Reinventing Mel: A Hellion MC Novel (23 page)

But Mel didn't do that.  Instead, he dropped to his knees before pulling away the fabric that still hid my mound from his view.  And, much to my surprise and delight, he released a gasp when I was fully exposed to his gaze.  "You're so beautiful, precious.  So goddamn beautiful."

Knowing his intention, I kicked off my heels and braced my feet on the granite ledge I was sitting on, allowing my knees to fall open.  He didn't mistake my cue for what it was.  An offering to bury his face between my legs.

And just like in our night together, he worshiped me with his mouth, his tongue and his lips.  Only this time, he sunk
fingers inside to curl in which only sent me closer to the edge of the bliss that was bubbling inside me.

I was vaguely aware of my cries, my deep, throaty moans as he worked my body.  All I knew, all I was aware of, was the need, the absolute
of him continuing with what he was doing.  I was so close, so very, very close and I found myself holding my breath as I balanced on the precipice of the ever-shifting shale which surrounded my chasm of ecstasy. 

His mouth fully surrounded my swollen, aching bead to suck as his tongue began to flick and that was all that I needed to fly.  To fly high and hard as I yelled his name into the abyss he'd brought me to.  Every cell in my being pulsed and throbbed as I crested before I was released and sent back to earth. 

The resonating throbs that beat within me were a reminder of the pleasure he'd given.  But before they'd died down, before I'd even gotten control of my breath, Mel was standing, his mouth reaching for mine as I felt a prodding between my legs.

"I need you, precious," he growled as his latexed crown separated my sodden folds seeking my core.  He pressed in even as one arm swept behind me to pull my body closer.   "Fuck me, Lu.  Take my hard cock like I know you want to."

Oh, flipping heck!

dirty talk at the right time and just like before Mel seemed to know exactly what I needed, the words I needed that would send me into the stratosphere.

"I can tell you want me, precious.  Give me that pussy, that wet, wet tightness.  Yeah, girl.  Like that.  Just fucking like that."

The pressure that I'd released earlier built again only faster this time.

"Lean back," he instructed.  "Oh yeah, let me watch.  Can you see?  Look at me going into you."

I'd been watching his face, his bulging biceps and undulating abs as he'd entered me. But at his words I couldn't help but look down.  And the sight, oh my god, the sight!  His hard, thick length entering me and my folds that seemingly didn't want to release him on his out-stroke.  The glistening wetness that covered the latex.  And the sounds of his groans as he churned himself in and out of me all added to my pleasure.

"I'm getting close," he warned.  "What do you need, Lu?  Want you to come with me.  Tell me, darlin'."

I grabbed the hand that had been working one of my breasts and dragged it to the top of my slit.  "Rub me, baby."

I felt his hips slow as his thumb began to circle.  He'd gone from driving dervish to sensuous sheik in less than thirty seconds but my body went into overdrive.  I could feel my body race towards its goal even as slow as he was moving.

"Fuck, yeah.  God, girl.  Fucking hot," he groaned as he changed his angle and hit my g-spot sending me completely over the edge again.  Within seconds he too was gasping out his orgasm, his hips shaking as he pressed harder and deeper into me.

And as he came, my Mel clutched me to him as if he'd never let me go. 


Chapter Twenty Three


Mel couldn't believe he'd taken her in a men's bathroom.  Of all the places he'd imagined having sex, a bathroom had never entered his fantasies, except for the shower.

Lulu hadn't seemed to mind though and as he helped situate her amazing panties back into place, going so far as to even tie the bows on each side, he decided the location was a non-issue.  Especially after she'd demanded something he knew he should have given her a long time before.

His apology.

"No, Mel.  They've got to be tighter or they'll fall down," she instructed, giggling softly while watching his hands. 

That's all it took for his cock to sit up again and take notice of what was going on.  He tried to downplay it, tucking and buttoning himself back up then helping her pull on her stockings and sliding her petticoats and dress into place.  But by the time she was dressed from the waist down, he had to have her again.

Removing her from the counter, he twirled her until her back was to his front and dropped his lips to the piece of skin, the place between her neck and shoulder, that had always caused a reaction. 

"Again?  Cheese and rice, baby," she said in a sultry whisper and in their mirror's reflected gaze, he caught the renewed arousal in her eyes.

"Is that okay, darlin'?"

He watched as her face softened before he both felt and saw her nod.  Her hands went underneath her skirt and untied the ribbons he'd just spent so much time getting just right.

Lifting the back of her skirts with one hand, he reached for the first aid kit with another.  As soon as the foil packet was on the countertop next to them he released his buttons and pushed his pants and underwear down in one swift move.  After rolling on the condom, he quickly reviewed the logistics of their position.

"Step back, precious.  Yeah.  Now, point that beautiful ass my way.  That's it.  Higher, Lu.  God yeah, girl.  Fucking perfect."

Her ass cheeks were so full, so fleshy he had to use his hands to open them in order to find his way.  But once he found it, he sank himself deeply within her, watching her reactions in the mirror before him.

It was fucking beautiful.  Her chin was up, her eyes closed as her mouth made a small 'o' shape when he crowned himself fully inside.  He rounded himself over her back, resting his hands next to hers as he pumped.

He started out slowly at first knowing how much she enjoyed that but this time was for him and it wasn't long until his hips were slapping into her hard enough to set her ass to jiggling.  But from the cries and moans, as well as the expressions he could see that crossed her face, his girl was enjoying the action as much as he was.

Standing straight up, he pushed all the material aside and gazed at the heart-shaped quivering skin before him. 

So fucking amazingly wonderful in both look and feeling. 

He bent his knees as his hands gripped her, almost yanking her onto himself as he felt the tightening in his balls and lower back.  Reaching around her side, his fingers zeroed in on her clit and began to massage in order to bring her closer to their shared goal.

"Come for me, Lulu.  Oh, yeah.  Reach, precious.  I need to feel your sweet pussy come on me again," he'd groaned.  Mel couldn't help the crude words that came out of his mouth when he was inside her and idly wondered if it bothered or interrupted her in her chase of bliss. 

But within another few pumps, all thought was gone as he hit his.  And then felt her squeezing him from her depths seconds later as she found hers.

Curling himself back around her as they both panted their way to normal, Mel moved his hands until they were crossed over her chest.  He couldn't get close enough, couldn't hold her tight enough.

He wanted, no.  He
her to feel what his mouth wasn't ready to say, the emotions she brought up to the surface.  Things he couldn't yet promise or even allow himself to utter.

But the feelings, those deep, deep feelings remained whether he spoke them or not.

They began to dress but still couldn't leave off touching or kissing as they shifted and buttoned, tucked and zipped. 

Lulu was just smoothing her hair when out of the blue she yelled, "Gritty!"  Turning from the mirror, Mel saw her eyes were wide and panicked looking.  "I forgot about Gritty!"

Mel frowned wondering why goddamn Gritty was important enough to cause the alarm in her face.  Or why the fucker was mentioned
at all
after what he and his girl had shared moments before.

"He's supposed to give me a ride to my car!  Oh, heck!  I was supposed to meet with him at 4.45!"  She quickly opened the bathroom door and Mel had to rush to catch up to her, the sound of her heels and his boots making the only noise in the empty building.

"Slow down, Lu.  He'll be waiting."  Mel was assured of Gritty's attendance since, as another recruit, he knew Gritty would do as he'd been told even if Lulu had been hours and hours late.

There was no one in the forecourt even though more bikes were parked on the far side.  Mel glanced at where he'd stowed his stuff but it wasn't there.  One of the brothers must have taken it to the clubhouse.  The wall of sound that hit them when they entered the Hellions party room was loud even though the place wasn't even half filled. 

It appeared Snake and Donny were arm-wrestling at the end of the bar with the other members and Honeys rooting them on although he could figure most of the audience had a financial stake in the outcome.  From Mel's viewpoint, the brothers straining over locked hands seemed pretty well matched.

While he went behind the bar to find his and Lu's things, she went to find Gritty who was right in the middle of the pack, cheering along with everyone else.  He watched as his fellow recruit placed a hand on Lulu's back as he bent down in order to hear what she said.  But it was the other man's open smile which was obviously for his girl that had Mel seeing red. 

The tall redhead followed Lu out of the circle with only a glance back at the action still going on at the bar.  And Mel hurried to catch up to them before they left the building.

"Here's your things, precious," he said handing over her purse and sweater.  Usually she carried a thermal bag that contained her lunch items but Mel had been unable to find it beneath the bar.

"Thanks, Mel," she replied, turning her full smile on him.  But this was a different one, a smile that was only for him and he felt his heart double-thump at the sight.   She glanced behind her at Gritty before snagging Mel's arm and leading him a couple of steps away.  "Thank you so much for your help with Jon.  I know it would've gotten resolved one way or another.  But you, baby.  You just waded it and took care of it immediately."

Mel's heart had dropped when the 'thank you' had first come out of her mouth but when he realized she was thanking him for beating the shit out of her ex-fiancé instead of for their time in the bathroom, it lightened.  "Do you have plans for dinner, Lu?"

"N-no.  Why?"  She seemed surprised by his offer.  Almost as much as he was in extending it.

"Would you like to have dinner with me, Derek and Julie?  It won't be anything fancy but I'd like to have you at my place."  The suggestion had just popped into Mel's head and out of his mouth before he'd even thought it all the way through.  But he wasn't willing to let her go.  Not after being without her for so long.

"Sure.  What time?"

"In a couple of hours.  Would that be okay?"  A couple of hours should give him enough time to get approval to keep Derek overnight on a Friday, prepare something edible and still clean both himself and the house.  "I'll text you the address."

"I'd like that very much," she murmured, staring up at him.  Glancing back at Gritty again Lulu went up on tiptoe and touched her mouth briefly to his.  "I'll see you in a couple of hours, Mel."

At her sweet, winsome move he felt his heart take on a new cadence and his dick shifted in his jeans.  What was it about this girl that just a small kiss was enough to get him interested again?

Mel helped her in the passenger seat of one of the yard trucks and watched her settle herself before she looked at him and smiled again.  "Drive safe, Grit.  You're carrying precious cargo."

His fellow recruit shot him a off-my-ass warning look before he started the large vehicle.  Mel tapped the door and said, "See you, Lu," which gained him a flirtatious finger wave in reply.  Was there anything she did that wasn't sexy as hell?

After the truck had left the driveway, Mel went to get approval before he nabbed Der so they could go home and prepare for their dinner guest.  As he went back to the clubhouse he could feel his heart still thundering in his chest.



"So, you and Hardwood, huh?"  Gritty's grin was wide and knowing. 

I figured he was going to tease me all the way to IMPORTance about my little goodbye kiss.  But it couldn't have been any worse than when the managers teased me.  Plus Gritty and I seemed to fall into banter whenever we spoke even though I knew he was interested in me. 

He waited around for me to finish with the repair paperwork and then followed me all the way home which I thought was taking protection a little too far.  But Gritty wouldn't be detoured and I didn't want to waste precious minutes arguing about it.  He even stood at my back as I used the security system instruction sheets to punch in the code and then the new keys to open my new, heavier door.

There was a beeping sound as we entered and I knew I had to log in another code to get it to stop.  As I did so, my tall redheaded escort went through my apartment before coming back and announcing it was secure.

"Thank you, Grit for being my chauffeur over the last couple of days," I said, holding out my hand that covered the twenty dollar bill nestled there.  I saw him glance at my fingers before rubbing his own palm down the side of his jeans and shaking the hand I'd offered.  He glanced at the money and gave a small smile before slipping it into his pocket.

"Anytime, Lulu.  You made it fun," he said and I saw he was blushing which I found sweet.  "Remember to re-engage your system when you leave and to always stay sharp on the way to your car."

"I will, Grit.  You take care."  Time was wasting and I had a dinner to get ready for.

After seeing him out, I made my way down the hall to my bedroom my mind already wondering what to wear.  But first things first.

A shower.  I was practically gagging to get clean, to feel fresh again.  The little wash-up I'd done in Jilly's bathroom sink had helped but after the ridiculous day I'd had, a day filled with more emotion than I usually felt in a month, I felt icky. 

The nice long shower helped and I blow-dried my hair straight only giving it a curl at the bottom and on my bangs.  I was thinking of altering the color again and hadn't yet decided if I wanted to be a redhead or go with a deep blue/black.  Either one would work with my coloring I knew and with the changing of the Montana season, new hair was definitely on the agenda!

Mel had already seen me in my fluffy dresses and skirts and I thought it be fun to vary that for dinner at his house.  When he'd come to my place, he'd been dressed casually in jeans and a t-shirt.  I bit a nail as I looked over my selections.  I had a couple of pairs of jeans that I'd added some rhinestones to in order to add interest and bling.

Dad had always hated the way I was built.  Had called me chubby for having a rounded ass and thick thighs.  My body was like his mother's but dear ol' dad thought diet and exercise would shape my body into the sleek thin lines he thought were acceptable to those of 'our class'.  Even at twelve I knew better.

Being in Montana had shown me that I didn't need to be sleek to be considered attractive.  That curves were okay and the fact that Mel enjoyed my assets, as I'd come to think of them as, only pushed my dad's criticisms into the background.

I practically yanked the jeans off their hanger in my desire to wear them.

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