Resurrection (Wesson Rebel MC Series Book 3) (11 page)

She moves forward with me and we walk onto the porch.

Marbles lets out a low whistle. “So, that’s what was hidden under those prissy clothes.”

At his words, Vita fidgets.

I narrow my eyes. “Sorry, Pres, but I know for a
she’s not interested.” I pull her to my side.

His eyes widen. “Well shit, why didn’t you tell me she was yours?” Marbles asks.

“Wasn’t enough time.” I place a kiss on her forehead.

She stiffens momentarily and then relaxes into me, putting on a show. She gets the way things work.

“We brought you some more food and news from the outside. Dallas is keeping things locked down, paranoid bastard that he is.”

I chuckle. “Sounds about right.”

“I can’t blame him when his old lady is about to pop,” Marbles says. “I imagine it makes a man feel hella protective.”

“Understatement,” I reply dryly.

Vita tugs on my shorts.

I can see the query in her eyes. It’s amazing how much you can convey without words. Especially, when you’re used to paying attention to context clues and expressions. “She wants to know if he said how Cora is doing.”

“Good as far as I could tell. Still waiting on the main event with baby number two. Man, if y’all aren’t careful it’s going to be a kidfest around there.”

“Always good to grow ’em instead of prospect them in I guess,” I say.

He snickers. “Shit, better him than me, brother.” Marbles shakes his head.

I watch as the prospects bring in the food. “You got any special requests for next time?”

I peer down at her.


“Clothes,” I relay to Marbles.

“Some of the girls who look about your size gathered some things. We brought it in a saddlebag.”

“She says thank you.”

Marbles gives me a look. I can tell he wants to talk business.

“Babe, why don’t you go hang out in your room and listen to some music?”

She walks inside without hesitation.

Good girl. She plays the game well. Funny, how the things that used to make me uneasy about her, now makes me like her more.

My chest swells with pride.

“She seems like a good girl,” Marbles says.

“She is.”

“I’m trusting you on this, since you’re vouching for her. We don’t want her trouble coming to our door.”

“It’d be Houdini’s fault, not hers.”

“Quick to defend her.”

I bite my cheek and shrug.

He likes getting a rise out of people. It amuses him. I’ve seen him do it a million times before. “If she wasn’t worth a little defense, I wouldn’t be claiming her.”

He nods. “You doing all right up here?”

“Bored as hell, but otherwise…yeah. We’re keeping ourselves occupied.”

“Yeah, I’ll bet you are. She’s a tight little number.”

“I know you’re ranked higher than me, but you keep talking about my girl like that and I might take offense.”

Marbles throws back his head and laughs. “I like you, Prophet. You always speak your mind. You have a hell a way of nicely telling people to go to hell.”

I grin, glad I dodged a bullet. I wanted to impress upon him how serious I am about Vita. Some people like to share and before her, I’ve never been too partial when it comes to where the woman I’m with lays their head. She’s different and I want to see her treated with the respect she’s due. I shoot the shit with Marbles for a while longer and he takes his leave, bringing his lackeys behind him. I remember being the low man on the totem pole. You do everything they say with a smile, hoping they’ll notice you and put in a good word to the president. It’s a screwed up fraternity pledge week that’s extended until they say you’re done, one way or another.

I walk down the hallway and pause outside Vita’s room.

Her music is on full blast and the door is cracked. She’s dancing around in a short black dress that hits her mid-thigh. Her damp hair has dried curly and falls around her head.

For a second, my heart races. Her beauty steals my breath. I want to walk in, take her in my arms, and taste her lips.

Mayday! Mayday!

When I step back the floorboard creaks.

She spins around. Her cheeks turn pink. Her hands begin to fly. “I heard from Ira. He’s improving and Lorenzo’s people are running scared. Some have folded and others have left this world. Unfortunately, Lorenzo remains at large.”

“That is something worth celebrating,” I say.

“How about I start a fire tonight and we do the s’mores thing? I saw them unpack graham crackers and the makings.”

“That would be awesome.”

Her eyes dance with joy.

My insides melt like a Popsicle on a hot day. This woman is changing me. She’s a jumpstart to a long dead soul. Fear strikes. “I’ll meet you out there.”

I all but run to my room to change.

How long can I keep this to myself?

Even now, I’m thinking about all the things I want to show her and how she would look in the middle of an orgasm.

I bet she tastes sweet. Shit. The last time I was this interested in a woman, she destroyed my life.

Vita has that same potential. She’s caught up in a family war that might blow up in both our faces. I don’t need to complicate that.

Back outside, I places strips of newspaper in the fire pit and assemble a structure of wood around it. The sun has sunk into the horizon and the sky is a deep purple fading into navy. The stars have begun to make their appearance along with the moon. Out here, time seems to slow down. Worries seem distant and happiness is a lot easier to find and hang onto.

I need to remember when this is all over that things will be different. Which is why you should enjoy now.

I have an angel and a devil at war inside of me. Only time will tell which will be victorious.

I light the fire and blow through my hands to keep the embers going. The paper catches and slowly moves its way onto the wood. I watch the flames grow, and once I’m pleased with the strength of the fire I cover the pit with a screen.

The back door opens and Vita steps out with a smile, a bag of marshmallows, chocolate bars, and two metal sticks.

“Someone’s excited.”

She shrugs.

The bashful expression makes me smile.
She’s sweet.
“Have you ever done this before?”

She sets the bag on a table. “Not since Girl Scouts.”

I snicker. “You
be an ex scout. You had a real, all-American life, didn’t you?”

“Pot meet kettle?”

Her sassy smirk makes me laugh. “Touché. The fire should be ready to roast on in a few more minutes. You get the stuff ready and I’ll make us a few adult beverages. I saw some mason jars. Rum and cola work for you?”


I move inside, feeling like I’m on the run from the petite woman waiting outside. When I return with drinks, we stick a few marshmallows on the ends of our sticks. The fire is crackling and giving off the perfect amount of heat to keep us warm in the evening chill. The sticky sweet treat reminds me of childhood. It was a weekly thing for the Rowe kids to gather around a fire in the backyard and roast marshmallows. My parents were big believers in family time. In that, we differed from other well-off families I knew. My parents came from wealth, but my father’s head for business and numbers supplied more to the family coffer. You didn’t need to be able to hear to be a stockbroker.

I sneak a peek at Vita.

She’s licking bits of sticky mallow off her fingers.

Her pink tongue puts me on hard. I swallow.

I should look away, but I don’t want to.

She glances up at me and smiles sweetly.

“It’s messy, but worth it, right?” My voice is deeper than it should be. I move closer. “You got a little bit...” Leaning in, I wipe the clump of white fluff from the corner of her mouth. I pop the clump in my mouth and moan. “It’s even sweeter coming off your fingers.”

Her lips part and form an O shape as her chest heaves.

My gaze is drawn to her cleavage. I slowly peer up into her eyes. I see desire, uncertainty, and excitement. It makes my blood boil. I’m not alone in this. I move in and capture her lips. She tastes like rum, sweetness, and a distinctly addictive flavor that’s her alone.

She moans in the back of her throat and opens her mouth to me.

I’m greedy, so I take the opportunity to sweep my tongue into her mouth. I’m in heaven and we’re in trouble, because I can’t let this light go after walking for so long in darkness.

Chapter Eight




I wake to the gentle sound of rain against the roof. I roll over and smile as I remember the night before. Prophet kissed me. Butterflies flap their delicate wings in my belly. It was unexpected, but right. I touch my lips. I haven’t been kissed in so long, I forgot how good a man’s lips felt pressed against my own. His tongue was skilled and intoxicating. Once he initiated the kiss, I wanted more. Even now, I crave the feeling of his arms around me and his tongue dueling with my own. I pull the shirt he wrapped around my shoulders closer to my body. It smells of smoke, musk, and sunshine warm air. A smile lines my lips.

Prophet’s scent— much like him— is a contradiction. The man is an abyss, so deep he’s endless. I never imagined his story would be so heart-wrenching. Women plotting to kill their in-laws and husbands were only on TV dramas. I can’t imagine having to live with that. Knowing you brought the woman who would end your family’s life and attempt to take your own into the picture. Morbid curiosity makes me wonder how she did it. My life has been mapped out for him. It seems unfair he still gets to hide.

I roll onto my side. I could look him up? A woman who killed her in-laws and tried to make her husband the next victim had to be in the news. I can’t get on the net from my phone, but we have an internet connection in the living room.

Should I risk it?
Yes, what if I’m a carbon copy of her?

Maybe that’s why he had a sudden change of heart. I stick my tongue in my cheek. It’s not like I could ask him. I grab my phone from the nightstand beside me. It’s eight o’clock. He’s probably still sleeping. Quickly tossing the cover back I swing my legs over the bed. I pad across the cool floor, grateful for the socks I’d pulled on with the sleep-shirt I’ve taken to wearing to bed. I open the door and listen. If he’s awake, he’s still in his room, or very quiet.

I creep down the hallway on tiptoe until reaching the end of the hall. The living area is bare and I don’t see any signs of him being out back. I sneak to the kitchen, grab the laptop, and power it up. The computer seems to take its sweet time, and I jiggle my leg impatiently. Finally, I see the familiar blue background. I pull up the search engine and type in Rowe murder case. Nothing comes up. I frown. My time watching court shows pays off when I remember the way they title cases. I write: the state versus wife of Charles Rowe.

Links pop up like daises from the dirt.

I scroll my arrow over the first link and pause. Once I do this, there’s no going back. I close my eyes and hit enter. I open my eyes and see a stunning woman with large blue eyes, straight blonde hair, and a tiny frame. She’s clothed in an expensive suit that hugs her.

She looks like a Victoria Secret’s model. What the hell is she doing on trial for murder?

My eyes scan the story. She had them murdered. She made it look like a robbery.

Oh my God, on Christmas day? This woman was a fucking monster.

The police wrote it off right away. Everyone knew they had money and it made sense that they’d hit them during Christmas when they were all together. She’d incriminated herself when she admitted it to Charles when he’d succumbed to her poisoning in the hospital. I cover my mouth, horrified. She’d been feeding him anti-freeze, which she continued once he’d been hospitalized. He’d come inches from death when an orderly told her outside food was not allowed and he’d begun to improve. Once he became lucid, he’d pinpointed her as the reason he was sick. They’d tested him for poison and arrested her, charging her with murder. She’d pleaded insanity and instantly got called out. While she might be a sociopath, it was clear the woman wasn’t out of her mind. Not with the amount of planning involved.

My blood runs cold as I read how she chose him from the start. Picked him out from the small town because he had a soft spot for the hearing impaired and plenty of money. My heart bleeds for him.

“What are you doing?”

I jump. Feeling like a child caught with their hand in the cookie jar, I freeze.

He frowns. “What’s with the weirdness?” He walks over and looks at the screen. “What the fuck, Vita! Why would you look this up?” He snatches the laptop off the table. “Do you know what it feels like to see her face again?”

I shake my head.

His eyes blaze while his chest rises and falls rapidly.

I’ve never seen him this upset. I feel like any move might set him off. Frightened, I clench my shirt up in my hand.

“I can’t believe you’d do this to me. If you wanted to know so badly, you could’ve just asked.”

“I didn’t want to cause you any pain.”

“I have to say, epic fail on that.”

“You know everything about me. All the dirty little details of my family’s tragedy. I thought it’d even the odds if I knew the same about you.”

“It’s not the same and you know it.”

“Why? Because this time it’s you being exposed?” I argue.

“No, because you had to tell me. You didn’t choose to.”

“I couldn’t sit here going crazy over the things I didn’t know.”

“What the hell. How does it affect you?”

“You don’t think I noticed how much you hated me at first? You said I reminded you of someone. It doesn’t take a rocket scientist to figure out it was your wife. Suddenly, I’m wondering if I look like her. If that’s why you had a sudden change. Was I your second chance at getting it right with a ghost?”

“How could you think that?” he seethes. “You are everything she pretended to be. She couldn’t be like you if she tried! That’s why I like you, Vita. You are everything I wanted.”


“Vita, you’re fucking amazing. I don’t know how you can be so smart and so stupid at the same time. You’re brilliant, strong, loyal, and gorgeous.” He tosses the computer on the couch and bends down, cupping my face with his large hands. “The minute I realized you were sincere, everything changed for me. It’s all I can do to keep my hands off you, sweetheart. Even now, I can’t stay mad at you. You reminded me of important things I forgot in my rush to leave my past behind. I want you…for you, Vita. The two of us have been through something few could begin to wrap their mind around. I’m not the person I used to be. Charles…he was the kind of man you deserved. But Prophet wants you in the worst way, and I think you want me, too. Am I right?”

I nod my head. I want to take the risk and see where this can go. I know better than most how fleeting life can be. I haven’t been living. It’s a lot to make up for. This man makes me feel things I never thought I’d experience. A month ago, I’d been resigned to life alone forever. Now, I have a chance at…well, I’m not sure what, but I do know I’m going to take it.

“I don’t want you to think you have to agree with me. You say no, I’ll back—”

I bring my hands up, cover his, and capture his lips.

“Mhmm.” His satisfied hum makes me brave. I trace his lips with the tip of my tongue. He opens and I plunge inside, wanting to make him feel as good as he’d made me feel. He releases my face and wraps his arms around me. I feel safe and wanted. It’s everything I’ve desired. I tilt my head and we deepen the kiss. Heat spreads throughout my body. My breasts swell, my nipples harden, and moisture pools in my underwear.

We surface for air and he rests his head against my forehead. “Next time you want to know something, ask me, Vita. I need to trust you.” He pulls back.

I bring my hands up. “I won’t give you a reason again.”

“I’m going to hold you to that,” he says.

I feel a poignant shift occur between us.

This is actually happening.

His blue eyes soften and the tension leaves his shoulders.

I reach up and caress his face, because now I have the right.

“Be sure, Vita. Because once we start this, we’re not stopping until we’re both sure it’s run its course. If you run, I’ll chase. You try to hide and I’ll find you.”

I swallow. His intensity is almost intimidating. Crazily, I want it. “The same applies for you.”

He snickers. “All in then.”

“Only way I know,” I respond.

“So, we have an understanding.” He delivers a blinding smile that takes years off his face.

I can’t help but smile like a fool in response. “What do I call you now?”

“Whatever you want.”

“My man?” I ask tentatively.

“It’s what I am. This isn’t something that’ll stop when we leave this cabin, Vita. I never thought I’d do this again. But I’m not willing to risk the time we have out here, not exploring what’s between us.”

“How do we do this?”

“One day at a time. There’s no right or wrong. We can go as fast or slow, as you want. I don’t want you to feel pressured.”

“I don’t want to go slow. I’m sick of being a turtle, Prophet.”

He massages my thighs. “How about you come back to my room and we get to know one another better?”

There’s a playful, boyish tone in his voice I find irresistible. Excitement wells up inside of me. I’m eager to see what he has to show me.

“Let’s go.” He laughs as he lifts me up.

This man could possess me heart and soul if I’m not careful.

And where did careful get me the last time?

Our gazes lock and I can see his intentions. He wants this as much as I do.

I wrap my arms around his neck and allow myself to hope. My vision narrows to the broad forehead, high cheekbones, and large blue eyes. His beard is short and neatly trimmed. I dig the rugged appearance and the silver threaded in with the dark brown.
He wears his years well.
I frown. We enter his room and I remove my arm. “How old are you?”

“You worried I’m too old for you?”

Heat infuses my cheeks. “No, I’m just curious.”

“I’m thirty-five. That young enough for you?”

I pretend to consider it. His fingers lightly graze my ribs and I squirm, laughing. “I like my men older and wiser.”

“Oh, really?” He tosses me onto the bed.

I can’t help but giggle. He gives me the wings to soar. He lands on the best beside me and I roll toward him. Amusement takes a back seat. Our mouths meld and my legs spread of their own accord as his body covers me. He sinks between my thighs, and I can feel the length of him pressed against my throbbing core. When he rocks his hips I moan into his mouth. Our tongues tangle. I hook my ankles and trail my fingers over his muscular arms to his back. He’s solid and sinewy and his length is rubbing me in just the right spot. I tilt my head back and he moves his mouth to my neck, nipping at the sensitive flesh and sucking it into his mouth. His soft facial hair tickles my skin. I embrace the sensations melding together to form a panty melting encounter. My eyes are half-mast and I’m close to coming apart.

He pauses. “You didn’t think this would be over that fast, did you?” He smiles. “I want to see you, Vita.” He tugs at the shirt I’m borrowing from him.

I nod my head and he smiles. I can’t help but notice the way his hands shake slightly.

Am I so special to him?

“I want to do this right.” He peels back the shirt and together, we work me out of it. The oversized T-shirt follows. It lands on the ground with a soft rustle and his top joins it a few seconds later. I lay before him in nothing. Yet, there’s no urge to cover myself.

“So beautiful, V.” His eyes are full of reverence.

I’ve never felt more worshipped than I do at this moment.

“Can I touch you?”


He cups my breasts. Goosebumps cover my flesh. Heat spirals through my body. When he leans down and sucks one into his mouth, pleasure explodes inside me. My dew coats the inside of my thighs. I press them together to relieve the pressure building between my legs. He bites my nipple. I jerk. It’s a good kind of pain that makes me burn brighter.

“You like that, V?”

I nod my head, unable to remember how to speak. He’s captured me under his spell.

“Does my girl like it a little rough?”

His girl.

He pinches the opposite nipple. I arch my back. “Yes she does,” he whispers. His pleased tone is like rich chocolate. Silky, sweet, and decadent. He continues to manipulate my breasts. “I can smell you right now. I don’t think anything has ever made my mouth water more.” He kisses his way down along my stomach. His tongue dips inside my belly button.

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