Return of Condor Heroes (78 page)

Though Huo Duo did not understand the intricacies of the “Solitary Yang Finger”, at least he had read the ‘Fang Xuan Ling Inscription’ before, he knew that the horizontal stroke will be followed by a vertical stroke, he defended well, and he didn’t show signs of losing.
Zhu Ziliu saw that he knew this style of calligraphy; he called out and shouted, “Careful! A cursive calligraphy style is coming.” Suddenly he took off his hat and shot it at him, his sleeve flew across the air, and he dashed forward madly, his stances not following the style. He looked as if he were mad, crazy, drunk, as if a spell was put on him, the pen’s aim raining down, the finger moving like a dragon and snake.
Guo Fu was startled and laughed as she asked, “Mother, has he gone mad?”
Huang Rong said, “If he drank three cups of wine then the pen would be even better.” She picked up a wine pot and poured three cups, she called out, “Brother Zhu, drink three cups to further you enjoyment.” The cup was in her left hand, the middle finger of her right hand flicked it, and the wine cup flew steadily across to him.
Zhu Ziliu raised his pen and brushed down, forcing Huo Dou to the side as he caught the cup, drinking it in one go. Huang Rong flicked the second and third cup over in the same way.
Huo Dou saw the two of them offering wine in the battle, not even noticing that he was there, he wanted to wave his fan and knock the cups out of the air but Huang Rong followed Zhu Ziliu’s pen’s intent, she flicked out the cups in the gaps. Huo Dou was unable to knock them out of the air.
Zhu Ziliu drank the three cups dry and called out, “Thank you. That is very handsome “Divine Flicking Finger” kung fu!”
Huang Rong laughed and said, “Very spirited ‘Zi Yan Tie’!”
Zhu Ziliu gave a laugh and thought, “I have always thought that I am clever, but I am still a level below that girl. I have studied this skill diligently for over ten years; just one look and she saw through it.”
The work that he was using now was Zhang Xu’s ‘Tie Yin Tie’ of the Tang dynasty. Zhang Xu has been given the title of ‘Cao Sheng’, the saint of cursive calligraphy. Du Fu’s poem ‘The Song of the eight drinking Immortals’ says; “Zhang Xu’s three cups passes onto Cao Sheng, the hat is removed showing his head in front of the king, the pen descending on the paper like a fog.”
Huang Rong offered him three cups firstly to acknowledge the class of kung fu he was using, secondly, once the influence of wine increases, the calligraphy will be even better, and lastly she wanted to dampen Huo Dou’s spirits. She then saw Zhu Ziliu write ‘The Bold Man Fights for the Road’, on the ‘road’ word, the pen hooked up and brushed across Huo Dou’s clothes. The heroes all laughed as Huo Dou retreated backwards.

Chapter 13 - The Chancellor of Wulin

Yang Guo’s five fingers then gently waved out, a slight smile on his face; it was a stance of “Dressing of Li Hua” from the Jade Maiden. Yang Guo’s smile infected Da Er Ba, he followed and smiled. Yang Guo’s face was handsome and striking, when he smiled, he was even more so, Da Er Ba’s cheekbones were high and his cheeks deep, when the crowd saw him follow Yang Guo and smile, all of them shivered.
Jinlun Fawang’s eyes sometimes opened and sometimes closed, it was as if he didn’t care about what happened in the battle but in actual fact, he saw everything clearly. When he saw Huo Dou was losing he suddenly called out, “A gu si jin de er, mi ma ha si deng, qi er qi er hu!” The crowd didn’t know what these Tibetan sentences were but Huo Dou knew, his master was reminding him not to defend so tightly, he needs to start using the “Ferocious Wind Rapid Thunder Skill” against the enemy, Huo Dou started to whistle, the fan on the right and his sleeve on the left created a strong gust of wind, rushing forwards to Zhu Ziliu.
The force of the wind was very strong, the crowd who were watching couldn’t help but move backwards slowly, they heard him making thunderbolt like noises with his mouth, they all thought that apart from using weapons, fists and kicks, this “Ferocious Wind Rapid Thunder Skill” also uses the surprising calls of thunder to subdue and control the opponent; it is a very powerful technique. Zhu Ziliu’s sleeve took flight, he carried himself proudly and matched him.
The two of them went back and forth for over a hundred moves, Zhu Ziliu had finished writing the ‘Zi Yan Tie’, the intention of his pen changed, his moves were slow and delayed, the pen strokes were fine and stiff, overflowing with ancient intent.
Huang Rong soliloquized, “There’s an ancient saying: ‘The fine and obstinate direction leads to the soul’, this “Stone Carving of Commending the Wrong Path”, never has there been such a display.”
Huo Dou continued to use the “Ferocious Wind Rapid Thunder Skill” but because the opponent’s strength was strong, the power in his fan increased as did the volume of his shouts and calls. The people who were watching the fight in the main hall cold not stand still; step by step they retreated to the courtyard.
Huang Rong saw Yang Guo and Xiao Longnu were sitting shoulder to shoulder by the pillar, they were only about ten feet away from the battle, deep in conversation, completely ignoring the battle. The wind that Huo Dou generated had completely no effect on them. She saw Xiao Longnu’s belt floating in the wind but Xiao Longnu was unmoved, she just stared lovingly at Yang Guo. The longer that Huang Rong looked, the more curious she became, in the end, she was concentrating on these two more than the battle between Huo Dou and Zhu Ziliu, she thought, “That little girl looks like she possess advanced martial arts, Guo’er and she are so close, I wonder which eminent master is she a disciple of?”
Xiao Longnu was now twenty years old, she had lived in the ancient tomb all her life, avoiding the sunlight, her skin was especially soft and delicate, her internal energy was high, from her appearance, she looked like a sixteen or seventeen year old. Before Xiao Longnu met Yang Guo, experiencing happiness, anger, grief and joy was a rare thing for her. Emotions have the greatest harmful affect on the body and its appearance; and she had spent the last two years like a normal person. If she actually followed her master’s teachings and practiced with a clear mind, not only could she meet her hundredth birthday, but when she reaches that age, her appearances would be the same as a normal fifty year old. Because of this, in Huang Rong’s eyes, Xiao Longnu looked younger than Yang Guo, her childlike and innocent air was even more obvious than Guo Fu, no wonder Huang Rong thought that she was a little girl.
Now, Zhu Ziliu’s pen was becoming unsightly, but its power was becoming stronger, the delivery of the pen was like a spider web, strong yet soft. Huo Dou was secretly alarmed; it was gradually becoming harder for him to grasp his kung fu.
Jinlun Fawang shouted, “Ma mi ba mi, gu si hei si.”
No one knew what those eight words meant but the words shook everyone’s ears, leaving a ringing sound in them.
Zhu Ziliu was getting impatient, he thought, “If he changes his technique again, I don’t know when this battle will end. I am fighting in Dali’s name for the Song in this first round, I must not lose. Otherwise shame will be bought onto our nation and school.” He suddenly changed his calligraphy style again, the pen didn’t appear to be writing words, it now resembled a hatchet hacking into rocks.
Guo Fu managed to see what was happening and asked her mother, “Uncle Zhu is carving words?”
Huang Rong smiled and said, “My daughter is not stupid, the finger technique he’s now following is the ‘shi gu’ script. This is the scriptwriting that one uses in the spring and autumn period; it’s the characters that can be seen when one uses a hatchet to carve words on a stone drum. See whether you can recognize the words that Uncle Zhu is writing.”
Guo Fu followed the pen but saw that every word he wrote was windy and twisty, all looking like a small painting, she didn’t know one word.
Huang Rong smiled and said, “That’s an ancient style of calligraphy (used in Zhou dynasty c11 to 256BC), no wonder you wouldn’t know any of them; even I can’t recognize all of them.”
Guo Fu clapped and said, “Naturally, it’ll be even harder for that Mongolian idiot to recognize them. Mother, take a look at him, his head is full of sweat and his legs and arms are all over the place.”
Indeed, Huo Dou could only recognize a word or two of this ancient style of calligraphy. Since he doesn’t know what the opponent is writing, of course he will not be able predict where the pen will attack. It was now difficult for him to respond.
Zhu Ziliu kept on producing word after word of this ancient calligraphy, the characters were profound with an ancient air, and the power of the “Solitary Yang Finger” which the calligraphy style uses as a base also increased.
Huo Dou’s fan waved out but he was a bit too slow to take it back, Zhu Ziliu’s pen moved and scripted an ancient character on his fan. Huo Dou took a look and asked uncertainly, “Is that ‘net’?”
Zhu Ziliu laughed and said, “Wrong, that is ‘you’.” He then wrote another character on his fan.
Huo Dou said, “Most probably that’s ‘moon’ isn’t it?”
Zhu Ziliu shook his head and said, “Wrong, that’s ‘hence’.”
Huo Dou was discouraged, he shook his fan to shake off the pen tip and stop Zhu Ziliu from writing on his fan but he didn’t predict that Zhu Ziliu would suddenly sent out a left palm to attack. Huo Dou sent out a palm to block this but this allowed Zhu Ziliu in and he wrote another two characters on his fan but because there wasn’t much time, the characters were not written in the ancient calligraphy style but cursive calligraphy.
Huo Dou recognized these characters and called out; “Barbarian!”
Zhu Ziliu laughed and said, “Correct, it is ‘You are hence a barbarian’.”
Everyone hated the Mongols for invading their country and killing their citizens, hate and anger was in their hearts; when they heard Zhu Ziliu insulting Huo Dou by saying ‘You are hence a barbarian’, they all cheered and shouted.
Huo Dou could not handle Zhu Ziliu’s “Solitary Yang Book Finger” with the cursive and ancient calligraphy, he was already afraid. When he heard the cheers and calls, he was even more disturbed. He saw Zhu Ziliu’s pen shaking and waving, writing three ancient characters in a row in midair, how could he think about trying to recognize these characters?
He could only force himself to fight on; he raised his fan to try to protect his vital points on his chest when suddenly he felt his knee go numb. His pressure point had been sealed by the opponent’s pen as it turned. Huo Dou’s knee felt numb and wanted to collapse, but he thought if he kneels, he would have no face. He took a deep breath and surged a current of chi towards the pressure point in his knee. He wanted to leap away and admit defeat when Zhu Ziliu’s pen came in like lightning, sealing his pressure point again. Zhu Ziliu used his pen to replace the finger, using the tip of the pen to make use of the “Solitary Yang Finger” technique, continuously attacking. Could Huo Dou defend against this? His knee became numb and he eventually knelt down onto the floor, his face was devoid of colour.
All the heroes cheered with thunderous noise. Guo Jing said to Huang Rong, “Your ingenious plan worked.” Huang Rong gave a slight smile.
The Wu brothers were watching from the side, when they saw the boundless changes of their Martial Uncle Zhu’s “Solitary Yang Finger”, they were both in awe, and were thinking, “Martial Uncle Zhu’s internal energy is profound and strong, embedding itself into calligraphy, there are many ingenious and masterly aspects within it. I don’t know when I will be able to reach such a stage.”
One called out, “Brother!”
The other called, “Little brother!”
The both of them were thinking of the same thing and were about to say something in praise of their Martial Uncle’s martial arts. Suddenly Zhu Ziliu called out, ‘ah’, they quickly turned their heads and saw that he had fallen.
Everyone was shocked at this sudden change of events. After Huo Dou had admitted defeat, Zhu Ziliu had come over to unseal his pressure point. The technique of sealing pressure points using the “Solitary Yang Finger” is completely different than conventional pressure point sealing; it is extremely difficult for others to unseal it so Zhu Ziliu went over to him and tapped his sides a few times, circulating his chi to unseal his pressure point. He couldn’t have known that as soon as Huo Dou’s pressure point was unsealed, there was an opportunity for Huo Dou to take advantage of him. He gave a grunt and before he stood up, he activated a booby trap in his fan; four poison nails flew out from the fan’s spine, all of them hitting Zhu Ziliu in the body.
When skilled fighters duel, when a win or loss is declared, they cannot act again. Never mind that everyone was watching, who could have guessed that that he would suddenly launch an ambush? If Huo Dou had launched his projectiles in the middle of the duel, even though the booby trap was ingenious, he would not have succeeded in harming his opponent. When Zhu Ziliu was unsealing his pressure point, he was only an inch away from him. The weapon was activated close to the body, even if one’s skills were higher, it would have been difficult to avoid this attack. The poison on the nails was produced from the snowy mountains of Western Tibet and is very lethal. As soon as Zhu Ziliu was struck with the nails, his body broke out in unbearable pain; it was difficult for him to stand up properly.

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