Red, White and Sensual (12 page)

Read Red, White and Sensual Online

Authors: Bec Botefuhr,Dawn Martens

no, it’s just…the pain.”

He sits up, his hair is messy and his brown eyes are sleepy.

“It’ll hurt for a good few days. How is your stomach?”

“It’s seedy, but I think the worst is over.”

“Rest up today, I’ll get Mary to bring you lots of movies and soup.”

I smile and stare into his beautiful milk chocolate eyes.

“Thank you, for being here with me all night. You didn’t have to do that.”

He leans over and brushes his lips across my cheek. “It was no problem.”

I scoff. “I doubt that, but thank you anyway.”

He slides out of the bed with a groan. “I have to go.”

I sigh and stare over at him as he picks up his phone from the nightstand.

“I’ll come and check on you at lunch time, ok?”

I nod and bite my lip. I wish he didn’t have to go…

“Do you have to go?”

He grins at me and walks over, pressing a kiss to my forehead. “I’m the Speaker of the house, of course I do. Take some aspirin and drink heaps of water, you’re hot. Oh and make sure you eat, I mean it, sweet girl.”

Then he’s gone, just like that. With a sigh, I slump back into the pillows. Screw the aspirin, I need sleep.



Sierra, wake up.”

I groan and shift, my body is hot and covered in a fine sheen of sweat
. I just love coming down from an illness. I open my eyes and see Marcus staring down at me with a concerned look on his face. I lick my dry lips and peer over at the table beside me that holds, no doubt cold by now, chicken soup. I didn’t eat like he told me to. Whoops. I force a smile to my face even though it hurts to do that.

“You didn’t eat or drink, did you?”

I frown. “I was so tired, I just…couldn’t.”

“You’re probably so
severely dehydrated, you need to drink,” Marcus says in a firm tone.

“I’m sorry.”

“Sit,” he orders and then grips my arms and gently sits me up. He grips the jug of water and pours a glass before handing it to me. I sip it and it soothes my dry, sore throat. Marcus touches my forehead, sighs loudly, then reaches over and grasps the bottle of aspirin. He drops two into his palm and thrusts them at me.

“Are you mad at me?” I ask, dropping the aspirin onto my tongue and swallowing them down.

“No, I’m just…well…yeah I am mad at you. Do you know what can happen if you get dehydrated?”

I sigh, he’s right. “I’m
sorry, I’m usually at home sulking with my mother when I’m sick. She’s that kind of mom you know? I would kill to be with her right now,” I whisper, suddenly feeling homesick. My mother always takes care of me when I’m sick. Childish I know, but it feels good to have someone look out for you when you’re not feeling well.

Marcus stands and strides over to my cupboard and opens it, gripping a dress. He leans down and picks up a pair of
sandals before turning to stride back towards the bed with a determined expression.

“Up, dressed.”

I blink at him, confused. “Why?”

“I’m taking you to your mom.”

“My mom lives two hours away!”

“Then we’ll stay the night, come on.”

We? He’s coming with me? To my parents’ house? Oh god…uh oh.

“I won’t tell them we’re together,” he says, reading my expression. “I will just drop you off if you like, and I can come back in the morning?”

I shake my head. “No, I wouldn’t ask you to do that. You can stay, it would make my mother and my sisters’ night.”

He smiles,
then strokes my cheek. “How long since you’ve seen them?”

“About three months.”

“They’ll be excited then?”

I grin. “You have no idea.”

He helps me out of the bed with a small, sweet smile on those beautiful lips. He lifts my shirt over my head and slides my dress on. I stare at him the entire time, warmed by the beautiful, caring side he is showing me. He is busy, I know he is and yet he’s finding time to help me.

“Won’t it be a problem if you leave a night?”

He shrugs. “I will take my laptop and phone with me, I can do most things on that. As for staying away a night, I do it all the time.”

I nod, slipping on my shoes. My body aches and I groan when I get to my feet. Marcus grips my elbow and gently helps me gather a few things. I turn and wrap my arms around his waist, resting my cheek against his firm chest and listening to his heart
pounding. He wraps his arms around me and we stand like that for a long while, neither of us needing to speak. We know exactly what it is we feel right now, no words are needed.

“Ready?” Marcus murmurs into my hair.

“Yes, you?”

He smiles. “I don’t need anything.”


“It’s a night, I’ll be fine.”

I roll my eyes and Marcus leads me out the door. We pass Rose and another man on our way to the door.

“Sir, will you be attending the dinner tonight?” Rose asks.

Marcus shakes his head. “No, something has come up. Direct all my calls and if any conferences are needed, just send them through to my laptop, we’ll do it over that.”

Rose gives him a dubious look, and then flicks her eyes to me and scrunches her nose up.

“Wow, you look awful.”

“Stomach bug, I wouldn’t come too close,” I say in a small voice.

“Are you going back to campus?”

Marcus answers for me. “No, I’m taking her home. She’s too sick to be her
e and I don’t need her tomorrow.”

“Oh,” Rose says, giving him a quick glare that I just catch. “Well, I hope you feel better. Marcus, what will you have me tell the President?”

Marcus shrugs and takes my arm again, leading me away. “I’ll call him. Bye Rose.”

“Good day, sir.”


The drive home is quiet and peaceful. Marcus takes his own car, driving us instead of having us driven. He spends most of the trip on the phone,
organizing things and making sure everything is covered. When we pull into my parents’ sleepy little town I feel my heart swell. I don’t get to see my parents and sister a lot anymore, not with school and study. Marcus smiles as he drives through the streets.

“I love little seaside towns,” he says.

“Me too, I always loved it here.”

“I bet you miss it?”

“I do,” I sigh.

“How are you feeling now?” he asks.

“A little better, I’m so sore though and still not ready to eat.”

“I bet your mom makes the best soup.”

I grin. “She sure does.”

Marcus turns a few corners and then pulls up at my parents
’ large, white, three story home. I smile and put my hand over my chest. It’s been a while and oh, I’ve missed them.

“How did you know where I live?” I ask, just having realized I never gave him directions.

“I do have your addresses, Sierra, obviously that is something that is on the file that I have.”

Right, of course.
They wouldn’t put just anyone on with the Speaker of the house, I bet he did a full background check on me too. Fair enough I guess. I slip out of the car and smile up at the large home. So many fond memories I have that include this house and the squealing blonde girl rushing out. I grin and rush forward as fast as my aching body will allow. My sister throws her arms around my neck and we laugh as she spins me around.

Sierra, what are you doing…oh god…”

Her eyes flick towards Marcus who has just stepped out of the car looking like a dammed god. He smiles at my sister and she actually lets off a little squeal.

“You brought Marcus Harrison to our house?” she cries, gripping her flushed cheeks.

I laugh. “I’ve been sick and he decided to bring me home.”

“Oh god, that’s so…romantic.”

I scowl at her. “Ease up sis.”

Marcus walks over, smiling. He extends his hand and my sister makes a strange sound in her throat before taking his hand and shaking it.

“Marcus, I’m….it’s an honor…”

“It’s lovely to meet you…?”


“That’s a beautiful name.”

Jayelle grins and shakes her head. “Oh…well…thanks.”

I hear my name and spin to see my mother coming down the stairs. Tears prick my eyes as I rush towards her. When I reach her, I throw my arms around her neck and let the tears slide down my cheeks.

“My baby, what’s wrong?”

“I just missed you momma, I’ve been sick and I just wanted to be home. Marcus brought me here so I could see you.”

She lifts her head and swipes my tears
away, she holds me out and stares down at me. “Oh love, you look terrible.”

I force a smile.
“Stomach bug.”

Oh love, that’s awful.”

She stares over at Marcus who is laughing at something Jayelle is telling him. Her eyes widen as she drinks him in, I know exactly what she sees. He’s perfect, tall, well built,
and gorgeous. He’s everything a girl could want in a man, and he has the heart to go along with it.

“That’s Marcus?”

“That’s him.”

“He took time off to bring you home?” she says, giving me one of those ‘what’s going on’ looks.

“Yes, I said I wanted to come home. I was having a sulky, I miss my mom and I’m sick, moment.”

She smiles. “He took time out from a job
, that’s no doubt constant, to bring my little girl home? He’s welcome in my home.”

I smile and wave Marcus over. He smiles at me and begins walking over, his body moves with such grace it’s beyond perfect. He stops in front of my mother and takes her hand.

“Mrs. Walters, it’s a pleasure to meet you.”

My mother flushes and
lets go of his hand, pulling him in for a hug. God love mom.

“Marcus, it’s an honor. Thank you for all your hard work and welcome to my home.”

“It’s lovely to be here, Mrs. Walters.”

“Call me Pam, it’s lovely to have you
, Marcus. Please, come in.”

Marcus flashes me a dazzling smile before following my mother into our home. Jayelle grips my arm and leans in close.

“Tell me you’ve kissed that man?”

I laugh. “No, Jayelle.”

She snorts. “Come on, if there’s any more sexual tension in the air, it’ll explode.”

I giggle and shove her. We follow them inside and I feel instantly relaxed at the familiar surroundings. My mother leads us into her large, wooden kitchen and turns the kettle on.

“So, Marcus, we’ll have to tell you all about our Sierra here.”

I groan. “Mom, no, he’s my boss.”

Marcus smirks and takes a stool, leaning his elbows on the counter and smiling at my mother. “I’d love to hear about Sierra.”

“I trust she’s a good worker?”

Marcus flicks me a glance so hot, I have to look away. “She’s the best.”

“I’m so glad, we’re so proud of her,” my mother says, gripping some mugs from the sink and placing them on the bench.

“As you should be, Pam, she’s a hard worker.”

Marcus is still watching me as he speaks and my cheeks heat. Jayelle rolls her eyes and swings open the cupboard door to take out a tin of cookies. She places them in front of Marcus, forcing him to tear his gaze away from me. He gives her a warm smile.

“Did you make these, Jayelle?” he asks, placing a piece of chocolate cookie into his mouth.

My sister, mother and I watch with open mouths as his tongue snakes out and licks a crumb from his lip. Holy sweet mother he’s mouth fucking the cookie right in front of us, and damn,
it’s so god dammed erotic my sex clenches hungrily. My mother clears her throat and quickly looks away and Jayelle makes a sound that somewhat resembles a giggle.

“I…don’t really bake,” Jayelle finally says, answering his question. “Mom does all that.”

Marcus smiles over at my mother as she slides him a cup of coffee. “They are divine, Pam.”

“Thank you
, Marcus, my husband loves them also.”

“Where is daddy?” I ask before sipping the clear tea my mother places in front of me. It’s soothing.

“He’s at work, he’ll be home later.”

“I can’t wait to see him,” I say.

“Before then, you’re going to take it easy. You look awfully pale, Sierra.”

“She was quite ill,” Marcus says, staring hard at me.

“Have you been drinking?” My mother asks.


“Not enough,” Marcus says, cutting me off. “Your daughter is quite stubborn, Pam.”

My mother laughs. “Don’t I know it,
well, I guess lots of fluids are in order.”

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