Return of Condor Heroes (172 page)

The Five Masters were in retreat contemplating in the YuXu Cave [Cave of the Jade Void] to create a way to counter the “Jade Maiden Sword” technique; they were pondering intensively day and night. They felt that the martial arts displayed by Yang Guo and Xiao Longnu were the bane of the Quanzhen martial arts. It is impossible to surpass them with known stances; it was Qiu Chuji, who came up with an idea when he thought of the “Big Dipper Formation”. He said, “We cannot overcome them with stances and varieties, but if we combine our internal strength we can use power to make for variety.”

Hence, the five intensively thought of a way to merge their internal energies to overcome an enemy; every stance would be generated by the merged power of the five of them. They know that there are no exceptional talents within the third and fourth generation; the only way to survive is to unite the large number of disciples. Within two months time, they finally created “The Seven Star Assembly”. This technique was derived from the “Big Dipper Formation”, although it is called “The Seven Star Assembly”, it does not necessarily need seven persons to unite their internal strengths. Six, five, four or even three can perform this technique. When the Imperial Priest led the other warriors to seal the cave, the five masters were reaching the critical point of “The Seven Star Assembly” and could not be distracted. Even though they knew large numbers of foes have attacked, they had to ignore this for the time being. When they finally managed to merge their five internal energies perfectly, they blasted open the sealed cave. However, because of the urgent situation, this technique had only reached thirty or forty percent of its’ level of attainment. Even so, Da’erba and Huo Du were unable to cope with it and the Five Masters were triumphant with one strike.

Qiu Chuji and others now turned around and were observing the battle between Xiao Longnu, the Imperial Priest and others. After observing for a few moments, they looked at each other and looked very sad and depressed. They thought: “In vain.....everything was in vain. We never thought that the martial arts of the Ancient Tomb School would be this magnificent. We can never defeat her in this lifetime.”

The martial arts previously displayed by Yang Guo and Xiao Longnu were the blueprints for their ponderings and contemplation. But the incredible, fantastic swordplay of Xiao Longnu was too awesome. They could not even see what those stances were, so how could they think of a way to counter it?

The Imperial Priest and the other Mongolian warriors had higher martial arts than the Five Masters of Quanzhen. It was practically impossible for the Quanzhen School to even produce someone like them now.

Qiu Chuji and others thought: “If our late Master were still alive he would surely be superior to them; our Martial Uncle Zhou is probably also one level higher than these four men in the field of martial arts. Yet, when facing the combined forces of these four fighters, chances are high that even he will suffer defeat.”

The Five Masters were ashamed and depressed; they felt that Quanzhen was degrading with each generation. They could not carry on the legacy of their patriarch anymore. When faced with a great enemy it seems that the Quanzhen School has no leg to stand on anymore.

What they saw was that every move was brutal, every step made was critical. The more they watched the more worried they became and they weren’t eager to inquire of their disciples the reasons for this unforeseen event taking place in front of them.

As the five people, Xiao Longnu and others, battled on, the circumstances were contrasting again. Every move Xiao Longnu made was an attack, whereas Fawang and others were still engaging in obstructing her every move. Counterattacks were few, but they were gradually closing in on her. Xiao Longnu’s situation became even more disadvantageous. Several times when she tried to evacuate the circle in order to slip away temporarily, her opponents’ strict and concentrated defense was preventing it. Every move made brought her back well within the circle. She knew that with Jinlun Fawang as the driving force, it was useless to even try throwing her swords up in the air like before. Besides the two swords that she held, there weren’t any other weapons available to her.

By herself in the main hall she injured Lu Qingdu, but by this point she had fought for close to two hours. Her physical strength was hanging on a thread, and the powerful enemies getting closer to her. Qiu Chuji and the others were lying in wait for her to one side. These five old Taoists were still very rare gems to find in the martial art world. Every corner was populated with enemies galore and she was only one person; she will definitely lose her life here at Chongyang Palace. Suddenly she remembered: “With me being brought to this predicament, what’s the pity if I simply die here? But…but…at the brink of death, I dearly hope I can meet Guo’er at the same time. Where is he at this moment? He’s bound to be getting intimate with Miss Guo, perhaps even already married to her. As a newly wed, why would he even think of a hopeless girl like me besieged from all sides? No it can’t be, it can’t be! Guo’er wouldn’t be like that, even if he married Miss Guo, in no way would he forget about me. All I yearn for is to see him once again …”

When she left Xiangyang and headed for the north, she’d made up her mind that she’ll never meet Yang Guo ever again. But at this stage where she faced the final moments of life and death, she found it more and more difficult to stick to her vow. What was previously “Dividing Heart with Two Uses” is suddenly now “Heart Embraces Her Special One”. Even though both her sword strike’s activity was the same as before, her “Pure Heart of the Jade Maiden Manual” strength wasn’t there. Fawang noticed a change in her sword style; he initially believed she intentionally showed weakness to tempt them. But after several moves passed, it didn’t seem so. So he immediately stepped further forward, his left hand’s silver wheel guarded himself, whereas his right hand’s golden wheel aimed for one of her swords to smash into.

Only hearing the sound of ‘dong’, Xiao Longnu’s left hand’s sword flew out of her hand and landed with a ‘pak’, it broke into two pieces. Fawang was just probing and it actually worked. This was far better than what he expected so without wasting any chances his right hand’s golden wheel rammed out. This stunned Xiao Longnu and she quickly made an effort to suppress her perturbed mind. She brushed out three slashes. But since she was forced into using just a single sword, the martial arts difference between her and Fawang stretched further. Xiaoxiang Zi and his partners seeing the small advantages arising progressed forward with their own weapons.

Xiao Longnu revealing a grimacing smile and did not wish to continue the contest any longer. She caught a glimpse in the pine lined path a blooming rosebush nearby within thirty feet of her. The flowers were delicate and fragrant and seemed like they were about to fall. Suddenly she was reminded of the place where she was cut off by the rosebushes with Yang Guo while learning “Pure Heart of the Jade Maiden Manual”. She thought: “Since I’ll never see Guo’er again, then I’ll think of him before I die.” Her facial expression was gentle and soft as it is was absorbed into a moment of contentment.

Fawang and his teammates had surrounded her in all four directions; if they wanted to they could’ve finished her in one stroke. But suddenly they noticed a wave of abnormality highlighted on her face, appearing as though she had forgotten about defending herself from the enemy. All were astonished, and wondered whether she was up to those dirty old sorcery tricks again. Four different weapons wavered in mid-air but didn’t come down. But within that pause, Nimoxing’s steel snake was the first to move forward.

Then all of a sudden beside him was the sound of wind soughing; it appeared that someone had stretched out a sword to strike him. Nimoxing frantically got back his steel snake to obstruct the sword but hit nothing but empty air. Then he saw a person in motion, it was none other than Zhen Zhibing who scrambled in front of Xiao Longnu. He was delivering his own sword to her. Xiao Longnu at this point seemed possessed as though nothing is within her sight, nor can she hear with her ear, and had already abandoned the matter of engaging in a hand-to-hand combat. Then she felt her left hand had been given a sword, and smoothly clung onto it.

The onlookers couldn’t help but cry out in alarm after suddenly catching sight of Zhen Zhibing entering the danger zone of the five top-notch fighters. For him, it was no different than if he were digging his own grave.

Fawang was acquainted with him, and did not wish to harm his life. So thereupon his left arm met his shoulder by force and pushed him away. His right hand’s wheel swayed towards Xiao Longnu. Zhen Zhibing was curious as to why she had no intentions to fight anymore. Desperately trying to think, his eyes understood that she’d be dead if this wheel grazed her. Without caring for his own safety he flung himself forward, and screamed: “Xiao Longnu, watch out!” Then used the back of his own body and obstinately blocked against Fawang’s golden wheel.

Whenever Fawang’s golden wheel swings out, its remarkable power alone could split rocks and slice mountains, what chance does Zhen Zhibing have of withstanding that? So he immediately dove out of the way. After Xiao Longnu caught the sword given her by Zhen Zhibing, she was as immovable as before and she continued to firmly hold the sword erect whilst in a trance. Zhen Zhibing flew out, and arrived on the sword’s end, spearing through his chest. When Xiao Longnu came to her senses, a dawning realization swept across her mind and she was certain that he saved her life. Staring down at his back wounded by the wheel and his chest pierced by his own sword, and she knew both were mortal wounds. In a split second her all consuming hatred converted to compassion, and softly spoke: “Why did you do this?”

Zhen Zhibing’s life was near its last gasp; as soon as he heard the four words of ‘Why did you do this?’ couldn’t hold back his wild joy. And said: “Long Guniang, I’m deeply…deeply sorry for what I’ve done to you; I could never amend with my selfless actions. Will…will you forgive me?”

Xiao Longnu stared blankly again, and recollected the time when she heard his conversation with Zhao Zhijing at the Guo’s residence in Xiangyang. A thought just skimmed across her mind: “Guo’er had always been deeply affectionate with me, and even once swore that he would never be unfaithful to me. Then without notice he’s made up his mind to marry Guo Guniang and abandoned me like nothing happened, and didn’t give a seconds care about the after-effects. He must’ve learned that I was once raped by this filthy scoundrel.” Her heart was innocent, even when she followed the tracks of the two Taoists Zhen Zhibing and Zhao Zhijing; this notion never came up in her mind. Once she was abruptly reminded by Zhen Zhibing, her mind’s compassion immediately spiraled back into hatred. Her fury has in fact tenfold, clenching her teeth; her right hand’s sword immediately drew on his chest and pushed forward. However in all her life she had never taken somebody’s life. Although her bosom was filled with grief and indignation, the sword that was to be thrust through his chest never happened to everyone’s surprise.

Qiu Chuji observing to one side saw his beloved pupil die a violent death. He was distressed as though a dagger struck through his heart; the incident happened faster than anyone could imagine, and he failed to reach him in time to rescue him. Xiao Longnu’s first sword strike can be said to have been caused by Fawang. But the second sword strike was intentional. He didn’t have the slightest knowledge of the tortuous details. During these six months he’s been without rest, for the most part thinking of how to negate Xiao Longnu’s maneuvers. In the recent month apart from this he had nothing else to think about. Xiao Longnu had been established as his own Quanzhen sect’s archenemy, but he definitely could not believe Zhen Zhibing was willing to sacrifice his life to save her. His eyes seeing her sword strike out again he immediately leapt in front. With his left hand’s five fingers whisking her wrist and his right palm aimed squarely for her face. Qiu Chuji’s martial arts occupied first place amongst the Quanzhen Seven Masters. The circumstances forced him to make that move, and his palm’s might was very forceful.

That jerk did manage to pull Xiao Longnu’s wrist, and the sword was instantly out of her grasp. Without waiting for the sword to drop on the ground, she reached out her hand and regained possession of it. Then she followed up with a lunge forward across to Qiu Chuji’s chest. During this moment, Zhen Zhibing shrieked in pain as he sank down on the ground with blood gushing out of his wounds. Xiao Longnu’s left sword pointed towards Qiu Chuji’s lower abdomen. Now that both her swords have combined harmoniously, its power has rapidly amplified. Qiu Chuji’s martial arts maybe profound, but within three strokes, he was in a helter-skelter state. Wang Chuyi noticing the situation wasn’t right, dashed forward to lend a hand, pushing Fawang and others to one side.

Jinlun Fawang and his motley crew felt surprised when they saw Xiao Longnu fight against the Quanzhen Five Masters, but knew that this change of events was beneficial for them. He thought it would be a good idea to watch them commit fratricide. All of them gave each other a wink, and backed off several paces. They were waiting for a real victor to emerge between Xiao Longnu and the Quanzhen Five masters, and then they’d step in to tidy up the final phase of the chess game.

As the top fighters come to blows, every move was mortal; nobody dared to risk any room for error. That’s why even when Qiu Chuji and his peers were aware that the situation was odd they knew it would be hard to solve easily. But since the battle had commenced, where could they find the spare time to consider all of this? The Quanzhen Five masters were unarmed, when confronting Xiao Longnu’s marvelous and improper methods of swordplay, the single month spent on initiating a skill called “Seven Star Rally” did not even have any chance of being put to good use. In a moment, Hao Datong and Liu Chuxuan both were harmed by her swords, but both persisted and guarded every martial brother’s safety. Then ‘zung’ sound, Sun Bu’Er was struck by a sword.

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