Resilient Love (Navy Love Series Book 3) (10 page)

I bust out in laughter. The mental image of Jo’s jealousy over Kandice simply asking about me brings great joy to me.

We sit outside and chat a few more minutes, mainly about mundane topics before we're interrupted by Miguel’s wife, Christina.

“Baby, breakfast is almost finished, I need help getting the table set and plates made for the kids and your mom can use some help getting to the table.”

“Okay, we’re coming,” he glances at me, “Mom is having a rough time getting up and moving today.”

I nod in understanding, “I'll help your mom and you help your wife with the kids?”

He agrees and we head inside to accomplish our tasks.

Pat isn't surprised at all to see me this morning. She smiles when I walk into the living room where she's set up in her recliner.

“Good morning, J.C.” Although she's trying to sound cheerful, you can tell she's riddled with pain today.

“Morning, Ma’am,” I pull out my thick southern drawl, knowing how much she loves it.

“Save the sweet talk for my Joey, help this old lady into the kitchen so I can get some food in me. Maybe that’ll help ease some of the nausea.”

“Rough day today?” I ask, all joking gone from my tone. She nods in response. “Okay, let's get you something to eat, so we can get you back in your chair afterwards.”

As I'm pulling her up from her seat, she whispers in my ear, “You're a good man, J.C. and my Joey loves you. Just don't give up on her.”

I place a soft kiss to her temple in acknowledgement. That's one thing she doesn't have to worry about; I'll never give up on Jo. I just hope she’s right in her confession about Jo’s feelings.





The last two days were lazy ones, everyone simply hanging out around Jo’s home since Pat was in quite a bit of pain. However, halfway through the day, Pat came up with an idea. She suggested Jo take me out sightseeing.

I’m all for it and Jo, although hesitant, agreed to it. I assumed it would be a few hours out touring the surrounding area, maybe drive down Hollywood Blvd or walk along Venice Beach. The first hint something was up should have been when Miguel volunteered to ‘make the arrangements’. Who needs arrangements to go out for a couple hours to sightsee?

He excused himself to make some phone calls and the entire time I sat in the living room with his wife and Pat, wondering just what was up his sleeve. And based on the sly looks both the ladies were giving me, I can’t help but believe they knew what was going on.

We’re being set up.

They both berate me with a crazy amount of weird questions while we wait for Miguel to return. Jo was sent on a wild goose chase errand to the store during all of this, so I knew she wouldn’t be around to help save me from the inquisition.

The biggest surprise of all was that Jo went for her mother’s crazy idea. After she returned from the store, without finding whatever it was she was sent after, her mom sprung the idea on her. I thought for sure Jo would refuse to leave her; especially to spend some one on one time with me. Since our conversation in the living room the other day, she has avoided me as much as possible. If not for her mom’s interference, I’m sure we wouldn’t have said more than five words to each other in the past couple days.

Our ‘sightseeing tour’ somehow ended up as a spontaneous four-hour trip to Las Vegas. Miguel ‘happened’ to have a connection at the Hard Rock Hotel and Casino.

So here we are, within two hours of pulling onto the famous strip.

Jo looks beautiful. She’s wearing a pair of tiny denim shorts, a fire engine red tank top and black flip flops that are now sitting on the floorboard feetless. One of her weird quirks I’ve missed while I was gone, she always drives barefoot.

It’s funny the odd things you remember about people.

The ride thus far has been loud. Literally. LOUD. Jo has avoided conversation by blaring the radio and singing as loud as she possibly can. Something she claims is a tradition that she, Marshall, and Tegan do.

I swear, anything involving Marsh is crazy, so I don’t fully doubt that she’s telling the truth.

After waiting for what seems like an eternity for a moment to present itself to approach any of the heavy topics we need to discuss, I force myself to give up hoping one will magically appear.

As I turn the volume down, I watch as Jo’s grip on the steering wheel tightens and her casual, laid-back posture stiffens—she knows where I’m going before a single word has left my mouth.

“Look, we need to—”

“J.C., don’t,” she interrupts me. “I can’t do this right now. I’m already on the verge of a breakdown. At the very least, wait until we get to the hotel.”

She’s right, remembering how upset she was when she told me about the miscarriage, I know this subject isn’t one to be discussed while she’s driving.

“Okay, but we’re talking before we go anywhere or do anything. It’s been weighin’ on us both for too damn long. Just know I’m sorry.”

She gives a slight nod and runs a hand behind her sunglasses; wiping away a tear possibly?

The urge to ask questions is strong, but I deny myself that for now; I’ve waited over six months for answers and explanations, a couple more hours won’t kill me. And she needs me now.

Without another word, I turn the dial back up on the stereo to some annoying ass song I know Jo loves, and place my hand over hers on the gearshift.

Although I feel the slight jerk of her hand, she doesn’t move it, and that is what I’m holding onto.
She didn’t pull away.



Driving down the strip is incredible. I’ve never had a huge desire to go to Las Vegas, but now that I’m here, I do intend to indulge in the sins of Sin City.

We’re both stunned when we arrive at the Hard Rock Hotel and Casino and the desk clerk informs us that our room has been reserved for a two night stay instead of one like we thought.

The entire elevator flight up to our room on the sixth floor, I’m infatuated with Jo’s Spanish accent while she cusses out her brother to herself. I expected her to fight to go home tomorrow, which I think she was planning to, until I overheard a one-sided conversation between her and Pat after we get into our room.

“But Mama, I came home to spend time with you, not party in Vegas…So? He would have been fine sightseeing right in Los Angeles. There was no reason for us to drive all this way…Now isn’t the time for us to talk, Mom. What’s done is done, my focus is on you and my career.”

I really tried not to eavesdrop but it's damn near impossible to do when we're sharing a hotel room. With a king size bed, I might add. That was specified in our reservations; one non-smoking King. Another thing Jo wasn't very happy about when we arrived.

Seems as though her whole family is conspiring against her in this ridiculous attempt to deny us what we both know is inevitable.

As soon as Jo tosses her phone down onto the bed, I mute the already ridiculously low volume on the TV.

“So?” I question, unsure of how her mood is now that she knows her family set us up.

“So what? We’re booked for two nights here. You figure out what you want to do, I’ve been to Vegas plenty.” Her callus tone frustrates me.

It’s not like I was in on this little shindig to force the two of us to spend time together. However, I’m not bitter about it like she all of a sudden is.

Her mood swings are crazy right now. One minute she despises me and the next she’s terrified to make eye contact with me. Whatever the hell is runnin’ through her mind, we need to discuss it, because I for one am sick of not having my Jo around.

“Well, I know what I want to do right now,” I beam proudly, trying to brush off her hostility.

She arches an eyebrow in response; waiting for me to indulge her with my plans.

“Room service and hit up the minibar.”

Jo’s eyes widen in surprise. “Do you know how much they charge for those ridiculous tiny bottles of alcohol?”

“You do realize your brother, who set this whole deal up, booked the room on his card, right? What better way to tell ‘em not to pry than to rack up some extra charges...he did say to have a good time,” I wink then open up the room service menu. “Oh look at that, they have lobster here.”

Glancing at Jo, I see her old smile and the gleam of mischief in her eyes.
She’s in.

Little does she know, I’ll pay her brother back for all of the extra amenities we charge to the room. And whether she’s ready or not, we’re discussing this tonight.

Our first night here in Vegas will be spent together, hashing through our problems, then tomorrow we’ll go out and have some good ole fun, Sin City style.

Two hours, three shots of Patron and a six pack of Bud Light later, we’re both feeling good and most of our natural behavior is back. Now’s the time to finally broach the topic of our past.

“We always did know how to have fun, didn’t we?”

“Yep, that we did.” I watch as she lifts her beer bottle to her lips and tilts her head back, taking a long drink. “I’m surprised nobody caught on to what was happening sooner than they did, to be honest.”

I take a moment to reminisce how things have changed. Jo and I had slept together only once before Hunter came into our group. Everyone believed I’d had a thing for Tessa; don’t get me wrong, Tess is sexy as hell, but she and I wouldn’t have been good together. We would have had our one night, because that’s all either of us were interested in back then, and then we would have moved on and possibly ruined our friendship in the process. While Jo and I had no intentions of making a relationship, our attraction was different than the one I had for Tessa.

“Why do you say that? We were good at covering our tracks.”

She laughs silently to herself; I can tell she’s thinking over the past as well.

“You know Marsh knew, like from the beginning. He never bought any of our cover-ups.”

“Yeah well, Marsh knows
so I can’t say I’m too surprised.” I make eye contact with her. “You know they all miss you, right? They’re worried about you; we all want you back Jo.”

I hope she can hear the sincerity in my confession. I want her back in so many ways.

She takes a deep breath before answering, “Sometimes you can’t go back to the person you used to be. Some things just change you so much that you lose who you were and you’re forced to accept who you’ve become.”

“You’re not lost, Jo. I’d never let you get lost. Darlin’, you may not realize it yet, but I’m always gonna be here to take care of you.”

She unconsciously nods her head as if she’s only halfway listening to my words.

“I just felt alone, J.C. I didn’t know who to turn to.”

“I don’t understand why you didn’t tell me, or hell, any of us for that matter. I get that you finally talked to Miller, and from what I gather, she’s been there for you ever since, but why did you feel like you couldn’t tell any of the rest of us? Why would you think we’d be upset with you?”

She shakes her head with a disappointed look on her face, “I was embarrassed and ashamed. I blamed myself for losing the baby, so I just expected everyone else to as well.”

I reach across and pat her knee. “Nobody would blame you, Darlin’, as shitty as it is, sometimes these things happen. Please know that, once the shock of the news wore off, I would have been ecstatic about that baby. And so would all of our friends.”

She chooses to ignore the last half of my statement, instead focusing on the friends part of it.

“How are they? Like
? I feel so distant from everyone lately that it’s like I’m an outsider no matter where I am. My family has their own world in Cali, life has continued for our friends while I’ve stepped away. I just don’t know where I belong anymore, J.C.”

I know she’s feeling the alcohol we’ve consumed, because not only am I feeling it too but Jo is never this forthcoming with her feelings, especially her fears like this.

“You belong with me, Jo,” I confess.

She looks bewildered at my outburst, but doesn’t retort.

“And as far as how everyone is, why don’t you ask them yourself when we get back to Virginia? Or better yet, why don’t you FaceTime Tessa or Tegan? You know they’d love to talk to you.” I pull my phone out of my pocket and look to her for a nod of approval or refusal.

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