Return of Condor Heroes (220 page)

The three people sat down, and soon the inn assistant delivered their meals. The food was sumptuous, with chicken and pork, and a big pot of wine. That beautiful young woman’s alcohol capacity was very good, having drunk bowl after bowl. The youth and the refined young girl also accompanied her in drinking; the three of them addressed each other as brother and sister. The youth looked older than the refined girl, but called her “elder sister”.

The people sat in a circle around the fire, listening to the wind whistling outside, none feeling sleepy at the moment.

A man with a Shanxi accent said, “This weather really is unfavorable; it changes rapidly. God doesn’t allow man to have even one good day.”

A short person with a Hubei accent said, “You can’t blame Heaven and Earth; we have in here a fire to keep warm, food to eat, what else do you want? If you have lived in the besieged city of Xiangyang, even the world’s most bitter places will seem a cozy nest.”

That beautiful young woman upon hearing “besieged city of Xiangyang “, exchanged glances with her brother and sister.

A visitor with a Guangdong accent asked, “Excuse me, elderly friend, that besieged city of Xiangyang - how is life there?”

The Hubei visitor said, “The Mongolians’ cruelty, of which all of you know, need not be mentioned. The year the Mongolians’ 100,000-strong army attacked Xiangyang fiercely, the garrison was controlled by Governor Lu, a stupid and incompetent person. Fortunately the heroic couple Mr. and Mrs. Guo bravely repelled the enemy forces...” The young woman, upon hearing “heroic couple Mr. and Mrs. Guo”, started paying attention. Listening to that Hubei visitor continue, “Xiangyang City’s hundreds of thousands of soldiers and civilians also defended the city with their lives and none cowered from their duty. A small-time merchant like me, though only able to move earth and stones, also helped to defend the city. This old arrow scar on my face was caused by a Mongolian’s arrow.” The people looked at his face simultaneously, saw that under his left eye there really was a teacup-size arrow scar and could not help but respect him.

That Guangdong guest said, “Our great Song has much land and many people; if everybody acts like the old friend here, even if the Mongolians were ten times fiercer, they couldn’t conquer our lands.”

The Hubei man said, “Yes. Look, the Mongolian army has been attacking Xiangyang for more than ten years, but can’t take the city, while other cities fall easily. I heard dozens of countries in the western region got destroyed by the Mongolians, while our Xiangyang, throughout, stood erect like a mountain. The Mongolian prince Khubilai Khan personally directed the combat, but also could not overcome our Xiangyang people.” After saying that, he greatly felt satisfied.

The Guangdong guest said: “The common people will fight the Mongolians with their lives; if the Mongolians come to Guangdong, our Guangdong men will also fight them with all our might.”

The Hubei man said, “Even if we don’t go all out with the Mongolians, we will still die. The Mongolians cannot take Xiangyang, so they seized the Han people outside the city, tied them up next to each other and beheaded them near the city. Even some four or five year-old or six or seven year-old children were tied up, then pulled by horses in circles under the city wall, and usually in less than half a circle, the children would die. We could hear the children crying loudly from the top of the city wall, and it hurts the heart greatly. The Mongolians use such cruel methods, trying to frighten us into surrendering, but the more vicious they are, the harder we defend the city. That year all of Xiangyang’s grain was eaten, the water supply used up, we even had to drink the water condensed on tree bark, but the Mongolians could never force their way in. Afterwards the Mongolians gave up and withdrew the army.”

The Guangdong man said, “After more than ten years fighting, if Xiangyang didn’t persevere unyieldingly, I fear half of the great Song Empire would have already disappeared.”

Many people asked about Xiangyang’s defense situation, and the Hubei man talked dramatically, praising Guo Jing and Huang Rong like deities, so the people called out their approval unceasingly.

A visitor with a Sichuan accent suddenly sighed, “Actually good officials who can defend a city are numerous, but the Imperial Court is treacherous, often allowing disloyal subjects to enjoy riches and honor, while the loyal ministers die unjustly. The previous dynasty’s General Yue need not be mentioned. For instance, our Sichuan has several loyal ministers who were killed by the Imperial Court.”

The Hubei man said, “Who were they? I must ask.” The Sichuan man said, “The Mongolians attacked Sichuan for more than 10 years and we all depended on Marshal Yu to defend us. The entire Sichuan population treated him like a living Buddha. Who knew that the Emperor believed the words of his disloyal subject Ding Daquan who said Marshal Yu was too powerful and dangerous. The emperor bestowed poisoned wine upon him and compelled him to commit suicide; replacing him with an incompetent and deceitful jerk as Marshal. Then when the Mongolians attacked again, the northern Sichuan province could not defend itself. The soldiers were Marshal Yu’s former subordinates, so everyone fought to the death. But the new Marshal could only polish up his superiors so as soon as we went to war, he deployed the troops hopelessly and naturally we could not defend ourselves. Ding Daquan and Chen Dafang, the deceitful duo, both shielded that useless Marshal, and instead maligned the brave and unyielding General Wang Weizhong. They accused him of collaborating with the enemy, resulting in his entire family in Beijing being captured and General Wang beheaded.” Saying this, his voice had a sobbing note, and many people sighed simultaneously.

The Guangdong visitor said indignantly, “Our country’s affairs are all thrown into disarray by these disloyal subjects. I heard the Imperial Court has three dogs, so this disloyal subject Ding Daquan must be one of them.”

A fair youth was listening silently, but he said, “Correct, the Imperial Court’s disloyal subjects Ding Daquan, Chen Dafang and Hu Dachang are the top three dogs. The Linan people added a dot to their ‘Da’ character, changing them to Ding Qianquan, Chen Quanfang and Hu Quanchang.” (Playing with the Chinese characters) Hearing this, the group of people laughed heartily.

The Sichuan man said, “From your voice, you must be from the capital Linan.”

The youth said, “Exactly.”

The Sichuan man said, “Then have you heard of the matter concerning General Wang Weizhong’s punishment?”

The youth said, “I saw with my own eyes. Before dying General Wang’s manner did not change and he fiercely shouted that Ding Daquan and Chen Dafang will bring disaster on the nation and the people. But moreover there is also a different matter.” The numerous people asked, “What different matter?”

The youth said, “General Wang’s death was caused by Chen Dafang’s plotting. When General Wang was tied up and he was being moved to the execution ground, he shouted loudly in the street, saying that he will definitely voice his grievances to the Jade Emperor (the Emperor of Heaven). The third day after General Wang’s death, that Chen Dafang was killed in his own home; his severed head was actually displayed above the Linan east gate’s bell tower, suspended on a long bamboo pole. Neither apes nor monkeys could reach this place, let alone a person; if it wasn’t the Jade Emperor, then who could have done it?” Many people expressed admiration. The youth said, “This matter is known throughout Linan and was not made up by me. If you people go to Linan, you will know as soon as you ask.”

The Sichuan man said, “This brother’s story is indeed good. However the one who killed Chen Dafang, certainly wasn’t a deity or god, but actually was a great hero.”

The youth shook his head and said, “That Chen Dafang was a high official in the Imperial Court and had many soldiers. He was guarded closely; how could the average man kill him? Also, to hang this disloyal subject’s severed head above the bell tower, one must have wings; only then can one have that ability.”

The Sichuan man said, “A chivalrous hero with such extraordinary abilities must still exist in the world after all. But if I didn’t witness this myself, I might also find it unbelievable.”

The youth curiously asked, “You saw how he hung up Chen Dafang’s severed head on the high bamboo pole with your own eyes? How did you see that?”

The Sichuan man hesitated for a while and said, “General Wang Weizhong has a son; when General Wang was arrested the son escaped outside Linan. The Imperial Court’s disloyal subjects wanted to nip the problem in the bud, so they sent the army to pursue and capture him. General Wang’s son was also a military officer; although he has some martial arts, he actually was overwhelmed by sheer numbers and knew that he was about to be caught. But a savior came and empty-handedly thrashed dozens of soldiers soundly. Young General Wang then told his savior how his father fought bravely for the country but was framed by the disloyal subjects. That chivalrous hero rushed the same night to Linan, wanting to rescue General Wang, but was late by two days and General Wang was already dead. That chivalrous hero swelled with anger and that very evening he severed Chen Dafang’s head. Although that bell tower is out of reach of apes and monkeys, that chivalrous hero had only to jump gently and reached it in one attempt.”

The Guangdong man asked, “Who is this hero? What’s his appearance like?”

The Sichuan man said, “I did not know this hero’s name, I only saw that he was short a right arm, his facial expression...his facial expression was also very unusual. He rode a horse and led another horse with a huge strange-looking bird riding on it...” He had not finished talking when a man with a straightforward facial expression loudly said, “Correct! This must be the world-famous ‘ Eagle Hero ‘!”

The Sichuan person asked, “He is called the ‘Eagle Hero’?”

The other man said, “This chivalrous hero valiantly upholds justice, defends the good against evil, but is never willing to reveal his name. Our friends in Jianghu (the pugilistic world) always see him and a queer bird together, so they gave him the nickname the “Chivalrous Eagle Hero” (Shen Diao Da Xia). He said he was not fit to be called a “Chivalrous Hero” (da xia), so they only called him the “Eagle Hero”. But based on his actions, what’s wrong with calling him “Chivalrous Hero”? If he isn’t a hero, then who is?”

The beautiful young woman suddenly said, “You are a chivalrous hero, I am also a chivalrous hero, humph, there are rather too many chivalrous heroes.”

That Sichuan person imposingly said, “Madam said that? Although I don’t understand Jianghu matters, the Eagle Hero rushed Linan from Jiangxi for four consecutive days and nights, without sleeping or resting, in order to save the life of General Wang. He didn’t even know General Wang, but because of the General’s utter loyalty in serving the country and being framed by the disloyal traitor, he acted boldly without regard for his own safety. He braved much danger to seek justice for General Wang’s orphan, so should you call him a chivalrous hero?”

The young woman made a ‘humph’ sound and was about to argue, but the refined young girl beside her said, “Elder sister, judging from what this gentleman did, of course one should call him a “Chivalrous Hero”.” Her words were clear; upon hearing this, nobody else could say anything as pleasant to hear.

The young woman said, “What do you know?” Turning her head to that Sichuan man, she said, “How do you know it so well? Is this not hearsay? In Jianghu news, around 90% is not accurate.”

That Sichuan person hesitated for a while before saying, “My surname is Wang; General Wang Weizhong was my father. My life was saved by the Eagle Hero. I am a fugitive and the Imperial Court has issued a warrant for my arrest, and wants my head. But this involves my savior’s reputation, so I do not dare fear death and keep this matter from coming to light.”

The people were shocked to hear him say that. The Guangdong man curled his thumb upwards, saying “Young General Wang, you are a good man. Anyone who dares to inform the government authorities of your whereabouts may have a white knife entering him, a red knife coming out.” Many people loudly praised this. The beautiful woman heard him say this and could not argue.

The refined young girl looked at the flickering fire and was lost in thought, gently mumbling, “Eagle Hero, Eagle Hero... ... “Turning her head to young General Wang, she said, “Uncle Wang, the Eagle Hero has such excellent martial arts, how could he lose an arm?” The beautiful woman’s face changed greatly, the lips moved slightly, wanting to speak, but she controlled the impulse.

Young General Wang shook his head saying, “I didn’t even get to ask his name, how could I ask about his life story?”

The beautiful young woman made a ‘humph’ sound, saying “Of course you don’t know.”

The Linan youth said, “The Eagle Hero killed the traitor which young General Wang witnessed with his own eyes, then naturally it was not the deities who did it. But that traitor Ding Daquan’s face turned green in one night, so it must be due to heaven’s punishment.”

The Guangdong man said, “How did his face turn green in one night? This is really strange.”

The Linan youth said, “Formerly the people of Linan called Ding Daquan as Ding Qianquan, but now he is called “Ding Qingpi” (Ding Green Skin). His originally fair skin suddenly turned green in a night, and it didn’t go away. All the wise doctors were not able to treat him. I heard the Emperor also once asked about it but that disloyal official said that he wholeheartedly served the Emperor and his anxiety over national affairs caused him to lose much sleep, so his complexion turned green. But in Linan everyone said this deceitful scoundrel brings disasters on the nation and the people, so the Jade Emperor turned his face green.”

The Guangdong man smiled shaking his head, saying, “Indeed this is very strange.”

The man with the straightforward face suddenly laughed loudly, patted his leg and called out, “This was also the work of the Eagle Hero, heh-heh, this makes me happy.” People quickly asked, “What, the Eagle Hero did this too?” That guy only laughed and said, “Ha-ha, this is funny.” The Guangdong guest desired to know the details and ordered the servant to bring two catties of wine and invited that guy to drink.

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