Rock Me Two Times (12 page)

Read Rock Me Two Times Online

Authors: Dawn Ryder

Tags: #Fiction, #Erotica, #General, #Romance, #Contemporary, #Music

His expression tightened again. “And you just agreed to take off with him?”

She sat up, removing his hand from her breast so she could think.

“I wasn’t going to wait around here when Cid said you weren’t coming for a fitting. It felt like…moping. And I didn’t like knowing you were avoiding me just because I didn’t have sex with you on the first date. You shouldn’t have been pissed because I wanted to stick to my standards.”

“I wasn’t pissed.” He sat up. She felt a charge in the air between them; her belly tightened.

“Yes you were.”

“Only at myself.” He folded his legs back, leaning toward her.

Her mouth went dry. He looked like he was getting ready to lunge at her. But he gripped the bedding, his knuckles turning white.

“Because I shouldn’t have ripped into you about my own insecurities regarding people seeing me as a meal ticket.” His eyes narrowed. “As for ditching the fitting, guilty as charged. But I was a little afraid I wouldn’t be able to keep my mouth off yours and you’d jab me with a pin.”

She snorted at the image. “Might have used my scissors.”

His gaze settled on her mouth. “I love the way you taste. It’s annoying how much I think about it.”

“Gee. Thanks.” Her words might have been flippant, but her tone was husky.


She just couldn’t help it. There was something about the way he was looking at her—his jaw tight with frustration over the way she affected him—that set her blood on fire. It was the sort of thing warm, fuzzy words could never convey.

It was raw.


And it curled her toes.

She rolled over and stood up with some notion of escaping the potent storm of stimulation she was stuck in, but her damned knees wobbled. The bed moved, and a second later Syon closed his arms around her and pulled her back onto the foot of the mattress.


“Shhhh… I didn’t mean to freak you out,” he said.

“I didn’t say—”

He covered her lips with his hand, sealing her retort inside her mouth.

“It knocks me for a loop too, the intensity between us. So do me a favor and don’t deny it. I don’t need to feel like a wimp,” he said, trying to placate her.

She sighed. “Like that could ever happen.”

He nuzzled against her neck for a moment, his breath warm and setting off a swarm of tremors that raced down her skin. “I’m getting the feeling neither of us has any idea how to deal with the way we react to each other.”

She swallowed but couldn’t quite get the lump out of her throat. He was dead on the nail head, and it made her feel like she was standing on the edge of a cliff.

For a moment, he held her. She wiggled, because there was something about his embrace that was just so damned…tender.

She was pretty sure she couldn’t deal with tender from him. He’d already melted his way through her common sense, her reservations, and she didn’t need him blowing a hole straight into her heart.

“Conan’s okay. He told the cops we were rehearsing for a video.”

He nuzzled against her neck, licking her skin and setting off a ripple of sensation.

“Taz is an asshole for handcuffing me to the bed.”

Syon shifted and pulled her top off. He chucked it across the room, but the moment he released it, the thin fabric fluttered like a butterfly on its way to the floor.

“Taz is just calling what he sees.” He was wrapped around her again, cupping her breasts and teasing her nipples with his thumbs. “Not his fault we’re both uncomfortable with the charge between us.”

Her body was starting to pulse again, her clit aching.

“I can’t do that again. At least, not right now.”

He smoothed his hands down her arms. “Got to work up to it this time…”

His voice was a dark whisper. He placed her hands on the foot rail of the bed and grasped her hips, raising them so he could get behind her.

“Seriously, Syon. I can’t take that intensity again…not just yet.”

“Trust me, baby…you can, with the right coaxing.” He held her hips and teased the opening of her body with the tip of his cock. “I’m a lot better at sex than not being a dick.”

She scoffed at him.

He chuckled, flattening one hand on her belly. “You’re so damned wet.”

She was.

And hungry for more.

“Ready for me,” he rasped against her ear. The head of his cock slid through her folds, slipping easily through the wet flesh.

A moan got past her lips before she even realized it was coming.

“Very ready,” he told her in a tone that was edged with dominance. He thrust into her from behind. “I’ve done my homework, baby…”

He settled deeply inside her, letting her adjust to having him there.

“All the little facts about sex…”

He pulled loose and thrust forward again, his pace smooth and slow. He massaged her belly, working his fingers closer and closer to her throbbing clit. Driving her wild with anticipation.

“Read all the studies on what women say they want…”

He teased her slit, slipping into the wet folds on his way to her clitoris.

“You make me sound like a test subject.”

He caught her earlobe between his lips. She shuddered, lifting her bottom for his next thrust, astounded by just how good it felt. He was stroking all around her clit with his fingers, without actually touching it. Need was building up inside her again, the pinching ache leaving her as he slowly rode her from behind.

“I don’t want to just fuck you.”

His fingertip was maddeningly close to her clit. She curled forward, trying to get it on top of the throbbing mass of nerve endings. He kept her in place by cupping her mons.

“It worked for me,” she said, breathless again.

“I want more than that.” His tone had hardened. “So do you.”

Her brain tried to reengage. “Syon—”

He fingered her clit, and she was jerked away from reality with a jolt.

“Just…shut up…and feel, baby.” His voice was strained, his pace increasing. “I want to make you feel…as insane as you make me feel,” he rasped against her ear.

She sank back down into the waves of need and sensation. She didn’t think she’d ever been so wet. He was gliding in and out of her, his cock harder than she’d believed possible.

It made her shudder.

And gasp.

The bed was rocking again, squeaking as he gripped her hips and started hammering her. He was adjusting her position, slowly changing the angle until she gasped.

“There it is…” he groaned, tightening his hold when she would have squirmed away from the sheer intensity. He held her steady and thrust straight back into her G-spot.

“I don’t think…” She was panting, sweat trickling down her sides.

“That’s the idea.”

He was using short thrusts against that spot inside her, making sure he didn’t withdraw too much and lose connection with it.

She lost the ability to form thoughts again, tossed back into the vortex of churning need. Her heart was hammering again, making her pant as she shoved herself back into every thrust. She had never realized how sensitive her body was. She felt every last millimeter of his cock. Her body made wet sounds as he moved.

“Oh…yeah…” he ground out, his grip tightening on her hips.

The hold sent a thrill through her that made her shudder. She felt captured, controlled, and yet unleashed. He was dominating her but freeing her too. The contrast was extreme, and she ended up yelling as climax tore through her once more. This time, she actually felt her body tightening around his length, gripping his cock as pleasure reduced her to a moaning pile of quivering flesh.

“That’s it…yeah…that’s it!”

He was pumping a second load into her. His come hot against her insides. He held her with a hard grip on her hips as the last shot of his seed spurted into her, keeping her in place for that last moment while he was suspended between breaths.

He cussed when he drew breath again. The bed bounced as he flopped over onto his back and pulled her with him until they were laying sideways, most of the pillows on the floor. Their breathing was as rough as the air-conditioning that hummed in the background.



Chapter 4

Her belly growled long and low.

Kate stretched out her leg and pushed her face into the pillow, still feeling like movement was beyond her.

The bed moved, and she jerked up, her eyes widening when she caught sight of the naked man in bed with her.

More like naked god…

Syon was bare-assed and completely lickable. From his rumpled hair to his tight backside.

He reached over and grabbed the phone on the nightstand. “Send up some chow. Just a bunch of breakfast plates. Little of everything.”

Someone said something on the other end of the line. He frowned. “Check the room number, buddy. This is the penthouse floor. I don’t care what time of day it is. Make it happen if you want your tips.”

He dropped the phone and wiped his eyes before grinning at her. He pushed his hair out of his face, looking like a gigantic golden bear.

“Let’s catch a shower before the food arrives.”

He rolled over and pulled her with him. The suite had a huge walk-in shower with three showerheads, and he made full use of it. He walked right into the spray and let it soak him as he shook his head to make sure his hair was completely wet. It was incredibly personal to be able to see him in that moment, a secret intimacy she’d never realized could touch her as deeply as it did.

It set off another little warning bell in the back of her head. He was becoming an essential part of her world too easily.

Get a grip, girl…

She hadn’t expected him to spend the night. Kate bit her lip to keep the thought from spilling out of her lips while he adjusted the water temperature. She was leaning against the vanity, trying to decide what to make of his presence and her reaction to it.

He turned and caught her in his caramel gaze. “You okay?”


She was.


Sure was.


He was studying her with those amazing eyes, his expression becoming guarded as she hesitated to join him.

“Didn’t expect me to be here?” he asked.

She lifted one shoulder, but the motion felt forced. She let out a long breath. “To be fair, I don’t think I thought that far ahead. You sort of have a way of disarming my entire thought process.”

As in, her brain completely fried every time he kissed her.

His lips twitched, his expression softening into something she was pretty sure qualified for the term “cheeky.”

“You took your clothes off first.” He extended his hand in invitation.

“I did.” She pushed away from the vanity. “You loved it.”

“I did.”

The shower was an enormous, stone-tiled thing. Done in a warm honey tone, it had a bench seat and a collection of bathing items. She put her hand into his and felt herself losing her grip on her brain again.

Obviously the Syon reaction of choice.

The water was splashing all over him, running down his body in torrents.

And she wanted to lick it off him.

“I think I should have left my clothes on last night.”

His jaw jutted out, his expression hardening defensively.

“Because I missed the opportunity to appreciate all of you.” She grabbed a washcloth. “A real shame.”

He relaxed, something flickering in his eyes that looked like relief. She popped open a bottle of bodywash and drizzled it onto the cloth. “You’ve got to be putting in hours of resistance training.”

“Yeah. Need to have the whole package.” He swept her from head to toe.

“You know what a cardio workout is too.”

“Well, there is no fitness fairy.”

She stroked the cloth across his back, turning him away so his cock was out of sight. Her self-control was slipping again. The hard flesh might have been out of sight, but it certainly wasn’t out of mind. The idea was there, teasing her with the memory of just how good sex with him had been. Seriously, she needed to have at least one more bout, just to make sure she hadn’t been hallucinating the night before.

Maybe it had just been sensory overload. Doomed to fade after the intimate explosion.

He made a low sound of appreciation as she washed his back, leaning forward to brace his hands flat on the tile wall of the shower. She swished the cloth back and forth across his tight shoulders and onto his lower back.

“I couldn’t have waited last night for you to do anything to me.” He arched up as she touched the top of his ass. “Which is a disgusting lack of control. I’m not seventeen.”

“Seems pretty fair to me.” It probably wasn’t the brightest idea to be making confessions. It was one thing to be overwhelmed by him, another to let him know it. “I couldn’t wait either.”

He looked at her over his shoulder. “I never play fair.”

She bent her knees and drew the cloth along one thigh and down his calf.

He didn’t play fair? No shit.

He turned around when she straightened, and she got stuck in mid-motion, the cloth hanging from her hand as she was reaching for the bottle of bodywash.

Her brain just fried.

In the buff, Syon was perfection. Her breasts felt heavy; her nipples drew tight. It was an uncanny effect, like someone turned her senses up to high.

“Mmmm…my turn…”

She jumped back when he tried to claim the washcloth.

“I’m not finished.”

His eyes narrowed. “You’ll be screaming when I finish you off, baby.”

It was a hard promise, one backed up by the glint in his eyes. The stubble on his chin added to the uncivilized picture he presented.

The combination made her insides churn.

He scooped up the bodywash and clasped a hard arm around her in one of those whip-flash motions of his.

“I think it’s time to multitask.”

He crushed the bottle in his hand, drizzling it all over her body like icing. He dropped it and pulled her tightly against him.

“Now let’s dance, Kate…” She hadn’t noticed the sound system, but the shower had a control pad set right into the stone wall. He punched a couple of buttons, and the first bars of “Insatiable Craving” filled the bathroom.

“I sang this to you the night we met…”

He rubbed his body against hers, rotating, grating, holding her hips and twisting her in the opposite direction so he was sliding across her, the bodywash lathering gently with their motions.

She shuddered, pleasure shooting through her from the full-body contact.

“That’s it.”

He turned her around and ran his hands down her front. Standing up behind her so closely, his cock nestled between her buns. The water was pouring down, but she felt overheated. He started rubbing her at her collarbone, slowly stroking his way to her breasts.

She lifted her head and tipped up her chin, making sure he had a clear path to her breasts.

“I love these.”

He cupped them, his fingers moving through the lather of the bodywash, slipping and sliding around the soft globes as well as teasing her hard nipples.


She let out a soft snort. “They’re that.”

He positioned her so the water washed the soap off her breasts.

“Don’t hate your curves…” He worked his hands down her body. “You’re sexy as hell…

From anyone else, she was pretty sure the word would have sounded idiotic, but there was something in his tone that made her feel ultra-sexy. Like “buxom” wasn’t just a nice way of saying “well fed.”

He slipped his hands down to her hips and clasped them. “Perfect for wrapping my fingers around…”

The bodywash was almost gone now, and her heart was accelerating, the idea of what they could do now that there wasn’t soap on their skin driving her wild. She reached behind her, found his thighs, and purred.

“I normally last so much longer”—he bit her neck—“but not with you.”

She stiffened and opened her eyes. The idea of him with other women bugged her. He stopped moving and turned her around so he could see her expression.

“Sorry. That was me being an insensitive dick.”

“I get it.”

He clasped her against him, still swaying with the beat.

“But I don’t like it.”

She pulled her fingernails down his chest and pushed him back. He went, not because she was stronger, but because he was watching to see what she had planned. He ended up sitting on the stone seat with a gleam of anticipation in his eyes.

“Are you jealous, Kate?”

His big cock was jutting up, the head ruby red, his skin shiny with water, making her pulse with need. Today, she enjoyed it, letting it rip through her and savoring the burn.

“Pretty sure.” She reached out and boldly clasped him, wrapping her fingers around him at the base and pulling her hand up to the head. His flesh was silky smooth but iron hard.

And thick.

. She never expected to see such a thick cock.

Much less ride it.

He reached around her and cupped her butt, lifting her up to straddle him.

,” he rasped out, clasping her hips and guiding her over his cock. “I’d better not be alone in this.”

She tried to take control by seating herself, but he held her in place and lifted off the seat, sending only the tip of his cock inside her. It set off a shudder that went up her spine and down her legs, curling her toes.

“How do you do that?” she asked, fighting his hold and trying to plunge down on him.

He chuckled ominously and lifted her up and turned around. A second later, she was sitting on the bench, breathless from the abrupt power shift. One moment she was in the saddle and the next she was on her back.

He pressed her thighs wide, exposing her and leaving her fighting a surge of vulnerability. The seat was wide enough for her to lay all the way back. The placement of several rolled-up towels suddenly struck her as very purposeful because her head ended up on them.

“You want to be fucked,” he said slowly, just slow enough that she was hanging on his words.

Her mouth went dry, and she had to swallow before responding. “No, I want to fuck you. On top.”

His eyes flickered with hunger, but his jaw tightened. “I like you just like this…all mine to play with.”

She felt that way.

Excitement speared through her, but it collided with her pride. He was already overwhelming her so completely, she wasn’t ready to let it go any deeper.

But all the brawn she’d been admiring allowed him to keep her there, at his mercy. It wouldn’t have been so bad if it hadn’t made her so breathless. Somehow, he’d uncovered a deep, dark secret she hadn’t realized she had.

“I’m very demanding when it comes to my toys…” He pressed her knees wide, shifting his gaze to her pussy as it spread open. “I need to explore every function.”

“Oh…yeah.” Her voice was sultry and breathless.

He shot her one quick glance that made her shiver before focusing on her spread body again. She was riveted by the sight of him standing over her. He sank down to his knees as the song ended and another one began. The shower was still going full blast, steam rolling around the ceiling in a soft cloud.

But none of it mattered as he hovered over her spread sex, his breath teasing her clit before he opened his mouth and laid his tongue on her.

She moaned. A hard sound that was wrung from her.

“I love the sounds you make.”

She forced her eyelids up and found him looking up at her. He teased her with a fingertip, dipping into her slit and rimming the opening to her pussy. “Love knowing I make you make them.”

He thrust up inside her, and she whimpered, needing so much more. She tightened around him, trying to grip his finger.

He let out a groan. “You gotta do that to my dick.”

“Sit your ass back down, and I will,” she promised.

His lips curled. “You’re not asking very nicely.”

“You don’t want me to be nice,” she responded in a sugary-sweet tone.

His face tightened savagely and he gave in and sat next to her. She rolled over to get to his cock. Cupping his balls, she captured the entire head inside her mouth before he got a grip on her shoulders. She swirled her tongue around the thick crest on his head before pulling free. She kept her grip on his balls and squeezed as she made eye contact with him.

“You make a nice toy, Syon Braden,” she cooed.

He cupped her butt and settled her over his cock. “Play with this part of me.”

He pushed her down onto his length. She gasped, the penetration setting loose a slight twinge of discomfort.

He held her still, his cock buried to the hilt inside her.


She shrugged.

He studied her for a moment before his lips rose into a very satisfied grin. She slapped his shoulder.

“Don’t be so pleased with yourself, savage.”

He lifted her and let her slide down his cock as his lips parted. “Can’t help it. You loved every second of getting that way.”

She was seated completely on his length again and tightened her internal muscles around him. He sucked in a breath, his grin fading.

“So did you.”

“Yeah, a whole lot,” he agreed.

He shifted beneath her, lifting her and thrusting into her again before she clamped her thighs around him and held herself down long enough to tighten her muscles around his cock again.

He jerked, his breathing becoming harsh. “I’m still going to eat you out.”

She wasn’t sure if it was a promise or a threat, but it set off a tremor inside her.

“I might beat you to that one.” She tightened again and again before he lifted her and hammered several hard thrusts into her. She was sinking into that vortex again, her insides melting into an inferno of need. But she wasn’t finished. She looked him straight in the eye. “Be…the one…to hear you…groaning.”

“We’ll see.”

“We sure will,” she promised.

But thoughts were drifting away again. She fought to maintain control, tightening around him and wringing hard sounds of enjoyment out of him. All the while he held her in place and lifted up to penetrate her, hitting her G-spot with just enough force to push her closer and closer to climax. She needed it now, instead of just craving it.

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