Rescued (A McKenzie Ridge Novel Book 1) (7 page)

The song ended and she started off to their table, when he wrapped his arm around her waist and held her close, keeping her on the dance floor. It was a slow song, neither could tell you to what, nor did they care, and they danced. He asked her if that intoxicating number was for him and she nodded with a devilish grin. He held her closer so she could feel his arousal, so she could see what she did to him, and then he kissed her. Hard. It wasn’t soft and sweet like it had been at the park. No, it was hard, purposeful, and full of invitation and wicked intention.

She was accepting it and gave back as much as she received. She kissed him with everything she had, rubbing her body against him like a secret lap dance only he could see and feel. Not sure how he broke down her walls, she got lost in him, not caring where they were or who was watching the thrill he was giving her. She couldn’t taste enough of him. His leg between hers, chest to chest, they ground and danced a little dirty. The message to everyone around was clear, they may not think they were dating, but territory was clearly marked, they were certainly a couple.

The song ended and they just stood there. Locked in each other’s gaze, body to body, heated and primed, when Dawson broke the drawn out silence, “Do you want to get out of here? Get some…air?”

She smiled, “I haven’t finished my beer.”

With a sly grin and a wink, “I’ll buy you a six pack, darlin’, let’s go!”

She laughed out loud, as he pulled her through the crowd. He opened her door, took another long wet kiss with her back against his truck, not willing to let her go yet, as his hands slid down her sides and landed on her firm ass; it fit in his hands perfectly. She ran her hands through his hair and let out a slight mewl as he squeezed. Hands rising on her waist, he lifted her to the truck before breaking the kiss.


Bear Creek ran along the outskirts of town, crossing through Pavilion Park, to the woods on the other side. More than a sprinkle of a creek, not quite a river, it hosted a plethora of wildlife and many banks to fish and catch crawdads. Dawson drove to a spot where he liked to drop a line in and ponder his thoughts from time to time; it was peaceful, grounding. Tonight it boasted privacy, surrounded by trees and untouched wilderness; a moon lit rendezvous to ponder something new.

Sam was taken by the beauty the light of the moon cast across the creek, like natures mirror, casting its beauty in a perfect reflection, surrounded by the millions of stars that so brightly twinkled like precious gems above them. The beauty of their surroundings was breath taking by day, and by night it was absolutely enchanting, intensifying their already heightened mood and senses. Here, it was just them and the simplest sounds of nature.

It was a warm summer night, but he was hot from the company. Dawson grabbed a blanket from the back seat of his truck and placed it at the bank’s edge that he led her to.

“Wow, you come prepared, Tayler,” she teased.

“I’m a medic, I have a hefty first aid kit, matches, kindling, and even food rations if you’re hungry. I’m prepared for anything. We could survive for days out here if you wanted,” he rebutted, half joking, half serious. He wouldn’t mind being stranded somewhere secluded with the woman before him, he could get lost in her for days.

“Is that some sort of offer, cowboy?” She tempted, hoping it was indeed some sort of offer, getting lost with Dawson sounded like a naughty dream come true.

“Do you want it to be?” He questioned her, surprised at the breath he was holding, hoping for a yes.

“I want it to be something,” Sam admitted, shocked that she said it so freely, but she did indeed want more from Dawson. Friend zone with Dawson was great, but for the first time in years she desired more, she questioned herself, could she do more than a fling? Dawson was proving to be the exception to every rule she had.

“How about we start with this.” He grabbed her hand and walked her to the center of the blanket, right at the waters’ edge, and he kissed her, long and with promise.

He felt her soften in his arms, and she kissed him back. It was full of passion, vulnerability, and surrender. He felt her walls falling as she invited him in, boundaries no longer distancing them, allowing what they both hadn’t known they wanted all along. He had been waiting on this moment all night, the chance to get lost in her, and by her reaction, it seemed certain she had been wanting that too.

Sam let go of his hands and dragging them up his torso, placing them on his hard chest. Her hands traveled up his body, exploring every bump and ridge; the man was fucking ripped. As her hands found their way around his neck, his traveled up and down her sides full of equal parts care and mischief. Each time they rose, they came closer to her breasts teasing her with every rise of his touch. Her body was humming from the sensation and anticipation of what was to come. She arched into him, rubbing her chest to his, sending a seductive message, inviting more of his touch.

He was desperate to feel more, touch more, and even
more. If he wasn’t careful, this was going to end before it even got started, she had him wound so tight, on the edge of delirium. He pictured her wicked little dance for him, the sway of her hips, the shake of her ass, the arch of her back, and the curve of her breasts. He was in deep, and completely content with the realization. She had cast her spell on him and he hoped it never broke.

With that thought, his hands didn’t stop this time as he cupped her breasts, full and firm, they fit his grip perfectly, exquisitely made just for him. The feel of her in his hands was paralyzing, he wanted to see her, all of her, in every way. As he gently squeezed, she moaned a deep and sensual sound that unraveled him. He began to unbutton her shirt, exposing her beautiful sun kissed skin that took his breath away with her beauty and allure. He was in trouble.

Sam broke the kiss, winded, and overwhelmed with sensation. She stared into him, his desire flowing, as easy to read as the thoughtful care he was taking with her. He looked at her, searching for permission to continue, when she reached for him, hands roaming under his shirt, feeling him, skin to skin. She wanted more,
more of what he was giving her.

She wore black and red lace, a clear indication that she dressed for this very moment, so sexy. He trailed her skin, from her mouth to her neck, slowly and seductively making his way to heaven. Sam threw her head back from the intense pleasure as he reached her breasts, and began an assault that was so erotic she could hardly stand.

He bit at her pebbled nipples through the delicate lace and slowly slid one strap down her soft shoulder. As he made his way to her other breast, claiming it as he did the last, he freed the remaining strap. He stood back, looked her in the eyes and waited for her, letting her decide just how far they did or didn’t go.

She gazed up at him through the thick lashes of her hooded eyes. She was hungry for more, wanted more, desperate to be satiated. Entranced by all that was Dawson, she boldly reached up and released the clasp, removing the thin barrier between them. She watched the black and red lace fall to her feet, then tilted her head as she met his eyes, while she unbuttoned his shirt and dropped it from his shoulders. The man was a God. More than she imagined, and she had imagined it often.

She licked her lips in a provocative way, thirsty, as she traced her hands down his hardened chiseled chest, straight to his belt buckle. She did her work to open his belt and then his pants. He was completely hard for her and it turned her on, pleasured her to know that
did that to him. Still confined, she slid her hand over his manhood making him moan, as he stood there in nothing but his tight boxer briefs that left near nothing to the imagination; God was an artist.

Dawson drank her in, so beautiful, so perfect, a sexy little vixen, so ready for him. At her touch he took her mouth again, took her breasts in his hands and began to tweak her rosy hardened buds with his fingers. The action was so carnal, her body heated, and her legs went weak. He slowly lowered her to the ground, their feet resting in the water, never losing contact, as he began his descent. Down her neck, to her collarbone, where he licked and nipped, and finally to his destination where he took her hardened nipple into his mouth and went to work.

She moaned as Dawson held one nipple in his mouth and the other between his fingers. Never had she felt such satisfaction, and they were just at foreplay. She wanted more from him and of him. She slid her hand down his abs until she found his girth. She stilled for a moment at the size she held in her hands, he really was a God. Hand full, she gently stroked him, causing deep throaty moans that were both hers and his, before he gently wrapped his hand around hers, moving it to his side; he began to remove her skirt.

He felt her quiver beneath him, anxious or excited, or both he thought, as his hand made its way down her body, resting on her mound. He found her matching black and red panties dampened and smiled, while holding her nipple between his teeth. She was so ready for him, but he wasn’t done yet.

He slipped a finger into the side of her sexy panties and began to glide over her slickened folds. He caressed her making her jerk in eager movements, before his mouth drifted from her breasts and headed south. Her breasts were perfect, and he found them hot as hell, he would find his way back to them before the night was over, that was a promise.

He stroked her sex once more, before slipping his finger inside of her. She was so hot, wet, and tight; he worked her over, slipping in a second finger, preparing her for what was to come. As his mouth trailed her abdomen with certain intent, he rested a kiss on each hip before landing right on her heat. He tasted her. She was heaven, sweet, warm, and spicy—completely Sam.

She cried out as he took her into his mouth, tilting her hips, adjusting for him, inviting him. His mouth, his tongue, his fingers, it was almost too much as her body hummed and she cried out his name. She lifted her hips and tilted into his mouth, greedy now for his pleasure. He read her like a book, completely consumed by her pleasure, he reached for her breast, rolling her nipple between his fingers while still stroking her with his tongue and fingers, and she unraveled beneath him, with a scream. Dawson Tayler was her undoing.

As hard as he’s ever been, ready to come apart, he pulled her to his lap while she still soared through her ecstasy. Wrapping her legs around him, they sat waist deep in the warm summer’s water, under the glowing spotlight of the moon. He looked at her satisfied expression and was completely lost in her, wanted her, needed her. He didn’t want this night to ever end.

As if she knew what he was waiting for, she nodded her head, giving him permission, to take her completely. He finally entered her, with all of his boldness, and covered her mouth with his, muffling her moans. He loved her slowly, deeply, and completely until he freed every last bit of himself, while she soared again, this time not alone.

They lay wrapped in the blanket attempting to dry off, and coming down from the high they had reached together. Sloshing her foot in the water, she found herself giggling like a schoolgirl. She was lying naked, in the middle of a forest, late into the night, next to a really hot, really naked, guy. He glanced at her with a mischievous grin as if he knew what she was thinking.

She didn’t know what had just come over her, perhaps those adorable dimples? Following her playful instincts, she quickly lifted her foot, bringing a splash of water with it, soaking him. She quickly got up and started running up the shallow edge of the water. She didn’t make it far before large hands whisked her up and ran toward the center.

At its deepest point, he paused to quickly kiss her. His devilish wink and grin were the last thing she saw before he launched her into the water. Not to be outdone, she grabbed his ankles, from beneath the water, bringing him down with her. They played like this for some time, muscles aching from their laughter, before ending up in each other’s arms again, giving nature a slow and intimate show.

Although hesitant, Dawson began to help her dress. He was gentle, caring, and considerate with kisses in between. He finally folded the blanket, their blanket, and held her close all the way up to the bank where the truck was parked. He loved her some more, before he helped her inside, where they sat for a bit longer, not ready to leave this place that was now marked as theirs.


He drove her home in silence, holding her hand the whole way, both with lazy, satisfied smiles. He parked in her driveway, opened her door for her, and walked her to the door.

“Thank you,” she whispered, with her head against his chest, words full of meaning.

She wasn’t thanking him for the epic outdoor sex on the edge of a creek in the middle of a deserted forest, amongst the woodland creatures, although worthy of praise, she was thanking him for being careful with her heart. Wanting to say more, but leaving it at that, lost for words, she looked at him, drinking in his sweet smile, knowing he understood the meaning lost behind her sparse words.

“I had…,” he paused, searching for the right words to define this night, words that said everything without saying too much, “…an amazing time. More than I thought I could have. I hope this is a first and not a last, because I’m not sure how I would feel about that.” He hesitated, deciding less was more in this moment. He pulled her close and kissed her so tenderly and it felt like home.

“I’ll see you at work tomorrow?” He asked, but he gently kissed her forehead before she could answer, and walked away. As he climbed in his truck, he paused, propping himself between the open door and cab of the truck, looking at her with an admiring smile and a quick wink before driving off.

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