Rescued By An Alpha, Complete Set (29 page)

Read Rescued By An Alpha, Complete Set Online

Authors: Celine Yorke

Tags: #A Paranormal Shape-shifter, #adventure/suspense & romance novel

"I'll let you know when we want you to go into action," Maxi told them.

"Okay. We'll be waiting for your call," Philippe said.


Philippe got hold of a black van. He put his bow and arrow in the back together, with the bag of black clothes for Tom and himself to wear, and drove over to Tom's house.

"Hello, Philippe, come in."

He dropped the bag on a chair. "Let me look at what you got for us to wear," Tom said.

He pulled the black cloth out of the back. Tom smiled when he saw the black masks to cover their eyes. "Cool."

They got dressed in the tight jeans and tight-fitting hooded jackets. With the black masks on, no one would be able to recognize them.

They jumped into the car and drove to the address Franco had given them, popping in a set of earphones each so Franco could direct them. They parked the van a little distance away from the building and waited for the phone call from Franco, which didn't take long.

"Hello, Philippe are you ready?"

"Yes, we're parked a little down the road away from the house."

"Good. Around the back, you'll find a set of fire escape stairs outside the house, leading right up to the roof. You should be able to get through the trapdoor in the roof to get into the building. You better go up there now before anyone arrives, and park your car out of sight from others. From now on, I will keep in contact with you through your earphones."

"Okay, thanks Franco," Philippe said.

"Remember try not to kill anyone. We need them alive so we can get more information out of them," Franco said.

"Okay, no worries, Franco," Tom said.

"I better park the car over under the big shady trees where it should be out of sight," Philippe said.

"Yeah, that'll be a good place to park," Tom agreed.

Philippe and Tom got their bow and arrows on their back and slipped up the stairs without anyone seeing them. They sat in the corner, just inside the trapdoor in the roof, looking the place over.

"If you sit over on one of the beams towards the other side, then I will stay here on this side," Tom suggested.

"Okay. I'll crawl over there; then we'll both have a good view of the people down on the ground," he whispered as he crawled over to the other side.

No sooner were they into their positions before some men came through the door. Some of the men placed a table in the middle of the floor with some chairs around it. They all got seated and started talking among themselves. Then another man came through the door and they all greeted him; it was pretty obvious he was the leader. One of the men pulled some white plastic packs that looked like some kind of drug out of a bag.

When Franco gave them the go ahead, they send an arrow into the leader's shoulder. The men were all shocked and rushed to his side, but they let the arrows fly quickly into the bodies of the other men. Everyone crawled around in pain on the floor, and some just lay there quietly.

"Okay Franco, they're all down. You can come in now."

The doors opened, and Franco, Maxi, and a team of men in SIS uniforms came running in, pointing their guns at the injured men.

"Good work, boys, you can go home now. Thanks for your help," Tom and Philippe were told through their earphones. They looked at each other, and with a thumbs up, Tom and Philippe disappeared as quickly as a couple of cats.

Back in the van, Tom stuck his hand up and said, "High five. I feel like I'm back in the jungle, sneaking around like a cat." Tom commented.

"Yeah, it is a bit like that, but let's hope we can help to catch some of the criminals."

A big patrol van parked outside the warehouse, waiting to take the prisoners away. Inside the warehouse, the criminals were being tied up. The many plastic packets were collected; it was unmistakably cocaine and meth, meant to be sold for a lot of money on the black market. No one saw the two men dressed in black sneaking down from the fire escape over to the black van parked under the big tree. Philippe slowly drove away from the old warehouse, making as little noise as possible.




"How is the London order going? Is it nearly ready?' Jock said as he entered the work room. They all looked up worried.

"No, we still have a few more details to finish. We will probably be working for another couple of hours," one of the ladies called out. They were all busy putting the final touches on some of the latest creations. Several dresses already hung on the clothes hangers, ready to be sent, but they had a few more to finish off. Serena looked at her watch and thought,
Tom will be worried; I should give him a ring, but I haven't got time. I'm sure he will call me if he wonders where I am. I did tell him I would be working late because we had an order to get ready to send off.

It was dark when Serena came out on the street. She ran over to catch the bus. As soon as she was seated, she called Tom, but he didn't answer, so she sent him a text. "Worked late, on my way home."

She sat back and relaxed
. Gosh, I'm tired. It's been a busy day.
Serena stared out of the window as the scenery ran by, but she didn't see any of it. She closed her eyes and tried to unwind from the stress of the day.

I love my work and I enjoy everything about it, but tonight, I can't wait to get home and crawl into bed and cuddle up to Tom
, she thought to herself. The neighborhood they lived in was quiet, and there were no people on the street when she jumped off the bus. It was dark except from a few street lights. She hurried down the street towards her house when a black van stopped right next to her. A man hopped out and pulled a hood over her head. He dragged her into the back of the van, where he tied her hands around her back. She tried to scream, but someone slapped her across the head. Concussed, she fainted.


"It's getting late. Serena should have been home by now," Tom said to himself. He had been busy renovating, so he didn't hear the phone ringing. He picked up his mobile and saw the text message. "Oh well, she's on her way home." He went into the kitchen and put the kettle on, and prepared a tray of food and a pot of tea for her. After waiting for another hour, he got worried and decided to call Jock.

"Hello, Jock, Serena hasn't come home from work yet. She sent me a text to say she was on her way home, but that was an hour or more ago. I'm a bit worried about her getting home so late in the dark."

"Serena is not home yet? She left here a couple of hours ago," Jock said.

"It's not usually like her, she always calls and let me know where she is, but maybe she met up with a girlfriend."

"She will probably be home soon, but let me know if there are any problems," Jock said.

A little while later, the phone rang, and a man's voice said, "We have Serena. We demand that Carlos Fontana be set free from jail in exchange for you getting Serena back alive!" He hung up.

Devastated, Tom stared out into the air.
What am I going to do? I'll call Franco.

"Hello, Franco, it's me. Serena has been kidnapped on her way home from work. I need help," Tom choked out.

"Shit those bastards, I'll come right over just stay where you are and don't do anything yet." Franco said.

A little while later, a car pulled up and Franco rang the doorbell. Tom let him in. "Thanks for coming over so soon. Poor Serena, she must be out of her mind with fear," Tom said.

"Tell me what happened and how you found out. Then I'll contact Maxi and tell him the situation," Franco said and made a call to him.

Not long after the doorbell rang, they let Maxi in. "Hey mate, don't worry. We'll find her and get hold of those crooks."

"I hope so. I feel it is all my fault. I should never have agreed to go after those crooks in the warehouse," Tom said.

"They don't know it was you. Nobody saw you," Maxi said.

"Can I get my men over here and set up a connection to your phone?"

"Yes of course you can." He would do anything to help find Serena.


Four men arrived an hour later to set up the equipment to connect to Tom's phone. Franco contacted Victor, the commander of the SIS headquarters in South America. "I just want to let you in on what's going on over here. The crocks kidnapped Tom's girlfriend. They want Carlos Fontana freed from jail in exchange for letting her go," Franco confirmed.

"Fucking bastards. Is there no end to what they'll do?" Victor said. Franco let Victor in on what had been going on and why they might want to take revenge by kidnapping Serena.

"It sounds right. Do you have any plans yet on what to do about the situation?" Victor asked.

"Maxi and his team are helping, but we are waiting for further contact from the kidnappers," Franco told him.

"We will question Carlos Fontana and see what we can find out down here. I'll keep in contact; let me know if there is anything we can do to help." Victor hung up.


"I promised to call Jock Lassalle when Serena came home from work," Tom said. He paused to pick up the phone and dialed with shaking hands. "Hello, Jock, I've got some bad news. Serena has been kidnapped," Tom said.

"Oh no, you are kidding?" Jock said

"I wish I was, but I'm not. We found out where she is being held prisoner, and I have got the police involved now, so hopefully we will get her out soon."

"That's terrible. Has that got anything to do with the same crooks who gave you a hard time down in South America?" Jock asked.

"Yes, I'm afraid Carlos Fontana is behind it all. He is probably hoping to get out of jail or wanting revenge," Tom said.

"Please let me know if I can help in any way at all."

"Thank you, I will keep you informed," Tom said, hanging up.

Tom called Philippe and told him about the situation. He came right over to support Tom. The doorbell rang, and one of the team let Philippe in.

"Oh, Tom that is a terrible! Poor Serena, she must be so frightened," Philippe said.

"Yes, I'm so worried about her. She has no idea of how to defend herself," Tom said.

"I wish Chan was here. He would soon tune in on where they're keeping her," Philippe said.


Serena woke up lying on a bed, with a hood over her head, and her hands tied behind her back and her feet tied together. She had no idea where she was. Her head ached, and she was frightened. She started to scream for help; someone came into the room. They helped her of the bed to sit on a chair, and pulled the hood off her head. Serena wished they had kept the hood on. When she saw the two bull-faced thugs, she got so scared she started to shake all over. "Why am I here? What do you want with me?" Serena said in a shaky voice.

"We want Carlos Fontana released from prison," one of the men said.

"But what has that got to do with me?" Serena said.

"Tom helped put him in prison," the man said.

"Well, his daughter kidnapped Tom and kept him as a prisoner out in the jungle because he didn't want to flirt with her," Serena shot back.

"We have orders from Carlos Fontana to keep you here until he is released from prison," the uglier of the two men said.

Serena started to kick and screamed, trying to wriggle out of the rope, but one of the men punched her in the head so she lost consciousness.




Everything was peaceful in the den at the Golden Valley.
Chan sat up on the dais next to Gonzo, contemplating. Romina was teaching little Thomas to walk on his two feet, but he seemed to prefer to crawl on all fours.

Romina laughed and kept encouraging him to walk. He took a few steps, and then stood there on his two legs trying to keep his balance. He was a happy little fellow, and laughed and clapped his hands when he took a few more steps. "Good boy, Thomas," Romina said. He had thick black hair just like his parents, and brown eyes, a handsome little boy. He was everybody's favorite. They sometimes gave him a ride on the back of one of the jaguars; he loved that, but they were all very protective of him.

"I sense trouble around Tom again. He seems unhappy. I get visions of a young woman with blond hair. She is tied up and being held prisoner in an old farm house," Chan said to Gonzo suddenly.

"I know; I get images of them too. I think it's his girlfriend who is in trouble. Tom and Philippe has been helping the police catch some crooks, and now they are taking revenge on Tom. How can we help?"

"The farmhouse is out of town somewhere. It's hard to find if you don't know where to look. Tom and Philippe might find it if they pay attention and do their meditation. But that is going to be too hard for Tom, because he is too worried."

"Do you want to go over and help Tom find her?" Gonzo said.

"Yes, do you think I should?"

"We have plenty of money for the flight, so that is no problem. You can take some of the warriors with you to help you get safely through the jungle. If you are all in your jaguar forms, then it shouldn't take you long," Gonzo said.

"I should go and help them. I better talk to Romina first and hear how she feels," he said with a faraway look in his eyes.

He crawled down from the dais and trotted over to her. Thomas, excited to see his dad, clapped his hands and sang out "Dadada!"

Chan picked him up and swung him around. Thomas was thrilled, and laughed.

"Romina, Gonzo and I both had visions that Tom is in trouble. His girlfriend has been kidnapped and is being held prisoner in an old farmhouse. What do you think, should I go over there and help them find her?"

"Oh, poor Tom, you must go and help him. I know you will be safe and come back soon again. I'll be here waiting for you."

"Are you sure you won't mind?" He looked worriedly at her.

"I'll miss you, but you must help Tom or they might kill his girlfriend," Romina assured him.

Chan held a meeting with everyone in the den and told them about Tom's situation. "I need a few of you to come with me so I can make it safely through the jungle. Would any of you like to volunteer to come with me?"

Six jaguars volunteered to come with him. The next morning, they got ready to leave. He packed a canvas bag with a set of clothes for him to wear when he changed back into his human form, and his knife. They strapped the bag around him. Gonzo had given him plenty of money for the trip, so there would be no problem getting a flight to Paris.

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