Return to Caer Lon (20 page)

Read Return to Caer Lon Online

Authors: Claude Dancourt

“If Sacha were outside your reach, could
control her again?”

Sonia admired the queen’s poise, her woe so evident just a moment before.

“I convinced Agnes to use a holly wood comb with her hairdo as often as possible. Holly wood grants protection and strength. As long as she wears the comb, Wolfryth won’t be able to touch her, wherever she is.”

, suspicious
smile disclosed
the younger lady suspected
Sacha was not quietly resting in her chambers. Ylianor heaved out a breath, not at all reassured by Sonia’s answer. Even out of Wolfryth’s grasp, the beautiful enchantress rushed headfirst to wherever her passionate heart led her when nightmares str
. She believed she could save her twin brother; what would happen if… There were so many ifs, so many things left to treacherous chance. Sacha might lose the comb, or simply buy another band; she preferred wearing her hair plaited rather than tied up…

And Derek… Derek couldn’t stand Sacha’s magical outbursts or how vulnerable they left her. Ylianor could only pray their conflicted emotions toward each other wouldn’t magnify the danger they were facing.

“The Forest People will do whatever is necessary to protect the King,
ady. However, when the time comes, he will have to find his way by himself, to prove himself worthy.”

Ylianor reported her attention back to the brunette by her side.

“How will you know that he is?”

Though she asked, her heart already knew the answer. Derek had to survive. He had to live to legitimate his claim.

Chapter 20



wheel rolled over a pothole and his head hit the wagon’s rim. Derek groaned, brawling to straighten up, still groggy with sleep. Sacha turned to him, and her smile sent warmth down his chest to curl in the pit of his stomach.
disquieted by the sudden urge to pull her close for a snugger nap
, Derek
yawned, hiding behind his hand
. H
e tried to chase away the last bribes of daze to no avail. Her smile swayed back to their guide, her eyes abandoning him
e realized the cart

“Thank you for the ride, Master Baul.”

Derek reached for the purse at his belt, only to be stopped by
arm stretched over her seat. His hand fell back on his lap, useless. The farmer nodded
“It was nice having company for once; my house is about two miles down the road, in case you want to stop for the night after your sightseeing.”

“We will remember that. Thanks again.”

Derek was glad she took the initiative. He yawned again, numbed and confused by his lack of energy. He never had trouble waking up. He always snapped out of slumber sound and keen. Sebastian compared him to a catapult’s spring while Elwyn complained about it every occasion he got. At the moment, he had no energy whatsoever and his head pounded disagreeably.

The young prince noticed the peasant was looking at him expectantly and finally jumped down the platform, hauling their belongings behind him. His legs protested in the impact, joints hard and hurting.

Sacha moved to help him recovering his balance. Derek shrugged
“I’m fine.”

Her jaw dropped for a second before she pursed her lips, something undefined flashing in her sea-coloured eyes. Derek regretted his rebuff. All his body was stiff and sore, as if he had spent days in bed harbouring a strong fever.

“I’m good, Sacha, just…”

His voice bent into an apology and he shut up. What would he apologize for? Maybe he
a fever.

Reins snapped too close
his heart jump up to his throat.
The cart slowly set into motion.
The high-pitched shriek howled through his brain. Derek shut his eyes tight one second, fighting the feeling
of being
right below a bronze bell in full swing. When the ring dimmed, he secured the bag on his shoulder to mask his shaking.


Her call had him tumbled. It enveloped him like a second cloak, drawing him back to her.
A h
eadache drummed madly on his temples. He wanted to rest his forehead on something smooth and welcoming
so the pressure building inside his skull
ease. Something soft and fragrant
like her shoulder...

“The path is this way, we…”

“Derek, there is no path.”

She spoke so softly he wondered if he had dreamt her nonsense.

“Of course, there’s one! Look!”

It was right under their feet, a small trail going straight into that breach in the curtain of trees, toward the rocky hill behind. Sure, it wasn’t a Roman-paved road, but it…

Her stare
from pale jade to deep emerald, the light in them flirting with all the green shades in between. Torn between fascination and another wave of dizziness, Derek shook his head to clear away the thought. His mind was too full of her since he had woken up.

The pounding in his head decreased slightly as he stepped away from the bewitching lady. Another step and the pulse sank in his chest where it belonged. His head and neck hurt, slowness glued to each move he made. She stared at him with a small smile he had trouble defining, amusement or concern. His vision blurred
. T
he world started spinning so fast around him
he staggered.

Sacha reached forward, her hand looking for his arm to steady him. Derek reeled back instinctively, worried to see her accept his rebuff with only a sigh. She never missed an occasion to berate him
hy not now? Thinking asked too much of an effort right now.

He walked away from the woods to approach her
. F
ireballs exploded behind his temples. The pain almost brought him down. Did he moan? Sacha’s arm rested around his waist as she helped him to sit on a boulder under a tree.

Her fingers were glacial on his skin. While
he was
ting immobile in the shadows, the fog which threatened to swallow him an instant before didn’t seem so menacing. He struggled to stand, satisfied
that he
steady enough to move his head without immediate
to gag.

“It’s alright. Let’s go.”

“Maybe we should wait…”

She trailed off under his glare. He could hardly remember one time
he shut her up without
her ire
to flare
. Was he that pitiful? Derek flexed his fingers and winced, quickly taking his hand away when Sacha wanted to have a look.

“I told you, I’m fine.”

“Right. You were
about to
faint, too.”

Her tone was more like her this time; biting; cold. He preferred the gentleness. The part of his brain that was not focusing on the throb in his hand recoiled at the thought.

“I didn’t faint.”

really.” Her hand left her hip to point out the heavy clouds above their heads. “You were resting your eyes from this blinding sun, maybe?”

First her care disturbed him
and now she was furious
he regretted her tenderness
He was definitely unwell. But at least he was feeling more… Less… Whatever. Derek picked up the forgotten bag, starting between the trees.

“Absolutely. Shall we?”

Derek didn’t wait for an answer to enter the forest. Under the canopy, the trail was faint, but still perceptible. Hurried steps
his back confirmed she was following him. He just wished he could overcome his headache
as easily.




“This way.”


Sacha clasped her mouth shut again as the prince changed direction to follow the rock wall.

After nearly an hour of Derek randomly taking her through the woods, Sacha was getting anxious. She followed him out of heed, letting him lead the way. She trusted him; of course she did
... Mostly.
hen they knew where to go; when he showed he knew what he was doing. But at the moment,
following looked
more like a leap of faith. Derek was acting so be
himself it spooked her.

She jogged to remain abreast of him. Derek’s left hand was clenched on the hilt of his sword. Sometimes, he grimaced when the metal pushed into his palm, stretching the skin of his backhand. She was quite sure the wound bothered him, but given his sour mood, he would refuse to let her take a look if she suggested it. Despite his protest, he had nearly passed out earlier. And he babbled about roads when the only things there were dirt and half
rotten leaves. What was she supposed to do when he dismissed her concern or neglected
explain himself? She worried about him
for God’s sake!

Sacha stopped dead
n her tracks and counted up to five to see if Derek noticed. Lost
his own imaginary world, he didn’t stop.

“I am not going anywhere until you answer my questions.”

She expected him to spin around and scold her. Instead, he arranged the bag on his shoulder, barely slowing his pace. She wondered if he had heard her at all. He would not go on without her, would he? Sacha resisted the urge to run after him.

“Derek, we need to TALK!”

She stiffened as he finally turned around to face her. Red circles ringed his eyes, the pupils alarmingly dilated. His breath was harried, coming out in raps yet he didn’t even seem to notice. Derek opened their bag to pick up a gourd. She watched as he took long gulps before he handed it
to her
without a word.

The earthy taste of the water grazed her tongue and she forced herself to swallow before handing the flask back. Derek reached for it at the same time and their fingers touched.




She had never seen a room this huge. The ceiling was so high she felt dizzy with her head pulled backward to look at it. The wall on her right was
bare stone,
with the exception of three massive shields. The sun pouring from the enormous windows on her left prevented her
the coats of arms on the weapons.

A murmur from the crowd gathered in front of the two-step stage
her attention back to the throne. The chair beside hers matched the oversize of the armor and the windows. Its back towered nearly two feet above her head. The wood was dark and unadorned. The only
to luxury or comfort was the thick crimson velvet of the arms and seat.

Another gasp escaped the people and she jolted as blinding steel bit into the shoulder of the dark-haired man kneeling a few feet below her. Her cousin winced. The deadly blade ripped on Sebastian’s chainmail, aiming for the black swan embroidered on his collar. Her throat tightened, her hands c
her skirt. His head fel
forward in acceptance. Pain kicked viciously low in her belly.




Derek jolted out of his haze. He blinked madly for a few seconds before his eyes narrowed on the young woman tottered before him. He panted:

“What the hell…

Sacha stumbled on her feet, looking for his support when her legs wobbled. Derek
her hand away
grab it ferociously a second later.

“What did you do to me?”

“It’s not me, Derek, it’s you!”

“No. What did you do? How can I… Tell me!”

He choked half-finished questions,
incoherence scaring her as much as her lack of answers. His already too
strong grip
was relentless
, bruising her. Without warning, his eyes lost their focus again and her name bubbled from the back of his throat.


Heat irradiated from him, pulsing harder with each frantic heartbeat. No visible fire licked his form, yet the world simmered in queasy waves around him.


It was magic; she recognized its appeal, both irresistible and dangerous. It was magic and it came from Derek… The power was far stronger than anything she had experienced before.


It surrounded her, commanding, striking blow after blow in her soul to bend her will.


Her calves and thighs burn
in the effort to stay upright. The power pouring from Derek crashed
on her
, weighting heavily on her shoulders, pushing her down until her knees hit the ground.


Her lungs tightened, refusing to function. Her heart burn
, twisted and screamed in want and pain.


The word printed a scorching brand in her mind. Her stomach revolted, the pull torturing her core. Her abdomen squeezed atrociously.

Bow to your king

Magic was everywhere, around her, inside her,
more vital than oxygen. And suddenly the voice disappeared leaving her shivering and out of breath on the leafy ground.

Derek helped her to sit, his hand fastened around her neck, stroking her hair. When her eyes opened he pulled away slowly, a little taken aback by their closeness, rescuing her comb when his sleeve caught into her mane.

“Are you al

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