed her suspiciously.  “Bree – “

“It hurts here too.”  She interrupted him, and he gave her
another suspicious look before kissing her upper chest.

“Here.”  She whispered.  She traced her bare breast with the
tip of her finger.

“I know what you’re doing Bree.” 

She smiled sweetly at him.  “You don’t want to help me heal,
my love?  That seems unkind.”

He gave her a dry look before placing a light kiss on her
breast.  “There.”

She shook her head. “No, m’lord.  It still pains me

He couldn’t stop the small smile from crossing his face. 
“Does it now?”

“Aye, it does.”  She cupped the back of his head and tugged
it towards her breast again.  “Again, my love.”

He sucked her nipple into his mouth, his body heating up at
the sound of her soft moan, and he circled it with his tongue before sucking
firmly on it.  She arched her back, pushing more of her firm flesh into his
mouth, and he cupped her other breast in his hand, pulling lightly on the
hardened nipple.

“Oh James.”  She sighed softly as her hands threaded
restlessly through his hair.

“Where else does it hurt little one?”

“Here.”  She rested her hand on her lower abdomen, and he
blazed a trail of kisses down her ribs to her belly button.  He circled it with
his tongue before dipping the tip of it into her navel.  She jerked and giggled
a little as he gripped her hips firmly.

“Where else?”

“Lower.”  She whispered.


“You know where.” 

He smiled at the blush that was rising in her cheeks. 

“Show me.”

Her fingers trembling, she spread her thighs and touched the
soft curls between her legs.  “Right here.”

He leaned down and nuzzled his mouth into the soft blonde
curls.  He kissed her lightly and she moaned and arched her hips up.

“Is that better?”  He asked, staring up at her.

She gave him a look of frustration.  “No.  Lower m’lord.”

He took her hand and placed it over her warm core.  “Show

“James…”  She gave him a look of shy embarrassment and he
kissed her inner thigh. 

“Show me want you need.”  He whispered.

Groaning softly, she parted the lips of her pussy and ran
her fingertips over her wet and swollen clit.  “Kiss me right here.”

He bent his head and licked a warm path over her clit and
fingers.  She cried out, and he captured one finger in his mouth and sucked
hard on it.  She trembled and moaned as he released her finger and licked
across her clit again.

“Gods be damned.”  She muttered in a soft, hoarse voice.

“Do you like this little one?” He asked before stroking her
with his tongue a few more times.

“Yes, oh yes.”  She panted.  Her hands tangled in his hair
and she pushed on his head.

He chuckled warmly and pushed her thighs wide.  Holding her
steady with his large, warm hands, he began an intense assault with his tongue
and lips.  He tasted and licked every part of her warm core as she wiggled and
sighed and cried out beneath him.  He probed one finger deep inside of her as
he rasped his tongue across her clit and with a harsh cry, she arched her back
and climaxed.  Her taste flooded his mouth, and he licked and sucked at her
eagerly until she was pushing him away.

“Please!”  She gasped.

He slid up her body as her thighs wrapped around his hips. 
He entered her with one gentle thrust, watching her face as she closed her eyes
and bit at her bottom lip. 

“You’re so warm and tight Bree.”  He murmured in her ear. 
“I love being inside of you.”

He cupped her face as he began a slow rhythm inside of her. 
“Open your eyes.”

Her eyes fluttered open, and she stared up at him as he
kissed her lightly on the mouth.  She wrapped her slender limbs around him, and
met each of his strokes as he buried his face in her throat.

“I love you Bree.”  He whispered into her skin.

“I love you too James.” 

* * *


“Good morning.”

Kaden stared at the two women in the kitchen.  It was the
next morning and he had woken before dawn.  He had left his room, not willing
to admit that he was a little surprised the Lycans had not locked him in, and
made his way to the kitchen.

He was surprised to see people already up and milling about
the kitchen.  The lady of the house, he couldn’t remember her name but she had
long red hair and a kind face, was standing at the sink and washing dishes
beside a plump, older woman.

She smiled at him before turning to the woman beside her. 
“Marian, would you go into the pantry and grab some potatoes?  Sophia loves
fried potatoes, and I’d like to make something special for her.”

“Of course m’lady.”  The lady dried her hands and glanced
curiously at Kaden before exiting the room.

“How are you feeling Kaden?”  The redhead asked as she
finished washing the last of the dishes.

“Fine.”  He grunted.  “I’ve forgotten your name.”

She smiled a little.  “I’m Avery.”

“You’re Sophia’s mother.”

“Aye, I am.”  She confirmed. 

“She doesn’t look much like you.”  He waited to see if she
would tell him Sophia was not her child.

She smiled again.  “She does seem to favour her father in
looks.  Why don’t you have a seat?  Are you hungry?  Marian and Nadine will be
starting to cook breakfast soon but if you’d like to eat now, we can find you

He sat down at the table, wincing a little at the pain in
his side, as Avery sat gracefully in the wooden chair opposite of his. 

“No, I can wait to eat with the others.”  He replied.  “How
is she?”

“She’s much better.  Tired, but nothing a day or two of rest
won’t fix.”  Avery stared at him solemnly.  “Sophia told me how you saved her
life.  How you killed the Lycan about to kill her, and then stopped her from
shifting.  I can’t tell you how grateful I am to you for saving the life of my
child.  If there’s anything I can do to repay you…”

She trailed off and then reached out and patted his hand
quickly.  He moved his hands to his lap and cleared his throat.  “You can
convince your son to let Bree leave with me.”

Avery smiled kindly at him.  “But who will convince Bree?”

“I will.”  He replied immediately.

“Will you?”  She said softly.  “I’m not so sure about that.”

She took a deep breath. “Where will you and Bree go?  You
have no money and no place to live.”

“We did just fine before.  I will find us work.”

“My husband tells me that this Draken escaped.  What if he
hunts you down again?”

His brow darkened.  “I will kill him.”

“He has a large pack does he not?  Would it not be better to
have others who are willing to help you?”

“Why would your family be willing to help?”  He replied.

“Why?”  She frowned at him.  “This Draken took Bree from us
and nearly killed our daughter.  He is now as much of an enemy to us, as he is
to you.”

He didn’t reply and she traced her fingers across the top of
the table.  “Did you know that we have no slaves here?  That the humans work
for us of their own free will and we pay them wages?”


She stared thoughtfully at him.  “We could use help in the
barn.  We’ve acquired more horses in recent months, and it’s a lot for Ian to
take on.”

“What are you asking?”

“I’m offering you the chance to work for us.  You would earn
wages, and have a roof over your head and three meals a day.”

“Have you spoken with your husband about offering me
employment?”  He asked.

She grinned a little.  “My husband trusts my judgement.  And
I do not need his permission to hire someone to work in our home.”

He rubbed at his jaw.  “Thank you, but I think it’s better
if Bree and I just move on.”

She held up her hand.  “Don’t answer right away.  Take the
day to think about it.”

“I won’t need the day.  I – “

He stopped as Marian came back in from the pantry with a
bowl full of potatoes.  Avery smiled at him.  “Spend the day with us please. 
Bree will not be able to travel today anyway.  She needs rest after what
happened.  You both do.”

He nodded.  He stood up, his hand pressing briefly against
his side, and left the kitchen.  Marian gave her a worried look.

“Avery, is he taking Bree from us?”

Avery shook her head.  “No Marian.  I am certain that Bree
will not agree to leave with him, and will do whatever she can to convince her
brother to stay.  Even if Kaden does somehow convince her to leave, you know as
well as I do that James will never allow him to take Bree away.  He thinks of
her as his mate, and you know how the Lycans are when it comes to their mates.”

She gave Marian a wry look and Marian smiled a little.  “Aye
Avery, I know.”

* * *


“May I speak with you?”

Kaden looked up.  He had gone straight from the kitchen to
the common room, and it had only been a few minutes before he was joined by

“Where is my sister?  I wish to see her.”  He stared
steadily at the large redhead.

“She’s sleeping.  She is tired and needs her rest.  You can
see her later.”

Kaden’s temper flared at the dismissiveness in the Red’s
tone.  He scowled at James.  “She is my sister, and you cannot keep her from

James gave him a cool look.  “I know she is your sister, but
she is my mate.”

“Your mate?  She is human, not Lycan – we don’t refer to
each other as mates.”  Kaden said disdainfully.  “Besides, I don’t remember
seeing a ring on my sister’s hand.”

James flushed.  “I love her, and soon enough she will belong
to me.”

Kaden glared at him.  “Belong to you?  She is not some dog
that you can tame and bend to your will.  She can make her own decisions.”

“Stop twisting my words human.”  James growled.  “Your
sister and I will be married.  She loves me and you know it.  You will not be
able to convince her to leave.”

“Don’t be so sure of that Lycan.”  Kaden snapped.  “It has
been just my sister and I for many years.  If you believe that my sister will
choose you over me after only a few short months, you’re in for a surprise.”

James growled, his eyes flashing green and his hands rolling
into fists.  “I will not allow you to take her away from me.  Do you
understand?  I want what’s best for Bree and I don’t – “

“What’s best for Bree?”  Kaden scoffed.  “You barely know
her.  You have no idea what’s best for her.  I have been taking care of her for
her entire life.”

“Aye, and a fine job you’ve done of it too.  She spent what
– two years as a slave for the Lycans?  What did you do to protect her when
they were hunting her?  If it had not been for me, she would be dead right

“How dare you!”  Kaden shouted.  “I did everything I could
to keep her safe, and I won’t allow you to just take her from me!”

“You have no say in it!”  James shouted back.  “She belongs
to me now, not you, and – “

“She is not your property!”  Kaden bellowed.  “And if you
think that I will sit idly by and watch as you destroy her life, you’re wrong!”

“You’ll have to kill me before I let you take her from me! 
Do you understand human?”  James’ body was swelling, and his large frame was
shaking with anger.

“I’m not afraid of you Lycan.”  Kaden snarled.  “I don’t –

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