Ripley Under Ground (29 page)

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Authors: Patricia Highsmith

Tags: #Suspense

Copyright © 1970 by Patricia Highsmith

Copyright © 1993 by Diogenes Verlag AG, Zurich

First published as a Norton edition 2008

Originally published in hardcover by Doubleday & Company, New York, in 1970

All rights reserved

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Production manager: Devon Zahn

Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data

Highsmith, Patricia, 1921–1995

Ripley under ground / Patricia Highsmith.

p. cm.

ISBN 978-0-393-33213-1 (trade pbk.)

1. Ripley, Tom (Fictitious character)—Fiction. 2. Serial murderers—Fiction.
3. Psychopaths—Fiction. 4. Criminals—Fiction. 5. Psychological fiction. I. Title.

PS3558.I366R56 2008



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