Revenge (23 page)

Read Revenge Online

Authors: Sam Crescent

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Erotica, #Romantic Erotica

Gash interrupted the moment as he walked in.

“Hey, beautiful,” he said, nodding at Angel then at
him. “Wow, something smells good.”

Angel was staring at Gash with curiosity. Tiny looked
between the two wondering what was going on.

Shaking his head, Tiny left the room knowing there was
no point in starting something. He couldn’t argue with what Angel said, but he
didn’t exactly agree with it either. Leaving the clubhouse completely, Tiny
climbed on his bike and headed toward his woman. There was nothing else for him
to do, and Devil was waiting around for wedding news. The Chaos Bleeds crew
would need to be heading back home soon, as otherwise it was going to get cramped
and way too busy.

Stopping by the florist shop, he entered to find
Cheryl working with Alex and Matthew sitting behind the counter.

“Hey, Tiny,” Cheryl said.

Smiling, he walked up to the counter. Leaning over he
found Alex playing trains with his son. “I see you’ve never lost interest in
trains after all.”

Alex chuckled. “When all this is over I’m going to
head to Vegas for a few weeks to settle some things before coming back for good.”

“This time you’re really going to stay?” Tiny asked.

“Yeah, the city life is great, but I’m done with it.
I’m gathering everything together to work here.” Alex reached out to ruffle
Matthew’s head. “I’m not going to be the absent father.”

“What can I get you?” Cheryl asked, standing behind
the counter with a smile.

“Anything Eva likes. I’m going home to surprise her.”

“I can help you with that.” Cheryl walked toward the
large selection of roses. “Eva loves roses, but she doesn’t have any one
selection. She loves them all.”

He watched her start to arrange multiple flowers into
a large bouquet. When it was done, she tied the stems with a bow.

“Here you go. If
you’re wanting
to get on Eva’s good side I’d suggest adding chocolate to that.” She took his
money and placed the amount in the till.

“For once I’ve not pissed her off. I’ll get her the
chocolates because she deserves it.”

Cheryl handed him change and placed the flowers in his

“What’s going on with Butch?” Tiny asked, taking the
flowers. Alex looked up from playing to shoot him a glare.

Cheryl’s hands started to shake, and her cheeks went a bright red.

I saw him this morning, and I could have sworn something was off about
him.” He pocketed the change, curious about the way she looked.

“No, nothing.
He’s completely fine.
Nothing new or shocking to
She took a step back almost tripping over Alex as she did. Alex
caught her with his hands on her hips to steady her.

Something was off there, but he didn’t know what it
was. Even Alex looked concerned.

“Sorry, I guess it was just me. I’ll see you around.”
He took the flowers and headed out of the shop.

All thoughts of Butch and whatever was wrong with him
fled his mind as he thought about Eva. She was going to spend the rest of the
day with him, and tonight when the kids were in bed, he was going to fuck her
and fuck her good.


Gash peeled back the banana conscious of Angel’s gaze
on him. He didn’t know why she was staring, but it was starting to bug him.
Yes, she was a sweet, sexy woman and he could see why Lash had fallen for her.
Who wouldn’t? But the point was
if she was so sweet
and sexy, why did she keep looking at him?

Biting into the soft flesh of his fresh fruit, he
returned her gaze. She started to look down his body then back up again.

He’d seen her with Lash and knew this woman wasn’t the kind of woman to
stray. Why was she staring at him then?

He’d been trapped inside four walls with no women for
over five years. Angel was beautiful, and he wouldn’t have any problem banging

“What?” he
asked, not liking his own thought.
He snapped the
word out so she didn’t have a choice but to answer.

She jerked, turning those big blues eyes on him.

“You keep staring at me as if you want to fuck me. I’m
tired of it and I like Lash, but there’s only so much eye fucking I can take.”

The way her face instantly changed, Gash knew he’d gotten
it wrong.

“I don’t want to have sex with you.
from it.”
She wiped her hands on a dish towel and threw it at him. “
, how could you think that? I know some other women cheat
on their husbands, but I’m not one of them. Don’t ever make that mistake with
me. I love Lash, and I don’t want any other man but him.”

Okay, he was way off base and knew it.

“Sorry, babe, look at it from my point of view. You
were giving me some serious eye action. I was simply responding to it.”

“Well, don’t. There’s nothing going on, and you can
stop thinking there is.” She stepped up close to him, taking the towel.

“Then why are you staring at me if you don’t want to
fuck me?”

“You’ve been in prison for five years, and I know
you’ve had to take care of yourself. Lash told me that prison life isn’t as
straightforward as it sounds. You have to fight back to show
is in control.”

“Lash tells you a lot,” Gash said.

There was fire in this woman’s eyes, a need to prove
. He knew there was a reason he liked her.

“He answers my questions, but he doesn’t tell me club
business. I don’t need to know what goes on. I’m his woman. I’m not a club
member. I was staring at you because I’ve been thinking about asking you for a
favor. A non-sexual favor that I need you to keep between us,” she said.

His curiosity was piqued. “Not even

“Especially not

“Okay, what do you need that’s so secret you don’t
even want Lash to know?”

She took a step back and ran her fingers through her
hair. The blonde locks glistened in the sun spilling into the room. The dress
she wore molded to her sexy, beautiful curves. Lash was a really lucky man.

None of the sweet-butts he’d fucked had left him
feeling content. Their bodies were so thin that he was scared to let loose and
give them a hard fucking. He needed someone to fuck hard and know they could
take what he could give.

“I want you to teach me how to take care of myself.”

Gash had been expecting something a lot different.


“The club used to teach us all how to take care of
ourselves. It stopped with every new enemy we’ve met. The training, it stopped.
Lash didn’t like me going, but I want to learn how to protect myself.”

He shook his head. “No, I don’t like this. Lash has a
reason for doing what he does.”

“Yes, he does. He loves me, and he doesn’t want to
think that I could be hurt.”

Gash made to move away, but Angel grabbed his arm and
placed his fingers inside her shirt. His cock was not as good as his brain, and
he responded to the feel of her silky skin. There was no interest in her eyes
at all. In fact, she was treating him like nothing more than a girly friend.
This woman couldn’t be for real. All of the women he’d been with were all about
greed and sex. Angel was pure deep into her soul. Lash had picked himself a
good woman.

“Do you feel that?” she asked.

What was he supposed to be feeling? A few inches lower
and he’d have her entire tit in his palm.

“Erm, what am I supposed to be feeling?”

“I got shot three times because I stepped in front of
Zero. I’ve been attacked and hurt during my time in The Skulls. I don’t want to
be the reason Lash loses it.” She released his hand, and it took every ounce of
strength inside Gash to remove his fingers. “He can’t be there to protect me
every hour of every day. It’s not fair to anyone, and it certainly isn’t fair
to me.”

“What happened when you got shot?”

“I almost died. I was told that I flat-lined on the
operating table. Lash had to be sedated. He was destroying the hospital, and he
wouldn’t calm down. He lost his mind. For all of our sakes, I need to learn how
to protect myself. I’m not asking you to teach me how to wield a knife or fire
a gun. If you could simply tell me a few pointers that will help, then I’ll be
grateful. Please, I really need this to help my man.”

He stared at her knowing he should turn her down. This
was between her and Lash. Thinking about his other brother, he knew it would be
hard for him to let Angel go through something like this. Lash was completely
devoted to Angel, but she made a valid argument.

“If I agree to this then you’ve got to do everything I
say,” he said.

“I’ll do everything you say in a non-sexual way. I
just want you to know I’m not going to sleep with you or anything. I love

“Then he’s a lucky guy.
a lot of women out there who wouldn’t care and sleep with whoever the hell they

“I’m not most women. I took my vows to Lash, and I
take them seriously. No other man will ever know me in the bedroom. My love for
Lash is why I’m asking for your help. I want to be able to protect myself when
he’s not around. Will you help me?”

“Yes, I’ll help you.”

Gash didn’t know why he’d help her, but he did have a
lot of respect for her. Lash was a lucky man.


The following day Eva was sat at the clubhouse while
Rose watched over the children. The strain in Rose and Hardy’s relationship had
started to show. They hadn’t turned back up at the clubhouse for a few days.
Eva was worried about them and asked Tiny to phone them back so she could see
for herself that they were fine.

“So, I was thinking we could have a peach wedding,”
Cheryl said.

“No, Sasha needs a white wedding. She was a virgin
until she spent the night with me,” Pussy said. He sat on the back of the sofa
stroking Sasha’s hair. Glancing at Sasha, Eva saw the other woman blush.

“Most women were virgins before they were alone with
you,” Prue said.

“I’m a one woman man, but I’m not going to budge on
this. I know your cherry was popped a long time ago, Cheryl, but I promised
Sasha a white wedding.”

A lot of the men sitting around the main clubhouse
room were smiling.

Eva sat with the women in the hope of getting the
arrangements for the wedding complete. It would only be a matter of time before
Devil and his crew made their way back home. Gonzalez hadn’t made any
appearance apart from the destruction of Patricia’s grave, and everything was
returning to normal. She knew Tiny was taking out Gonzalez’s men one by one.
They were doing it slowly and quietly. There was no other way to do it other
than that. None of them had any hope of surviving if they went in all guns

She’d gone shopping yesterday and hadn’t spent the
whole time looking over her shoulder. It was nice and gave her a chance to
relax her.

“You didn’t promise me anything other than a wedding,”
Sasha said.

“Baby, I want you to come to me all in white. I know
you’re not a virgin anymore, but you came to me that way.”

A few chuckles echoed in the room.

“Pussy, filter,” Sasha said.

“But I don’t want to filter.” Pussy leaned down,
brushing kisses along her jaw. He turned her head and claimed her lips.

Feeling like a voyeur, Eva averted her eyes. She found
her gaze focused on Hardy as he held a cup of coffee in his hands, staring
outside at his wife. The pain was still there.

Placing the magazines down, she got to her feet and
walked over to him.

He glanced at her before returning his gaze outside.
Rose was sitting on the swing staring at the kids as they played. Her full red
hair was tied back, taming the strands. She wore a pair of jeans and a large
shirt that covered her body from sight. Rose didn’t look anything like the
woman Eva had come to know.

“Is everything okay?” she asked.

“We’ll be fine. We’re always fine.”

Hardy didn’t sound so sure.

“You cheated on her.”

He closed his eyes, drawing in a shaky breath.

“Yes, I cheated on her over ten years ago. We were
both young, and I was a fucking idiot. I’ve lived with that mistake once every
year. I thought we were getting past that. We would visit their graves outside
of town together, and we were getting close to each other. I don’t know what
happened this time. I usually spend the day with her, making love, and telling
her how sorry I was. This year, I had to go to the club. We’ve not been the
same since. She’s withdrawing from me.”

He tapped the edge of his cup, folding his arms over
his chest but holding his empty cup away from him.

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