Road Trip - Southern Belles Part 3 (Erotic Romance Series) (11 page)


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Blissmas - Southern Belles - The Conclusion


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About The Author


Amanda Heartley is a writer, born and raised in Oklahoma and subsequently transplanted into the hustle and bustle of life in Southern California. She's a country girl at heart with an insatiable weakness for sexy men and feisty women. Her first erotic series was published in July 2013.


In her spare time, she plays Mom, chef, ninja, taxi, and nurse while she hangs out with her four wonderful children and 2 loveable mutts.


You can probably find Amanda drinking a green smoothie, relaxing in her back yard, writing another steamy story on her iPad.


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Hugs! XOXO


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Road Trip!


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Amanda XOXO


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Kindle Edition. Copyright 2013 Amanda

The author holds exclusive rights to this work.
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This is a work of fiction, for entertainment. Any resemblance of characters to actual persons, living or dead is purely coincidental. All the characters in this book are 18+ and practice safe sex. This book is for adult audiences. Please keep away from children.

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