Right Now (The Seduced Series) (10 page)

Chapter Ten


I was focused on my work when I heard a light
knock on my office door and Stephanie came in.

“Excuse me Mr. Evers but there’s a Jamie Gordon here to see you,” she said.

“Thank you Stephanie. Please show her in,” I replied. Jamie Gordon is a very accomplished event planner. I worked together with her in the past so I knew what she was capable of.

“Dennis,” Jamie said with her hand held out. I stood up to shake hands and greet her.

“Jamie, it’s good to see you again. How you been?”

“Parties and traveling the world, you know,” she shrugged her shoulders. “I must say I was a little surprised when you called me. It’s not our normal party arraignment.”

“Well there’s
always a first for everything,” I said with a slight humored tone to my voice. That seemed to be my MO nowadays. She was right though; I was asking her to plan Angelina’s surprise birthday party.  That must have caught her way off guard.

“She must be very special…girlfriend?” She asked curious.

“Yes,” I replied.

“Exactly what did toy have in mind?” She asked as she sipped on some coffee that Stephanie brought us.

“She is a huge fan of music, so I thinking a bunch of live performance and maybe some fireworks,” I said. I know Angelina is going to kill me for this but I know in the end she will love it.

“Okay, what theme were you thinking?” She asked while taking down some notes.

“Classic Hollywood style, you know the red carpet and bright lights. Her favorite color is blue,” I added.

“I wonder why?” She teased referring to my eye color, I never really thought about that before.

“Can you see how you can incorporate these into her party,” I said as I passed her a list of Angelina’s favorite things. I raided her apartment yesterday after work, trying to find things that would help me on preparing her party. I just couldn’t ask her for her key to her apartment. What would I say to her? She was already watching me like a hawk, I think she knows something is going on but she doesn’t know to what extent. I pulled out her iPod from my desk draw and handed it over to Jamie. “I want you to book the first five bands that are on her playlist and improvise where it’s needed,” I said.

“Alright, venue?” She asked.

“My place, I prefer if it was held outside. You can start working immediately,” I said. I told Angelina to move to my Up-State house so that Jamie and her staff can work while I keep Angelina distracted.

“Great, I’ll have a lot of space to work with. How many will be attending?” She asked.

“Here,” I said handing her the addresses of Angelina’s her friends and acquaintances from her workplace. “Send the invitations as soon as possible.”

“Okay, the budget?” She asked.

“Don’t worry, her birthday is this Sunday. Do you think you can pull this off by then?” I asked as she rolled her eyes at me.

“I’m the best in this kind of business Dennis.”

“That’s why you’re my number one when it comes to planning parties.”

“That’s everything I need. I’ll keep in touch with you,” she said as she extended her hand. I stood up and shook her hand back.

“Thank you and call me if you need anything,” I said.

We said our goodbyes then Jamie left. I wanted to surprise Angelina
with something extraordinary but not too crazy that she will hate me for doing it. I thought about it for a minute and then it hit me, I’ll have her family come up. I decided to call her mother Krystal, when I called an introduced myself as Angelina’s boyfriend she sounded a little shocked. I didn’t think they would actually agree to fly up to New York but they did. I told them to not worry about the airline tickets, since it Angelina’s birthday money doesn’t mean anything to me, only to make her special day one that she will never forget. Her mother said that she was going to bring her sister Jenifer and a few of her close friends. I know she doesn’t want to over step her mark on inviting other friends and family, I rolled my eyes at the thought. Now I can see where Angelina gets her modesty. I told her that I would pick them up at JFK International Airport on Saturday and not to say anything to Angelina. She agreed, thanked me and we both hung up.  

During lunch,
I decided to make a little detour first before I ate something. I rolled up at Cartier’s on 5
Avenue, I wanted to buy something nice for Angelina but also to install a tracker and microphone on it, I know I’m being a little overprotected but it’s only for her party since there is going to be so many people around I need to know that she is okay. I strolled inside Cartier’s and browsed around until I seen a gorgeous but elegant necklace, it was an 18K white gold necklace with six orchid motifs, blended into the chain with three diamond-paved orchid motifs and three onyx orchid motifs. It was perfect. I thanked the over friendly sales lady and walked out. Walking back to the car I decided to give my two favorite cousins a little visit, they have a little boutiques shop only a few blocks away from here. As I walked in I seen Pam behind the counter, she didn’t even notice me.

“Can I help you?” She said looking down at her papers.

“Yes. I’m looking for my annoying cousins. Do you know where I can find them,” I laughed, as she looked up shocked to see me.

“Dennis!” She screamed startling the rest of the customers that were in the store. She rounded the counter and gave me a hug. “Becca! Look what I just found,” she called out. Rebecca came out from behind the clothes racks and the look on her face was ecstatic when she seen me.

“Hey Dennis!” She said. “How the hell are you stranger?”

“Hey girls, I’m good. How about you two?” I asked.

“Great,” Becca said.

“Fantastic. So, what are you doing here?” Pam asked.

“Can’t a big bro come and visit his little sisters without being asked why?”

“No,” they both said in unison laughing at my frowning face.

“Well if it is okay, I’m taking you both out to lunch. Can you go?” I asked.

“Yeah, we’d love to. Darcy, we going out for lunch we’ll be back in about an hour,” Becca called out to the back room.

,” said a woman’s voice that came through from the back.

“Let’s go,” Pam said while grabbing her purse from under the counter. We walked a block away from their shop to a little café store.

“So why the plans big bro?” Becca asked taking a sip of her cappuccino.

“Why do you say it like that?” I asked trying to play dumb.

“Because we know you and you don’t just pop in out of nowhere and take us out to lunch,” Pam replied while eying me.

“So I can’t take my two favorite cousins out to lunch without it being questioned why?”

“Oh stop. You know that’s not what we meant,” Becca added.

“Okay you got me. I actually came to personally invite you to a surprise birthday party I’m hosting,” I said smiling as their eyes grew wider at what I just said.

“What? For who?” Pam said in shock.

“Angelina,” I said while taking a sip of my coffee.

“What? Wait a minute; is that the same girl we bought all those clothes for? I know you had a thing for her,” Becca stated.

“She’s my girlfriend.”

“Holy shit Dennis!” Pam yelled almost chocking on her drink.

“Damn bro and you didn’t think to tell us?” Becca said with a little sarcasm in her voice. Pam elbowed her in her arm. “Wait, did you just say girlfriend? Well I’ll be a monkey’s Uncle.”

“Okay I get it,” I said. So what if I never had a girlfriend before. Did everyone have to treat me like I was a science experiment?

“We’re happy for you bro, seriously we are. We just want to meet the woman who stole our brother’s heart,” Becca said sincerely.

Okay, back to the birthday party. It’s this Sunday and guess who is going to be her stylists for the day?” I said.

“Us?” Pam asked surprised as I nodded.

“You’ll get to spend the whole day with her and talk about whatever you women talk about when us guys are not around. That’s if she doesn’t get annoyed with you both,” I laughed imagining the scene foreplay in my head.

“Ha ha very funny, won’t we be blowing the surprise if we show up and start dressing her up?” Becca asked.

“I’ll tell her that I’m taking her out to a fancy restaurant or something.”

“Awesome, we’re definitely in. We can’t wait to meet her,” Pam said as she glanced at her watch. “Shoot, Rebecca if we don’t make like a rubber ball and bounce we’re going be late,” she said. They both got up and gave me a hug.

“Dennis thanks for telling us about your plans. Where will she be if she’s not at the estate?” Becca asked.

“She’s Up-State at the other house. So you can girl’s come by Sunday morning?” I asked.

“We’ll be there. This is going to be awesome bro and thanks for the lunch,” Pam said as she walked out of the café with Becca following behind her.

They both waved at me from the outside windows of the café. I sat there for a moment and
thought about what Angelina might think about them. One thing, Pam and Becca already loved her because she captured my heart. I laughed to myself. Angelina is going to feel slightly anxious about meeting anyone from my family. I don’t understand about her insecurities, no one can resist her charm. I mean shit, I was living proof for that matter. I too had to leave; I had a lot of things to take care of for her surprise birthday party.

Chapter Eleven


“Happy birthday beautiful,” Dennis said as he kissed my forehead. I groaned still half asleep.

“You’re not for real, are you?” I grumbled covering my eyes.

“Yes I am,” he said lifting my arm from my eyes.

“You’re trying to kill me, aren’t you?” I said as I sat up.

“Something to that affect. Now close your eyes and stick out your hands,” he said as I sighed loudly and closed my eyes. He put a box like thing into my hands.

“Open your eyes,” he said sounding excited.

“Wow!” I forced out, staring at the Cartier’s box that’s in my hand. I opened the box and inside laid a beautiful but simple necklace. It white gold and had diamonds and onyx stones blended into the chain, I could actually wear it out without drawing too much attention. I smiled in approval of his thoughtful gift.

“Not bad huh?” He asked obviously pleased that I liked it.

“No, I love it. Thank you,” I said leaning over to give him a kiss. I just hope this is the first and last of my presents.

“Oh no you don’t, I know what you’re trying to do. And no, you’re not off the hook just yet,” he said laughing. I moaned as I fell back onto the bed. “We had a deal my love,” he said kissing my nose. “Wear it tonight,” he said getting up and off the bed.

“What’s tonight?” I asked and he just shrugged while smiling at me. “Dennis!” I shouted.

baby, we’re just going to have some fun. I promise,” he said putting his hands up in the air. “Besides Pamela and Rebecca are coming over. You don’t want to disappoint them, do you?” His cousins were coming to see me? Why?


“Yeah, they’re coming to give you a spa treatment thingy. Their treat not mine,” he said in that soothing voice.

“But…” I tried to talk but he just shut me down.

“They won
’t bite, you’ll love them…I hope,” he said with a smile. “If they ask how we met, just tell them we met at your secret vacation in Miami,” he said and winked.

“Okay. Are we going somewhere?” I asked noting to his appearance. He was already dressed and looking sharp. Not his usual casual clothes, maybe he had some business to take care of.

“I have some things to do but I’ll be back in a little while to pick you up,” he said kissing me goodbye on the lips. I wasn’t ready to have him leave me just yet. He let out a sexy chuckle as I refused to end our kiss by gently biting his lip as he tried to pull away.

“Please don’t do this to me. I have to go,” he murmured against my lips. In my useless attempt to try and keep him here, I grabbed the back of his neck and pulled him back onto the bed with me. He groaned against my lips and pulled away as I lay on the bed alone. “You know I want to stay here with you,” he said with a strained voice. I pouted but realized he has to go or we probably spend the rest of the day in the bed, which I didn’t mind.

“Okay but hurry back to me,” I said.

“I always do
,” he kissed my forehead as I touched his cheek. He walked out but stopped in the doorway. “Oh and try to play along, okay?”

I nodded and then he was gone. I had butterflies in my stomach, as I threw my head into the pillows. Somehow meeting his family members terrified me. What if they don’t like me or even worse, they think I’m a gold digging whore? I don’t care about the money, I honestly would prefer Dennis without all of the riches but I don’t mind. As I went to the bathroom, I looked into the mirror and whispered, “Be strong Angelina it’s just for one day, I hope.” I can’t believe I agreed to all this craziness. I knew his family was here and it was time to head downstairs when I heard two new female voices in the living room with Carmella. Just be yourself, I told myself as I went down the stairs to greet them. To my surprise they were identical twins and probably in their early twenties. They were very pretty; I guess beauty runs in his family. They both had natural blonde hair but each wore it differently from the other. One wore it straight with bangs to the side while another was curly and a bit shorter. They both looked up at me when I made my way down the stairs. I noted that they both had those really blue eyes that Dennis had, ah another Evers family trait.

“Hello,” I said.

“Hi Angelina, it’s so great to finally meet you. You’re even more gorgeous in person,” the straight hair one said and giggled. “I’m Rebecca, but you can call me Becca.”

“Hey Becca, it’s nice to meet you too,” I replied.

“And this is my sister Pamela,” she said referring to girl with the curly hair.

“Nice to meet you,” she smiled extending me her hand. I took it and shook her hand. “Please call me Pam.”

“These are Dennis’s Uncle’s crazy girls,” Carmella added.

“Why thank you Carm,” Pam said and they all started to laugh.

“So Angelina, do you love your new wardrobe?” Becca asked. I gave her a confused look at first then I put two and two together. Of course it had to be Dennis’s stylists who would put together my wardrobe I just didn’t think they were his cousins.

“Oh yes, I love it,” I replied.

“You sure can wear it well,” Pam said checking out my appearance in approval.

“I don’t know
how much time we have. Where should we do this?” Becca asked. I then noticed all of the things they brought with them. I guess their playing Barbie with me today, I thought to myself.

“Um, follow me,” I said turning towards the staircase and headed up the stairs. “In here’s good,” I said turning into the bedroom.

,” Becca said and they both started setting up their things. It looked like they packed an entire salon in their cases. I just stared at them in shock at all the stuff they brought for just one night of getting pretty. Pam laughed at my expression.

“We take our work very seriously,” Pam said as I nodded in disbelief.

They started by giving me a facial
first, then manicure and pedicure. It was useless for me to argue but I agreed to Dennis that I would play along, so whatever. We all talked and laughed, I was really enjoying their company. They were funny, sweet, quirky and everything in between. Dennis was right, I did like them and they seemed to like me too.

“We’re dying to know how you did it Angelina,” Pam asked as she painted my fingernails.

“How I did what?” I asked confused.

“How you got Dennis to fall for you,” Becca added.

“Truthfully, I’m not sure,” I wasn’t what most people considered ‘a catch’ but to Dennis I was.

“Um, have you taken a good look in the mirror lately?” Pam said shaking her head in disbelief.

“I guess. I know there are hundreds of beautiful women out there and Dennis could have had anyone of them,” I said in a little sadness.

“But he didn’t, that’s our point. I can see there is more to you Angelina, I for one like that about you,” Becca stated while smiling at me warmly.

“Yeah me too,” Pam added.

“Thanks,” I said, blushing a little.

“You’re not into this sort of stuff huh?” Pam asked but it really wasn’t a question.

“Honestly,” I took a deep breath. “Don’t get me wrong. I appreciate what you girls are doing and I love the clothes but it’s not me. I didn’t grow up in this kind of lifestyle. So it’s a little hard to adjust to it,” I stated.

“Well most women do mo
re than just ‘adjust’ you know what I’m saying. I’m just glad Dennis found himself a woman that won’t be all about shopping and taking ridiculous vacations,” Becca said.

“A woman that would care about him and not his money and it seems he has found that in you Angelina,” Pam added in.

“Well I do love him and none of that other stuff matters to me. It never did,” I stated and they both smiled. “I can see that you two want the best for him.”

“Yes, we’ve always considered Dennis as our big brother rather than cousin,” Becca said. “He’s always been there for us and protected us. He is the best and we just love him for it,” she added while Pam nodded reverently. “When we were young, we always looked up to him. After we graduated from school, we took a couple of internships in Paris and Milan. We got a chance to learn from the greats, it was a wonderful experience. When we got back to America, we styled a couple of celebrities, who gave us a little exposure. Even Dennis let us be his stylists. He’s the one who helped us finance and set-up our boutique shop down on 5

“Wow, I’m so happy for you girls. I’ll be sure to stop by at your boutique when I get the chance,” I said.

“You better,” Pam said as she stood up and finished my nails. “Okay, time for hair and makeup.” They both started working on my hair, applying what seemed like a dozen different products I have never used in my life. They didn’t do too much to it; they let a portion of it fall down my shoulders. It was subtle and sophisticated and I loved it. “We are so good,” Pam exclaimed.

“Good God, you girls work miracles,” I said as I looked at the beautiful woman staring back at me in the mirror.

“It helps when you have good raw material to work with. Now time to get dressed,” Becca said as she walked over to the bed. “We had to pull a couple of strings to get this baby but…” she lifted the dress out of a suit bag and my mouth hit the floor at the sight of the strapless black mini dress. It looked like something a movie actress would wear on the red carpet of a big award show. “It’s a one of a kind Eva Devecsery dress and it hasn’t even came out yet. Think of it as birthday day gift,” Becca said as she smiled and handed me the dress.

“Well don’t just stand there, go
put that bad boy on,” Pam said as she pushed me towards the bathroom. Careful not to mess up my hair I slid on my dress and despite its close fit it stretched and fit as a glove. I quickly walked out and showed them. “Perfect,” Pam said.

“You know what will make it even better? Killer heels! I saw these and I knew they would look amazing with the dress,” Becca handed me a pair of black platform ankle boots. I quickly put them on and was glad that I could now I could reach Dennis without standing on my tippy toes.

“Becca you’re a genius,” Pam smiled. “Angelina you look hot!” I smiled as Carmella walked in and whistled under her breath taking in my appearance.

“Wow you look marvelous sweetie,” she admired.

“You think so?” I asked not quite believing.

“Would we lie to you?” Becca said. I blushed and turned to look at myself in the large mirror on the wall. I was shocked to see that they were actually right…I did look beautiful.

“Well I think our job here is done,” Pam said as they started to pack up their things.

“You’re leaving?” I asked turning back to them.

“Yeah, but we’ll see you soon,” Becca said while giving me a hug.

“Oh, okay, bye then. Thanks again for what you girls did,” I said hugging Pam. They grabbed their things and said their goodbyes to Carmella and left the room.

“They are nice girls,” Carmella said sitting on the edge of the bed.

“Yes they are,” I nodded. “I like them a lot. You know, I keep waiting for this silly dream to end and I would wake up in my apartment and all of this…and Dennis would be nothing more than a thought,” I said sadly.

“You’re not dreaming sweetie. I don’t think you would have woken up if that were the case. We are not going anywhere and neither are you,” she reassured me by touching my necklace. “Its fate that you’re here with us,” she added.

“I hope you’re right.”

,” she said grabbing a box off the nightstand. “The final touch,” she put the necklace that Dennis bought for me on around my neck. “There you go.”

“Thank you
,” I said.

“I have to head back to the estate, Amber needs some help with things. Don’t worry sweetie, Dennis is on his way back to pick you up,” she kissed me on the cheek. “Happy birthday and have fun tonight.”

“I’ll see you later,” I said and waved her off as she closed the bedroom door behind her.

I sat on the bed for a minute, taking everything in. After a while
of being anxious I decided to go downstairs and wait. The house was silent. It felt a little weird being alone. I walk over to the large balcony and stood out there watching the sunset in the horizon as I waited for my Prince Charming to return.

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