Revenge (4 page)

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Authors: Sam Crescent

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Erotica, #Romantic Erotica

“We go away on vacation and come back to a mess,”
Angel said.

“Don’t, baby. This is club mess. When it’s all sorted,
we’ll be heading back to Italy. I promised you an extended vacation, and we’re
going to get it.” Lash placed his arm across the back of the seat to touch her

Eva saw it in the mirror. Angel gave him one of her
dazzling smiles.

“It would be easier for all of us if you taught me how
to defend myself,” she said.

Lash let out a sigh. “I told you, I’m not going to
teach you what you don’t need to know. I’ll protect you, always.”

“You’re not going to be with me all the time, Lash. I
need to learn to defend myself and to defend our son.”

“Not discussing this, Angel. You don’t need it, end of
story.” He cupped the back of her head, turning her to look at him. “This
fucker is going down. You don’t need to worry about shit.
getting more prospects, and we’ll be good.”

Angel sighed but didn’t argue further.

Keeping her gaze on the road, Eva tried to ignore the
sudden silence in the car. Tiny was looking out of his side window, Lash kept
looking at Angel, and Angel was staring out of the window. The tension mounted,
making driving very uncomfortable.

“When’s Gash getting out?” Lash asked.

“We’re picking him up in three days,” Tiny said.

“I want to be there when he gets out.”


“We were good friends, and since I’ve been with Angel
I’ve not gone and visited him. I want to mend fences before he comes home.”
Lash sounded hurt.

“Fine, you, Nash, and Steven are going to get him
out,” Tiny said.

“Good. How’s Whizz doing?”

Eva winced at the other brother’s name.

“He’s dealing in his own way.”

“Last I heard he was fucking built, heavy
weightlifting and the shit.”

Over a year ago Whizz had been captured by one of
Zero’s old enemies from the past. Alan had captured Whizz and proceeded to
torture and rape the other brother. Since then, Whizz hadn’t been the same. In
fact, the man was a shell of his former self, and every time Eva saw him, he
broke her heart. She couldn’t help him get rid of the demons that plagued him. Instead
of curing him, she held him through the night when he came to stay at their
house. She was surprised Tiny hadn’t caused any waves about having Whizz in
their bed. It was nothing sexual and everything to do about comforting one of
their own. She wasn’t attracted to Whizz. Eva hadn’t been attracted to another
man since Tiny entered her life.

“I spoke to Kelsey while I was away. She said he’d
shared their bed for some time.
Nothing to do with sex or
anything but to help him keep the nightmares away.”
Angel pushed some
hair back as she spoke.

“Yeah, Whizz has done the bed rounds so far. He’s not
asking for anything. The nightmares come and go. He tries to deal with shit in
his own way. It doesn’t always work,” Tiny said.

Eva couldn’t think of anything to add and stayed

Whizz did try. He didn’t reach for the bottle or drown
himself in girls. Unlike some men, Whizz kept to himself. Eva didn’t know if
his method of coping actually worked. He didn’t let anyone else inside.

The only thing he did was work on the computers and
work out. The carefree man he’d once been was long gone.

It was a hard life but one Eva wasn’t going to
interfere with. Whatever helped Whizz live day to day, she was all for. She
didn’t want to see him go off the deep end and do something they’d all regret.

Silence filled the car once again. Blocking everything
out, Eva tried to take pleasure in simply driving her car. Nothing could happen
while she was locked within the four metal walls of her car. To a point, she
was safe here for no one to get her, but no matter how much she tried to think
positively about driving the car, she still hated every second of it.

The drive went by quickly, and before she knew it she
was pulling into the compound. The main door opened, and members from The
Skulls and Chaos Bleeds filtered out. Devil and Lexie were standing wrapped
around each other, smiling.

“I guess people are glad for us to be home,” Lash said.

“It certainly seems that way,” Eva said, smiling. She
parked the car and watched as the crowd pulled Lash, Angel, and Anthony in for
a group hug. Wrapping her arms around her body, Eva moved around the crowd to
go into the clubhouse. She found Prue taking care of Miles and Tabitha. “Are
you okay with them?” Eva asked.

“Sure. They’re darlings. Go and have a bath. I’m sure
you can need it with everything that’s going on.”

honey.” Eva turned
away going toward the stairs. Taking the stairs one at a time, she ran fingers
through her hair as she climbed to the top floor. This floor was
floor. She’d redecorated the place over a year ago
to more of her liking. When Tiny stayed here on his own, he’d settled on black
walls and a white ceiling. Now the space was light, airy, and perfect for her
to stay inside.

Closing the door behind her, she started to remove
some of the jewelry he’d given her over the years. Placing them in a drawer,
she caught sight of her reflection. She looked tired and worn.

Wearing makeup had never appealed to her, and she
didn’t bother with cosmetic products now. Moving in close she inspected her
eyes and her lips. There weren’t any signs of wrinkles on her face yet. What
would Tiny think of her when she was older? Would she be fighting with the next
generation to get her man to stick beside her?

She wasn’t under any illusions about her man. Tiny had
cheated on his first wife repeatedly. Alex, his former brother-in-law, assured
her that Tiny hadn’t strayed. She believed him.

When they hadn’t been dating, she’d seen the
difference in Tiny when he slept with a sweet-butt and when he did not. The
guilt was easy to see on his face.

“You’re not old,” she said, glaring at her reflection.
She didn’t know why these insecurities were coming back to her. Eva wasn’t the
oldest old lady within the club. Rose was, Hardy’s woman.

Shaking her head, she walked toward the bathroom.
Putting the plug into the bath, she turned the hot water on and started to fill
the tub. Striping her clothes off, she let out a sigh.

“You know, I’ll never get tired of seeing you naked,”
Tiny said.

Spinning around, she saw her man leaning up against
the doorframe.

“I thought you’d be celebrating with the others.
You’ve got a meeting and a vote to do tonight.”

She didn’t cover her body from his gaze. The moment
she did, he’d start to ask why, and she wasn’t ready to talk to him yet.

“Angel and Lash have a lot of people greeting them.
I’m not needed downstairs. I’m needed here, with you. I want to know what’s going
on in that head of yours. Something is clearly bothering you.” He tugged his
shirt over his head, revealing well defined abs covered in ink. Licking her
lips, she averted her gaze in order to keep herself sane while she was around
him. Whenever Tiny got naked, she struggled to make sense of any of her
thoughts. “Tell me what’s going on.”

He took a step into the room, tugging on her hands.
She stumbled against him, and any thought she was having, disappeared at the
feel of him.

“Come on, baby.
Talk to me.
You’re my woman, my wife, my old lady. You don’t need to keep this shit from
me.” He placed a finger underneath her chin, forcing her to look at him. “Tell
me what’s going on in that head of yours.”

Biting her lip, she stared into his eyes. “I’m scared,

“Of what?”

“The club,
Gonzalez, you.
I can’t stop being scared, and pretending I’m not
scared is harder than anything else.” She pulled out of his arms and turned to
stop the water running into the bath.

“That’s not all, is it?” he asked.

She shook her head.

“Then tell me everything that’s going on in that crazy
brain of yours.” His hands went to her hips, tugging her back against him. She
felt the roughness of his denim rubbing against her ass. Closing her eyes, she
wanted to give herself to him, but her fear held her back. Most of the time she
relented and gave in to the passion he stirred within her. Tiny had been different
with Gonzalez. She sensed the worry within him as well. When Tate ended up in a
coma because of his decision, it had almost broken him. Tiny didn’t want to
make the wrong decision and cost someone his life.

“Just stupid
shit, Tiny.
You don’t need to worry about anything.”

“When it comes to you, I worry.” He muttered the words
against her head. “Tell me. I can help you.”

Letting out a sigh, she turned in his arms.

“I was thinking about what happens when I get older.”
She chanced a look up at him.

He chuckled. “You’re worried about getting old?”

“Yeah, you don’t exactly have a great track record
with being faithful to other women.”

She made to turn away, but he caught hold of her chin
and forced her to look at him.

“I’ll have you know I’ve been completely faithful to
you. I refuse to look at another fucking woman.” His arm banded around her
back, cupping her ass. Tiny squeezed the flesh, moaning as he did. “This is the
ass I want to squeeze, and fuck. You, Eva, you’re the woman I want in my bed,
the only woman I want in my life. I don’t care how old you get. You’re mine,
and I’ll never
stray from you.” He leaned
down, slamming his lips against hers. She melted against him, never wanting to
let him go.

Whimpering, she wrapped her arms around his neck,
loving the feel of his tongue as he slid it across her lips. Opening up to his
invasive tongue, she met him halfway, and the taste of him exploded on her

Tiny pulled away from her first. He stared down into
her eyes, and she felt open to his gaze.

“I think it’s time I showed you who owns this body.”
In quick moves he had her pressed up against the sink, away from the bath. In
the mirror she watched him looking down and heard the sound of his belt
loosening. The sound of his zipper opening echoed off all the walls.

Heat built between her thighs, making it impossible
for her to think.

“I don’t give a fuck what Gonzalez has planned. He can
go and fuck himself, Eva. The only woman I want, the only woman I’ll ever
fucking want, is you.” His hands touched her hips then cupped the cheeks of her

She felt him spread her ass open, and then the tip of
his cock was pressed to her entrance.

“I wish I had some lube on me. I’d fuck your ass as
well to prove to you how much you fucking own me.” In the next instant he
slammed deep inside her, taking her by surprise.

Crying out, she gripped the edge of the sink, holding
on as he went to the hilt, refusing to back down. One of his hands gripped her
hip as the other went to her neck. He lifted her head up so she had no choice
but to look in the mirror.

“Look at yourself, baby. Look what I’ve got to call my
own.” He pulled out of her only to ram back inside. Gasping, Eva loved the way
he filled her. His thick prick stroked along the walls of her pussy, showing
her how hard he was.

Staring at her man, she saw the raw desire shining
back at her. He stared at her with love and lust.

“I’m fucking old, Eva. You could have any man you
fucking wanted, and yet, you’re with me.” Again, he pulled out of her and
swiveled his hips to plunge back within her. Screaming out, she closed her eyes
at the intense pleasure his rough fucking was creating. “No, you fucking look
at me.”

She had no choice but to open her eyes as he refused
to move until she did. Looking at him, she waited for him to move. Tiny didn’t
keep her waiting long. Over and over, he thrust deep inside her, going to the
hilt then back again. He drove her to the edge of orgasm but wouldn’t let her
go over the edge.

“Please, Tiny.”

“No, you don’t get to come until I know you understand
who’s getting the better fucking bargain.” He slapped her ass and held her neck
tightly. There was nowhere else for her to go. Tiny was the one in control. His
cock fucked her, getting her wet with each thrust.

Begging him to fuck her, she tried to push back
against him. He wouldn’t let her move. With the hand on her neck and on her
hip, he was the stronger one.

“Please,” she said, begging.

“No, look at yourself, Eva. You’re a fucking beauty.
You’re young, sexy, and could have any man begging for your attention.” He
fucked her in three hard thrusts.

Crying out, she tightened her hold on the sink, hoping
he made his point soon. She didn’t know how much more torture she could take
with him fucking her.

“I will never cheat on you. I know what I’ve got is
fucking heaven. Anyone who cheats on their woman is a fucking coward. I’m not a
coward, Eva. I’m your man, and I love you with all my heart.”

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