Releasing the Dragon: Myths and Legends, Book One (33 page)

Read Releasing the Dragon: Myths and Legends, Book One Online

Authors: Stacie Simpson

Tags: #romance, #vampires, #erotic, #paranormal, #shapeshifters

"I think that would be a good idea." She
kissed me briefly then we said our goodbyes and set out for

The next few days would be busy with the
final preparations for the wedding and the media circus that would
be arriving. I wanted to make sure Serafina got as much sleep as
possible but we barely made it inside our apartment before we were
already kissing and stripping each other's clothes off. I wondered
if it would always be like this between us, if we would always need
each other this desperately.

We made it as far as the dining room before I
had her completely naked. Serafina was still working to free me of
my pants when I bent her back over the table. She didn't want to go
at first, but then I knelt in front of her and brought her legs up
over my shoulders. Her fingers burrowed into my hair gripping
tightly, pulling me closer to the glistening pink flesh between her
legs. I inhaled deeply, the scent of her arousal filled my nose,
drove my own need higher. The dragon's superior senses made
everything smell so much better.

Serafina made an impatient sound and I gave
her what she wanted. I licked and sucked, savoring the sweet taste
of her on my tongue. She writhed on the table, grinding herself
against my face while I feasted. When I added my fingers, stroking
inside her wet channel just the way I knew she liked her breath
came in shallow pants. It wouldn't be long now. I sealed my lips
over her swollen clitoris and sucked, swirling my tongue gently
over the little bundle of nerves. Serafina screamed my name and I
couldn't help smiling as her legs clamped around my head and she
rode my fingers, forcing them deep with every movement of her

I stood up and quickly shucked my pants. When
I plunged myself into her body I relished the feel of her tight
sheath gripping my cock. Her inner muscles still quivered with
spasms left over from her orgasm. I started moving and her eyes
snapped to mine. I kept my gaze locked with hers, watched as the
brown leaked out leaving behind the bright green of passion. My
movements became more urgent, my hips angling up to hit the spot
that made her nails dig into my ass, spurring me faster,

Serafina was screaming, "Don't stop, please
Dragon, don't ever stop."

"Never," I growled.

That was when I knew I would never get enough
of this, that I would always need more of this woman.

I felt the pressure building, climbing up my
shaft, ready to explode, but I held it back. Every thrust into her
wet heat was a torturous mix of pain and pleasure. I had to hold
out, just a little longer. Her body seized around mine and she came
apart, screaming as her eyes rolled back and her back arched off
the table. I finally let go, thrusting rapidly as my release shot
out of my cock filling her with my seed.

My legs trembled so bad they nearly gave out,
but one look in her eyes and I knew she was nowhere near being
sated. I picked her up and held her against my chest as I carried
her to our bed with her legs wrapped around my waist. Along the way
she rubbed her hands over my shoulders and arms, trailed kisses on
my neck and whispered naughty thoughts in my ear. When I reached
the bedroom I was already hard again. I set her on the edge of the
bed on her hands and knees. Then I took her from behind, impaling
her with deep, demanding thrusts with my hand fisted in her hair -
just like she'd described when she'd whispered in my ear.

No, I would never get enough of this


* * * * *




Chapter Twenty-Nine

"He really is very good at this isn't he?" I
asked Claire who stood beside me on the outskirts of the press

"Donovan has always been very charismatic.
People are naturally drawn to him and he knows just how to use that
to his advantage. It makes him a better leader than his father
could've ever hoped to be. Oh my mate was a good leader, but the
clans didn't rally around him the way they do with Donovan." Her
face was lit up with a mother's pride as she watched her son charm
the reporters.

Dragon pointed to an older woman near the
front with red hair. "Jeanette, you've been so patient, would you
like to ask a question or two?"

Her question was for Garrek's bride to be,
Ivanna. They'd already covered how the two lovebirds met and why
they chose to have their wedding in a supernaturally themed casino
resort. Now Jeanette wanted to know more about Ivanna's modeling

"Is it just me, or do all sex demons have
bodies like Jessica Rabbit?" I couldn't help but notice the
similarities between Ivanna and the cartoon femme fatale. Her
thick, wavy red hair hung to her waist and like Clarissa, she
appeared to be about thirty with more than ample curves. With her
four inch spiked heels she stood almost nose to nose with

Claire snickered beside me. "No, it's not
just you."

When Ivanna finished responding to Jeanette's
questions Dragon called on the next reporter, an energetic looking
younger woman with curly brown hair. "Lillian, I know you will have
something fresh to add to this discussion."

Lillian flashed Dragon a brilliant smile.
"You know me so well Dragon. I did hear a rumor this week that I've
been dying to ask you about. Of course, it doesn't have anything to
do with the Senator and his beautiful bride, but I'm sure they
won't mind indulging me." She paused and waited for Garrek to

"I don't mind at all Lillian, I like a good
rumor as much as the next man," Garrek said with a wave of his

Lillian bobbed her head at Garrek then
focused on Dragon. "A little bird from the courthouse told me that
a certain eligible bachelor applied for a marriage license this
week. At first I thought he must be mistaken. But here you are
wearing a shiny new ring on the third finger of your left hand.
Tell me it isn't so." She put her hand over her heart dramatically.
"Tell me you haven't given your heart to another after all these

Dragon chuckled. "Ah Lillian, you never cease
to amaze me with your resourcefulness. I didn't want to steal the
spotlight from Garrett and Ivanna, but the rumors are true. I've
met my soul mate and Wednesday evening during a private ceremony
here at the resort I made her my wife." All the reporters went
crazy shouting questions in a frenzy.

When Dragon got them to settle down again he
said, "A short time ago we held auditions for a new dancer here at
Myths and Legends. Out of all the applicants, one dancer stood out
above all the rest. When Solomon watched her dance he scooped her
up and made her the star of his next show. When I watched her dance
I fell in love and asked her to marry me."

"So the new dancer, Serafina Leroux, she's
your wife?" Lillian asked Dragon to clarify.

"She is. She's chosen to keep Leroux for her
stage name, but for all other purposes she is officially Mrs.
Serafina Drake." Dragon beamed at the reporters and I laughed when
all the women frowned in response.

"Wow, that was fast. I don't know how you
managed to date and marry a woman without any of us catching the
slightest hint of your involvement. All these years we've tried to
catch you on a date with anyone." Lillian shook her head with
exaggerated disappointment then asked, "When do we get to meet

"All these years you couldn't catch me with a
woman because there weren't any women before Serafina," Dragon
explained, and before Lillian could comment he said, "Now, if you'd
like to meet my beautiful young bride, she's already here." Dragon
held his hand out towards me and all eyes turned in my direction. I
took my place beside him on the stage and the frenzy started up
again. Pictures were snapped, questions were asked and thirty
minutes later I was exhausted but the press conference was finally

"Well, you survived," Claire noted when all
the reporters had finally cleared out of the conference room.

"I did, thanks to Dragon. I have so much to
learn about dealing with the press."

"Just be yourself and the press will love
you," Garrek advised.

"Next time I'll give that a shot. I was too
nervous this time to do much more than nod my head and hang onto
Dragon for dear life," I admitted.

"Nonsense dear, you did just fine," Claire
assured me.

"Of course she did, she is my wife after
all." Everyone got a laugh out of that.

"I just don't understand why they wanted to
know so much about me. Why do they care where I went to elementary
school?" I asked no one in particular.

Ivanna answered with a shrug of her slender
shoulder, "Dragon is quite the celebrity in the human world. You
are beautiful, talented, and by marrying him, you have taken away
their favorite fantasies. Now they want to know why Dragon would
choose you when he could have had any one of them."

"If they only knew..." I thought out

Dragon pulled me into his arms and kissed me.
"Yes, if they only knew what you mean to me."

"I'm going to escort Ivanna to the spa now so
that she can begin preparing for the wedding. Why don't you meet me
at The Dragon's Lair for lunch in about half an hour?" Garrek
invited Dragon. "I'd like to discuss our strategy for the next
council meeting now that your dragon has come back into the

Claire pursed her lips and Dragon's arms
tensed around me before he replied, "I'll be there shortly."

Garrek and Ivanna departed and I asked, "What
am I missing? Why did the two of you seem so unhappy about what
Garrek said?"

"Garrek is power hungry and he's driven by
revenge. We have no love for Travali or his vampires, but we won't
let that cloud our judgment. Seeing him dead is not worth a war
that would expose us to the humans. While we were cursed Garrek was
content with the political games he plays to stick it to Travali.
For example the Oblivion debate. Garrek doesn't really care one way
or the other about the humans that are harmed by the drug. He only
wants to make supplying them with it illegal because it would put
Travali's brothels out of business.

Now that the curse is broken, Garrek is
pushing for a more aggressive kind of strike against Travali. He
wants me to declare open war on Travali and all his supporters and
I simply won't do it. Garrek is not someone I would choose to
alienate if I could help it, but I will not go to war just to
satisfy his need for revenge," Dragon explained with grim

"But why does Garrek hate Travali so much?" I

"Travali murdered his family," Claire
revealed. "It was centuries before The Great War, back then, demons
that dwelled in the dark feared nothing more than solar demons like
Garrek. Their world, Solaria, literally dripped sunlight from every
surface and the solar demons there soaked it up, storing it in
their bodies until it was time to unleash the devastating rays on
their enemies. They would light up their entire bodies and any
demon within a half mile with an aversion to sunlight burned to ash

Several demon armies formed a coalition to
destroy Solaria and as many solar demons as they could. When it was
over only about half the demons that fought made it out alive, but
they succeeded in destroying the source of Solaria's power. Solaria
was plunged into darkness and its inhabitants we're forced to flee
for their lives. The royal family escaped to this world but it was
already too late. The demon armies had sent word to Travali and he
was waiting when they arrived. He slaughtered them all except for
Garrek, the youngest son of the king. He was smuggled out by a
group of shapeshifters and hidden until he was strong enough to
survive on his own."

"I'm surprised Garrek has let Travali live
this long. Why hasn't he just lit up his body and fried the

Dragon shook his head. "He's not that
powerful here. There isn't enough magic or sunlight here for him to
get a full charge. The most he can do is light up his eyes and
possibly his hands if he's spent enough time soaking in the sun.
Don't get me wrong, he would be a formidable opponent for any
vampire or darkness dwelling demon, but he doesn't pose the same
threat that his kind once did."

"The strength of his power is enough that
making an enemy of Garrek would be unwise," Claire added.

Dragon ran his hand over his face. "That's
why I'm going to meet with him as he requested and politely tell
him no when he requests my help with his plans for Travali. But I
fear before too long Garrek will stop taking no for an answer and
he will demand I take action. When that happens, we must all be
prepared for the fallout. I'll speak to Rook and possibly meet with
the clan leaders to come up with a plan before it gets to that

"That is a good idea, and might I suggest,
ask Solomon to put a little more power behind the wards. Now that
his beast is awake it shouldn't be a problem for him. I've seen
some worrisome flashes and I'm not sure yet what they mean," Claire
advised her son.

"I'll speak with him after my meeting with
Garrek," Dragon promised then he turned to me. "Are you going to
The Gateway for rehearsals?"

I reached up and ran my hand along his jaw.
"I am. I probably won't see you again until the ceremony. Then I'll
be occupied behind stage or onstage for most of the reception."

He brought my hand to his lips for a gentle
kiss. "I'm looking forward to holing up somewhere with you and not
coming out for at least a week when this wedding is finally

When I looked in his eyes I saw him holding
himself above me. We were lying in front of a fireplace in a rustic
looking log cabin. My hands traveled over the defined muscles of
his strong arms and shoulders. It was incredibly arousing to watch
his muscles bunch and flex while he made love to me. I could feel
soft fur beneath me as he reached down and pulled my leg up along
his side. He rolled his hips slowly filling me with his hard male
flesh. Then he drew back and did it again. Mmm... It always felt so
good to have him inside of me. Again and again he filled me with
his heat. My back arched with the pleasure he gave me and his head
ducked down to capture my nipple in his mouth. He continued moving
his hips with a slow, steady rhythm as he teased my nipple with his
tongue and teeth. My hips rocked slowly keeping pace with his
thrusting pelvis. I wanted so badly for this fantasy to be real.
Every stroke of his thick arousal sent a rush of fluids between my
legs, brought me closer to complete abandon.

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