Rise From Darkness (12 page)

Read Rise From Darkness Online

Authors: Ciara Knight

Tags: #demons, #Paranormal, #Angels, #Young Adult

They had spent a lot of time together, but this was their first official date. This was her first official date ever. How was she supposed to act?

Awkward silence filled the car as they drove the winding road toward town. It was going to be the longest couple of miles, ever.

“Would you like to listen to some music?” Alexander sounded so formal.


The radio blared when he hit the button making them both jump.

“Sorry, I guess I listen to my music kind of loud.”

?” Gaby smiled.

“Oh I forgot.” He pulled a CD from a case and slipped it in. “I remembered you liked eighties music.”

An old Bon Jovi song came on and for a moment she could hear her mother sing along. “Thanks.” It was one of her mom’s favorite bands and her insides warmed at the memory.

The music soothed her nerves as they pulled into a parking lot.

“This is amazing.” Gaby gawked out the car window at a strip of shops that looked like an old-fashioned main street nestled in the woods. At the far end a pier jutted out over the ocean.

“I like it here. They have an old bookstore, movie theater and some great food. Do you like Italian?” Alexander spoke quickly.

“I love Italian food.”

“Well I would’ve loved to have flown you to Italy tonight, but considering you’re still working on your fear of heights, I thought this might be better.”

“Yeah, I think you’re right.” They both smirked, but Gaby knew he probably wasn’t kidding.

“I’ve always wanted to visit the Louvre in Paris, you think we could stop there sometime?” Gaby teased.

“Sure, no problem. It seems like a good place to go on a third date.”

The car rolled to a stop in a parking spot and Alexander jumped out and opened her door, offering his hand. They walked up to the boardwalk and window-shopped down the strip, lined with white twinkling lights.

“Sammy’s Earth birthday is in a few months, would you mind helping me pick out a gift?”

“Earth Birthday?”

“Grace gave us each a date of birth for all our documents. We decided to start celebrating it a couple last year. We do a little family birthday party. Grace makes a big cake from scratch and we sing happy birthday. I know it sounds kind of stupid.”

“No. It sounds perfect.” Her mother had always made her birthdays special.

“Well good. It won’t be hard to convince you to join us for the party.” He smiled.

“I’ll be there.”

They walked into a jewelry store and looked at some necklaces and bracelets.

“What do you think about these?” He held a pair of diamond earrings in his hand.

“I think she’ll love them, but can you afford that?”

“Money isn’t really an issue. Grace made millions during the great depression.” At her arched eyebrow, he shrugged and said, “Another long story. Anyway, she has it all in a trust account and we live off the interest.”

“Must be nice.”

“I guess. I’m not really into the fancy cars and clothes. That’s more Sammy’s department.”

“I know what you mean. I’m more of an antique and gently used kind of girl.”

“So the diamond earrings wouldn’t be your style?”

“I don’t know if any girl would turn down diamonds, but if I picked something out it wouldn’t be shinny and new.”

Alexander pulled her over to another jewelry case. “So this would be more your style.”

The case was filled with watches, rings, and necklaces that probably dated to the early nineteen hundreds.

“Yes, much more my style.”

“The lady has great taste.” A salesman quickly followed them around in hopes of making a bigger sale. The man held out a few items.

A silver ring with a few diamond chips surrounding a center larger diamond caught her eye. It was eerily familiar. It looked a lot like her mother’s ring. Of course, it had been over a year since she saw it, but she couldn’t help but try it on.

“I’ve always loved silver.”

“It’s not silver honey, its platinum. The ring is a total of three carats set in platinum.” The sales clerks condescending voice made Gaby cringe. Who cared what it was made out of.

“The ring reminds me of my mother’s.” She couldn’t help but look at it a few seconds too long. Slipping it from her finger, she quickly changed the subject. “I think Sammy will love the earrings.”

The man started to protest as she placed the ring back on the table. Gaby couldn’t stand high-pressure salesmen.

She looked around for a quick escape. “I’m starving. Do you mind if we go eat now?”

“Sounds great. Can you wrap the earrings for my sister, and I’ll take the ring, too. We’ll be back to pick it up after dinner.”

“Yes sir. I will clean them and wrap it.”


“No, I can’t take the ring. Just wrap up the earrings. It’s too much, too soon.” Gaby looked at him, her eyes wide and she hoped not showing the fear she felt. God help them if her dad spotted the ring on her finger. There’s no way she could explain his type of wealth. And in her gut, she knew he’d go ballistic or worse, make them move again.

Alexander’s face drooped in disappointment. “But—”

“Please Alex it’s too expensive and my dad…it wouldn’t be pretty.”

His lips pursed in a thin line and she hoped they wouldn’t fight. Then he smiled and gave a sharp nod, and she sighed in relief.

They made their way to a restaurant at the other end of the pier. As they approached she thought it was an old shack. There was a clothesline out front with socks, men’s old red long underwear and overalls hanging from it. They walked across a little wooden footbridge and into the front of a gorgeous restaurant. Complete with candle light and red tablecloths. They were seated next to a large plate glass window overlooking the ocean.

“Look down there.” Alexander pointed into the water. There were dolphins jumping in and out as if playing a game of tag.

“Wow, this is amazing.” Gaby rested her elbows on the table then pulled them away and glanced up at Alexander.

“I’m glad you like it.” He shifted in his chair. “I have to confess I was a little nervous about this date.”

“You were?” She smoothed the napkin across her lap.

“I know you are probably not going to believe me.” Alex looked away, his gaze dancing around the room. “This is my first real date.”

Gaby couldn’t help but laugh. She laughed so hard she almost fell out of her chair. Tension in her shoulders melted away.

“I’m sorry I told you.”

“Alex, no. I’m sorry. It’s just that it’s my first date too. I was sitting at home wondering how to act or dress.”


“Yeah. Seriously.”

They both started laughing together. The waitress glared at them as if they had lost their minds.

Alexander reached across the table, grasped her hand and kissed it. “Sammy was right. We are perfect for each other.”

Her heart soared at his words and soft touch. She was disappointed when the soup arrived and they had to let go. Heat surged inside as she sat across from Alex sipping Beer Cheese soup. It had been years since she ate in a restaurant, and all the flavors were so hearty and filling, even the croutons on the salad were homemade. Smell of fresh cracked pepper and spices filled the air. Half way through the main course, she was stuffed and couldn’t eat another bite.

The sun started to drop down in the horizon as they finished dinner.

“Why don’t we watch the sunset on the pier?” Alexander pulled her chair out.

“I’d like that. I guess I don’t have to rush home.”


“My dad called and said he wouldn’t be home till late.”

People were flocking to the pier with picnic baskets, bottles of wine and blankets to watch the sunset. Half of them looked like lobsters, probably tourists with no sense to wear sunscreen.

Alexander led Gaby over to a less inhabited, small corner of the pier. He pushed her hair behind her ear, taking her breath with it. The rhythmic surf swayed the wood beneath them and she grabbed his arm to steady herself. He leaned back against the railing and edged her closer to him.

This was it. The moment. Nervous energy shot through her. She’d been waiting all night for a kiss, but now, she trembled at the thought. Would this kiss be as sensational as the first? He took her face in his hands and tilted her head up. “I’m so lucky I found you.”

He was lucky?
She didn’t have time to reply before his lips pressed against hers. She hesitated, what if she didn’t kiss well? She hadn’t had a lot of practice.

After a moment of his mouth sweeping and teasing, her nerves settled. For the first time in years, she felt safe in his arms and she responded.

Never had she imagined such a perfect guy would want her. But here he was, kissing her, on a pier where everyone could see. She gave herself completely to the moment and to him. Not a hint of loneliness or anxiety remained. For the first time she felt…loved.

“Excuse me, I hate to interrupt the two of you.” A sarcastic voice shattered their moment.

and his friend
stood a few feet away. Hatred and fear collided as she steadied herself, trying to appear as if they were no more than a nuisance.

“What do you want?” Alexander stepped in front of Gaby.

“You know what I want.”

“Stay away from her.” Alexander sounded more agitated.

“Calm down, I just want to have a little chat with Spunky. I think she deserves to know the truth.”

“Don’t call me that.” Gaby snapped.

“You don’t like my pet name for you?”
feigned grief. “You know your mine, I’ve marked you.”

“Stay away,
. She’s not interested in anything you have to say. She knows you lie and twist everything around. She’s too smart to fall for it.” Alex stood with fists at his side ready to defend her.

“I’m not going to use any demon manipulation on her.”
waved his fingers in the air representing mock magic.

“Not interested.” Gaby stepped from behind Alexander. Grasping his hand, she started down the pier.

“Alexander hasn’t told you the whole truth. You have a right to know what happened to your mother.”

Gaby couldn’t help but stop.

“What are you talking about? You know nothing. My mother died in a car crash you idiot.” Gaby started forward again, choking down the crackling in her voice.

“Alexander knows what really happened.”

“Shut up
, I’m warning you.” Alexander’s face twisted into harsh ridges.

“Or what? You can’t do a thing to stop me. Your little dog isn’t around and you can’t take an angel form in front of all these people. I don’t personally care if they all see my demon form.”

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