Ridin' Dirty (Beautifully Dirty #2) (6 page)




it was full speed ahead for me and Cara. She moved to South Carolina about two weeks after we crossed that stage with our diplomas in hand. The perfect job came along, directly in her field of web design and marketing. I’m going to miss her terribly, though she said if she could, she’d be out for a visit soon. I applied at several different marketing companies, but they were always taking the person with more experience. How the hell did they expect me to get experience if no one would hire me?

I missed talking to Cooper and Ryan. They would give me some ideas of what to do right now, but I couldn’t talk to either of them. Ryan, I avoided because now I didn’t know what to say to him either, since I told him about Coop and I. Then there is Coop. OMG, he kissed me, like a real damn kiss. It caught me off guard, which caused me to immediately feel something. I noticed, little things about him had gone from being friend things to maybe more than friend things, and it was confusing to both my mind and my heart, but didn’t know why. He is just my best friend and that is it, right?

I had made a couple great girlfriends in college, so it made it a bit easier not to call or talk to the guys. We kept busy between school and hanging with a few of the frat boys. I say boys because let’s face it, they were just that.

In case you are wondering . . . I still haven’t given “it” up and I won’t until I find the one. The one, meaning more than one night. I’ve come close a couple times. A drunken night where my judgment wasn’t the best, but in the end I knew when to say when and I did. I’ve had a couple of boyfriends throughout the years, but when they got too serious, I tended to pull back. I knew why . . . Cooper. I compared every guy to him. They weren’t tall enough, didn’t say the right things, couldn’t take a joke like Coop did, and so on. He weighed more on my mind than I cared to admit.

Now that school was over, I needed a job, and I need one like now. Mom has been great, helping me out whenever she could with money, but relying on her wasn’t fair to her. She has worked hard all her life, and it was time I started supporting myself. She had been out to visit on several occasions, I’ve missed her a ton throughout the last four years. She kept me posted on the guys and how they were doing.

When I finally found a job, it was with a huge energy drink company. Hyped Energy Drink is one of the biggest out there. With this new job, I needed to move out to California. It wouldn’t be what I thought I’d be doing. I had my bachelor’s degree in design marketing. But when I walked in for the interview, the team of upper management that sat at the conference table just leaned back in their chairs, staring for a moment. Then looking at each other, they nodded like they were in agreement and asked me to step out for a couple of minutes. When I was told they wanted to see me again, I was asked if I ever thought about modeling. I looked at them with a bit of confusion.
What the hell were they talking about? No, I didn’t think about freaking modeling. Are you kidding me right now?



what I’m doing now . . . modeling. I just got out to California a few weeks ago. I’m sharing a large apartment with two other models. We have the entire top floor of the building as our apartment. It has three beautiful bedrooms, with each of us having our own attached bathrooms. Our eat-in-kitchen is big enough that we all can be in there at the same time. The open floor plan makes it possible to sit in the living room and still hold a conversation with someone in the kitchen, without any problems hearing each other. It’s in the heart of San Francisco; I love it. The coolest feature of the whole place is the roof top pool and deck area they have for anyone in the complex.

My roommates, Kenna and Maddie, are both great gals. We actually have a lot in common. The other four girls that we work with live down the street from us, and I get along with them alright, but they are quite the judgmental bitches sometimes. How the hell did I get so lucky living with these two? I’ll never know.

Kenna Brooks is beautiful. She doesn’t believe it, but she is. I am still trying to figure her out totally. We are getting closer, but she’s pretty guarded with what she does and doesn’t share. She has long brown hair, with blonde highlights, and brown eyes to match. Kenna has worked for the group for about eight months. She’s from Canada and moved here to get a new start on life. She entered a contest to become the next Hyped girl and won it. So Kenna packed up and moved. She really doesn’t offer up anything else.

Then there is Maddie Camp. Maddie is the girl that is always bubbly and cute. She has longer blonde hair and light blue eyes. She’s stunning to look at and really knows how to work the camera when we are having our pictures taken. She has only been here three months, so she’s classified as a newbie, too. She’s from Tennessee; Nashville to be exact. Maddie says “I just sent in pictures when I saw the ad come up on the Internet, stating they were looking for fresh new faces and bam, here I am.” Our friendship grows stronger every day.

The three of us together make a great team. With myself only being here for less than a month, I really looked for someone that might have my back. Right away, they both did. When one of the other ladies we work with had a bad attitude toward the new girl . . . me, Kenna and Maddie both told her to back the fuck off.

“Girl, you ready to go yet?” Maddie is the one always ready a half hour before we have to leave to go to work. She hates being on time; she loves being early.

“Yep, give me five.” Just she and I have an appearance signing that we have to attend. Aren’t we lucky it’s on a Saturday night?

“Come on . . . tuck those ‘girls’ in place and let’s roll.” The air quotes she made around girls told me she is speaking of my chest. She has a way with words.

“Don’t you worry about my ‘girls,’ K?” I air quote her back. We both giggle at each other, as we hook arms and are out the door, dressed alike, I might add. Black leather pants, thigh high boots and our tight little black vests that have ‘
’ written on the back of them in bright yellow. Oh, and don’t forget our H necklaces that hang perfectly, right in the cleavage of our chests, though I wear two necklaces. I still have the little dirt bike hanging there as well.

“So, when we get done here, Kenna said that there is a small party at the Factory Honda house.” We refer to each of the teams by what bike they all ride.

“Umm sure, I guess. Do you know the guys there?” I ask, a little cautious.

“Ans, don’t worry. First, you know we only hang with the factory pro teams. They have managers that monitor everything they do. Those boys are babysat, so they have to behave most of the time,” she says laughing.

“So, is that a yes or no about knowing them?”

“I’ve met a couple, yes. When I first started doing this, I worked the last race of the Motocross season, so I got to meet them then.”

“Ok, I guess.”

“All the girls are going to be there.”

I sit there quietly for a moment. I know, from keeping tabs on both Cooper and Ryan on the Internet, that Ryan is riding on the Factory Honda team, now. What if I run into him tonight? Am I ready to see him? Am I ready for all the face-to-face questions about Cooper?

I’m so deep in thought, I don’t notice that Maddie has pulled into the parking lot, parked the car, and shut it off. “K, lady . . . push them up and out, but don’t let them fall out.”

“Maddie . . . seriously, you say that every time we go anywhere dressed like this.” Smiling at her, I grab our bags from the backseat, which hold the posters for us to sign and some plastic H necklaces to hand out, too.

As we walk into the Suzuki dealer, I notice they have a table set up behind a few of the new 2015 RM Z250 and RM Z450 models that are on the floor for people to buy. There are two of the Pro Motocross/Supercross riders here from Team Suzuki as well. We’re all here to sign autographs and have photos taken with fans for the next two hours. Hyped Energy
is the number one sponsor for Team Suzuki, so where they go, usually one or more of the Hyped
girls are right behind them.

The guys are pretty cool; they don’t really hit on us, though they do ask us out later for drinks. I let Maddie handle them and clearly that is a mistake. She takes their names and numbers and tells them we’ll be in touch.

“What the hell did you do that for?” I’m laughing at her, she is just too damn cute to be really mad at . . . ever.

“Well, Ansley dear, you never know when they will come in handy. You know when you are sitting home alone on a Saturday night and want to go out, you now have a number to call,” she says it like it’s the best idea ever.

“Oh, my Lord, Maddie. What am I going to do with you? You know I will never call him, right?”

“You might not but, honey, I’ll keep both numbers. They’re hot!”

The night finishes up shortly after ten. We discuss changing but decide we really don’t have time to before we head to the guys’ house. I start to get a feeling in the pit of my stomach, as we get closer. What am I going to say if I come to face to face with my two best friends? Well, here we are, so let’s hope this isn’t where Ryan is, though I’m pretty sure it is. I’m not ready to discuss what happened, just yet.




the shower when I hear people talking down the hall in the kitchen. Must be the party getting started. I throw on a pair shorts before walking out, carrying my shirt in my hands. I look around to see Ryan and his three teammates doing shots. None of us really drink a lot because of training, but clearly tonight might be the night we let loose. We’ll pay for it tomorrow. Practice might be a little rough, but I’ll worry about it tomorrow, yeah tomorrow, not tonight. I don’t notice that there are five ladies sitting outside, next to the brick fireplace, until I fully walk into the kitchen next to the window. I get a clear view of them and do a double take. I recognize that they’re the five Hyped Energy models that come to every race. When I say they’re hot . . . well, that might be an understatement. They are fucking smokin’ hot!

“Drink up, buddy!” Ryan holds out a shot to me. I take it from his hand and down it without even looking at it. My eyes are locked on the five beauties.

I lean over to Ryan, “How often do you have them over?” I nod my head in the models’ direction.

“They’re usually here whenever they’re in town. They travel a lot. Some just do the Supercross circuit while some just do Motocross, and then there are others that do both.”

“Fuck . . . I think I need to switch teams, you lucky son of a bitch,” I say laughing. “I mean, we get our fair share of hotties, but not the energy girls.”

Ryan stands there drinking his beer, laughing back at me. He’s been doing this four years longer than I have, so I’m sure he is used to it, where my eyes are seeing things for the first time.

I pour five more shots of Fireball and hand one to each of the guys. I wanted to do a little toast to them and also thank them for letting me crash here for the last couple nights.

“First, you guys are cool as fuck, and I intend on trying to kick all your asses on the track. Second, thanks for letting me stay here and hang with Ryan this weekend. Now for the real toast . . .
Here’s to gettin’ in her or gettin’ on her, if you can’t cum in her, then cum on her.”
There is a couple hoots and hollers, as well as a couple, “hell yeahs,” from the guys as we clank our glasses together after I’m done shouting out my speech to them.

All five ladies walk in from the backyard, holding either a glass of wine or a beer. They make an entrance and start talking to all the guys. I hear a couple of the girls say that there are two newbies starting with them this year. They’re coming later, but they have a promo to do tonight for the energy drink.

After they all introduce themselves to me, Kenna is the only one who stands out. She has long brown hair and beautiful brown eyes to match. She is sweet and speaks very kindly about the new girls, even though they aren’t here yet. She seems like she is a good friend to them. The others seem a bit bitchy, but tonight I don’t care what they are, as long as one of them ends up under me. Ryan seems to take to Kenna; it’s as if something is already between them. I know I won’t get in the middle of that, so I am hanging with the long-legged blonde and her friend that pretty much resembles her. They both have been pressing up against me for most of the night.

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